Does It Really Work?

I recently had an individual inquiring about my Candle Altar Services. It was pretty much the usual type of email that I get… relationship issues, unhappiness, not knowing what to do, desperate to find something that would help them with their situation. This person was interested in purchasing a candle vigil and had some questions, like which candle to choose — which stumped me, because the only options at this page are a one candle vigil and a three candle vigil.

I told this person that the difference between these options were the fact that, with the three candle vigil, I could burn more than one candle for different intentions, which would include different colors, different herbs, different oils, etc. I explained that the issues involved in some of life’s circumstances are a bit complex. And I choose the candles.

They appreciated my quick response, and came back with this question:

Do they (candle vigils) really work?

  • I wouldn’t be burning candles for intentions (both for myself, and family, as well as outsiders) if I didn’t believe that it worked.
  • The success, or failure, of a spell, spiritual ritual, or prayer can lay with the strength of someone’s belief, as in “knowing”, or as in “faith” for some spiritual paths.
  • If you don’t “believe” that something’s going to work, there is a great chance that it won’t.
  • I stated that no one can guarantee the success of a spiritual ritual or prayer. (Would you think of asking a Catholic priest if his novena to St. Anne “worked”?)
  • I explained that, although this is my spiritual path and practice, and I take it quite seriously, for legal reasons I have to include a disclaimer at the bottom of my website that states: “All magickal merchandise and services are sold for entertainment purposes only.” The fact that, to protect myself legally, I have to include this statement does not mean that I don’t personally believe that witchcraft, candle magick, and spells REALLY work.

Since I haven’t heard back from this individual, I can only assume that they wanted some sort of guarantee. Spirit doesn’t work that way.

Today’s Topic ~ Book of Shadows!

Here’s mine.  Would you like to share something about yours?… a comment, or a photo, or a video?  When did you start it?  What kinds of things do you add to it?  How do you organize it?  What are your future plans for it?  Who are you going to pass it to?  Do you let people see it, or are you very secretive about it?  What inspires you?

Changing Landscapes (video!)

The following video will give you some idea of the landscape I pass on my commute to work five days a week. (Don’t worry, I was watching the road the whole time, I just had my camera in my hand, holding it.)  As a matter-of-fact, I didn’t even know what I had gotten on film until I looked at it after I got home from work that day.  I had tried this once previously and had the camera inadvertently facing the wrong way; I had lots of film of my hand and the inside of my car.  (Yes, I saved the video.)

Enjoy the Nebraska landscape, and the slow transition to the city ~

click  Here


The Witch’s Diary ~ Come Fly With Me (video)

We snatched up two of our daughters and headed to the Butterfly (& Insect) Pavilion at Henry Doorly Zoo. (I convinced my girlies not to be so camera shy this time.) Photo credits ~ the photos in this video are *unedited* photos taken by me (Amythyst Raine Hatayama), and they are all completely unedited, even the one of myself that I chose for the cover and credits.

I guarantee that you will be relaxed and recharged after walking with us through this magickal pavilion. And you actually will feel as though you’re walking through with us, because I added the photos in the order that I took them. Yes, I know, I’m intrigued with the magickal tree in the middle of it all– the entrance to the tree seemed like a large fairy door to me. Enjoy– and if you find my videos interesting and fun, and you like watching them, subscribe to my Youtube channel for automatic updates.

What is the meaning of the butterfly? This animal totem is primarily associated with symbolism of change and transformation.•Powerful transformation, metamorphosis in your life, personality
•Moving through different life cycles
•Renewal, rebirth
•Lightness of being, playfulness
•Elevation from earthly matters, tuning into emotional or spiritual
•The world of the soul, the psyche

A secondary meaning of the butterfly is about finding joy in life and lightness of being.

You’ll find more information at this link: