Does It Really Work?

I recently had an individual inquiring about my Candle Altar Services. It was pretty much the usual type of email that I get… relationship issues, unhappiness, not knowing what to do, desperate to find something that would help them with their situation. This person was interested in purchasing a candle vigil and had some questions, like which candle to choose — which stumped me, because the only options at this page are a one candle vigil and a three candle vigil.

I told this person that the difference between these options were the fact that, with the three candle vigil, I could burn more than one candle for different intentions, which would include different colors, different herbs, different oils, etc. I explained that the issues involved in some of life’s circumstances are a bit complex. And I choose the candles.

They appreciated my quick response, and came back with this question:

Do they (candle vigils) really work?

  • I wouldn’t be burning candles for intentions (both for myself, and family, as well as outsiders) if I didn’t believe that it worked.
  • The success, or failure, of a spell, spiritual ritual, or prayer can lay with the strength of someone’s belief, as in “knowing”, or as in “faith” for some spiritual paths.
  • If you don’t “believe” that something’s going to work, there is a great chance that it won’t.
  • I stated that no one can guarantee the success of a spiritual ritual or prayer. (Would you think of asking a Catholic priest if his novena to St. Anne “worked”?)
  • I explained that, although this is my spiritual path and practice, and I take it quite seriously, for legal reasons I have to include a disclaimer at the bottom of my website that states: “All magickal merchandise and services are sold for entertainment purposes only.” The fact that, to protect myself legally, I have to include this statement does not mean that I don’t personally believe that witchcraft, candle magick, and spells REALLY work.

Since I haven’t heard back from this individual, I can only assume that they wanted some sort of guarantee. Spirit doesn’t work that way.

Natural Magick ~ Links

Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way ~ Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way explores the magick and mystery of old world traditions from a unique perspective, that of the Gray Witch. Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way is an excellent companion book to The Gray Witch’s Grimoire!

Special Sale ~ The Spiritual Feminist

Just in time for Christmas!  Note:  This book was published by Moon Books, and I have no control over the sale and promotion… I do not know how long this special will last!

Special Price ~ The Spiritual Feminist (was $24.99, now $5.29…paperback!) The Spiritual Feminist empowers today’s woman through the Goddess ~

click  HERE

“So many people throughout my life have told me who I am, what I must do, what I can’t do, what I have to complete, and what I will never be able to accomplish, and then I met the Goddess.” (From The Spiritual Feminist) …The Spiritual Feminist empowers today’s modern woman through the Goddess, connecting her to ancient matriarchal divinity and spiritual practices which invoke this energy.


Spiritual Feminism ~ What’s it all about?

What’s it all about?… It’s about embracing the feminine divine.  It’s about matriarchal divinity and the mysteries revealed.  It’s about connecting with the feminine aspect of Spirit.  It’s about connecting with 45 goddesses from around the world!  — Cultural Appropriation… Bring it on!  I’m an American; I’m a blend of numerous cultures and peoples with every generational step back I take… from parents, to grandparents, to great-grandparents, great-great grandparents, and beyond.  It’s all about learning how to incorporate Spirit into our lives; it’s about learning to love ourselves and feed our egos with healthy affirmations.  It’s about self-empowerment; it’s about learning to empower and support each other!

Listen to the following radio interview for an in-depth discussion on these topics and more!


You’ll find all of this and more in my book,

The Spiritual Feminist



The Jesus Dilemma ~ What do you say to them?

First, I want to start off by saying that I respect ALL religions.  I want to start off by saying that there is no one true right path.  I want to start off by saying that each individual has the right to choose their spiritual path and the beliefs that they adhere to, and they deserve this right to be respected by the world community without coercion, ridicule, or prejudice.

I have nothing against Christianity or Jesus.  I have dear family members who follow this spiritual path as well as individuals close to our family circle, and I would not think of interfering with their decision, or degrading their practices, beliefs, and dogmas.  Among my own immediate family circle, we are a wide and diverse group.  My seven children include, not only Christian practitioners, but Buddhists, agnostics, Wiccans, atheists, and more.  Apparently this is something that makes us unique as a group of people that are close knit in spite of our varied and often conflicting spiritual beliefs.

It’s all good.

The ONLY thing that I find offensive about Christianity and the Jesus cult is the hard-core Christians who have a very obnoxious attitude of “My way or the highway”; their incessant domineering insistence that you must believe what they believe; and their often disrespectful attitude and response to people of other spiritual paths.  Sometimes this is very over-bearing and “in your face”, and other times it’s very subtle with biting quips and off hand remarks.

How should non-Christians respond when confronted by disrespect regarding our spiritual paths, practices, and deities without being disrespectful to someone elses’ spirituality?

It’s a conundrum.

A brief note to Christians determined to convert the non-Chrisitian ~

1.  Just as grounded and passionate as you are about your Christian faith, we are just as grounded and passionate about our faith.

2.  “But the Bible says…” — You are assuming that everyone in the world views the Bible as a divine work from the spirit world.  Not so.  I can’t speak for other non-Christians, but I view the Bible as a piece of literature written by men, from a male perspective, over the course of centuries, and modified much through various translations since then.  (Although the original was bad enough.)  There is nothing divine about it to me.  As a matter of fact, as a woman I find it very insulting and reflective of the negative attitudes towards women that prevailed back in the day, and even survives to some degree in modern times.

What the Bible says does not impress me.

3.  “You need God in your life…” — I’m assuming as in “god” you are referring to a super-natural entity of a high vibration.  If this is the case, I call this entity “Goddess”, and She indeed enriches my life and life experiences through my connection with Her and the daily spiritual practices I use to connect with Her energy.  I can only speak for myself when I say that I view divinity as a universal consciousness expressed around the world through a variety of pantheons, spiritual practices, mystical stories, and archetypes.  However you personally connect with “Divinity”, it will be a unique and blessed experience.  Just because your experience is different from my experience, it does not invalidate my experience, or the higher vibrational entity that I connect with on my spiritual journey.

4.  “I’ll pray for you…” — Under certain circumstances, this can be a positive statement to hear.  For instance, you’re facing a problem or a decision and close friends or family who are of the Christian faith want good things to happen for you.  It’s like saying, I’m on your side, or I’ll add my energy for a positive outcome, or I’m concerned about you and I want to help.  But when this comes from the lips of someone who is trying to convert you, someone who has pestered and preached to you about your spirituality, someone who has been at you to try and convince you that you are wrong in your beliefs… Then this statement can be chilling.

All thoughts are energy, no matter who they come from or what they consist of.  The energy that these people will be sending out into the universe will be very negative and conflicting with your soul and your connection to divinity.  Personally, I view this as the ultimate insult.

I like to respond without being negative or rude if at all possible.  I usually say, “Well, while you’re praying for me, I’ll be casting a spell for you.”  This generally brings about a very shocked reaction.  Maybe they never considered that you would reciprocate in kind, or that this was even an option.

5.  “It’s heaven or hell…” —  Actually, this is inaccurate.  The non-Christian has so many other options.  First, I have to say that the idea of “hell” came from the Bible, the book that was written by controlling domineering males who wanted to intimidate and frighten people, which would make it so much easier to control people.  So we can just let hell go all together.

Other spiritualities have a variety of beliefs in what happens to us after death.  I can only speak for myself.  The following perceptions were typed out randomly, as they came to mind, in no specific order:

I believe in life after death; I also believe in reincarnation.  I believe that it’s possible for some very enlightened gifted individuals to connect with the spirits of those who have passed and communicate with them.  I believe in the Wiccan idea of  “The Summerland”.  I believe that certain soul connections are so strong and indomitable that they reconnect through many life times.  I believe that the soul is set free of the physical body at death.  I believe we have spirit guides to help us through major transitions in life, which includes death.



The Witch’s Corner ~ May Magick!

“…Thank you to all the people who sent me their true Ouija Board Experiences! It was fascinating hearing about what you went through and how it has affected you. I enjoyed reading your stories, and I’m betting the viewers will enjoy hearing them! Again, thank you for taking the time and effort to send them to me. You’ll find the Ouija Board Stories in this month’s Newsletter Video…scroll down.

The “Special Offer” for this month’s newsletter ~ When you purchase a 3 card audio tarot reading, you’ll receive a FREE crescent moon pendant. (While supplies last). This offer expires on May 31st, so you’d better scroll all the way down to the bottom of this newsletter and use the Paypal widget found there.

Check out the section, Spell-a-Day: Monday-Friday Magick, for some magickal inspiration and some pretty vibrant and major magickal candle spells. Included in this section are the following spells ~ Spirit Guide Protection; Goin’ to the Chapel; Loosin’ the Pen; Goin’ for Broke; The Goddess in Me.

There’s also a special video section this month with some inspiration from some amazing Youtube women. Kudos to them! I hope you enjoy their videos as much as I do!

You’ll find all the usual sections on herbs, stones, and moon magick… I hope you enjoy browsing this newsletter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a wonderful, happy, magickal May!…”



Amazon Ranking!

My book The Spiritual Feminist is ranked #170 in the Goddess category at Amazon right now… Not too shabby! Woot!

I stumbled upon this information by accident today when I was updating my FB pages.  The numbers at Amazon are in a constant state of flux and change, so I don’t really keep track of this information intentionally, but I might pay closer attention now.  This book has its own Facebook page (as all of my books do):

“So many people throughout my life have told me who I am, what I must do, what I can’t do, what I have to complete, and what I will never be able to accomplish, and then I met the Goddess.” (From The Spiritual Feminist) …The Spiritual Feminist empowers today’s modern woman through the Goddess, connecting her to ancient matriarchal divinity and spiritual practices which invoke this energy.


What’s it all about? ~ Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way


You can purchase this book, and my other books, at Amazon.
My Amazon Author Page ~
Amazon/France ~
Amazon/Germany ~
Amazon/UK ~

A Snippet from “Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way ~

A snippet from “Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way”.

The section: Questions & Answers.

 The Question: Do witches worship Satan?

 Part of the answer: “It would be a little difficult for witches to worship something they don’t even believe in…Satan is a newbie, an invention of genius by the early Christians to control a population through fear and intimidation. He’s the boogie man of the Christian bible, the friction needed for a good story– good versus evil. He adds drama to the novel.”


New Book Release! ~ “Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way”

Good morning, World! I’m starting the day off with some Great News ~ I have a new book that will be launching the end of this month with AMAZON: “Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way”.  It’s available in paperback.

Watch my Amazon Author Page where you can purchase Your Copy!…

Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way explores the magick and mystery of old world traditions from a unique perspective, that of the Gray Witch. While the modern world and everything in it are often viewed as either black or white, there are those magickal practitioners who recognize a more realistic normality ~ that shady gray area where the lines are blurred, and the adventuresome practitioners will discover that witchcraft can consist of power and justice, as well as love and peace. And in this realization comes an epiphany, one is not so different from the other. Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way is an excellent companion book to The Gray Witch’s Grimoire.

Edit:  This book just went LIVE at Amazon! Woot!



The Voodoo Kit ~ available at The Witch’s Corner

This box includes:

1.  a wee voodoo dollie

2.  candles

3.  sea salt

4.  cemetery dirt

5.  straight pins

6.  coffin nails

7.  a small bottle of uncrossing oil

8.  incense

The Voodoo Kit


click  HERE

The incense (3 cones) are not shown in the photo above.


My Magick Box

A special gift box to set someone
on their magickal journey.

One-of-a-Kind Item!!
(only one available)

Here’s a peek inside My Magick Box,

Follow this link,



  This box is loaded with magickal goodies for the new witch, and would be the perfect “Starter Kit”.  This box would also be just the thing for the seasoned witch who wants to add some new items to her magickal cupboard.  It is the perfect Yule gift!
1)  Candles ~ 3 white votive candles, ready to set with any intention; and three black votive candles ready to disperse negative energy, uncross crossed conditions, and to provide protection2)  Oils ~ uncrossing oil; money oil; love oil; protection oil; black cat oil

3)  Herbs ~ rosemary, sage, mint, cloves and rose petals; for beauty/blessing, cleansing, money/prosperity, protection, and love

4)  Incense ~ 12 Nag Champa cones

5) One rose quartz pendulum in a black velvet bag ~ the perfect divination tool

6)  Four stones ~ one for each of the four elements; Earth, Air, Fire, Water

7)  Voodoo Dollies ~ red, for love; green, for money or health; black, for protection.

8)  Book of Shadows ~ a pink leather bound journal (pen included)

9)  Other items included:  straight pins; ribbons…white, red, green, black; 8 white gauze drawstring bags; sea salt; cemetery dirt; coffin nails

My Magick Box

$175.99+ postage

click  HERE  and scoll down

A Few Magickal Things

             Yes!  This is MY cup of apple cider.

It’s in the mid-to-upper 40s here this morning; and even though it’s a bit chilly, that didn’t stop me from going outside on the back porch in nothing but my nightgown to get some cold apple cider from the kettle-that-is-way-too-big-for-the-fridge. It was exhilarating! (both the cold and the cider) 

I have discovered this morning that my Samhain Apple Cider is as good cold as it is hot; it’s rather refreshing cold (remember, along with lots of the usual spices, I add peach tea bags to mine). Yum.

                                                                                                           These are mine…they could be yours ~
These are a beautiful set of chakra pendulums. I’ve had them for some time now, priced as a set (I won’t break the set up); and they’re being offered at a price which breaks down to about $10 a piece. I won’t go any lower, and I probably should have gone higher. I’ve now put a time limit on them…if I don’t sell them by January 1st, 2018, I’m taking them down, and they will permanently be mine!
This photo is a hot love spell that was underway for a client. I’ve always said that I don’t do spells for people, but maybe that’s not entirely accurate. I have a Candle Altar Service, traditionally called “Setting the Lights”, and I will dress and burn a spell candle for you for your particular intention. I prepare this on a tray, as you see in the photo, with additional herbs, stones, and sometimes some very interesting items added to it. When all is said and done and it’s burned down, I use the remaining candle wax, along with the herbs from the tray, as well as extra herbs and things, and create a mojo bag from the spell remnants that I mail to you. This has been very successful, and I’ve received enthusiastic emails from very happy clients.
PS ~ the stuff I add to the mojo bag will definitely not include the statue that you see in the photo! This has a place of honor on my entertainment center, and it’s raised more than a few eyebrows from guests of varying ages and spiritual backgrounds. If you can’t see it clearly, it’s a couple caught in the rapture of a sexual pose. It’s proven quite effective in spells to produce not only love but some major physical passion as well (she says with a smile).

A Woman’s Path to The Goddess

“So many people throughout my life have told me who I am, what I must do, what I can’t do, what I have to complete, and what I will never be able to accomplish…and then I met the Goddess.”

~ Amythyst Raine

This book can be found @ MOON BOOKS ~ ;


BARNES & NOBLE ~ ; or any fine bookstore near you.

The Magick Box ~ A Special Gift Box to Set Someone On Their Magickal Journey

This is what’s up on the Home Page at The Witch’s Corner. It’s just a bit of magick to get someone started on that special journey, or a bit of inspiration for someone who’s been traveling these parts for a while now. This is a one-of-a-kind item, and when it’ sold, it will quietly disappear.  Again, one of those “first come, first serve” opportunities.  If you’re interested, follow the link:

Special Gift Box
full of Magickal Treasures

9″ long X 8 3/4″ wide X 5 1/2″ tall
This beautiful box contains the following items:
1.  3 taper candles/white
2.  3 scented votive candles/white, pink, red
3.  1 pink BFF Voodoo Doll
4.  Moonstone Pendant
5.  3 Magickal Oils ~
Queen’s Oil/Cups
6.  Hematite Bracelet
7.  1 spiral journal/floral
8.  Body Products ~
Bath Gel/Lavendar Serenity
Bath Salts/Lavendar Serenity
Body Lotion/Lavendar Serenity
The total price for these items, if purchased separately, comes to $167.94.  As part of the gift box, most of the items listed are being sold at half-price, which brings this entire purchase to $90.94.But I’m offering an even bigger deal on our “Summer Magick” gift box, and that’s an extra 20% off the Half Price!

You get this beautiful box filled with magickal items for the special sale price of ~


 The following items are part of this magickal package ~

Affirmations ~ Time for Reinforcement: Physically, Spiritually, Mentally

The following blog post is an excerpt from my book, The Spiritual Feminist.  This book was a journey.  It was not just a writing process; it was self-therapy, it was revolutionizing new thoughts, it was hindsight recorded for my daughters, it was a journey through my life at so many points…until I suddenly realized that it was a journey through life for so many women with so many common factors, questions, doubts, and fears.

I hope you enjoy; and I hope there’s something here worth taking with you ~


The Physical Aspect
This is my body…No one shall touch this body without my express permission. No one shall impose upon my body a physical action, intention, criteria, procedure, or judgment, that I have not expressly approved. This is my body, created by the Mother Goddess in all the glory of her likeness. Whether this body be large or small, fit or weak; whether this body align with the cultural views and norms of my society or not: My body is beautiful and will be respected as such.

Questions for Introspection
The Physical
1. What is my best feature?
2. What are two things about my body I’d like to change?
3. What would I have to do to make these changes?
4. Realistically, would it be possible for me to do this, and if I could successfully make these changes, who would I be making them for?
5. Am I able to accept my physical body in it’s beautiful natural state; am I able to embrace myself as I am?
6. Is my body healthy?
7. If not, what are my health issues?
8. What do I need to do in order to correct these issues, or just generally improve my health, strength, and endurance?
9. List three things you know are not healthy for you but you do anyway.
10. List three things you do for yourself that contribute to your physcial well-being.
11. What do I love most about my body?

The Spiritual Aspect
I will connect with the universe through the Divine Feminine, and through that connection with my ancestors and the root of all that is me…For centuries the Divine Feminine has been ripped from the heart and soul of womanhood, shrouded in stories of evil encompassing snakes and apples, betrayal and guilt. Womanhood needs to wrestle its freedom from this lie, to regain its strength and equilibrium through the power of the Mother Goddess.

Through the youthful exuberance of the Maiden, the fertility of the Mother, and the wisdom of the Crone, we have to pass on to our daughters the beauty of the feminine mystique, impressing upon them the reverence and respect that is its due. While the world still revolves around the decisions of men, it is women who harvest its bounty through their children, their art, their writing, their dreams, and their strong sense of nurturing. It is woman who builds up; and through her spirituality and connection with the Goddess, woman can repair the damage of previous generations, building new futures and opportunities for her children.

With our strong and renewed sense of connection to the Feminine Divine, the most important thing we can do is to impart upon our fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons the strength, beauty, wisdom, and power of womanhood at its most pure. We can lead them back to the Goddess, who is, after all, their Mother too.

Questions for Introspection
The Spiritual
1. Do I feel a strong connection with Feminine Divinity?
2. How has the Goddess touched my life?
3. Do I feel free to embrace Goddess Spirituality openly?
4. If not, what are the obtacles to doing so?
5. Realistically, can these obstacles be overcome?
6. What do I do each day to connect with Spirit?
7. How has my connection to the Goddess and my spiritual practices enhanced my daily life?
8. List three things that you think impede your spiritual growth.
9. List three things that have inspired you during your life.
10. What do you love most about your spirituality right now?
11. Is there a woman you know who would benefit by learning about the Mother Goddess?

The Mental Aspect
I will not allow other people’s opinions to form the image I carry of myself…Whether these opinions are formed and passed on to me by friends, family, or foe. If these opinions are filled with negativity, if these opinions are laced with jealousy, spite, judgmental prejudice, ambiguity, cruelty, or ignorance, I will disregard these opinions. These opinions will be shed as a snake sheds its skin, leaving renewed vitality and beauty beneath, exposing my true nature, in tune with the Goddess and a healthy ego.

Questions for Introspection
The Mental
1. Do I expect too much of myself?
2. Do I feel like I have to be responsible for everyone?
3. Is there a lot of stress in your life right now?
4. If so, what are the main causes of this stress?
5. Realistically, can the circumstances or people causing this stress be resolved or dismissed from your life?
6. If so, what steps must you take to correct the issue?
7. Do you give yourself time to daydream?
8. When you are sad, what makes you happy?
9. What makes you laugh?
10. What makes you cry?
11. What are you afraid of?
12. Do you have someone in your life with whom you can share your deepest thoughts?

The Source for this blogpost is ~


order your copy HERE

Updates from THE WITCH’S CORNER!

The following are new products that can be found at
my website ~

Amethyst Pendants:  Click HERE

Zen Gardens:  Click  HERE

Magickal Bath Salts:  Click  HERE

Money Wash:  Click  HERE


New services offered at THE WITCH’S CORNER ~
Spell Consultations
Do you want to cast a spell, but you’re not sure how?  Do you want to cast a spell, but you’re not sure which herbs, candles, oils, etc. to use? You don’t know how to dress a candle?  You don’t know how to cast a circle?  You don’t have anyone around you to ask?Is there some specific magickal working you need information, advice, or help with?  I offer 30 minute spell consultations to give you the information you need to successfully cast spells.

 click  HERE
Featured Tarot Reading for April ~
 Desires & Fears
1. this is where you came from
2. this is where you are going
3. this is what is difficult for you
4. this is what makes sense
5. this is your ultimate goal
 Audio Reading
Desires & Fears
click  HERE
 THANK YOU so much for visiting my blog today!  I hope you take away something special from your visit.  This is my “sacred space”, so to speak, my private journal; my therapist; and my joy.  It’s taken years to build, and it is as treasured as if it were a tattered leather-bound keepsake full of secrets and revelations.
 Blessings, Amythyst