Is Fairy Dust Real? ~ well, is it?

I was asked a question today, basically, whether fairy dust is “real” or not. It was a good question. This is my answer:

All “magic” is mental. It all stems from the mind. The ability to perform magic is inherent within us all, it is natural; but most people have lost the capacity to accomplish magic because they’ve lost the ability to believe, to focus, to visualize, and to work with their natural energy.

That is where the “fairy dust” comes in. It is a magickal “prop”, as are candles and cauldrons, athames, herbs, and other baubles and interesting items used to cast spells. Their main purpose is to help you focus, to keep your intention clear, to assist you with visualization, to help you raise energy, because that’s where the magic is.

The majority of magical practitioners need these “visual aids” to perform magic.

There are, however, a few people who don’t need all the physical trappings and paraphernalia of witchcraft. Their mental abilities alone are such that they can cast spells and work magic without all the usual props. These people are very rare indeed, these people are called “Adepts”.

So, is fairy dust real?… If you *Believe* it is, then it is.

Does It Really Work?

I recently had an individual inquiring about my Candle Altar Services. It was pretty much the usual type of email that I get… relationship issues, unhappiness, not knowing what to do, desperate to find something that would help them with their situation. This person was interested in purchasing a candle vigil and had some questions, like which candle to choose — which stumped me, because the only options at this page are a one candle vigil and a three candle vigil.

I told this person that the difference between these options were the fact that, with the three candle vigil, I could burn more than one candle for different intentions, which would include different colors, different herbs, different oils, etc. I explained that the issues involved in some of life’s circumstances are a bit complex. And I choose the candles.

They appreciated my quick response, and came back with this question:

Do they (candle vigils) really work?

  • I wouldn’t be burning candles for intentions (both for myself, and family, as well as outsiders) if I didn’t believe that it worked.
  • The success, or failure, of a spell, spiritual ritual, or prayer can lay with the strength of someone’s belief, as in “knowing”, or as in “faith” for some spiritual paths.
  • If you don’t “believe” that something’s going to work, there is a great chance that it won’t.
  • I stated that no one can guarantee the success of a spiritual ritual or prayer. (Would you think of asking a Catholic priest if his novena to St. Anne “worked”?)
  • I explained that, although this is my spiritual path and practice, and I take it quite seriously, for legal reasons I have to include a disclaimer at the bottom of my website that states: “All magickal merchandise and services are sold for entertainment purposes only.” The fact that, to protect myself legally, I have to include this statement does not mean that I don’t personally believe that witchcraft, candle magick, and spells REALLY work.

Since I haven’t heard back from this individual, I can only assume that they wanted some sort of guarantee. Spirit doesn’t work that way.