From My Paranormal Journal ~ Cheryl

Taken from my Paranormal Journal… (March, 2004)

I was awoken abruptly out of a sound sleep—someone was crying, calling out to me. I thought it was one of my children and even called out, “I’m coming!”

I got up and checked the house—everyone was sound asleep.

The next morning I told my husband about it. He said, “Last night I thought I saw someone walk into the bedroom, and I thought it was you—until I realized my hand was on your hip!”

Also, yesterday, the lights in the living room turned themselves on three different times.

Note: The day before these odd occurrences, I had been released from the hospital from an overnight stay for a minor procedure. This is the same hospital that my husband’s girl friend had passed away in three years ago from colon cancer… Her name was Cheryl.

  • The nurse I had the two days I was in the hospital was named… Cheryl.
  • The nurse who prepped me for the procedure was named… Cheryl.
  • The lady who came in to clean my room was… Cheryl’s aunt, her mother’s sister.

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Welcome to my YouTube podcast, Bump in the Night. The following links are links to videos that can be found on the Bump in the Night Playlist, listed by title/topic.  Enjoy!

The Art of Psychometry

Paranormal Investigation #2

Black-Eyed Children (BEKS)


Sleep Paralysis ~ They Come in the Night

The Doll from Hell

Paranormal Investigation #1

Is Your House Haunted

Psychic Tales

Premonitions: Impending Death, Recognizing Its Salutation

Premonitions: The Day the Beautiful Tree was Cut Down

Five Famous Haunted Houses

Freaky True Paranormal/Supernatural Stories

Detecting Spirits in Your House

Was it a Doppelganger, a ghost, or astral projection?

My Weird and Creepy Experiences with The Clairs

If there are any issues with any of these links,
just let me know!!

PODCAST Audio Blog ~ Five Famous Haunted Houses

Bump in the Night Series… In today’s episode I reveal a secret about my Grandmother’s very haunted house that I don’t think even a lot of family members are aware of. Enjoy the visit to five beautiful and gloriously haunted houses found here in the US.

PODCAST Audio Blog ~ Creepy Paranormal & Supernatural Stories

These experiences are taken directly from my journal, and they occurred while living in our old house in Fremont, NE. My Favorite is Number 13 (of course it is) Time Stamp: 10:21. If you don’t believe in synchronicity or creepy coincidence, you will after you hear this story. It still freaks me out.

PODCAST Audio Blog ~ Detecting the Presence of Spirits in Your House

Do you suspect the presence of spirits in your home, ghostly visitors from across the veil? If you’re experiencing the phenomena in this podcast, your suspicions may very well prove to be true.

PODCAST ~ Audio Version, the amazing & creepy clairs

My experiences with The Clairs… My own creepy (true) stories — settle ’round the campfire with a hot-toddy or a beer, and watch the flickering flames from the campfire contort our features while I tell you my scary tales.

This is an Audio Version of the previous blog post, and I must say that I don’t always stick strictly to the script, I tend to embellish more with the podcast.

My Personal Experiences with the Clairs ~ both amazing & creepy

My own creepy (true) stories, settle ’round the campfire with a hot-toddy or a beer, and watch the flickering flames from the campfire contort our features while I tell you my scary tales…. buhahahah

THROWBACK THURSDAY! ~ The Good Old Days of Paranormal Investigations

The small cozy little house sitting on the edge of the woods looked peaceful and content, not revealing at all its history of tragic deaths, nor it’s ghostly visitors. At one hundred years old, this house has a long rich history of families and familial events and milestones. It has witnessed weddings, births, graduations, personal victories/achievements…and death.

The present owner has experienced the loss of two family members within the walls of this house. Her mother passed away from cancer in the downstairs bedroom in 2005, and it’s in this room where a frosty presence makes itself felt by sitting on the bed, complete with the physical sensation of movement and visible indentation in the blankets. The owner’s husband passed away in the den, in 2008, after a long and lingering illness. Although his presence can be felt, quite strongly at times, there are no visual manifestations. And it’s from this room, through glass patio doors, that deer can be seen gathering at dusk near the rear of the property. It’s in the den where a photograph of the owner’s step-son sits, a young man killed in a tragic motorcycle accident, the parents having received that devastating middle-of-the-night call all parents dread.

Upon entering the house, we realized immediately that there was very strong EMF readings, beginning at the doorway between the living-room and kitchen, which was also very close to the bedroom door. Shadow figures are often seen by family members, crossing the living room and disappearing into the walls. We spent a great deal of time with the owners and the EMF detector exploring the bedroom and the doorway between the living-room and the kitchen, where the EMF detector was extremely active. We wanted to make sure that there were no electrical devices or outlets that would’ve been creating these readings. This involved moving furniture, locating all the electrical outlets, and letting the family take their time to tell their stories, voice their concerns, and formulate their questions.

When we were finally ready to ascend the stairs, the owner told us that her grandchildren refused to go upstairs. The way the EMF detector was working as we stood at the bottom of the steps, it was no wonder. There was an almost constant scream of protest from it. The EMF detector came on while we were at the bottom of the stairs and continued until we reached the doorway of the first upstairs bedroom. As investigators and home owners stood in a clump in one room, I moved around the upstairs with the EMF detector. I wished that we could just sit and spend some quiet time with cameras and instruments turned on. I think this would’ve been beneficial in catching spontaneous paranormal activity. However, the owners were enthusiastic and wanted to watch us work, continuing their chatter and speculation. For the rest of the time that we wandered the second floor of this house, the EMF activity was sporadic at best. As we worked our way from room to room, and as we descended the stairs, it fell silent. The atmosphere at the bottom of the stairs was noticeably lighter. Whatever had been hovering there before seemed to be gone.

The bathroom proved to be another area that drew high EMF readings, particularly in the shower; and we discovered that this presence was there one minute and gone the next, popping in and out in a dizzying fashion. We were also informed that objects in the bathroom moved around from place to place, inexplicably, creating an unnerving atmosphere. Instead of spending one long block of time in this area, we would pop in and out throughout our investigation. I have to say that the mirrored walls added an element of creepiness to this room, as you would catch fleeting movements in the mirror that you’d see out of the corner of your eye. Of course, by the time you turned your head to see what it was, it was gone.

Around the small entryway, suspended over an old-fashioned cellar door in the floor leading to the basement, was a string of clothing. The owner informed us that these clothes belonged to her deceased husband, and that she simply couldn’t bring herself to get rid of them. There was not only EMF activity here, but the strange sensation that someone was watching us as we touched the shirts, or moved a hangar. After a few minutes in this area, several people felt the hair on their arms or the back of their neck stand up, or experienced an uncomfortable sensation which manifested as a desire to exit this spot.

Epilogue…  As we worked our way through this house, not only did the EMF readings and paranormal sensations unfold before us, but the story of a family and its tragedies unfolded as well. This gave us an intimate look at characters and personalities who lived in this house at one time and who still walk its rooms and hallways, as well as the dynamics of the people still living here, and the long history of former occupants. The owners seemed relieved to share their stories, to watch instruments pick up visual proof of what they’ve known all along, and most importantly…to feel a connection with those they loved.

Walk-ins ~ a slightly creepy possibility that explains a lot of things

I don’t remember exactly if I’ve ever heard of this phenomena before, but I might have, and I should at least recognize it, because it was the basis for one of my favorite TV shows:  Drop Dead Diva.  Anyway, since I have discovered, or re-discovered, this weird and slightly creepy sort of soul goings-on, I’ve been digging up and reading articles about it.  The following post is one of them.

click HERE

Is There a Plausible Explanation?

Originally posted on August 2011, when my then teen-age daughter purchased her first car.

My daughter recently bought a new car. The price she had to pay for the car was $1800.00. She went to her bank and asked the cashier for this amount in a cashier’s check, which the lady immediately made out and my daughter cashed on the spot in order to pay this man in cash. The cashier counted out the money into my daughter’s hand.

My daughter immediately took this money to the car dealer and paid him for the car, counting out $1800.00 cash to this man. Three people witnessed this event: my daughter, the car dealer, and my daughter’s friend Anna. The dealer handed over the keys to the new car, and the deal was done.

Several days later, my daughter gets her bank statements in the mail. It was off. It was off by $1000.00 in her favor. She had one thousand dollars more in her account than she should have had. Looking at the statement, we saw that the cashier’s check which was written out to pay for the car was made out as $800.00, not $1800.00.

We went to the bank today to straighten out this error. The bank employee was extremely puzzled and, quite frankly, a little more than amazed.

The facts were ~

  • 1. The cashier’s check was, indeed, made out for $800.00 instead of $1800.00. We assumed that the cashier, chatting away with my daughter, had made a mistake in writing out the amount on the check, but she had obviously counted out the right amount of cash into my daughter’s hand.
  • 2. The cashier’s till-box count and records for that day would have shown an error if she had written a cashier’s check for $800.00, and then handed out $1800.00 in cash. However, the cashier’s till-box count and records for that day were all correct– showing that an $800.00 check had been written, and $800.00 had been given to the recipient (my daughter).
  • 3. My daughter swore that the cashier had counted out $1800.00 into her hand, and then she had immediately recounted it in front of the lady. However, when the bank reviewed the video tape of this transaction, it was evident that the cashier had only counted out $800.00.

No one knows what to think, and no one has a logical explanation for what happened. What makes it so odd is that my daughter obviously had the correct amount on her for the car ($1800.00), because the car dealer would not have handed the car over to her if she had not paid the correct amount.

So, where did the $1000.00 come from?
The bank employee’s explanation…Money Fairies.

Paranormal Monday ~ Black-Eyed Children & Shadow People

I’ve been finding and watching Youtube videos on both Black-eyed Children and Shadow People, and let me warn you if you’re easily spooked, watching these videos (or listening to these podcasts) when you’re home alone on a dark and stormy night (or any night) might leave you more than a little uneasy.  But it’s fascinating.  For anyone who’s never heard of either one of these paranormal phenomena, in a nutshell, here’s what they are ~

Black-Eyed Children…(sometimes called Bek) are young people, often children, with eyes that are solid black with no differentiation between sclera, pupil, or iris, and are occasionally reported to have blue or bluish tinted skin like that of a corpse. Those who report encounters with them often feel that the children were somehow supernatural and extremely dangerous though they could not explain why.

Often they can be seen playing games and singing the nursery songs Old Man Long Legs or He Jumped into a Bramble Bush.

They are usually near abandoned or deserted areas. Sometimes, the reports talk of them appearing at one’s doorstep- usually alone or in a pair. They appear to be unusually confident, yet shy children who avoid your gaze and look down, hiding their eyes, but speaking with an eloquence far beyond their apparent age.

[Source: ]

Shadow people appear just as their name describes them, as faceless human shadow forms.

Some common features of shadow people are:

  • A shape that is generally male in appearance
  • They are aware of us and react to our observing them
  • The typical shadow person is tall, ranging from about 6′ to 7′
  • Very often they seem to be wrapped in a cloak or large old fashioned cloak
  • Hats are not uncommon
  • Their appearance has depth to it, unlike a shadow cast on a wall that is flat
  • Quite typically they have no visible eyes, but some will have glowing red eyes
  • Shadow people are rarely reported to have spoken or tried to communicate
  • Physical objects seem to not matter to them and they can walk through walls
  • Can have a demonic shape and demeanor

[Source: ]

If you love creepy fascinating paranormal phenomena, I’m betting you’re still with me after reading the definitions of these etheric mysterious creatures.  Now the fun stuff.  I’m posting some of the videos that I’ve been watching, and the two I’m posting here today are radio podcasts with Art Bell.  I’d love to hear YOUR perspective on these topics!  Feel free to leave comments below.  Have you had a personal experience with either one of these entities?  Do you have a theory about what they are?

Enjoy!… And keep the lights on. 🙂

This is my spot for updates to merchandise and services at

 The Witch’s Corner


The Tarot Parlour

Special Tarot Offer ~ “Three’s a Charm” Audio Readings

Ask me three questions you’re seeking an answer to, and I’ll draw up to four cards for each question.  Email me at after you purchase your reading.

These readings have been so exciting and fun to do!  The results have been amazing, and it has only strengthened my bond with tarot and my respect for the infinite possibilities it provides.  For anyone who doesn’t know just how precise, accurate, and pointed tarot can be when faced with specific questions, you’ve got to try this.  (These readings are only $25; I email you the audio podcast and a photo of your cards so you have a visual.)

Click  HERE

Sacred Geometry Boards!


click  HERE

Herbal Candle Magick!

Triple the magick with a set of 3 candles that have been dressed and rolled in specific herbs and herbal combinations for a variety of intentions.

Set your triple candle vigil in motion with this set of 3 candles in 3 sizes.  The following candles and their intentions are available:

Court Case
Evil Eye/repels negative magick
Stop Gossip
Blessings/to bring peace & harmony
Money Draw
Divination/to enhance psychism, inspires dreams & omens
Triple Herbal Candle Set
click  HERE

Double Dreams ~ Anyone care to Interpret this?

The other night, on my way to see a movie with my daughters, I told them about my dream the night before.  One of my daughters was intensely excited when I told her that I had a disturbing dream the night before because she said she did too, and she wanted to compare them.  As I started relating my dream to her, she said, “Oh, my!”, and virtually started bouncing in her seat.

My dream ~  There was a shadowy beginning part that was dark and ominous, like black and white quickened clips from a horror movie, most of which slipped from my mind for the most part, except that it involvd “A Man”.  This man had something to do with the second part of this dream, which in contrast is starkly blazened on my mind.  Some dreams are like that, I believe, because they are more than just an ordinary dream.  And this was one of those dreams.

The second part…There was a knock on my front door.  I opened and heard someone say, “The police want to talk to you.”  (Your stomach kind of goes ‘thud’ when you hear those words.)  I went outside, where there was a squad car with two officers sitting in the front seat.  I stood by the passenger side, and the officer opened the car door.  He was holding a child’s baby doll in his hands.  He was crying , and he was retching, and he was trying to get ready to tell me something.

I realized in one sickening moment that it had to be something unusually gruesome and extremely horrific because of his reaction.  I don’t think I wanted to hear what he was going to say.  I woke myself up, which sounds odd, but I believe that I deliberately pulled myself from this dream.

My daughter’s dream ~ My daughter told me that she also dreamed of “A Man” on the same night.  She said it was a terrible frightening dark and horrific nightmare.  The man kidnapped her, and she said she tried and tried to escape from him..but she couldn’t.

If anyone reading this is interested in interpreting either of these dreams, or in posting an interpretation behind both dreams together, please feel free to do so in the comment boxes below.  Needless to say, the dreams themselves were scary enough to each of us who had them, but after we put them together, I must admit, we’re a little creeped out.

Now on to more cheerful thing!!


There is everything you will need in these jars to cast
these spells, including the directions.

Money ~ Keep It Flowing

Calling in the Spirits
(Black Cat Oil Summoning Spell)

Seal the Mouth
(Stop Gossip & Liars)


(Enjoy the personal photo slideshow that I
added to this special video.)

The Witch’s Desk: How do you detect the presence of Spirits in your house?


This is my question-of-the-week, and I thought it would be refreshing to get away from the topic of relationships for a while.  Spirits are always interesting, though they are not always fun, but mostly (from my own experience) they actually are.  This is just me, or maybe it’s that I’ve only had pleasant or neutral experiences with them so far.  For whatever reason, I just don’t feel “frightened” by them. I have a friend that I have done House Cleansings with around the Omaha area, and the one thing that I’ve noticed is that a lot of the time you won’t have to ask yourself if you have a spirit in your house, you will most definitely know; but this is often the more extreme cases, real “hauntings” with something that is unpleasant, or obnoxious, or invasive in a very negative way.  Through this experience, visiting other people’s homes and talking to them about their situations, I realize that some people are just naturally frightened by the idea of the ethereal…ghosts, spirits, anything down this road.

The house that we live in now has always had spirit activity, and I’ve only recently learned from some of my daughters, since they’ve grown, is that when they were small there was an unpleasant “something” on the landing (we have a split level home).  One of my daughters told me that she felt it so strongly, and it was such a scary menacing presence to her, that she was often afraid to go up and down the stairs.  Years afterwards, when I began to regularly (key word here is “regularly”) cleanse the house, this entity disappeared.

I remember the exact day I decided I had enough– I was sweeping down the stairs, on a day that I was all alone, which rarely happened with our large home-schooling family, when I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and a rush of goose bumps come up my legs.  This was accompanied by the very unnerving sensation of someone (a presence) behind me.  Did this scare me?  No, I actually found it interesting– but it did make me angry.  I considered this an obnoxious invasion of my personal space.  I threw the broom down and, muttering under my breath, I stalked off around the house to gather up white candles, and incense, salt and water, cussing the whole time.  I guess I felt it was an inconvenience that was unnecessary, and I would have to take the time to straighten this spirit out and set some boundaries, rather than being able to get all the “Stuff” done that I wanted to get done while I was on my own!

My kids claimed later, and continue to do so to this day, that I tend to do too good a job of cleansing, and some of the entities we have shared this space with were actually interesting, just an integral part of the house and it’s atmosphere.  So I’ve let up over the years, acknowledging that there’s enough room in this old house for everyone, as long as we all play nice in the sandbox.  There have only been a handful of times in the last 20 years when I’ve had to draw some boundaries and shoo a spirit away.


Anyway, I digress, on to the subject at hand.  The individual who asked me this question is obviously not sure what constitutes a spirit’s presence, and what may just be some sort of natural occurrence, or an overactive imagination. Let’s look at all those tell tale signs of spirit activity–

1)  Scents:  It’s happened to me before, I’ll smell my grandmother’s perfume, or her favorite flower (roses).  You might smell cigars or cigarette smoke in a house where no one smokes.  You might smell a loved one’s favorite food.  Anytime you pick up a scent that is not explainable on a physical level, you might want to consider that it’s coming from another source.  I’ve heard about (but never experienced personally) the unpleasant and obnoxious odors of malevolent spirits.  This is just something to keep in mind.  Most of the time it’s all good, but once in a while you might run into something unusual.  The sense of smell is just another one of our six senses, just another way we learn and experience and process information about the world around us.

2)  Noises:  Here we go again, another one of our six senses.  Several times over the past few decades, since my grandmother’s death, I have heard her call my name.  Often this has happened in the dead of night and woken me out of a deep sleep, but there have been occasions where this has happened during the day, when I’m wide awake to begin with, and usually when I am alone.  It’s cool, nothing scary.  She’s just touching base, letting me know that she’s still near, that there is still some sort of connection.  (Death isn’t the end, it’s just a different plane of existence.) Besides hearing voices, there are other odd sounds– knocking, scraping, footsteps, growling (not usually a good thing), hammering, human sounds (like hand clapping , finger snapping, muttering)…and always, you will have no logical explanation for these sounds.

3)  Temperature Changes:  We’re talking big in-your-face changes that are unexplainable through normal physics.  This means the furnace man won’t be able to explain to you a 40 degree drop in 5 seconds.  If you ask him to explain this he’s just going to stand there scratching his head; and if he’s a really savvy furnace man (who knows about ghosts and all that paranormal stuff), he’s liable to be throwing tools in his bag and scurrying from your house so fast all you see is the back of his head.  I guess there are more subtle temperature changes you can experience, but people are more liable to explain them away– a sudden cold breeze that wafts through a room, gently lifting the pages of a newspaper; a momentary “chill” that gives you a shudder.  Besides unusual temperature changes, you might experience drafts– the kind of draft that flickers and toys with candle flames, the kind of draft that can’t possibly come from anything of this world because there is no place for the draft to originate from.

4) Electronic/Electrical Malfunctions:  We’ve often heard that the spirit world has the ability to collect energy from our electrical gadgets and use this energy to manifest all kinds of paranormal phenomena.  I don’t know if any of this can ever really be scientifically proven, but it seems that a lot of these occurrences (odd things happening with your electrical gadgets, lamps, lights, computers, etc.) almost always seem to precipitate a mad rush of paranormal activity.  Do you have appliances, lights, a television, computer, or other gadget that turns itself off and on? …that turns itself off and on regularly?

7)  Moving Objects:  This is pretty extreme and the fodder for many movies and television shows.  But it does happen, and the most basic kind of activity that I’ve personally witnessed (with moving objects) involved a series of cupboard doors that would be closed one minute and all open the next; drawers or doors, same thing.  I’ve yet to see anything as dramatic or theatrical as portrayed in the movies.  Remember, for a spirit to move a physical object, an object of atoms and matter, it would take an incredible amount of energy.

6)  The Goosebump Factor:  Some people are more sensitive to the paranormal and its energy than others.  There are a lot of people (a lot!) who can actually “feel” the presence of spirits, even if they are not sensitive enough to communicate with them (as a medium or psychic), they still know dang well that there is something there, and they can often pick up on positive or negative energy.  Never underestimate The Goosebump Factor.