A Woman’s Path to The Goddess

“So many people throughout my life have told me who I am, what I must do, what I can’t do, what I have to complete, and what I will never be able to accomplish…and then I met the Goddess.”

~ Amythyst Raine

This book can be found @ MOON BOOKS ~ http://www.moon-books.net/books/spiritual-feminist ;

AMAZON ~ https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Feminist-Amythyst-Raine-Hatayama/dp/1782799699/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1472387298&sr=1-4&keywords=amythyst+raine ;

BARNES & NOBLE ~ http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-spiritual-feminist-amythyst-raine-hatayama/1121063544 ; or any fine bookstore near you.

Affirmations ~ Time for Reinforcement: Physically, Spiritually, Mentally

The following blog post is an excerpt from my book, The Spiritual Feminist.  This book was a journey.  It was not just a writing process; it was self-therapy, it was revolutionizing new thoughts, it was hindsight recorded for my daughters, it was a journey through my life at so many points…until I suddenly realized that it was a journey through life for so many women with so many common factors, questions, doubts, and fears.

I hope you enjoy; and I hope there’s something here worth taking with you ~


The Physical Aspect
This is my body…No one shall touch this body without my express permission. No one shall impose upon my body a physical action, intention, criteria, procedure, or judgment, that I have not expressly approved. This is my body, created by the Mother Goddess in all the glory of her likeness. Whether this body be large or small, fit or weak; whether this body align with the cultural views and norms of my society or not: My body is beautiful and will be respected as such.

Questions for Introspection
The Physical
1. What is my best feature?
2. What are two things about my body I’d like to change?
3. What would I have to do to make these changes?
4. Realistically, would it be possible for me to do this, and if I could successfully make these changes, who would I be making them for?
5. Am I able to accept my physical body in it’s beautiful natural state; am I able to embrace myself as I am?
6. Is my body healthy?
7. If not, what are my health issues?
8. What do I need to do in order to correct these issues, or just generally improve my health, strength, and endurance?
9. List three things you know are not healthy for you but you do anyway.
10. List three things you do for yourself that contribute to your physcial well-being.
11. What do I love most about my body?

The Spiritual Aspect
I will connect with the universe through the Divine Feminine, and through that connection with my ancestors and the root of all that is me…For centuries the Divine Feminine has been ripped from the heart and soul of womanhood, shrouded in stories of evil encompassing snakes and apples, betrayal and guilt. Womanhood needs to wrestle its freedom from this lie, to regain its strength and equilibrium through the power of the Mother Goddess.

Through the youthful exuberance of the Maiden, the fertility of the Mother, and the wisdom of the Crone, we have to pass on to our daughters the beauty of the feminine mystique, impressing upon them the reverence and respect that is its due. While the world still revolves around the decisions of men, it is women who harvest its bounty through their children, their art, their writing, their dreams, and their strong sense of nurturing. It is woman who builds up; and through her spirituality and connection with the Goddess, woman can repair the damage of previous generations, building new futures and opportunities for her children.

With our strong and renewed sense of connection to the Feminine Divine, the most important thing we can do is to impart upon our fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons the strength, beauty, wisdom, and power of womanhood at its most pure. We can lead them back to the Goddess, who is, after all, their Mother too.

Questions for Introspection
The Spiritual
1. Do I feel a strong connection with Feminine Divinity?
2. How has the Goddess touched my life?
3. Do I feel free to embrace Goddess Spirituality openly?
4. If not, what are the obtacles to doing so?
5. Realistically, can these obstacles be overcome?
6. What do I do each day to connect with Spirit?
7. How has my connection to the Goddess and my spiritual practices enhanced my daily life?
8. List three things that you think impede your spiritual growth.
9. List three things that have inspired you during your life.
10. What do you love most about your spirituality right now?
11. Is there a woman you know who would benefit by learning about the Mother Goddess?

The Mental Aspect
I will not allow other people’s opinions to form the image I carry of myself…Whether these opinions are formed and passed on to me by friends, family, or foe. If these opinions are filled with negativity, if these opinions are laced with jealousy, spite, judgmental prejudice, ambiguity, cruelty, or ignorance, I will disregard these opinions. These opinions will be shed as a snake sheds its skin, leaving renewed vitality and beauty beneath, exposing my true nature, in tune with the Goddess and a healthy ego.

Questions for Introspection
The Mental
1. Do I expect too much of myself?
2. Do I feel like I have to be responsible for everyone?
3. Is there a lot of stress in your life right now?
4. If so, what are the main causes of this stress?
5. Realistically, can the circumstances or people causing this stress be resolved or dismissed from your life?
6. If so, what steps must you take to correct the issue?
7. Do you give yourself time to daydream?
8. When you are sad, what makes you happy?
9. What makes you laugh?
10. What makes you cry?
11. What are you afraid of?
12. Do you have someone in your life with whom you can share your deepest thoughts?

The Source for this blogpost is ~


order your copy HERE

Updates from THE WITCH’S CORNER!

The following are new products that can be found at
my website ~

Amethyst Pendants:  Click HERE

Zen Gardens:  Click  HERE

Magickal Bath Salts:  Click  HERE

Money Wash:  Click  HERE


New services offered at THE WITCH’S CORNER ~
Spell Consultations
Do you want to cast a spell, but you’re not sure how?  Do you want to cast a spell, but you’re not sure which herbs, candles, oils, etc. to use? You don’t know how to dress a candle?  You don’t know how to cast a circle?  You don’t have anyone around you to ask?Is there some specific magickal working you need information, advice, or help with?  I offer 30 minute spell consultations to give you the information you need to successfully cast spells.

 click  HERE
Featured Tarot Reading for April ~
 Desires & Fears
1. this is where you came from
2. this is where you are going
3. this is what is difficult for you
4. this is what makes sense
5. this is your ultimate goal
 Audio Reading
Desires & Fears
click  HERE
 THANK YOU so much for visiting my blog today!  I hope you take away something special from your visit.  This is my “sacred space”, so to speak, my private journal; my therapist; and my joy.  It’s taken years to build, and it is as treasured as if it were a tattered leather-bound keepsake full of secrets and revelations.
 Blessings, Amythyst

A Woman’s Magickal Milestones ~ Birthdays



Another year passes.  With the first birthdays, in the Maiden stage, each one becomes a celebratory milestone, but after a woman reaches 30 in our culture, we begin to associate a feeling of trepidation with the passing of another year. Why?  What’s not to celebrate?  Forget that our society foolishly worships youth and suffers from a chronic case of Peter Pan Syndrome; instead, celebrate, be joyful, embrace each year, embrace each change within yourself.  You are not aging, you are growing.  This is the difference, this is what our culture, our society, doesn’t see, or tries to deny.  With time women grow wiser, more assertive, more complete within themselves.  They Bloom!

Grow, Sweet Woman, grow in time, grow in wisdom, grow in laughter, grow in strength, grow in love, grow in power, grow in creativity, grow in magick.


The 10th Year
The Threshold:  Childhood…Maidenhood
I still have one foot in the world of my childhood, but I can see through the open threshold before me.  The view is hazy yet.  It’s still so early, and I am still so young.  I see a shadow of the woman I will become.

The 20th Year
The Threshold:  Adolcescence…Adulthood
I’m taking baby steps, trying out my adult legs, finding my center.  Which direction will I go?  Where will I establish my roots?…roots of career and relationships.  The foundation I build now will determine the stability of my future.  Is it really all just a roll of the dice, or does destiny lay in my young and inexperienced hands?

The 30th Year
The Threshold:  Maidenhood…Motherhood
I step through a doorway to find myself standing in the mad rush of Life.  I am careening along at full speed, swerving to avoid potholes, watching the clock, knowing that I have a destination and a dead line to meet, knowing I have an appointment with Responsibility.

The 40th Year
The Threshold:  Motherhood…Middleage
I’m at a crossroads, no longer young, but not yet old.  The world around me appears to lose focus as boundaries and expectations are blurred.  What once was perfectly clear is now laced with questions.  The Universe is giving me a choice.  I watch in alarmed fascination as new paths open before me, each yellow brick road beckoning me,  “Come this way!”

The 50th Year
The Threshold:  Middleage…The Crone
I suddenly realize who I am, I mean the “me” that I must have lost along the way.  I suddenly realize that the only opinion that counts is my own.  I suddenly realize who my friends are and who they aren’t.  I suddenly realize that I am not afraid to face the world alone.  I suddenly realize that I have reached a plateau enabling me to scrutinize my past and glimpse my future.  I suddenly realize…I have arrived.

The 60th Year
The Threshold:  The Crone…The Golden Age
I’m at a crossroads, no longer middle-aged, but not yet old, not really, I say with defiance.  My body speaks to me now, still proud of its strength, its endurance.  My body speaks to me with relish, embracing the last blazing autumn of life.

The 70th Year
The Threshold:  The Golden Age…Old Age
I will reap what I have sown, whether this be children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, or the golden glow of accomplishments.  I will stop to smell the roses.  I will stop to watch the sunset.  I will stop to pet a dog, or hold a cat.  I will stop to speak to an old friend.  I will stop to say, “I love you.”; “Hello”; “Good-by”; and “I’m sorry.”

The 80th Year
The Threshold:  The Crone Glorified
I am elevated.  From this vantage point I stand in the stillness of dawn.  I stand in the midst of gentle rain on black earth.  I stand in the warmth of a loved one’s hand on my arm.  I stand, not in the shadow of The Crone, but shoulder to shoulder with her.  I am one with the goddess.

The 90th Year
The Threshold:  Rebirth
I look at the world and see it as hazy images in a crystal ball.  The images are people I’ve loved, places I’ve been, things I’ve done.  And as I stare at the images within this universal sphere, I can see that they are fading, getting dimmer, and soon they will disappear.  I know that as these images and this world are fading.  I know there is another beautiful glorious crystal ball, and within it I can see the sunrise bursting over the horizon, lighting the way for a new journey…in the next Life.

inspirational 3

This blog post is an excerpt from my book,

The Spiritual Feminist

To order your copy, follow this link:
click  Here


For more Goddess energy and information, visit my website at:



the photos are courtesy of Pinterest

It’s All About Creating Your Magickal Space ~ Wedding Showers

Wedding Showers

We celebrate the fact that one becomes two.  We celebrate the success of finding a mate.  Yes, we do, even though most feminists might flinch at this.    She did good, they’ll say, eye-balling the future husband, holding him up to their personal measuring stick.  But this is not only the celebration of a coupling, it’s celebrating the creation of a new family.  As the future bride opens her pretty packaged gifts, this will be evident amongst all the shiny new pots and pans, the toaster, and the coffee-maker.  This young woman and her fiance will be setting up house, preparing for a lifetime together to build memories, to raise children, to grow old together.  In our modern world, as progressive and feminist as we’d like to think we are, we’re still chasing Prince Charming and Happy-Ever-After endings.

Creating the Home = Creating Sacred Space

The Kitchen

For most families, this is the center of the home, the hearthfire, where the group gathers for sustinance, for company, for recreation, for connection.  I don’t know about everyone else, but anything that goes down in our house goes down in the kitchen.  Our large kitchen table doubles as my office, the classroom, the dining table, the game board, card table, and craft table.  Things are written, sculpted, painted, eaten, played, and produced– all at The Kitchen Table.

The kitchen is the hub, and shower gifts for this room, this special space, are prolific and fun to buy and give.  I’ve been married five times and I’ve never had a wedding shower, so I’m living vicariously here in this section, remembering (with a wee bit of envy, I admit) all of the cool things new brides can receive to set up their hearthfire.  But there’s one big difference here, we’re going to look at all of these gifts from a magickal and spiritual perspective.  We’re going to wallow in Bridal Mania and Goddess Energy.

1.  Herbs…one of the coolest gifts I’ve seen was a huge beautiful wooden shelf full of bottles and bottles of herbs, large glass bottles.  The Green Witch in me was twitching!   The wooden cubby-holed rack was dark cherry wood, and the whole frame swiveled, so you could turn it, looking at four sides full of glass bottles full of wonderful magickal plants and spices. However, as grand and glorioso as this was, this wonderful gift does not have to break our piggy bank.  Herbs are expensive, and they are so uniquely necessary, both mundanely and magickally, for cooking and witchy revelry.

If everyone is counting their pennies, but you still want the New Bride to start out with a well-stocked herb cabinet, each guest can bring one designated herb.  Coordinate this so that each individual knows exactly what to purchase– Aunt Lacey is in charge of Parsely; Cousin Edie is going to be responsible for Rosemary; Grandma Betty is bringing Cardamom, etc., etc.

O’ Green Witch rejoice!

2.  Pots and Pans…Oh my, this sounds so dreary, bringing to mind the skullery maid chained to the kitchen peeling potatoes, wiping sweat from her brow with her brown work-worn paw…Screeeech! (The tape rewinds)

Pots and pans, think about it…drum roll…The Cauldron!

This is where all our magick brews, it is the myth of the witch, it is Shakespearian and dramatic, highly visual, slightly daunting to the uninitiated individuals, and highly gratifying to the Witches Extrordinaire.

Mundane Pots & Pans:  You know, those teflon pots are nice for a while, but it’s really a drag when the teflon gets scratched and then begins to peel and flake; and if you’re like I am, having come from a humble background, you don’t just toss it out when the first few worn marks and flaws show up.  If you’re anything like me, you use it until it is disgusting and two or three kids have attempted to throw it out and finally hidden it so deeply within the depths of the trash that you won’t find it.  So, if money is an issue, but not that much of an issue, my suggestion would be stainless steel.  Stainless steel pots and pans will last forever.

Magickal Pots & Pans:  This part is much more fun.  I’m thinking…special pots for specific magickal workings.  I’m thinking color-coordinated cooking pots, those pretty bright enamel (and usually teflon lined) pots.  I know, this is an irony, but this is special!  It’s for magickal workings, energy building and moving and shaking.  It’s all about getting things done.

A green pot for health and healing, for simmering teas and making infusions, all the while tossing in the energy to fix whatever is wrong with our physcial, emotional, and mental selves (You have to look at it from all those perspectives, it’s all wrapped up into us.).  You can use this pot to mix and heat magickal oils as well, but one word of caution here.  If you’re going to be using these pots for teas and such that you ingest, don’t use them for other magickal creations that would contain anything poisonous or dangerous.

The rest is easy.  A red pot for love and lust and passion; blue for dreams and visions, psychism, and divination; yellow for creativity and communication; and if you think you might venture into deeper waters and work with darker energies, or anything that is stronger and not meant to be ingested, why don’t you get a small silver or black pot for this.

3.  The Stove…this is the modern version of The Hearthfire, use your imagination for the crackling flames and the dancing shadows on the wall.  I also have a wonderful gift idea for the new bride and her stove.  Think of the flame (the burners) as a you would a flame in a cauldron.  When you’ve finished your magickal workings, you generally dismiss the quarters and the elements.  To put the magick to rest, you can have a set of those round metal burner covers made and decorated with the symbols for the elements–  Earth, Air, Water, Fire.  The symbolsism and the artistry that could go into them are endless, whether you want to keep it simple and just use the correct color symbol for that element, or really go to town…birds and flying creature on the cover for Air; the sea, sea creatures, and sea shells on the cover for Water…You get the point.

The Livingroom

Think of gifts geared for relaxation, for reading, for communication, as this is often a lounging and gathering place for family members.  Think of things to write with; board games; books; big soft pillows and pretty small blankets for the couch or easy chair; candy dishes for the end tables or coffee table; a tea set that comes with a serving tray.  I can see all of these delightful things in my mind, and I can see the space that they’re meant for being cozy and inviting, where you feel comfortable and relaxed.

The idea of communication and creativity come to me when I think of a living room space, which steers me towards CDs, books, DVDs (movies!  Yay!)…something to watch, listen to, or read.

The living room, think serenity and peace, think communication and connection.

The Bathroom

The element:  Water
The main intent and purpose in this room:  Cleansing!

Did you ever wonder why, in so many bathrooms you see, people just naturally tend to decorate with sea themes, sea and water creatures, sea shells and other things of the ocean, or water related?  I really believe it’s some ingrained instinct, not fashionable decorating fads, that leads them to these water based interior designs for the bathroom.

So, we got the water creatures and stuff down pat, but there’s other things to think about that would make incredible and magickal shower gifts for the bathroom:

Large glass bowls or lidded containers filled with herbs aligned to the element of water– belladonna, catnip, calamus cardamom, henbane, valerian, raspberry, rose, myrrh, passion flower, and on and on it goes (pick up Scott Cunningham’s book, “Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs”).  And while we’re at it, what about live potted plants for the bathroom?  I’d love live plants for shower gifts, and I’m betting other women would too– roses, jasmine, gardenias, or african violets, all connected with the element of Water.

Candles, so obvious!  When you fill the tub with nice hot water, topping it off with a handful of herbs and pinch of this or that with a dollop of bubbly stuff, you’re going to light candles to set the mood for your bathing experience.  *Ding*…that was the lightbulb going off in my head!  It’s saying, “Time to shop!”  How fun to look for candles and candle holders for someone’s bathroom; and it might be a good idea to play heavily on the personal likes and tastes of the new little bride you’re buying these magickal gifts for.  Candle holders will add so much to the personal aspect of it, holders in different styles, colors, and shapes (animals, leaves, and such).  Have fun!  Shop till you drop, then go home and run yourself a nice full tub of water and prepare to relax.

The Bedroom

Oh my, this is the supreme sacred space, especially for the newly-wed couple; and I don’t care if they’ve been sleeping together for years.  The wedding night is going to be so magickal, this is extremely special.  This space will seem somehow newly sanctified to them through a committment ceremony.  It will be sealed.  It will be celebrated.

The elements?  The energy?

This space is a bit conflicted on this point.  There’s actually two elements that will apply to this room and two very different types of energy.  We’ll look at both of them.

1.  Fire: passion, lust, romantic love, all of which implies lots of energy; lots of physicality; lots of motion and a sharing of energies.  This can be wonderful, but also exhausting.

2.  Water:  peace, dreams, visions, of course.  This is where you sleep, where your body renews itself, where your mind relaxes, where your sub-consious can take over and you can soar in your dreams.

What a wonderful, yet complicated, space to create.  Depending upon the couple and their circumstances, you might want magickal gifts geared to fertility and sex.  At the other end of the spectrum, you’ll want gifts that add to the experience of relaxation and peace.   I know, this room is an oxymoron, and it can get even more confusing if the energies of the two individuals who are inhabiting this space are conflicting, or even polar opposites.

For the wedding shower, offer up a bit of magickal energy and a touch of the goddess through crystals and stones; salt lamps; candles; herbs; mojo bags for protection, fertility, cleansing; statuary that inspires, inspirational CD/DVDs that will add a certain ambiance to the atmosphere.

wedding shower

This blog post is an excerpt from my book,

The Spiritual Feminist

To order your copy, follow this link:
click  Here


For more Goddess energy and information, visit my website at:


Do you have a Goddess Connection?

[The following is an excerpt from an Author Interview in The Spellery]

The Spiritual Feminist…my most important piece of work.  If I never write another word, I have accomplished all I was put here to do with this book.  This is a book of feminine celebration, healing, and re-empowerment.  It’s a book to help women connect with the Goddess and to find out just what aspects of their lives will be improved and embellished with this connection.  It’s a book to help women find themselves, because sometimes we get so­ lost along the way, mired in responsibility, motherhood, work, husbands, family, and everything else the world throws at us.  Every aspect of Woman, every aspect, deserves to be celebrated.  We have to learn how to embrace ourselves and every other woman on the planet.  We have to learn to stop being so judgmental about ourselves and other women.  We have to learn to support each other and stop tearing each other down. We have to stop being sneaky, jealous, and spiteful with our Sisters.  We have to recover from abuse.  We have to discover our strengths.  We have to learn to recognize our weaknesses and work around them.  We have to learn how to make our lives better, and how to teach our daughters all of this so they’re smarter than we were, so they have a jump-start on Life.

We have to look God in the face and realize…Womanhood is Divine.


This book is so important to me, and I believe so strongly in its message and the difference it can make in a woman’s life, that if I could afford to and it was possible, I’d GIVE every woman on the face of the planet her own copy.  As I wrote this book, I was reaching deep inside myself, searching for answers to questions, acknowledging my own life experience, exploring my own weaknesses, strengths, fears, doubts, and ego with the realization that my experience was universal to all women.  I felt empowered in the writing of this book, and you will feel empowered in the reading of this book.  The Goddess is in every page.  I felt her energy in the tips of my fingers when typing, in my mind when contemplating the sections of this book and the content.  If it can be said that a book is divinely inspired, believe it.  That’s how I feel about “The Spiritual Feminist”.

I want to give you an idea of the journey you will take with the Goddess in this book by including in this post the outline for “The Spiritual Feminist”.  This is the outline that I created as I wrote the book, and the outline I eventually worked from in creating this book.  I don’t know if I’ve ever seen any other author do this– post the skeleton of their creation, but I’m going to do this to give you an idea of where you will be going when you pick this book up and hold it in your hands.  This is a unique look into the author’s world, into how I work, into how I organized and developed the manuscript for this book.


The Spiritual Feminist

(word count: 51,194)

Hail Mother Goddess


Part 1: Meet the Goddess


[Included for each of the following goddesses, these sections:

1. Her Story

2. An Essay or Anecdote

3. Embracing the Goddess

4. Correspondences]








Baba Yaga



Black Tara

Blue Tara











Green Tara






Kuan Yin




Mama Cocha

Mami Wata




Red Tara



Snake woman



White Buffalo Calf Woman

Part 2: Affirmations & Goals


The Physical Aspect

1. It is my body…

The Spiritual Aspect

1. I will connect with the universe through the Divine Feminine, and through that connection with my ancestors and the root of all that is me…

The Mental Aspect

1. I will not allow other people’s opinions to form the image I carry of myself…


Contributions from women around the country, stating their stage in life and their goals, have been collected and added here.

Part 3: A Woman’s Life Through the Elements



Earth Energy Affirmations

Earth Invocation


Air Energy Affirmations

Air Invocation


Fire Energy Affirmations

Fire Invocation


Water Energy Affirmations

Water Invocation

Part 4: A Woman’s Life Through the Year


[Incuded for each of the holidays:

  1. The Goddess

  2. The Holiday

  3. My Celebration

  4. Correspondences

  5. Holiday Recipes]









Part 5: A Woman’s Life Transitions





Making and Breaking Divine Connections

Part 6: Turning Mundane Milestones into Spiritual Rituals


First Menstruation


A Ritual



Ritual & Celebratory Suggestions



Things You Want to Leave Behind

Things You Still Want to Accomplish



The Thresholds:

the 10th year

the 20th year

the 30th year

the 40th year

the 50th year

the 60th year

the 70th year

the 80th year

the 90th year

Wedding Showers


Creating the Home = Creating Sacred Space

The Kitchen

The Livingroom

The Bathroom

The Bedroom

Baby Showers


Magickal Gifts

Part 7: Finding the Goddess in Tarot:

Motherpeace Tarot, A Personal Journey


The Major Arcana

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Swords

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Wands

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Cups

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Discs

Part 8: Wise-Woman Wisdom





Moon Phases

Days of the Week

The Elements

Magickal Oils

[Included for each of the oils: Correspondences & Ingredients; Day; Candle Colors; Moon Phase; The Base; The Herbs– and “My Recipe”!]

Health & Healing


Mars Astrological Oil

Witches’ Oil

Psychic Oil

Sex Oil

Prosperity Oil

Summoning Powder

Black Cat Oil

4 Thieves Vinegar

Graveyard Dirt

Banishing Oil

Command & Compel Oil

Uncrossing Oil


Visit Amazon to LOOK INSIDE “The Spiritual Feminist” and sample the magick!

click  Here

The Spiritual Feminist ~ Author: Amythyst Raine Hatayama, Cover Artist: Anne Turrell


At Tumblr ~ My Week in Review

I’ve been trying to post diligently a weekly “catch-up/review” post at my Tumblr page.  This is a good way to gather all the Stuff I’ve been doing all over the internet all week into one spot.  (I also enjoy playing with Tumblr).  Here’s this week’s post, and I’m betting that I’ve got a few things up my sleeve in this internet world that you might not have been aware of, because just like me, you can’t be everywhere at once. 🙂

And how was YOUR week?!

Tumblr ~ Week in Review


More Book-Hoopla (Yes! I must)

Okay, it’s been over a month now since the release of my 4th book (The Spiritual Feminist) and most of the initial hoopla has died down– but there might be one or two tricks I’m pulling out of my hat in the next few weeks/months, we’ll see, and I want to surprise you. (And I can hang on to some pretty big surprises, as you might know if you’ve kept up with my blogs.)

Here’s the deal–

To all Amazon Readers ~ I would be delighted, I owe-you-my-firstborn-child grateful if you would kindly leave a review of this book, or at least give it a star rating with a sentence or two about why you, personally, liked the book. Just like ear-rings, you can never have too many positive reviews!

To all of my readers ~ I would be absolutely I owe-you-a-winning-lottery-ticket grateful to anyone who’s read the book and enjoyed it if you would PASS IT ON to another reader. Either lend them your copy, or send them a link to buy their own, seriously, this is how a book’s popularity grows, through you, THE READERS, and word-of-mouth.

To radio hosts ~ I’m not finished talking about “The Spiritual Feminist”; and I will NEVER be finished discussing goddess spirituality, paganism, witchcraft, or feminism…ever. If you’d like to schedule an interview, email me ( witch_of_endore@yahoo.com ), or FB private message me.

With all that said, it’s been a hell-of-a-spring! Thank you to everyone who has assailed me with congratulations; thank you to everyone who has purchased the book; thank you to reviewers and radio hosts for all the terrific reviews and memorable shows!

Cover Artist (right) ~ Anne Turrell ~ https://anneturrell.wordpress.com/

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Barnes & Noble

My books are sold world-wide.  You can purchase them at any fine bookstore near you.  If you don’t find them on the shelf, the bookstore will Order Them For You! ~ That’s what bookstores do.

Order YOUR copy today!

Another Book Review! ~ The Spiritual Feminist

Thank you to Vivienne Moss for a wonderful review!

“There is much wisdom and enchantment to be found in The Spiritual Feminist. The amount of information revealed will be welcomed by anyone wanting to travel along the Goddess Path. Amythyst Raine-Hatayama has poured her heart and soul into this charming book and I hope to read more from this wisdom-filled author. I sense this will make a remarkable companion book to Naming the Goddess and many other volumes on Goddess Spirituality…”

click  Here

Woman Speak 3-27-2015

This week’s goddess is Pele, and we’re going to use her energy, along with the element of Fire, to manifest desires and wishes into our lives with a ritual. (Also included, a special thank you to The Spellery magazine for allowing me to be a part of their 1st edition and their magickal launch!)


Woman Speak 3-20-2015

The Goddess is Copia; the tarot card is seven of wands.  In this episode you are invited inside the Witch’s house to snoop in her Magickal Cupboard!  What do you think you’ll find?

Book News! ~ Yay, Kindle

Smiling Author Photo, a must

I’m delighted to tell you that The Spiritual Feminist is now available in KINDLE!  I have friends who were waiting for this link, so I’m passing this on to you.  Enjoy!

click  Here


Woman Speak 3-6-2015

This week the goddess is Airmed. The topics are herbs and green witchcraft. Our project– we’re going to create a Witch’s Bottle for Love Magick. You’ll also find a section at this video on precautions for love magick, encouraging common sense, as well as the use of mundane efforts to keep your life running smoothly, and to keep yourself safe. The National Domestic Abuse Hotline number will be found at the end of this video.

Woman Speak: 2-27-2015

The goddess is Aurora…and with this goddess comes the happy anticipation of Spring, new beginnings, second chances, clean slates, rejuvenation. Plant new life-seeds now, and watch your future blossom.  To honor & invoke this goddess, we’re doing a short ritual to The Four Winds (Aurora’s children)…join me.


Links, Links, & more links

I updated the “Links” page at my website “The Witch’s Corner”.  I didn’t realize that I had so many links!  These links are from websites, blogs, and a host of other sites on the internet.  I’m trying to get them all posted in one spot for easy reference.  I’m not sure I have them all yet, but I’ll keep looking. 🙂

The music on this page is Joanie Madden (“The Black Rose”), enjoy.

Links Page, click  Here

Woman Speak 2-20-2015

The goddess is Cybele. The topics include sexual orientation, transsexuals, transgender individuals, acceptance, and tolerance. We talk about learning to accept ourselves and celebrate our unique individuality. We also talk about how society has to move forward and improve how it accepts– and treats– people who live their lives “outside the box”.

Ms. Jenner…this one’s for you.



Woman Speak 2-13-2015

The Goddess is Aphrodite, the topic is birthdays and how we celebrate these milestones in connection with the Goddess and all the unique stages in a woman’s life.  The discussion is about– Beauty.  What’s beautiful, what’s not…How has our society and culture influenced our idea of physical beauty, our idea of youth and aging…How can we relearn to recognize and appreciate the inner beauty we all possess?  How can we redefine what’s beautiful?

Surprise!!!…I Received my Author Copies today!

LOOK what I got today!!…my *Author Copies*…the big box arrived this morning as an unexpected surprise.

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Release date:  April 24th, 2015
Pre-Order at this link:  click  Here