The Gray Witch’s Grimoire ~ Best Seller!

Good morning, World!! Oh, my gosh!! What a way to start the day… I got an email this morning from my publisher, John Hunt Publishing (Moon Books):

on having sold 5,000+ copies of “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”.  By most definitions, in most markets, this is where it starts being thought of as a “bestseller”.

Holy buckets! So, did you buy a copy yet? If no, here’s an Amazon link…
click  Here

Natural Magick ~ Links

Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way ~ Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way explores the magick and mystery of old world traditions from a unique perspective, that of the Gray Witch. Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way is an excellent companion book to The Gray Witch’s Grimoire!

Breaking Another Sales Barrier! ~ The Gray Witch’s Grimoire

I’m very proud to let you know that The Gray Witch’s Grimoire has broken another sales barrier! This slender volume of witchcraft and wise-woman energy just keeps giving and giving. If you don’t have a copy, you can purchase one at this link ~

Breaking Another Barrier

Good morning, World! I start today off with an email from my publisher ~ “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire” has broken another sales barrier! Whoop! These milestones are happy events that make all those weeks and months of working on a book worth-while and satisfying! Below are links to purchase this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or directly from Moon Books.

You can purchase this book at ~


Barnes & Noble:

Moon Books:


What’s it all about? ~ Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way


You can purchase this book, and my other books, at Amazon.
My Amazon Author Page ~
Amazon/France ~
Amazon/Germany ~
Amazon/UK ~

The Wayward Husband & the Determined Other Woman ~ Video!

There is a new video & new playlist @ my Youtube channel: “The Witch’s Corner ~ FAQ”. The request I received from this individual for magickal help with a wayward husband and a determined Other Woman will actually require a two-part answer, which means two videos! Up first, “Asunder You Shall Go”

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel for automatic updates


December’s Full Moon

Oak Moon

Herbs:  cedar wood, juniper, sage,
star anise, carnation
Stones:  lapis, smoky quartz, lazulite
Scents:  violet, patchouli, frankincense,
myrrh, rose geranium
Colors:  red, white, black
Trees:  pine, fir, holly
Deities:  Hathor, Hecate, Athese
Astrological Signs:  Sagittarius, Capricorn
Elements:  Fire/Water

Crafting Your Magic:

Balance carefully the energy of the traditionalist and that of the free spirit.  Cast magic to seek knowledge from your ancestors, or to contact your spirit guide; cast magic to temper loyalties, and to reveal true feelings.  Use magic now to throw light on shady situations and to call upon the energy of male divinity– the God.  Magic for transitions are potent during the time of the Oak Moon.  Work on long term projects; now is the time to put into motion spells that will come into fruition with the Spring Equinox.

moon 2

The information in this blog post is an excerpt from my book:

“The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”

Book 2 SMALL

To order your copy,

click  Here

November’s Full Moon

Snow Moon

Herbs:  cumin, gardenia, vanilla, anise, sage
Stones:  brown zircon, topaz,
silver sheen obsidian
Scents:  cedar, peppermint, hyacinth
Colors:  gray, sage green
Trees:  alder, cypress
Deities:  Kali, Isis, Bast, Osirius, Sarasvasti, Hecate
Astrological Signs:  Scorpio, Sagittarius
Elements:  Water/Fire

Crafting Your Magic:

Free yourself of those things that bind you, bind those things you need freedom from.  Cast spells for release, relief, and emancipation; but make sure that you are not unintentionally restricting someone else’s freedoms with your magic, your expectations, or your emotions– such as jealousy.  Remember, your thoughts are pure energy and can set magical vibrations into motion.

Opposite energies are flying high during the Snow Moon.  Use the vibrations generated from this energy to your advantage– remember that “opposites attract”.  Protection magic cast during this time is especially effective and potent.


The information in this blog post is an excerpt from my book:

“The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”

Book 2 SMALL

To order your copy,

click  Here

The Witch’s Desk: Celebrate October! ~ Full Moon & Samhain


(October 31)

The goddess is old and wizened. She’s settling into this stage of her persona to reap the benefit of all that she has experienced, all that has transpired on her journey to this point. She’s preparing for the dark months, gathering her harvest about her, both for her physical survival and her emotional revival, using this time to rest, to gather energy for the future and the light that she knows will return. On this phase of her journey she can afford to sit back in quiet reflection, to shed those things in her life that have become a burden, and to look forward to the end of her journey, or rather, the beginning of the next.

Samhain (pronounced ‘Sou-wen’) is a celebration that has a more somber side than the revelry of modern Halloween. It is a day of remembrance of your ancestors and for those family members who have passed over. Pagan families may set an extra place at the supper table on this evening, to honor those loved ones who are no longer with them. The veil between the world of the living and the dead is thinnest on this eve, and this night is an excellent time to perform divination, or to try and connect with those spirits from the other side.

My Celebration:

Samhain is a big deal at our house. Some years ago we began the tradition of a bonfire in the front driveway, an open house for friends, childrens’ friends, and acquaintances. You’ll find a table set up by the fire pit for a weinie roast, with smore’s for dessert. In the kitchen, I’ve got a large kettle of chili on the stove, and a large kettle of hot apple cider. Costumes are optional, for those who are comfortable dressing up, I say go for it; for those who are not, don’t sweat it. And, of course, there will be a large bowl of candy for the children in our neighborhood who follow the age-old custom of trick or treating.

You always hear that the veil has thinned on this night and spirit contact is almost inevitable if one wishes to put forth some effort. Samhain is also reputed to be a superb night for divinantion of any kind, and with this in mind, I set up a table on the backporch full of divination tools: tarot cards, rune stones, pendulums, oriental divination sticks, and don’t forget the ouija board for those who wish to try their hand communing with the spirits. Guests seem to love this opportunity, and there will be people seated around this table off and on all evening. It gives many a chance to learn about, touch, and use divination tools that they may not be familiar with and might otherwise not have access to.

Samhain Correspondences

Herbs: patchouli, sage, heather

Altar Flowers/Herbs: acorns, apples, pumpkins/gourds, dittany, autumn leaves

Feast Foods: pumpkin, squash, nut breads, sweet potatoes, milled drinks (cider, wine), roast meat, root vegetables

Animals: bats, cats, crows, ravens, owls

Incense: cinnamon, cloves, myrrh, patchouli, pine, mugwort, nutmeg

Rituals/Spells: making besoms, divination, spirit contact, crone magick, working with dark energy, spells for new beginnings

Samhain Recipes

My Pumpkin Pie:

1 16 oz. can pumpkin (about 2 cups)

1 13 oz. can evaporated milk

(but sometimes I use sweetened condensed milk– it makes it more “chiffony”…is that a word?)

2 eggs

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 sugar

the spices:

Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, and a dash of salt. Most recipes call for 1/2 teaspoon each, but I’m much more generous with my spices!

the crust:

I tried for years to learn to make a good pie crust, and I almost gave up out of frustration, then I found this recipe. It’s almost fool-proof, no kidding.

2 and 1/2 cups flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup shortening

1 beaten egg

1 tablespoon vinegar

1/4 cup water

Mix the dry ingredients together and cut in the shortening, as usual. Then combine the egg and vinegar, stirring it up a bit, and add this to your dry ingredients. Add the water a dash at a time as you work it in, you’ll be able to tell when you get a good texture.

Bake at 400 degrees the first fifteen minutes, and at 350 degrees for the next 30-40 minutes. When you can stick a butter knife in the center of the pie, and it comes out clean, your pie is done.


Hot Apple Cider

I have a *Huge*– did I say huge?– kettle that I use to mix up my cider. This sits and simmers all afternoon on the backburner of my stove, wafting a wonderful aroma throughout the house.


5-7 large jugs of applejuice

8-10 bags of peach tea

a handful of cinnamon sticks

and a large metal tea ball filled

with whole cloves and allspice

You can leave a shaker of nutmeg sit on the counter & anyone who wants to add a dash of this spice to their mug of apple cider can do so.

If you don’t like this cider full force, you can dilute it some with water to suit your own taste.


Blood Moon

Herbs: ginger, myrrh, allspice, basil, clove

Stones: alexandrite, citrine, lilac kunzite

Scents: pine, patchouli

Colors: dark green, brown, gold

Trees: yew, cypress, maple, oak

Deities: Astarte, Horned God, Lakshmi, Ishtar

Astrological Signs: Libra, Scorpio

Elements: Air/Water

Crafting Your Magic:

Ancestral magic is cast with the Blood Moon. Do magic now to communicate with family members who have passed, to connect with your ancestors and your heritage. Magic surrounding divination is relevant, it’s the perfect time. Cast spells for justice and balance, and to overthrow anything oppressive which may be blocking your path to success. Ambition is highlighted, use magic to increase the potency of your own, or cast magic to contain ambition that may have run amok. This is also the perfect time to step into the dark shadows and take advantage of the vibrations found there. The gray witch revels in the magic of the Blood Moon and in this season.


The information from this blog post was taken from my books ~

The Spiritual Feminist

The Gray Witch’s Grimoire

To order your copies, click  HERE

August ~ Full Moon Energy

The Full Moon for August ~ What energies are going to come into play for each of us? Summer is winding down, the seasons will be in transition soon, and this is the key. A lot of emphasis has always been put on “Spring House Cleaning”, but cleansing your home (both in the physical mundane aspect and as in clearing energy) is just as important this time of year. We’re going to be spending the coming winter months ensconced inside this space. We’ll feel so much better if our house is clean and tidy, both aesthetically and spiritually.

Barley Moon
Herbs: rosemary, jasmine, lilac, violet, calamus
Stones: bronzite, peridot, green sapphire
Scents: frankincense, heliotrope
Colors: yellow, gold, green
Trees: hazel, alder, cedar
Deities: Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Nemesis
Astrological Signs: Leo, Virgo
Elements: Earth/Air

Crafting Your Magic:
The Barley Moon is the time to reap the harvest of magic cast at the beginning of the summer season. It’s a time for the powerful assertive energy of Leo to give way to the calmer vibrations of Virgo. Do magic at this time to cleanse before the winter, cleansing not only your personal space, but intangible aspects as well. Clear out unwanted rubbish, whether it be inertia, conflict, indecisiveness, or some other personal weakness. As the summer winds down and wildlife begins to prepare itself for the dark months to come, this is where the heart of your magic lay as well.

[Source:  The source for this blog post is,  “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire” ]

Hope This Answers Your Questions

I’ve had an unusual amount of requests the past few weeks, since the beginning of June actually, from people who want to purchase my books and assume that I’m selling them myself.  I don’t sell my books, my publishing company does.  That’s one of the benefits of having a good contract with an exceptional company (they keep track of the Business Stuff); leaving freedom of mind for the writer to write.

Anyway, here’s the paragraph I’ve been sending out in emails when these requests come in.  I’ll post it here (and at my Other Blog), and I hope this makes it easier for the reader to connect with the book that they’re looking for.  Thank you so much for your interest!  I love hearing from my readers; you guys make it all worth while…Enjoy the Books, summer was made for reading:

You’ll find ordering information at John Hunt Publishing’s Website; or you can order at Amazon (you’ll find all of my books on this page); Barnes & Noble (you’ll find all of my books on this page); or a bookstore near you (if you don’t find the books on the shelf, the store can order them for you).


The Spellery ~ July Issue is Out!

The July Issue of The Spellery is out!
Pick up your copy today!

Yay!!…Author Interview.  I was delighted to be included, once again, in this innovative beautiful magazine.  You’ll find a 3 1/2 page interview with yours truly about books, writing, witchcraft, and personal life.  (It was my pleasure– I love the editor; and I love this magazine!)

The Spellery

Available in Digital or Print

The Spellery: FB Fan-page

The Spellery- July Issues 2015

Grimoire Spells

The following spells are included in
“The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”:

         A.  Love Spells:
               1.  Lilith’s Lust Spell
               2.  Nutmeg Fidelity Spell
               3.  Strawberry Sex Spell
               4.  Bloody Love Spell
               5.  Asunder You Shall Go
               6.  The Face of Your True Love
               7.  A Midsummer’s Eve Love Spell
          B.  Beauty
               1.  Shed Your Skin Spell
          C.  To Summon
               1.  Call Me
               2.  Summoning Powder
               3.  Rosemary Summons
               4.  To Beckon
               5.  Summoning Spirits
          D.  Health & Healing
               1.  Basic Candle Spell & Correspondences
               2.  To Cure An Illness
               3.  Healing Crystal
          E.  Command & Compel
               1.  Commanding Oil
               2.  Do My Bidding Spell
          F.  Court Case Spells
               1.  Basic Candle Spell & Correspondences
               2.  Magical Options for Legal Spells
               3.  Beef Tongue Court Case Spell
          G.  Money Spells
               1.  Basic Candle Spell & Correspondences
               2.  Money Bottle
               3.  Keep It Flowing
          H.  Spells for the Tongue
               1.  A Poppet To Stop A Gossip
               2.  Seal The Mouth Spell
               3.  Cat’s Got Your Tongue Spell
               4.  Keep My Secret
               5.  Liar Come To Light Spell
          I.   Protection
               1.  Basic Candle Spell & Correspondences
               2.  A Vehicle Blessing
               3.  To Spite Your Face
               4.  Goddess Help Us…The In-Law Spell
               5.  To Ward Negativity
          J.  Banishing
               1.  Basic Candle Spell & Correspondences
               2.  Ditch It Quick Spell
          K.  Hexing & Cursing
               1.  Return to Sender:  Basic Candle Spell & Correspondence
               2.  A Hex
               3.  A Binding
               4.  Binding Negative Behavior
               5.  Freeze Thy Enemy
               6.  Feel My Wrath Spell
               7.  Divide & Conquer
          L.  Breaking the Spell
               1.  Bind Me Not
               2.  Reverse the Curse
               3.  Breaking Another Witch’s Spell

Free Book Give-Away: The Gray Witch’s Grimoire

From Moon Books:

“Book Giveaway! Hey Everyone, if you’d like to enter the free draw to win Amythst Raine’s book “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire” visit the Moon Books blog site and click the Giveaways link…

May Updates: Heading into Summer

I’m happy to be back to business as usual, more or less, and I’ve resumed tarot readings, including personal private local readings. If you live in or near the Fremont, Nebraska, area, you can receive a personal reading with me by going to this page (click Here) and purchasing a private reading through the Paypal widget. After you’ve done that, call me to set up a date that will be convenient for both of us. You’ll find my number at this link.

*Note:  readings must be paid for in advance, before I’ll set up an appointment. I’ve had too many people who have either forgotten a scheduled reading, or who have been ‘no-shows’. This wastes both my time and my gas.

I finally got the new “Steampunk Bleu” jewelry collection up at my website, click  Here.  This collection includes original designs from “Creations by Isabella”.  She’s worked for months designing necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, all with the popular ‘steampunk’ theme; and this jewelry was literally selling as I’m putting it up– two pieces have already sold, so I suggest you take a look soon if you’re interested.


I’ve had so many requests for so long for magnetic healing bracelets, and I finally found a decent vendor for these items.  There are two different styles of hematite magnetic enchanted bracelets.  There are a variety of colors (accent beads) and a variety of enchantments; however, there are a limited number of bracelets. When you purchase one of these bracelets, be sure to let me know which color of accent bead you want, and you also get to choose what kind of enchantment you desire from the enchantments offered. ( If you have a special magickal need, let me know and I’ll see what I can do for you to personalize the enchantment.) …Click  Here.


I’m pleased to say that my book, “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”, is doing well and seems to be hitting a soft spot with a lot of gray witches and solitary witches out there.  Thank you to everyone who’s sent me personal messages.  I may not have the time to answer every email coming in, but I read them all!  If you like this book, please be sure to click the ‘Like’ button at Amazon.  If you’ve read this book and you have something to say about it, you can submit a review at the Amazon page included in the link above.  I appreciate all of the input I’ve received, it’s the most rewarding part of writing, to know that you’ve made a ‘magickal’ connection with so many people on so many levels.

The following is an excerpt from the introduction to “Spells” in “A Gray Witch’s Grimoire”:

“…The spells listed here are all taken directly from my own Book of Shadows. I’ve carefully read through and decided upon a number of spells for a variety of intentions. I’ve chosen spells which have the spirit of the gray witch about them and that will fit with the energy of this book. Some of these spells are inspired by age-old traditions and others were birthed from my own imagination, desires, and intentions.

For those of you who don’t have the heart of the gray witch, some of these spells might make you cringe; but you’ll read transfixed, nevertheless, for the pull of the wild witch is strong within us all. Some of you have just tamed her, and others have allowed her to fly free.”

Autographed Copies Available (The Gray Witch’s Grimore)

I just received copies of my book (The Gray Witch’s Grimoire), and I’ve added a paypal widget to the home page of my website for those people who have requested an autographed copy.  Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and your support!

Autographed Copy


Book Updates: Book #3

I have accepted a contract for Book #3. More details will be coming.
In the meantime, you can preorder Book #2 (The Gray Witch’s Grimoire), which is being released in May:
What makes this book unique? The world of the gray witch has been …largely avoided, misrepresented, or glossed over with various books geared gingerly towards ‘protection magic’. These books, though informative and well written as they may be, have totally missed the spirit of the gray witch – who she really is, how she relates to the world of shadow and light, and exactly what she’s willing to do to stand her ground. In our society ‘dark’ is automatically viewed as ‘evil’; and ‘light’ is automatically viewed as ‘good’. We’re expected to live completely within one realm and to totally avoid the other. This creates imbalance and is a great injustice to the true spirit of the ancient wise woman. This book puts matters to right and gives the public a view of just what the gray witch is – and what she isn’t. The gray witch does not live in a world of chaos or unbridled black magic. She has a code of honor, a sense of propriety, and a relevance in today’s society.
click  Here