Relationships ~ You’ve got to crawl out of bed some time: Reality Check

Are you in the throes of a brand new relationship rife with passion and excitement, or do you know someone who is? There’s a word of caution here. 


These are On-Camera videos, meaning we’ll be face to face. The topics, and the readings, might be no nonsense, and may or may not include some pretty blunt assessments. 

If you have a personal question that you would like me to address anonymously in these videos, email me at:

Include in the subject line: Readings with Amythyst Raine 

Purchase a private reading @ The Tarot Parlour

Visit my website: The Witch’s Corner

Relationships ~ Endings: Have a third party present

The most important message to come out of this reading today: If you are ending a relationship with someone who has been violent in the past, or someone who is emotionally unstable, or you are just not sure what kind of reaction this kind of devastating news will bring… DON’T DO THIS ALONE. Make sure a third party is with you, or a fourth, and a fifth.

If you need to return to the residence you shared with this person to retrieve belongings… DON’T GO ALONE. I do believe that most police forces will have an officer escort you to the residence if you are afraid, or if you feel unsafe.

For the rest of you… just because this relationship didn’t work out, don’t give up all hope of finding happiness. Breaking up, ending an old cycle, can be difficult and uncomfortable, but you will want to start a new cycle, a new phase of life, with a clean slate. This was a reading thick with relationship energy, and you’ll find more advice and insights on this subject in this video.

Purchase your own private reading at my website: The Tarot Parlour
click HERE

I specialize in relationship readings.

Please click the “Like” button, and/or subscribe. If you don’t do this for me, my videos will not come up for you (or anyone else). Feel free to share this video with friends and family, post it on your social media, website, or blog. Blessings and many thanks!! Amythyst

Daily Tarot Cards ~ from The Tarot Parlour

Daily Tarot Cards are up!… the theme today seems to be “Let it go”. Also, “wounded hearts tell tales” — secrets will be revealed. Enjoy this read with your morning coffee, I am.

Daily Tarot Cards ~ from The Tarot Parlour

Daily Tarot Cards are up @ The Tarot Parlour’s FB page ~ If you need something to read with your morning coffee, here you go.  (There’s lots of swords showing up today, just saying).

Discovering Your Passion

If you would like me to do a personal reading using this tarot spread, use the Paypal Widget ($49.00) at the top of this page…

The number of positions shown for the spread below does not imply the number of cards drawn for any reading. I’ll lay as many cards as it takes to get an answer.

Your Daily Cards ~ from The Tarot Parlour

Your Daily Tarot Cards ~ There’s lots of odd energy out there today, so sorry… There’s a difference between being optimistic and being naive; I smell deception; someone may be waiting in the wings to take your place; and then there’s the 3 of swords and that nasty third party energy. Read on…

Daily Tarot Cards ~ from The Tarot Parlour

Daily Tarot Cards ~ I just pulled 4 tarot cards… Lots of interesting issues coming up today, everything from emotional blackmail; to the idea of regaining control and self-confidence; and the need to make a choice & stick with it. Read on…

Your Daily Tarot Cards ~ from The Tarot Parlour

I just pulled 5 tarot cards for today.  Is there something that you need to hear?… 10/pentacles; 10/cups; 2/wands; 8/cups; 7/swords ~

I just pulled 7 of swords ~ a liar is about to put his foot in his mouth, or to fall in a well-placed trap. People who practice deception should realize that deception is a facade. This facade takes a lot of work and energy to create, and it can’t be successfully held in place forever. The truth will eventually pop out, like a glitch in the matrix. What follows is a domino effect. People who practice deception are usually willing to risk losing everything… follow the link above to see what the other cards have to say.


Your Daily Tarot Cards ~ Video!

I pulled 4 tarot cards for our daily cards today at The Tarot Parlour’s FB Page, and you can find them there in written form.  

However, I also recorded these readings and created a video for the cards today.  I posted this at The Tarot Parlour’s Website   

Your Daily Tarot Cards ~ Wistful Transitions

I just pulled 4 tarot cards for today: “Wistful Transitions” ~ there’s something you need to shed before you can move on; to move forward requires something left behind; research is required before decisions are made; it’s time to stop talking and take action. Read on…

The Tarot Parlour FB Page

Your Daily Tarot Cards ~ Messages & Manipulation

I just pulled 4 tarot cards for today ~ patience may not always pay off; it’s all about control and manipulation; a message from the past — do you really want to receive it; the hunt for that ever elusive feeling of contentment. Read on… at The Tarot Parlour’s Facebook Page

click HERE

Your Daily Tarot Cards ~ Lots of Busy Energy!

I just pulled 4 cards @ The Tarot Parlour FB page ~ It’s a busy day today… Relationships seem to prevail. Some of you may be going through a new phase; some of you are unwittingly confiding in an enemy masquerading as a friend; some of you have, or will, succumb to temptation. And on the work front, a group performance evaluation is going to prove problematic. Follow this link for more details. Look for this photo with these set of cards. You might also want to Like or Follow this tarot page to automatically receive updates.

Your Daily Tarot Cards ~ Proceed With Caution!

*Note ~ I pulled The Fool twice today for our daily cards, once upright and once reversed. After reading everything when I got it all up and posted, I realized there could be quite a connection for someone out there where The Fool is concerned. If this card applies to you, and if both versions of it posted today apply to you, you might want to give it some thought. Be cautious in your connections, be careful who and how you connect with people on the internet, or at work, or when out in public places. Just saying.


Today’s Free Tarot Reading ~ The Choice is YOURS and YOURS alone.

This reading is brought to you from The Tarot Parlour FB Page. You can visit this page to view and read cards I’ve been pulling over the past several days. Subscribe or Follow this page to receive updates. If you would like a personal reading, geared specifically to you and your energy and your circumstances, go to The Tarot Parlour.

I just pulled 10 of swords ~ It’s the final blow, or the killing blow, it’s the last straw before the beginning of the end. Beware of one last final action that makes resolution, resolvement, or reconciliation impossible. All the cards will come off the table, the curtain will descend. Fini.

I just pulled Wheel of Fortune reversed ~ Someone is all wrapped up in too much detail, or too many untruths to keep straight, or there are too many conditions and ultimatums, or there are too many people giving their opinions and advice. And all of this is tied to you and to some very important pivotal person or point in your life. At the end of the day, the decision is YOURS and YOURS ALONE.

I just pulled King of pentacles ~ 1. You have a brilliant idea that may turn out to be quite successful, or it will solve a predicament, but you haven’t shared it with anyone. 2. You’re keeping a secret, thinking it will be okay. But you haven’t counted on the energy involved, the radiance of hidden knowledge or feelings or action. Oops.

I just pulled 9 of wands ~ It’s a long climb to the top… to the top of a job, a successful relationship, an exciting goal or adventure. Don’t do anything now to trip yourself up. Think about the repercussions of a decision you are considering. If you make the wrong choice, it’s a long fall to the bottom.

Today’s Free Tarot Reading

This reading is brought to you from The Tarot Parlour FB Page. You can visit this page to view and read cards I’ve been pulling over the past several days. Subscribe or Follow this page to receive updates. If you would like a personal reading, geared specifically to you and your energy and your circumstances, go to The Tarot Parlour.

I just pulled The Emperor reversed ~ The wind has been knocked out of your sails. You may feel like retreating to quieter waters for smoother sailing, at least for a while. Something has been put to rest, but at a great price. Someone is STILL hanging on tight, but keeping silent. Men, watch your health, especially if you’ve gone through a stressful period lately.

I just pulled 7 of pentacles ~ No matter how diligently you’re keeping an eye on something (your money, your partner, your work, something precious to you)… You’re losing bits and pieces of it in such small amounts that you’re not going to notice anything is wrong until it’s too late. Recheck financial accounts, pay closer attention to your partner, be more alert at work.

I just pulled 3 of pentacles reversed ~ You’re working so hard and still feel that you’re making no headway. What are you working on? You might feel that the grass looks greener on the other side… for work, for relationships, for circumstances. Be careful. What you might find on the other side of the fence is illusion.

I just pulled Wheel of Fortune ~ if something has been pretty shitty, iffy, and unsatisfactory; if you’ve felt the dark shadow of negative energy breathing down your neck, it’s going to get better. There’s people and energy and spiritual stuff going on in the background that are working like cogs in a wheel to change your path, to clear the way, to straighten something out, to pave the road, to close the deal.

Today’s Free Tarot Reading

This reading is brought to you from The Tarot Parlour FB Page. You can visit this page to view and read cards I’ve been pulling over the past several days. Subscribe or Follow this page to receive updates. If you would like a personal reading, geared specifically to you and your energy and your circumstances, go to The Tarot Parlour.

I just pulled The Hanged Man ~ Someone is relying upon someone else for things they shouldn’t. You are being fed opinions, ideas, answers, or suggestions by someone who doesn’t have your best interest in mind. What they’re doing is going to benefit themselves and the outcome that they wish for. You are being spoon fed a bunch of crap by an angry vindictive person. Spit it out.

I just pulled 2 of wands reversed ~ If you’re not getting the attention, the time, the comfort, the emotional investment that you feel you need from the source it should be coming from, you will be tempted to turn else where. If you are not giving the attention, the time, the comfort, the emotional investment to someone for whom you are the source, they will turn else where. Humans find solace where they can.

I just pulled Queen of cups ~ emotions rule. This is just too large an issue, too important a decision, too deep a wound, too profound a betrayal, too riveting a circumstance. It will not allow your head, your common sense, your better judgment, to give an opinion, to formulate an action. It’s slippery, whatever the issue, and it’s going to be difficult to hang onto it in order to correct or solve it.

I just pulled The Empress ~ Someone is holding something over you… their power. They’re holding secrets, they’re holding onto influence, they’re holding on to something that is not theirs to keep. They’re no longer doing it now because it’s what they really want; they’re hanging on now just to prove a point, to get the last word, to feel superior, to feel victorious. What did they win? Better yet, what did you lose?