My Books

There is no right or wrong way to practice Wicca; there is only your way. With The Essential Guide to Wicca for Beginners, you’ll find everything you need to create meaningful magic, including fundamental knowledge, accessible spells, and magical learnings to help new witches grow.

Discover your Wiccan power with practical guidance on how to center yourself, set solid intentions, and focus your energy before conducting rituals and casting spells. Then, learn how to write your own spells; unearth common Wiccan symbols; and practice indoors, outdoors, and in sacred space. You’ll find helpful instructions on how to set up an altar, cast and close a circle, and use your magical tools. Finally, flex your magical muscles with a wealth of beginner-friendly spells.

This book is available at Amazon

Print and Kindle

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The green witch is a healer and practitioner of natural magic, who uses the power of plants, crystals, and the elements to draw on the energy of the earth. With the Green Witchcraft Grimoire in hand, you’ll learn how to harness your inner green witch and develop your own unique magical practice. It’s your how-to grimoire guide to the craft, loaded with spells, rituals, and recipes to help you create everything from meditation oils to sleep tinctures and spells for safe travels.

In this grimoire, you’ll find sections for working with stones, candles, herbs, and sigils, along with personal and reflective writing space. Take notes on the results of your spells and recipes, and the energies and ideas that come to you as you practice and grow. Over time, this practical grimoire will become your own keepsake record of spells cast, organic ingredients used, and recipes to share in the future.

This book is available at Amazon

Paperback and Kindle

This book takes you on an inspirational magical journey into the realm of tarot. Traditionalism and mediocrity are left behind. The author flings open doors and expands horizons to reveal amazing connections with tarot and it’s intimate influence on our world. As you make your way through this tarot study guide and workbook, you will develop a very unique and personal connection with the tarot and a deeper understanding of yourself.

This book is available at Amazon


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From the curling tendrils of fog crawling through a dark swamp on a hot night, to the seedy candle-lit backroom of a smoky hoodoo shop filled with exotic curios: poppets (dollies); bags and intentions; pins and herbs; images; talismans; amulets; curses and blessings; cemetery dirt; snake sheds; oils, potions, powders; shadowy figures; and legendary tales– it all adds up to Mojo.

This book is available at Amazon

Paperback and Kindle

“It’s all about the journey, not the destination”, as the old saying goes.

Follow author, Amythyst Raine, through the realm of Tarot, uncovering life’s mysteries along the way. Explore esoteric connections through the cards with astrology, numerology, and the Kabbalah. Delve into criminal cases explored intimately through the intricacies of the tarot and intuitive reading. Connect with and experience the human psyche through the court cards. Discover tarot’s power within the magick of the occult world. Begin your journey through the realm of Tarot today.

This book is available at Amazon

Print and Kindle

Book Cover-- The Spiritual Feminist

“So many people throughout my life have told me who I am, what I must do, what I can’t do, what I have to complete, and what I will never be able to accomplish, and then I met the Goddess.” (From The Spiritual Feminist) …The Spiritual Feminist empowers today’s modern woman through the Goddess, connecting her to ancient matriarchal divinity and spiritual practices which invoke this energy. It embraces the essence of womanhood in its entirety, through mental, physical, and spiritual affirmations, connecting personal energy and lives through the four elements–Earth, Air, Water, & Fire, with affirmations and invocations.

This book is available at Amazon

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Book 3 LARGE

Tarot for Grownups is a no-nonsense book written to tell it like it is in a black and white, cut-and-dried way. This book is written for grownups, and it looks at their world through the magick and mystery of the tarot, addressing adult issues with unabashed candor and a healthy dose of sarcasm.

This book is available at Amazon

Print and Kindle

What makes this book unique? The world of the gray witch has been largely avoided, misrepresented, or glossed over with various books geared gingerly towards ‘protection magic’. These books, though informative and well written as they may be, have totally missed the spirit of the gray witch – who she really is, how she relates to the world of shadow and light, and exactly what she’s willing to do to stand her ground. In our society ‘dark’ is automatically viewed as ‘evil’; and ‘light’ is automatically viewed as ‘good’. We’re expected to live completely within one realm and to totally avoid the other. This creates imbalance and is a great injustice to the true spirit of the ancient wise woman. This book puts matters to right and gives the public a view of just what the gray witch is – and what she isn’t. The gray witch does not live in a world of chaos or unbridled black magic. She has a code of honor, a sense of propriety, and a relevance in today’s society.

This book is available at Amazon

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18 thoughts on “My Books

  1. I was able to get all the roots use noted in your other site but not the calamus, do I need to add any other thing to it, how and when can I cast the spell for to be very effective

    • All the information for the “when” and “how” should be included in this online Book of Shadows. Always start reading the first spell on each of these pages; the simple basic candle spell that generally starts these pages out usually contains all of those correspondences. Otherwise, use your own intuition and go with your gut feeling.

  2. There is this person that doesn’t want to give the money he promised me, please tell me how to make him obey me and do my bidding even though he is very far from me. The distance is like from UK to India. How do I make him obey me I only have his pictures.

    • I can only tell you that the movement of magickal energy has nothing to do with time and distance as we measure it in the human mundane world. There’s energies and vibrations that transcend the restrictions of our physical world. If you have photos of your target, you’re already one step ahead of the game. Spell crafting takes a lot of work and effort, research and reading, and practice, practice, practice. It’s something we keep getting better at the more we do it, and the more we’re able to suspend our disbelief and have some faith in the power of our own energy, intentions, and will power.

    • That’s why I don’t sell merchandise or ship internationally. I use to. My merchandise was sold all over the world ~ Europe, UK, New Zealand, Australia, and even Africa; but the shipping costs were phenomenal, especially for a little one-woman kitchen table industry. I was losing money. I only ship merchandise to the *continental US*, which leaves out Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada.

      EDIT: April 4th, 2018… I do ship my merchandise internationally once again, but the buyer has to cover international shipping. Once your order is processed, I’ll email you with the balance due on shipping.

  3. Great job with The Gray Witch’s Grimoire! I recently ordered it and have very much enjoyed your non-fluff-bunny take, combined with strong, ethical code of honor and practicality. Far too few have enough honesty and courage to walk The Middle Way. Thank you for providing an empowering, well written resource to which I can also refer interested clients!

    • Thank you, Laura!…I’m actually amazed at the number of people who feel the same way. The gray path is actually full of what’s usually referred to as “good old common sense”. 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed the book! 🙂

  4. I own Tarot: A Witch’s Journey and it is a fantastic book and learning tool. I have been fascinated with the tarot and I have been dabbling in learning various tarot spreads and interpreting them over a period of many years. I do not read for others as I find myself still a novice in this study. I find the most difficutl part of reading the tarot is putting the interpretations of several cards in a spread together to make sense. Your book is extremely helpful in interpretation of the cards. I use it faithfully for guidance and reference. There is very useful information in the book on candle spells and conjure/mojo bags as well. I wouldn’t be without it! I am highly aniticipating your next book, “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”.

  5. Greetings, Yvette…You can get salt, including sea salt, at any grocery store, and it’s very inexpensive. You could also purchase a little incense, like sandalwood, to smudge yourself and your surroundings, and burn a white candle. I don’t know where you live, but here we can buy inexpensive incense right at our Hy-Vee grocery store in the health food section (go figure). The white candle you can pick up at any Wal-mart or Dollar Store.

    Magickally cleanse your space and see if things feel better.

  6. i been living my life in a negative way when i thought things were gonna get better things are in a different way.. i must say was intrested in your jewlery and thought of asking if you sell salt to remove any negativity… ialthough i feel free i feel as something is not quite going the way im suppose to plz get back been alone on this journey for too oong need fullfillment in my life another words need my life back!!! blessings yvette

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