10th Anniversary edition! Tarot: A Witch’s Journey

It was 10 years ago that my first book, Tarot: A Witch’s Journey, was published by Labyrinth House Publishing!  In honor of this anniversary, there is a brand new completely Revised and Illustrated edition for sale at Amazon.

The witch’s tarot journey continues:

“It’s all about the journey, not the destination”, as the saying goes. Follow author, Amythyst Raine, through the realm of Tarot, uncovering life’s mysteries along the way. Explore esoteric connections through the cards with astrology, numerology, and the Kabbalah. Delve into criminal cases explored intimately through the intricacies of the tarot and intuitive reading. Connect with and experience the human psyche through the court cards. Discover tarot’s power within the magick of the occult world. Begin your journey through the realm of Tarot today.

Purchase your copy today!

Paperback: $18.95
Kindle: $7.99

You’ll find the information organized in a new easy to find, easy to read format.  There’s plenty of space to jot down your own notes for each section.  You’ll also find a special table of contents in the front of the book for Spells.

Amazon Reviews

  • Bugs ~ The middle to end of the book dives deeper into readings – readings to help solve crimes, with case studies, and then goes deeper yet into magickal correspondences – using the cards along with numerology and systems of Western magic in spells. Several examples of spells are given. Students that have studied Crowley’s system of using the tarot may particularly enjoy the very last of the book – it may not be as clear to beginning students but serious occultists should find it quite useful.
  • Katie ~ I really liked this whole book but the parts I really really enjoyed were the breakdown of each card and its meaning along with her personal voice or experience with each card. Anyone can re-word traditional meanings of the cards but Amythyst adds in her own VOICE, I feel like she was right in the room with me sharing her knowledge and wisdom. The section on Tarot and crimes really hit a nerve with me because of my involvement criminal justice system. Amythyst shared her personal readings of missing people cases and shared an outcome (if there was one). This chapter just made me respect the author more. {I really wish we lived in a society that would at least take into consideration the use of a proficient psychic in criminal cases} I also enjoyed the section on tarot and numerology which added a whole new level to explore when doing tarot readings, and tarot spells (there are some great spells in there that I can’t wait to try out!}

My Morning Cuppa’ ~ Protection Tea

Good morning, Witchlings! At our house it’s time for a cuppa’. I’m going to be using my book, Green Witchcraft Grimoire, and one of my own magical recipes inside to brew a “Protection Tea”. The following is an excerpt from my new book for those of you who don’t have a copy yet. And here’s a link, so you can order your copy today because you don’t want to miss out on all the cool info, recipes, rituals… and more!



  • Herbs: powdered ginseng, whole cloves (protection from gossip), rosemary (general protection)
  • Tea: white tea bag
  • A cup
  • Teakettle
  • Hot water

Protection tea is a good tea to drink at least once a month, whether you think you feel the need or not. It’s like clearing the air and space around you, as well as your spirit, from anything or anyone that might complicate your life or cause harm in some way. This doesn’t have to be something big, scary, and dangerous. There are little things in life that we need protection from, little things that tarnish the energy around us in such subtle ways that we may not be immediately aware of it.

Protection tea will take care of those little things.

Amythyst Raine ~ @Amazon

For the Seasoned Witch or the New Practitioner ~ Here’s a book for you!

Image may contain: plant

Writing a book is something an author does mostly on their own, so now that Green Witchcraft Grimoire is available for pre-order it’s so meaningful for me to share it with you, my online community. I’m proud of how the book turned out, especially how it will help new pagans who have just discovered green witchcraft as well as the seasoned green witch who may discover a tip, or recipe, or spell or two that brings a smile to her face. By pre-ordering your copy of Green Witchcraft Grimoire you’re supporting me and helping get the message out to other readers.

Please pre-order your copy of the book now!

Green Witchcraft Grimoire ~ What does this bring to mind for you?

This quote from Green Witchcraft Grimoire says a lot about green witchcraft and the green witch: “Not all of us face daunting danger every day, but sometimes we all face something that scares us. It’s okay to be scared but it’s not okay to flee in the face of something we need to confront. When something is coming up in life and you’re going to need a little extra courage to stand up to it, you can cast this spell…” ~ What does this bring to mind for you?

Please support me by pre-ordering a copy of this book at Amazon: https://amzn.to/2X7DGbk

Green Witchcraft Grimoire ~ Let the Magic Find you!

Pinch me! Here’s an actual, real-life, print copy of my new book, Green Witchcraft Grimoire. It’s been a long time coming to fruition, since I began this book last December. I’m delighted to share it with you now. Want to show your support?

Pre-order your copy right here: https://amzn.to/2X7DGbk

Astrological & Celestial Connections ~ Green Witchcraft Grimoire

One of the most important aspects of green witchcraft is its esoteric connection with astrology. Because of the strong association to the natural earth and its energies, the green witch’s connection to celestial energies is often overlooked. That’s why I included this helpful information in chapter five (Celestial Spells) of my new book Green Witchcraft Grimoire.

There are tons more tips and tricks like this all throughout Green Witchcraft Grimoire, so if you found this helpful, take a moment to go pre-order your copy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2X7DGbk

Sneak Peek Inside & Table of Contents

Amy Blackwell’s illustrations inspire magic throughout the book!

There’s a lot to cover in the world of green witchcraft — so much so, that I literally wrote the book on it. ~ If you could pick any one thing to learn more about green witchcraft, what would it be? Take a peek at the Table of Contents for Green Witchcraft Grimoire (out on July 14th) and let me know in the comments below!

Then, don’t forget to order the book for your own collection: https://amzn.to/2X7DGbk
Table of Contents: 

Part I: A World Full of Magic

Chapter 1: Nurture Your Nature

  1. Spells for the Organic Realm
  2. Seasonal Spells
  3. Rituals for the Equinoxes
  4. Celebrate the Solstices
  5. Watch Closely Ye Weather
  6. Phases of the Moon and Esbats

Chapter 2: Of Stones and Wax, Magic ~ Magic with Crystals, Candles, and Incense

  1. Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals
  2. Crystal Clear Spells and Meditations
  3. A Rainbow of Candles
  4. Candle Magic
  5. Incense and Smudging

Chapter 3: Within Your Witchy Kitchen ~ Magical Remedies and Recipes

  1. The Witch’s Kitchen
  2. The Witch’s Garden
  3. Balms, Salves, and Oils
  4. Elixirs and Tinctures
  5. Leaf Not Your Power ~ Magical Teas to Brew
  6. Of Sacred Cakes and Blessed Bread ~ Magical Recipes to Eat and Offer

Part II: From the Sigils to the Stars ~ Star Magic and Spells for Union, Protection, and Divination

Chapter 4: Rituals and Rites ~ Ceremonies for Love and Light

  1. Spells to Welcome and Unite
  2. Spells to Protect, Relent, and Release
  3. Chapter 5: Look to the Stars ~ Astrological Signs and Celestial Spells
  4. Astrological Zodiac Signs
  5. Celestial Spells

Chapter 6: Of Signs and Sigils ~ Divination and Sigil Magic

  1. Blessed Be the Crystal Ball
  2. Make Use of the Mirror
  3. See the Sigil Anew

Chapter 7: Wield Wisely the Wood ~ Handcrafts and Charms with Natural Materials

  1. Which Wood for the Witch
  2. Crafty Be the Witch

BOOK Launch!! ~ Green Witchcraft Grimoire

This book is up for PRE-ORDER at Amazon.
It will be available July 14th.

click HERE

Explore green witchcraft and grow your own connection to natural magic.

The green witch is a healer and practitioner of natural magic, who uses the power of plants, crystals, and the elements to draw on the energy of the earth. With the Green Witchcraft Grimoire in hand, you’ll learn how to harness your inner green witch and develop your own unique magical practice. It’s your how-to grimoire guide to the craft, loaded with spells, rituals, and recipes to help you create everything from meditation oils to sleep tinctures and spells for safe travels.

In this grimoire, you’ll find sections for working with stones, candles, herbs, and sigils, along with personal and reflective writing space. Take notes on the results of your spells and recipes, and the energies and ideas that come to you as you practice and grow. Over time, this practical grimoire will become your own keepsake record of spells cast, organic ingredients used, and recipes to share in the future.

Green Witchcraft Grimoire helps you:

  1. Cast your green circle―Begin with simple directions for preparing your own sacred space for rituals, ceremonies, and solitary magical connection.
  2. Within your witchy kitchen―Discover the everyday essentials for any green witch’s kitchen and the tools you’ll need to create balms, salves, oils, and elixirs.
  3. Seek or be guided―Use this grimoire to look up the herb you need, or flip through it at random to catch information the universe is directing you to find.

The Green Witchcraft Grimoire is loaded with knowledge and will be an invaluable tool in your practice of green witchcraft.

Amythyst Raine, Author of “Green Witchcraft Grimoire”

Natural Magick ~ Links

Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way ~ Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way explores the magick and mystery of old world traditions from a unique perspective, that of the Gray Witch. Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way is an excellent companion book to The Gray Witch’s Grimoire!

Wheel of Fortune

The following is an excerpt from my book, The Ultimate Tarot Guide for Your Personal Tarot Journey.  You can purchase your copy at Amazon.

Wheel of Fortune 
Keywords: completion; a game plan; success; Lady Luck; the gambler; taking chances; all your eggs in one basket; winning the lottery

Archetypes: The Gambler (Kenny Rodgers); Robin Hood; race car drivers; politicians; business women





Astrological Sun Sign/Aquarius

In a Nutshell: Luck

Upright Interpretation:

There is the immense relief of getting something accomplished, of meeting a deadline, of coming to the end of a monumental task, the satisfaction of having completed a job-well-done. This is a happy cat-chasing-it’s-tale card, but with a game plan, a touche to the world. If no one else understands where you’re coming from, or how you’re going to do what it is you’re planning to do, know that you– and the universe– will have it all straight.

Reversed Interpretation: The cat’s still chasing it’s tale, but this time it’s going in mindless circles with no game plan and not a clue as how to stop the merry-go-round to get off. You’re a long way from done, says the reversed Wheel of Fortune. Everything is left open, up in the air, with nary a solution or set date of completion in sight. Get a grip. Don’t let life, or unforeseen circumstances, rule the outcome of your day, your week, your month, or your life.

Study Questions:

1. What is your first impression of this card?

2. What does this card mean to You?

3. Are there details on this card that especially stand out for you? If so, write them down and explain.

4. How does this card define relationships?

5. How does this card define financial circumstances?

6. How is this card relevant to health issues?

Affirmations for Meditation:

1. I won’t be afraid to take a chance.

2. I won’t be afraid to take a chance while using Common Sense.

3. I won’t let an opportunity pass me by.

4. I will learn and live, love and grow, by grasping at Life’s impossibilities.

5. I can do it; I can do it; I can do it!

Images & Symbolism:

Hebrew Letter/Kaph

Symbol for Letter & Sun-Sign/grasping hand

Crystal or Stone/amethyst


Musical Note/A#

A Tarot Reading for The Wheel of Fortune:

Wheel of Fortune ~ The World ®; 10/pentacles; Queen/cups ®
Everything is spinning, including the Earth and human lives, spinning towards their destiny, spinning out of control, spinning onto other levels, spinning closer towards endings and beginnings. Your movement, Wheel of Fortune, is dizzy and off-center, a little tipsy maybe, as if you’ve had a glass or two of wine, or something even stronger. There comes with this movement a sense of closure or completion, a sense of fulfillment, a sense of relief. Are you playing with us, or with yourself, dear Wheel of Fortune, as from the center of your card, you boldly and firmly state, “What goes around, comes around.”

Lady Luck, they call you, and with this power you wield, you either drop golden coins on surprised recipients, or you empty the pockets of those daring enough to face off with you one too many times. It gives the world pause for thought. Is life just really one big chance? Are we here to fulfill a destiny, or are we nothing more than numbers spinning on some luminous game of chance in the center of this big black universe? And what is destiny, after all, and what constitutes riches and golden precious coins. All of these things may be something different for each individual, and it’s this glaring fact that you chase us with.

Wheel of Fortune, you inspire us to follow our dreams, to listen to our intuition, to open our arms to visions. You remind us of the connection we have with Spirit and the laws of physics, and the hard reality of life. You remind us that chances often come from the most unexpected direction and source, and you fill us with a sense of hope. If life is a game, you tell us, we all have an equal chance to win. 

Tarot for Grownups

Tarot for Grownups ~ (Review)


This 126 page tarot how-to was probably one of the most entertaining books on the great 78 I have read in awhile. The author and her unique storytelling style held me captivated right from jump. She told it like it was and thought out of the box when it came to the meaning of the cards. It was like sitting down with someone over coffee as they explained the inner workings of the tarot. She absolutely delightfully is not by the book and it just felt so real and refreshing. I would recommend this special helper to anyone looking for an out of the box approach to divination. Thanks Amythyst, you do so rock, I will never look at the tarot quite the same way again.Love & Light, Riki Frahmann

Breaking Another Sales Barrier! ~ The Gray Witch’s Grimoire

I’m very proud to let you know that The Gray Witch’s Grimoire has broken another sales barrier! This slender volume of witchcraft and wise-woman energy just keeps giving and giving. If you don’t have a copy, you can purchase one at this link ~


Love & the Cups ~ from “The Ultimate Tarot Guide…”

[An Excerpt]…from “The Ultimate Tarot Guide for Your Personal Tarot Journey”:

Ace/Cups ~ With the ace of cups you hold in your hand all of the visions, dreams, and love you will experience in this lifetime… every relationship that touches your existence, every dream-scape that you travel in your sleep, every vision you experience through Spirit spills from the ace of cups. You swim within this realm enveloped by the magic of it all. The real dilemma of this ace comes in managing all of the images, emotions, and depth that you experience with feeling, really FEELING, life.

With the ace of cups, you will learn the importance of filters and boundaries.

Beware. There is the danger of being entangled in fantasy, deluged with paranoia and narcissism, caught in the web of self-deceit.

Be prepared to sort out reality from delusion.

My Personal Connection:
The Ace of Cups has been my biggest challenge in life (me, the Libra, forever connecting in partnerships), forever pursuing love and a fairy tale ending, not anticipating what each encounter would bring to me, what I would learn from it, what I would suffer for it, what I would take away from it. The Libra in me has not been content unless I was one of a pair, from the time I was 15 years old. There has only been three years in my 20s and going on three years in my 60s that I have been a single entity. And I realize now, looking back in reflection, that these single years have been the largest periods of growth and development for me.

This beautiful cup full of promises and love, commitment and passion, had to throw the water it contains in my face to wake me up, in order for me to see and recognize destructive patterns in my life, in order for me to break these patterns. Does this mean that the belief in fairy tale endings has been washed away? The idea of love and passion that never dies? The idea of soul mates and magical connections? No, of course not, but it’s the realization that those things must be chosen carefully, that you can’t take such big steps at face value and wish for the best outcome. It’s also made me realize that if those things are not for me, or not for me at particular periods of life, that’s okay too.

It’s taken a lifetime, but I’m finally at peace with the Ace of Cups.

My Books ~
Amazon UK… https://www.amazon.co.uk/Amythyst-Raine/e/B004NMWMX4/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Amazon Germany… https://www.amazon.de/-/e/B004NMWMX4
Amazon France… https://www.amazon.fr/l/B004NMWMX4/261-6611849-9488242?_encoding=UTF8&redirectedFromKindleDbs=true&rfkd=1&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Amazon US… https://www.amazon.com/Amythyst-Raine/e/B004NMWMX4

The Blood, Sweat, & Tears of Self-Publishing a Tarot Deck

This is an amazing lady with lots of insight, information, and priceless hindsight.  If you’re thinking of self-publishing a tarot deck, you may want to check out three articles she wrote on the topic.  And yes, they were written in a particular order and are meant to be read in order to be most helpful.

What Does it Cost to Self-Publish a Tarot Deck?

The Actual Cost of Self-Publishing a Tarot Deck

The Intangible Cost of Self-Publishing a Tarot Deck

In the last blog post, a lot of the mental doubt and fatigue and anxiety and exhaustion that she experienced goes with publishing or self-publishing books as well as tarot cards.  I so connected with this lady on so many points!  The idea of any aspect of your creation being flawed (which it probably is somewhere because we’re only human after all) is a nerve-wracking invasive thought that likes to eat away at your brain.

At some point, the creator has to stop tweaking his shit and just publish the damn thing!  You could spend an eternity editing and re-editing, trying to reach some unrealistic plateau of perfection, until you would drive yourself nuts.

Happy reading!  And Happy Creating to the artists and writers out there with works-in-progress!!




BOOK RELEASE! ~ The Ultimate Tarot Guide for Your Personal Tarot Journey

BOOK RELEASE!…Book #6 is UP and AVAILABLE @ Amazon ~ “The Ultimate Tarot Guide for Your Personal Tarot Journey”

Purchase your copy here:

“This book takes you on an inspirational magical journey into the realm of tarot. Traditionalism and mediocrity are left behind. The author flings open doors and expands horizons to reveal amazing connections with tarot and it’s intimate influence on our world. As you make your way through this tarot study guide and workbook, you will develop a very unique and personal connection with the tarot and a deeper understanding of yourself.”

EDIT:  Amazon Reviews ~ It would be greatly appreciated if anyone purchasing this book @ Amazon would leave a star rating, a review, or a comment! Thank you!

I have the Proof Copy in my hands!


Special Sale ~ The Spiritual Feminist

Just in time for Christmas!  Note:  This book was published by Moon Books, and I have no control over the sale and promotion… I do not know how long this special will last!

Special Price ~ The Spiritual Feminist (was $24.99, now $5.29…paperback!) The Spiritual Feminist empowers today’s woman through the Goddess ~

click  HERE

“So many people throughout my life have told me who I am, what I must do, what I can’t do, what I have to complete, and what I will never be able to accomplish, and then I met the Goddess.” (From The Spiritual Feminist) …The Spiritual Feminist empowers today’s modern woman through the Goddess, connecting her to ancient matriarchal divinity and spiritual practices which invoke this energy.