From My Paranormal Journal ~ Cheryl

Taken from my Paranormal Journal… (March, 2004)

I was awoken abruptly out of a sound sleep—someone was crying, calling out to me. I thought it was one of my children and even called out, “I’m coming!”

I got up and checked the house—everyone was sound asleep.

The next morning I told my husband about it. He said, “Last night I thought I saw someone walk into the bedroom, and I thought it was you—until I realized my hand was on your hip!”

Also, yesterday, the lights in the living room turned themselves on three different times.

Note: The day before these odd occurrences, I had been released from the hospital from an overnight stay for a minor procedure. This is the same hospital that my husband’s girl friend had passed away in three years ago from colon cancer… Her name was Cheryl.

  • The nurse I had the two days I was in the hospital was named… Cheryl.
  • The nurse who prepped me for the procedure was named… Cheryl.
  • The lady who came in to clean my room was… Cheryl’s aunt, her mother’s sister.

PODCAST Audio Blog ~ Detecting the Presence of Spirits in Your House

Do you suspect the presence of spirits in your home, ghostly visitors from across the veil? If you’re experiencing the phenomena in this podcast, your suspicions may very well prove to be true.

THROWBACK THURSDAY! ~ The Good Old Days of Paranormal Investigations

The small cozy little house sitting on the edge of the woods looked peaceful and content, not revealing at all its history of tragic deaths, nor it’s ghostly visitors. At one hundred years old, this house has a long rich history of families and familial events and milestones. It has witnessed weddings, births, graduations, personal victories/achievements…and death.

The present owner has experienced the loss of two family members within the walls of this house. Her mother passed away from cancer in the downstairs bedroom in 2005, and it’s in this room where a frosty presence makes itself felt by sitting on the bed, complete with the physical sensation of movement and visible indentation in the blankets. The owner’s husband passed away in the den, in 2008, after a long and lingering illness. Although his presence can be felt, quite strongly at times, there are no visual manifestations. And it’s from this room, through glass patio doors, that deer can be seen gathering at dusk near the rear of the property. It’s in the den where a photograph of the owner’s step-son sits, a young man killed in a tragic motorcycle accident, the parents having received that devastating middle-of-the-night call all parents dread.

Upon entering the house, we realized immediately that there was very strong EMF readings, beginning at the doorway between the living-room and kitchen, which was also very close to the bedroom door. Shadow figures are often seen by family members, crossing the living room and disappearing into the walls. We spent a great deal of time with the owners and the EMF detector exploring the bedroom and the doorway between the living-room and the kitchen, where the EMF detector was extremely active. We wanted to make sure that there were no electrical devices or outlets that would’ve been creating these readings. This involved moving furniture, locating all the electrical outlets, and letting the family take their time to tell their stories, voice their concerns, and formulate their questions.

When we were finally ready to ascend the stairs, the owner told us that her grandchildren refused to go upstairs. The way the EMF detector was working as we stood at the bottom of the steps, it was no wonder. There was an almost constant scream of protest from it. The EMF detector came on while we were at the bottom of the stairs and continued until we reached the doorway of the first upstairs bedroom. As investigators and home owners stood in a clump in one room, I moved around the upstairs with the EMF detector. I wished that we could just sit and spend some quiet time with cameras and instruments turned on. I think this would’ve been beneficial in catching spontaneous paranormal activity. However, the owners were enthusiastic and wanted to watch us work, continuing their chatter and speculation. For the rest of the time that we wandered the second floor of this house, the EMF activity was sporadic at best. As we worked our way from room to room, and as we descended the stairs, it fell silent. The atmosphere at the bottom of the stairs was noticeably lighter. Whatever had been hovering there before seemed to be gone.

The bathroom proved to be another area that drew high EMF readings, particularly in the shower; and we discovered that this presence was there one minute and gone the next, popping in and out in a dizzying fashion. We were also informed that objects in the bathroom moved around from place to place, inexplicably, creating an unnerving atmosphere. Instead of spending one long block of time in this area, we would pop in and out throughout our investigation. I have to say that the mirrored walls added an element of creepiness to this room, as you would catch fleeting movements in the mirror that you’d see out of the corner of your eye. Of course, by the time you turned your head to see what it was, it was gone.

Around the small entryway, suspended over an old-fashioned cellar door in the floor leading to the basement, was a string of clothing. The owner informed us that these clothes belonged to her deceased husband, and that she simply couldn’t bring herself to get rid of them. There was not only EMF activity here, but the strange sensation that someone was watching us as we touched the shirts, or moved a hangar. After a few minutes in this area, several people felt the hair on their arms or the back of their neck stand up, or experienced an uncomfortable sensation which manifested as a desire to exit this spot.

Epilogue…  As we worked our way through this house, not only did the EMF readings and paranormal sensations unfold before us, but the story of a family and its tragedies unfolded as well. This gave us an intimate look at characters and personalities who lived in this house at one time and who still walk its rooms and hallways, as well as the dynamics of the people still living here, and the long history of former occupants. The owners seemed relieved to share their stories, to watch instruments pick up visual proof of what they’ve known all along, and most importantly…to feel a connection with those they loved.

Walk-ins ~ a slightly creepy possibility that explains a lot of things

I don’t remember exactly if I’ve ever heard of this phenomena before, but I might have, and I should at least recognize it, because it was the basis for one of my favorite TV shows:  Drop Dead Diva.  Anyway, since I have discovered, or re-discovered, this weird and slightly creepy sort of soul goings-on, I’ve been digging up and reading articles about it.  The following post is one of them.

click HERE

A Desert Reading ~ A Message from the Other Side

Sunday, May 26, 2019 ~ Deck: Sacred Circle Tarot
Tarot Spread:  Mediumship Spread
1 ~ the person who has passed on
Abandonment/8 of cups
This is someone who left your life and inner circle before they passed, either a spouse or romantic partner, a child, or a parent. Their disassociation with  you during life may not have felt to them that they were leaving anything behind, or abandoning anyone, but to family members around them, and particularly to you, this may have been exactly how you felt about their departure from your life.

2 ~ their life, looking back
The Green Man (coincides with The Fool in a standard deck)
Lots of foolishness, a gay naivete that accompanied youth or puberty, the teen years.  It included poor choices, a long journey (figuratively), as in getting back to a point in the road or a juncture of life that was abandoned for a while.  Spunk, bravado, pride, aloofness, sometimes condescension comes to mind.  Also, “ulterior motives” may accompany their life experiences.  I also feel that this may represent a young male, either indicating that this individual died young, or this is how they choose to represent themselves to me, as in wanting to appear as they were during a happy period in their life.

3 ~ a lesson they’d like to share
Regret/5 of cups
This individual expresses a lot of regret from their vantage point on the other side.  This includes relationships thrown away; opportunities tossed aside; many losses experienced on a variety of levels.  I feel the biggest thing that this spirit wants to share with us is not to miss out on, or lose something, that is or could be precious in our lives.  Don’t take anything for granted.  Don’t treat important things in your life frivolously.  

4 ~ something they wish they’d paid more attention to
Success/6 of wands
This spirit wishes they’d paid more attention to meeting goals, that they would have worked harder to achieve more in their life.  I believe this individual became so wrapped up in other activities or relationships that they were led off a chosen path, lured away from the direction their life was meant to go.  There is also the idea of being bound against one’s will from actively making decisions and implementing action during their life that would have precipitated success.  He’s telling us to be vigilant, don’t be easily swayed by convincing people and shiny promises that will prove destructive and hollow.

5 ~ a message from this spirit to us
The Web/major arcana #11
Spirit is apologizing for getting himself caught up in unfavorable circumstances and decisions that affected your life.  He’s incredibly regretful of any pain or trauma that he may have caused during his life time to loved ones and family.  This spirit realizes that there is no way to take back the experiences of his previous life and make amends to the people he touched, but he wants you to know that he is well aware of the repercussions his life had on you, and he’s sorry, so very sorry.  Also, he may choose to show his presence to you in the appearance of a white dog.  When you see a white dog, a white dog that grabs your attention, know that this spirit is present and making a connection with you.

A mediumship reading is available at The Tarot Parlour. Go to the HOME PAGE and scroll down.

The Witch’s Corner Newsletter ~ November!

The Witch’s Corner Newsletter is out and live!
Welcome to November’s Newsletter!…   click  HERE

Included in this issue are the following articles~

1. Metal Magick

2. November’s Moon/Crafting Your Magick

3. Thoughts: Magick & Witchcraft; Writing & Literature; and Age

4. Candle Magick How-To

5. When the Dead Come Through

6. Candle Magick Videos from My Youtube Channel

7. Spell-a-Day: Monday-Friday

8. Bad Mojo: Is Someone Messing with You?

9. A Woman’s Life Transitions

10. Getting Ready for Some Ouija Board Fun

11. How Do You Detect the Presence of Spirits in Your House?




The Witch’s Desk: How do you detect the presence of Spirits in your house?


This is my question-of-the-week, and I thought it would be refreshing to get away from the topic of relationships for a while.  Spirits are always interesting, though they are not always fun, but mostly (from my own experience) they actually are.  This is just me, or maybe it’s that I’ve only had pleasant or neutral experiences with them so far.  For whatever reason, I just don’t feel “frightened” by them. I have a friend that I have done House Cleansings with around the Omaha area, and the one thing that I’ve noticed is that a lot of the time you won’t have to ask yourself if you have a spirit in your house, you will most definitely know; but this is often the more extreme cases, real “hauntings” with something that is unpleasant, or obnoxious, or invasive in a very negative way.  Through this experience, visiting other people’s homes and talking to them about their situations, I realize that some people are just naturally frightened by the idea of the ethereal…ghosts, spirits, anything down this road.

The house that we live in now has always had spirit activity, and I’ve only recently learned from some of my daughters, since they’ve grown, is that when they were small there was an unpleasant “something” on the landing (we have a split level home).  One of my daughters told me that she felt it so strongly, and it was such a scary menacing presence to her, that she was often afraid to go up and down the stairs.  Years afterwards, when I began to regularly (key word here is “regularly”) cleanse the house, this entity disappeared.

I remember the exact day I decided I had enough– I was sweeping down the stairs, on a day that I was all alone, which rarely happened with our large home-schooling family, when I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and a rush of goose bumps come up my legs.  This was accompanied by the very unnerving sensation of someone (a presence) behind me.  Did this scare me?  No, I actually found it interesting– but it did make me angry.  I considered this an obnoxious invasion of my personal space.  I threw the broom down and, muttering under my breath, I stalked off around the house to gather up white candles, and incense, salt and water, cussing the whole time.  I guess I felt it was an inconvenience that was unnecessary, and I would have to take the time to straighten this spirit out and set some boundaries, rather than being able to get all the “Stuff” done that I wanted to get done while I was on my own!

My kids claimed later, and continue to do so to this day, that I tend to do too good a job of cleansing, and some of the entities we have shared this space with were actually interesting, just an integral part of the house and it’s atmosphere.  So I’ve let up over the years, acknowledging that there’s enough room in this old house for everyone, as long as we all play nice in the sandbox.  There have only been a handful of times in the last 20 years when I’ve had to draw some boundaries and shoo a spirit away.


Anyway, I digress, on to the subject at hand.  The individual who asked me this question is obviously not sure what constitutes a spirit’s presence, and what may just be some sort of natural occurrence, or an overactive imagination. Let’s look at all those tell tale signs of spirit activity–

1)  Scents:  It’s happened to me before, I’ll smell my grandmother’s perfume, or her favorite flower (roses).  You might smell cigars or cigarette smoke in a house where no one smokes.  You might smell a loved one’s favorite food.  Anytime you pick up a scent that is not explainable on a physical level, you might want to consider that it’s coming from another source.  I’ve heard about (but never experienced personally) the unpleasant and obnoxious odors of malevolent spirits.  This is just something to keep in mind.  Most of the time it’s all good, but once in a while you might run into something unusual.  The sense of smell is just another one of our six senses, just another way we learn and experience and process information about the world around us.

2)  Noises:  Here we go again, another one of our six senses.  Several times over the past few decades, since my grandmother’s death, I have heard her call my name.  Often this has happened in the dead of night and woken me out of a deep sleep, but there have been occasions where this has happened during the day, when I’m wide awake to begin with, and usually when I am alone.  It’s cool, nothing scary.  She’s just touching base, letting me know that she’s still near, that there is still some sort of connection.  (Death isn’t the end, it’s just a different plane of existence.) Besides hearing voices, there are other odd sounds– knocking, scraping, footsteps, growling (not usually a good thing), hammering, human sounds (like hand clapping , finger snapping, muttering)…and always, you will have no logical explanation for these sounds.

3)  Temperature Changes:  We’re talking big in-your-face changes that are unexplainable through normal physics.  This means the furnace man won’t be able to explain to you a 40 degree drop in 5 seconds.  If you ask him to explain this he’s just going to stand there scratching his head; and if he’s a really savvy furnace man (who knows about ghosts and all that paranormal stuff), he’s liable to be throwing tools in his bag and scurrying from your house so fast all you see is the back of his head.  I guess there are more subtle temperature changes you can experience, but people are more liable to explain them away– a sudden cold breeze that wafts through a room, gently lifting the pages of a newspaper; a momentary “chill” that gives you a shudder.  Besides unusual temperature changes, you might experience drafts– the kind of draft that flickers and toys with candle flames, the kind of draft that can’t possibly come from anything of this world because there is no place for the draft to originate from.

4) Electronic/Electrical Malfunctions:  We’ve often heard that the spirit world has the ability to collect energy from our electrical gadgets and use this energy to manifest all kinds of paranormal phenomena.  I don’t know if any of this can ever really be scientifically proven, but it seems that a lot of these occurrences (odd things happening with your electrical gadgets, lamps, lights, computers, etc.) almost always seem to precipitate a mad rush of paranormal activity.  Do you have appliances, lights, a television, computer, or other gadget that turns itself off and on? …that turns itself off and on regularly?

7)  Moving Objects:  This is pretty extreme and the fodder for many movies and television shows.  But it does happen, and the most basic kind of activity that I’ve personally witnessed (with moving objects) involved a series of cupboard doors that would be closed one minute and all open the next; drawers or doors, same thing.  I’ve yet to see anything as dramatic or theatrical as portrayed in the movies.  Remember, for a spirit to move a physical object, an object of atoms and matter, it would take an incredible amount of energy.

6)  The Goosebump Factor:  Some people are more sensitive to the paranormal and its energy than others.  There are a lot of people (a lot!) who can actually “feel” the presence of spirits, even if they are not sensitive enough to communicate with them (as a medium or psychic), they still know dang well that there is something there, and they can often pick up on positive or negative energy.  Never underestimate The Goosebump Factor.

The Witch’s Diary: Fan Mail

The topics include prophetic dreams; dejavu; mediumship; spirits; mirrors; the moon…I chose two pieces of fan-mail from two young ladies to answer in a video message. I love your emails, and I enjoy sharing magickal experiences! You’re all awesome!…Blessed Be

Magickal Preparations for Winter

1.  Cleanse each room of energy debris…The negative stuff, the dark and ugly energy lurking in the corners and beneath the couch and chairs, the energy that hides in the cubbies and closets and scares those children who sense it…smudge, incense, burn candles, and bring out that magickal broom– sweep, sweep, sweep that space clean.  Leave a wee bit of something behind to keep this space clear, to let the Dark Ones, the Spirits, and Ghosts know that you’ve reclaimed this space, that it is yours— a mojo bag of protection and deflection, some cleansing & protective herbs tied up in pretty bundles and tacked to the ceiling here and there, over the windows, or door frames. And never assume that cleansing this space once will keep it clear forever. Every once-in-a-while, light some candles & incense, send positive energy through this space. Keep your guard up, keep your magickal energy pure, draw your magickal lines in the sand.

2.  Gather your harvest of herbs…As I write this, we’re just nine days out from Samhain.  In my neck of the woods we’ve been incredibly lucky with the weather so far.  We’ve had a couple really cold nights, only one where I had to cover anything, and we still have a lively garden.  So now is my time to Gather Those Magickal Herbs & Plants!!.  In the stillness of the Indian Summer days, I will clip and snip, tie and bind, hang and dry a variety of plants that will be tacked to my kitchen ceiling, crushed and added to bottles and jars, or arranged in pretty glass bowls.  This is the season for the Green Witch to reap the harvests of Mother Earth, to restock her magickal cabinet.  Hurry, before winter descends and the snow flies.

3.  Put your garden to rest for the season, magickally speaking…The nature spirits have spent all summer fluttering about your garden, gracing it with health and a wealth of blossoms and buds.  But it’s time now for nature to retreat into the depths of winter; it’s time for the plants to finish their final cycle; it’s time for the soil to rest.  On a quiet still autumn day, take a white candle and some incense into your garden, thank the fairies and spirits for their care and presence and magick.  Bid them adieu, until we meet again in spring.  Scatter to the four corners of this magickal space crushed rosemary and sage, allow the candle to burn in the center of the garden, sending out healing energy for Nature, as well as a  last flame of light before the darkness of winter descends.  It’s sort of bitter-sweet, this process for me; but you can leave your garden with a wistful smile, knowing that this is only a temporary good-by, a temporary sleep.  When spring comes, you’ll rejoice with the flowers and herbs and shrubs once more.

4.  Prepare your vehicle for winter travel…Just like most people check the tires, change the oil, and mundanely “winterize” their vehicles in anticipation of severe winter weather conditions, so you will want to magickally “winterize” your vehicle, making sure there is a powerhouse of positive protective energy surrounding the vehicle itself and everyone who travels in it.  This is an ongoing thing at our house.  I use stone talismans created personally, decorated with symbols and words related to specific deities invoking their energy for protection.  I use mojo bags filled with calamus root and plantain– one of the strongest combinations of herbs for safe travel– along with a tiger eye stone and even hair clippings from the car’s owner and people who will be routinely traveling in this vehicle.  Smudge the vehicle with sage or a favorite incense; asperge (sprinkle) the vehicle with salted water for purification and blessings; anoint the four sides of the vehicle with Mars Astrological Ointment, dipping your finger in the oil and drawing an invoking pentagram discreetly near the bottom of the car doors.  Settle into the coming winter months with the security of knowing that you’ve done all you can possibly do to assure safe travel for you and your family members

Photo: Magickal Preparations for Winter: 2.  Gather your harvest of herbs...As I write this, we're just nine days out from Samhain.  In my neck of the woods we've been incredibly lucky with the weather so far.  We've had a couple really cold nights, only one where I had to cover anything, and we still have a lively garden.  So now is my time to Gather Those Magickal Herbs & Plants!!.  In the stillness of the Indian Summer days, I will clip and snip, tie and bind, hang and dry a variety of plants that will be tacked to my kitchen ceiling, crushed and added to bottles and jars, or arranged in pretty glass bowls.  This is the season for the Green Witch to reap the harvests of Mother Earth, to restock her magickal cabinet.  Hurry, before winter descends and the snow flies.

The Witch’s Desk: The Deceased & External Events


Hello Ms. Amythyst! I first would like to mention how much your website and the text I have purchased from you has empowered me. I am looking for guidance. Now, my issues are most likely more than I can touch on one email, but it involves witchcraft. Now, if you do get this message (goddess willing) I will kind of give a synopsis… My grandmother was Wiccan before I was born, but reassigned herself as Christian. Ever since her death, very terrible things have happened to our family. I have no idea if these things are related, but knowing the darker side… I thought I’d check in with a professional. I would like to mention that I looked up Wiccan beliefs because of my belief in crystal healing. Not because of her past. I am new to this but very positive of the teachings. I have just realized I am getting ahead of myself haha. I would love to get a response before I get too excited! Thank you

Interesting.  You are sort of wondering, as I’m understanding this, if your grandmother and her Wiccan practices could have anything to do with the unfortunate external incidents you and your family have experienced since her death.

There’s a very simple way to look at this:  through your grandmother’s own soul and her curiosity and experimentation with very different spiritual paths.

If the soul survives, and the soul is viewed as that internal part of us which encompasses not only the sub-conscious but our conscious mind and our inherent intelligence as well, one could surmise that your grandmother may have very confusing views of the after-life, and divinity, heaven and hell, as well as a warped view of punishment.  If I look at this situation from this viewpoint, I’m thinking that your grandmother needs to know that everything is okay, that she didn’t do anything wrong in her practice of witchcraft, or in her transition to Christianity.  She needs to know that all spiritual paths lead to grace.  Your grandmother needs to find peace, and you can help her do this.  One way is to simply tell her.  Even if you don’t think you have the gift of mediumship, this doesn’t mean that our loved ones can’t see and hear us after their passing.

Light a white candle, light some cleansing purifying incense, and have a chat with your grandmother.

Because I don’t have any particulars, and this is all the information that I have regarding your specific circumstances, I’ll let it stand here.  If you’d like to tell me more, feel free to do so.  The other alternative to this scenario would involve curses and hexing and that type of thing, which would be a whole different ball game, and wouldn’t necessarily have anything to do with your grandmother.


All questions are posted as received, no editing (except to delete identities), as all questions are posted anonymously.  You can contact me through the submission form in the sidebar on the home page at my website The Witch’s Corner.

October’s Magick

Named for: “Octo”, meaning ‘eight’
Anglo-Saxon: Win-monap
Birthstone: opal, tourmaline
Flower: calendula
 October Moon Magick:
Blood Moon
Herbs: ginger, myrrh, allspice, basil, clove
Stones: alexandrite, citrine, lilac kunzite
Scents: pine, patchouli
Colors: dark green, brown, gold
Trees: yew, cypress, maple, oak
Deities: Astarte, Horned God, Lakshmi, Ishtar
Elements: Air/Water
 Astrological Influences for October:
Libra: ruled by Venus, projective/masculine, cardinal, air
Scorpio: ruled by Mars, receptive/feminine, fixed/water
 Pagan Holiday:
October 31
Samhain (pronounced ‘Sou-wen’) is a celebration that has a more somber side than the revelry of modern Halloween. It is a day of remembrance of your ancestors and for those family members who have passed over.
Pagan families may set an extra place at the supper table on this evening, to honor those loved ones who are no longer with them. The veil between the world of the living and the dead is thinnest on this eve, and this night is an excellent time to perform divination, or try to connect with those from the other side.
Herbs: patchouli, sage, heather
Altar Flowers/Herbs: acorns, apples, pumpkins/gourds, dittany, autumn leaves
Feast Foods: pumpkin, squash, nut breads, sweet potatoes, milled drinks (cider, wine), roast meat, root vegetables
Animals: bats, cats, crows, ravens, owls
Incense: cinnamon, cloves, myrrh, patchouli, pine, mugwort, nutmeg
Rituals/Spells:  making besoms, divination, spirit contact, crone magick, working with dark energy, spells for new beginnings

Crafting Your Magic
Ancestral magic is cast with the Blood Moon. Do magic now to communicate with family members who have passed, to connect with your ancestors and your heritage. Magic surrounding divination is relevant, it’s the perfect time. Cast spells for justice and balance, and to overthrow anything oppressive which may be blocking your path to success. Ambition is highlighted, use magic to increase the potency of your own, or cast magic to contain ambition that may have run amok. This is also the perfect time to step into the dark shadows and take advantage of the vibrations found there. The gray witch revels in the magic of the Blood Moon and in this season.

Magickal Herbs

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In the tradition of Samhain, we’re going to look at herbs used to call up spirits.

To bring forth protective & benevolent spirits, Mugwort is burned on charcoal with star anise, althea, and resin incenses like frankincense, myrrh, copal, or benzoin.
Energy: feminine/receptive
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Powers: strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, astral projection

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The root, when dried, roasted, and ground like coffee, is used to make a tea. This infusion will promote psychic powers. This same tea, steaming and placed beside the bed, will call spirits.
Energy: masculine/projective
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Powers: divination, wishes, calling spirits

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To call Spirits, place some thistle in boiling water. Remove from heat and lie or sit beside it. As the steam rises call the spirits and listen carefully; they may answer your questions.
Energy: masculine/projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: strength, protection, healing, exorcism, hex-breaking

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Wormwood is burned to summon spirits. It is sometimes mixed with sandalwood for this purpose. If burned in graveyards the spirits of the dead will rise and speak, according to old grimoires.
Energy: masculine/projective
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Powers: psychic powers, protection, love, calling spirits

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Burn sweetgrass to attract good spirits, or beings, before performing spells.
(Strangely enough, I couldn’t find any correspondences listed for sweetgrass, other than it’s power to call in spirits.)

 Disclaimer: Never ingest any herbs, or feed them to someone else,
if you are not absolutely sure they are safe!  

Kitchen Wytchery
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As the Kitchen Witch knows, natural magick can be found in certain foods, recipes, as well as herbs. In this section we’re going to put this knowledge to work.
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We celebrate Samhain at our house big time. I’m going to include in this newsletter my own recipe for pumpkin pie & my ‘secret’ recipe for the large pot of hot apple cider that is a tradition at our house. The photos included are family photos of Samhains past.
My Pumpkin Pie:
1 16 oz. can pumpkin (about 2 cups)
1 13 oz. can evaporated milk (but sometimes I use sweetened condensed milk– it makes it more ‘chiffony’…is that a word?)
2 eggs 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 sugar
the spices:
Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, and a dash of salt. Most recipes call for 1/2 teaspoon each, but I’m much more generous with my spices!
the crust:
I tried for years to learn to make a good pie crust, and I almost gave up out of frustration– then I found this recipe. It’s almost foolproof, no kidding.
2 and 1/2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup shortening 1 beaten egg 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/4 cup water
Mix the dry ingredients together and cut in the shortening, as usual. Then combine the egg and vinegar, stirring it up a bit, and add this to your dry ingredients. Add the water a dash at a time as you work it in, you’ll be able to tell when you get a good texture.
Edit:  I bake this pie at 425 degrees for the first 15 minutes; then I turn the oven down to 400 degrees for the next 30-45 minutes, until it’s cooked enough to thicken the filling. I check this by sticking a clean butter knife in the center– when the knife comes out “clean”, I know the pie is done.

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Hot Apple Cider
I have a *Huge*– did I say huge?– kettle that I use to mix up my cider. This sits and simmers all afternoon on the backburner of my stove, wafting a wonderful aroma throughout the house.
5-7 large jugs of applejuice 8-10 bags of peach tea a handful of cinnamon sticks and a large metal tea ball filled with whole cloves and allspice.
You can leave a shaker of nutmeg sit on the counter & anyone who wants to add a dash of this spice to their mug of apple cider can do so.  If you don’t like this cider full force, you can dilute it some with water to suit your own taste.

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Our kitchen isn’t as organized as Rachel Ray’s or Martha Stewart’s, but we get the job done. Above are kettles of cider brewing in preparation for a Samhain evening.
falldivider.gif picture by witch_of_endore
Let’s take a look at the ingredients we just used from a magickal perspective:
Peaches— love
Nutmeg— one of the most popular uses for nutmeg is to assure fidelity. It’s also used for spells centered around luck, money, and health.
Cinnamon— spirituality, success, healing, power, psychic powers, lust, protection, love
 Allspice— money, luck, healing
 Cloves— protection, exorcism, love, money
Apple— love, healing, garden magic, immortality
Happy Samhain!!
The information for this blog post has been taken from:
And Archived newsletters from The Witch’s Corner