Contracted Work for the Writer ~ this is how it’s done

I am very pleased with how all of my books are doing, how they’ve been received, and most of the reviews and endorsements that have come in for them. I do notice that I can tell which books were published by publishing companies and which books were published independently by me through Amazon, because I don’t have access to a publicity team, so it’s much harder to gather reviews, and these books just don’t get the same exposure that the other books get.

I’ve been quite amused at some of the comments that have come in for a couple of these books: Green Witchcraft Grimoire: A Practical Resource for Making Your Own Spells, Rituals, & Recipes and The Essential Guide to Wicca for Beginners. These books were contracted work. This means that I was approached by a publishing company that already had an outline for a book, a very specific outline, down to the word count for each section, and I was offered this project for contract. Once I accepted this project, the contract was received and signed, and it’s very clear what’s expected from you and when.

This type of work is very hard and fast. It’s on a very tight schedule and it’s a marathon writing project. This also includes a rigid publicity schedule for the author 4 to 6 weeks before the book is released and four to six weeks after its release. This schedule, an actual schedule, comes with pre-planned release posts that are either a “fill in your book title”, or suggestions for what they want done that day, such as “make a video”, or “do an author-copies received” post, etc. You get the picture. This publicity work is all included in your contract and it comprises part of the work you do for the pay that you receive.

The contents for each section of the book are created entirely by the author who was contracted for the work. There’s also a lot of editing done with your editor, a couple zoom or skype meetings, a couple telephone conferences, and a back and forth editing process with our beloved Microsoft Word. It’s a process, and it’s a meticulous process. The company wants this book to be as pristine as possible for it’s world debut.

All in all, I enjoyed my experience, and the paycheck for this type of work is excellent, although the author does not retain rights to the manuscript. Once you write this contracted book and send it off for production, it is no longer your property and you will not receive any royalties from future sales. It’s a one-time payment for your work deal, and it can actually be quite substantial and a much better deal than waiting years for small amounts of royalties to roll in.

If you don’t like to work under pressure, or under deadlines, you may not like this kind of experience. It was grueling at times, but it also taught me that I can get a LOT more done than I thought I could.

Also, with contracted work, the publishing company doesn’t act as most employers do, where they withhold taxes for you and all that usual good stuff that goes with the business end of a paycheck. You are responsible for paying the taxes on the money received for this work, and it can be substantial, depending on your perspective and your project. This was a big drawback for me. The year I had to claim this work, the taxes were paid on this income by the government simply claiming my $1400.00 stimulus check. Which sucked, but at least it was paid.

What I found amusing was a couple of quirky reviewers that didn’t like some of the spells included in these books: “I’ll bet she just wrote these spells up and never tried them out.”… Well, ya, some of these spells I did just that using my own spiritual practices and experience, and with a deadline for the material snapping at my heels. But there were a lot of spells that I have personally worked and these spells and rituals were included in these books as well, coming from 40-some years of experience. There’s probably over a hundred+ spells and rituals between these two books.

The only aspect of this type of work that I had negative feelings for were:

1) coming up with 40 or 50 people for potential reviews and endorsements, including emails, and this was a required task… this just didn’t seem like my job. I felt like I was doing someone else’s job for them. I don’t know if this is standard procedure, and I suppose it might be, but coming up with those names was very stressful, and then publishing a second book the same year, well, you can only ask so much of people. I didn’t’ want to contact the same people twice. And it might not seem like it, with all of the social media pages I have up, blogs and websites, YouTube channels, etc., but I’m actually a very reclusive introverted person in real life. I don’t interact with more than a small handful of people on the internet, so this task was much harder for me than what you may think.

2) also, I didn’t like a new stipulation coming up in the process, where I was asked to make screen shots of the stats for my websites and blogs, giving a report on my traffic, etc. I thought this was slightly bizarre and way out of line. And no, I didn’t do this, I passed on the project I was being offered. This was too invasive for me, considering I’d already published two books with this company. This also did not feel like my job, it’s my opinion that there’s a sales analyst or someone else out there who should be doing this stuff.

Anyway, for writers out there, either published authors or those who are still working towards this goal, here you have it. This is one way to get published and to support yourself as a writer at the same time.

From My Paranormal Journal ~ Cheryl

Taken from my Paranormal Journal… (March, 2004)

I was awoken abruptly out of a sound sleep—someone was crying, calling out to me. I thought it was one of my children and even called out, “I’m coming!”

I got up and checked the house—everyone was sound asleep.

The next morning I told my husband about it. He said, “Last night I thought I saw someone walk into the bedroom, and I thought it was you—until I realized my hand was on your hip!”

Also, yesterday, the lights in the living room turned themselves on three different times.

Note: The day before these odd occurrences, I had been released from the hospital from an overnight stay for a minor procedure. This is the same hospital that my husband’s girl friend had passed away in three years ago from colon cancer… Her name was Cheryl.

  • The nurse I had the two days I was in the hospital was named… Cheryl.
  • The nurse who prepped me for the procedure was named… Cheryl.
  • The lady who came in to clean my room was… Cheryl’s aunt, her mother’s sister.

I didn’t want to be rude ~ but, really?

I have begun paring down some of my Facebook pages, and trimming up and redoing some of my websites and blogs, as my creativity is taking new twists and turns and bents, as everything eventually does with time.

I had a FB page to connect with my websites, two of them, and then there was an author’s page, because why not, all the authors on FB seem to do that; and there were ten pages for my books, each book having its own special page, tra-la-la.  I deactivated all of these.  I believe that’s 13 pages?

The Witch’s Corner FB page was probably the most predominantly popular page, with 40,000 likes and followers.  Now, mind you, that it so deceptive.  For all the cotton pickin’ posts that I made on this FB page, for years, there was virtuallly NO interaction, none at all.  I felt like I was talking to myself.  I really didn’t think that anyone was paying any attention, or that maybe FB was not allowing this page to be seen.  

So, just to be courteous, and because it’s what you usually do, before I deactivated this page I put up a little post stating that I would be doing this on a particular date. I had over 100 people respond to this post.  I know, out of 40,000 that’s still not even a drop in the bucket, but when you compare it to ZERO, it’s a miracle.  

One lady said something to the effect:  “I’m so sorry to see this go, this page has been such an inspiration to me for such a long time; I just love it, but you do what you think you have to do.”


You mean it never occured to this woman over the course of this “long time” to interact at all?  Not to click the Like button, not to leave a comment, nothing… she was lurking, just my opinion.  Did she think I, as a creator, would keep this up forever with absolutley No Feedback, no idea if anyone was reading it, or if anyone liked it?  I had no idea if anyone could even see it!

I was disgusted.

And that’s the end of my story/rant today. ~ has anyone else heard of/or use this site?

So, I’ve had a page up at this site for years, put it up back in the day when it was so much fun to discover all these new places you could post Stuff.  But I don’t know if anyone really sees it, if anything on this site is viewable at all, or if this freebie page that I sat up is hidden in a closet somewhere, buried under boxes of junk, and stored away from other pages on this site, pages where people have “gone premium”.  

Back in the day, when everyone was getting started, and the internet was a wide open empty space just begging for content, everything was free.  I don’t know about you, but it sure was a rude awakening for me when websites suddenly started demanding money to keep your page, or so restricted your free page that it might as well not exist.  It wasn’t fun anymore.  And I don’t know about anyone else, but I can’t afford, nor would it be worth my while, to suddenly become a premium customer.  Ain’t gonna’ happen.

Here’s a link, check it out, see what you think…

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Welcome to my YouTube podcast, Bump in the Night. The following links are links to videos that can be found on the Bump in the Night Playlist, listed by title/topic.  Enjoy!

The Art of Psychometry

Paranormal Investigation #2

Black-Eyed Children (BEKS)


Sleep Paralysis ~ They Come in the Night

The Doll from Hell

Paranormal Investigation #1

Is Your House Haunted

Psychic Tales

Premonitions: Impending Death, Recognizing Its Salutation

Premonitions: The Day the Beautiful Tree was Cut Down

Five Famous Haunted Houses

Freaky True Paranormal/Supernatural Stories

Detecting Spirits in Your House

Was it a Doppelganger, a ghost, or astral projection?

My Weird and Creepy Experiences with The Clairs

If there are any issues with any of these links,
just let me know!!

Mystic Crone Podcast, Episode #25 ~ 6 cards

The six cards drawn today throw a spot light on decisions, the fact that someone’s trying to manipulate you financially, and they make a good point of reminding us that we really need to know who are friends are — and who they are not.

The Mystic Crone Blog

The Mystic Crone @ YouTube

Let’s Retire These Phrases

Two phrases I’m really tired of hearing. They have been so overused, please stop: 

1) “please smash the like button” ~ obviously some YouTuber came up with this phrase, thinking that they were being original and clever, but it seems like almost every soul out there with a YouTube channel has picked it up, thinking they are being original and clever without having to come up with something on their own. 

2) “the thing I love about you is that you really don’t know how good you are” ~ has said every judge at every singing audition out there. We all know that these talented and untalented folks auditioning for these shows are just fodder for this season’s episodes. Very — VERY — rarely does anyone ever rise above this to become a genuine star.

Episode #23, Mystic Crone Podcast ~ daily cards, daily energy

For three readings in a row now the Queen of Wands has come up.  I was shocked when I drew this card a third time.  For me she represents two specific individuals, individuals that were in my life at one time, but that I would not want involved with my life now.  It’s a long story.

Our cards for today:

  • Queen/wands
  • 9/wands
  • 10/wands
  • The Moon
  • The Empress
  • Knight/cups

The Art of Psychometry

Psychometry is the ability to pick up information when holding an object in your hands using your psychic abilities. Let’s explore psychometry — the what, the how, the history, and the infinitie possiblities. I also include my own psychometric experience, one of the most powerful psychic experiences that I’ve had.

Bump in the Night Playlist

Episode #22, Mystic Crone Podcast ~ daily cards, daily energy

Hello, and welcome to the Mystic Crone Podcast! Today we have a repeat card/character that came up — the Queen of Wands. So how has her situation resolved itself, improved itself, or highlighted itself since yesterday? Our other cards for today include:

  • Queen/wands
  • The Empress
  • 6/pentacles
  • 5/wands
  • The Tower
  • 10/swords

If the universe and Spirit have a message for you today, you’ll find it here!

The Mystic Crone

The Mystic Crone Blog

The Mystic Crone @ YouTube

Episode #21 ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy

Episode #21 Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom

Daily Cards/Daily Energy… I had a delightful morning on the front porch with my tarot cards, my personal tarot journal, and a good coffee. I recorded a short reading for you today, and our cards are:

  • Queen of wands
  • Knight of swords
  • 9 of cups
  • 3 of swords

If you’re meant to find a message today, you’ll find it here. Enjoy!

Paranormal Investigation #2 ~ the house by the woods

This investigation included a lovely quaint little house sitting on the edge of the woods. This experience was very different than the last investigation we conducted. First, there were fewer images taken; the family was more interested in following us around and talking all the while; and they were also very excited and eager to share their own paranormal experiences with us. Much of this, of course, was very personal and was considered private. This did not detract from the excitment that always accompanies an investigation, or the expectations of what we’ll uncover. Enjoy!

Bump in the Night Playlist

The Mystic Crone Podcast ~ Look, then look again

Today’s insights on The Mystic Crone podcast..

  • Why are you trying so hard to gain approval from people or an organization that doesn’t approve of you?
  • Why are you trying so hard to hang onto an individual that is ruining you financially?

The Mystic Crone Blog

The Mystic Crone @ YouTube