Is Fairy Dust Real? ~ well, is it?

I was asked a question today, basically, whether fairy dust is “real” or not. It was a good question. This is my answer:

All “magic” is mental. It all stems from the mind. The ability to perform magic is inherent within us all, it is natural; but most people have lost the capacity to accomplish magic because they’ve lost the ability to believe, to focus, to visualize, and to work with their natural energy.

That is where the “fairy dust” comes in. It is a magickal “prop”, as are candles and cauldrons, athames, herbs, and other baubles and interesting items used to cast spells. Their main purpose is to help you focus, to keep your intention clear, to assist you with visualization, to help you raise energy, because that’s where the magic is.

The majority of magical practitioners need these “visual aids” to perform magic.

There are, however, a few people who don’t need all the physical trappings and paraphernalia of witchcraft. Their mental abilities alone are such that they can cast spells and work magic without all the usual props. These people are very rare indeed, these people are called “Adepts”.

So, is fairy dust real?… If you *Believe* it is, then it is.

Setting Energetic Boundaries

  1. How I can separate myself from other people’s energy.
  • 9/swords; 5/wands; Queen of cups

Get a grip on your emotions.Avoid confrontation.Learn how to chill.
The easiest way to keep yourself separated from other people’s problematic energy is to stay away from those people.  It isn’t always easy to cut people from your life, but there are particular situations that warrant this when you’re looking out for your own welfare, such as friends or family that are actually enemies in disguise; ex-partners that want to keep a connection going, a connection that makes moving forward and beginning something new difficult or impossible; or co-workers that are either subconsciously causing unnecessary stress, or co-workers that are deliberately trying to poke the bear.  These are but a few types of people and energies that you have to learn to separate yourself from to sustain a comfortable and happy existence in your life, and some of these people will be easier to cut than others.

Petty confrontation, bickering, constantly have to feel on guard, or feeling the need to defend yourself can all lead to an absorption of negative energy.  Find ways to remove yourself from conversation, situations, or groups of people that lean toward petty bickering or other negative exchanges.  Learn to walk away.  There’s an unexpected perk in being able to do this.  You’ll discover that this puts you in  a position to view an individual or situation from a unique perspective, where you may find answers or solutions.

For very sensitive, and even empathic individuals, there are ways to protect yourself from negative energy and negative people.  Magickally speaking, here are just a few suggestions:  smudge yourself and your living space often; take salt baths with a pinch of rosemary and lavender added to the water; burn white candles; leave small bowls of sea salt sit in each room of your home; carry a mojo bag filled with sea salt, a clear quartz crystal, as well as an ample pinch of sage, rosemary, and hyssop; burn sandalwood incense on a daily basis.  Any, or all of these magickal band-aids will help you to separate yourself from the negative energies that come with difficult, high-strung, or co-dependent individuals.

  1. Something I can do in the moment to top absorbing unwanted emotions.
  2. How I can remain grounded in my own energy.
  3. Something to remember when I want to set energetic boundaries.
  4. How I can use my energy sensitivity to help myself & others.

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