The Witch’s Corner ~ May Magick!

“…Thank you to all the people who sent me their true Ouija Board Experiences! It was fascinating hearing about what you went through and how it has affected you. I enjoyed reading your stories, and I’m betting the viewers will enjoy hearing them! Again, thank you for taking the time and effort to send them to me. You’ll find the Ouija Board Stories in this month’s Newsletter Video…scroll down.

The “Special Offer” for this month’s newsletter ~ When you purchase a 3 card audio tarot reading, you’ll receive a FREE crescent moon pendant. (While supplies last). This offer expires on May 31st, so you’d better scroll all the way down to the bottom of this newsletter and use the Paypal widget found there.

Check out the section, Spell-a-Day: Monday-Friday Magick, for some magickal inspiration and some pretty vibrant and major magickal candle spells. Included in this section are the following spells ~ Spirit Guide Protection; Goin’ to the Chapel; Loosin’ the Pen; Goin’ for Broke; The Goddess in Me.

There’s also a special video section this month with some inspiration from some amazing Youtube women. Kudos to them! I hope you enjoy their videos as much as I do!

You’ll find all the usual sections on herbs, stones, and moon magick… I hope you enjoy browsing this newsletter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a wonderful, happy, magickal May!…”



The Witch’s Corner Newsletter ~ February 2018

I am so excited about this newsletter.  I finally got my shyte together with this project and in the process even went back and updated January’s debut issue, adding several things that were left out and needed to be included, so you might want to revisit this page.  I’ve also set it up visually, musically, color-wise, and with a decent almost magazine page feel about it for the format.  I feel comfortable now with the background, the color scheme, the greenery and waterfalls, and smiling Buddha.

I’m pleased as punch to send off (early) February’s edition, and here’s an excerpt from the introduction:

This month let’s look at the energy for February and what we could be, should be, working on right now for manifestation that will enrich our lives.  You’ll also find a spell for the Gray Witch dealing with removing hexes, cleansing afterwards, and making sure the perpetrator gets the message.  You’ll find a video of ambient high-frequency music provided for your listening pleasure as you browse this newsletter.  Also, I’m going to be taping a new monthly video created just for this newsletter that will be informal, informative, cover a multitude of goddess knows what topics, and sometimes it might even get personal.  Of course, there will be lots of other gems and nuggets ~ Read on!   And please feel free to pass this newsletter on to a friend.


Enter The Witch’s Corner Newsletter here ~



Book Review for The Spiritual Feminist coming up in SAGE WOMAN

A new review for my book, “The Spiritual Feminist”, will be coming up in the next edition of SAGE WOMAN.

Order your copy today:

click  Here

SageWoman #89 Roots and Wings (pre-order) - Click Image to Close

“The Spiritual Feminist”
click  Here

Book Cover-- The Spiritual Feminist

Radio Show Coming Up!…Crone’s Cauldron

Mark your calendars!  Radio show coming up!
I’ll be a guest on “Crone’s Cauldron”, ( )
Tuesday, November 17th, 9pm Eastern/8pm Central.

Also, check out Crone’s Cauldron FB page:

Yay! I’m an Event…imagine that!  Please pass this link on and be sure to join the radio show where there is an interactive chat room– you get to ask me questions, or add your thoughts.

(Tuesday evening, November 17th, 9pm Eastern (US) — 8pm Central (US)

Spaced Out Radio ~ A Witch’s Brew with Amythyst Raine

Did you miss this radio show?  Well never fear, it’s right here!

I want to thank Spaced Out Radio and Dave Scott for a rockin’ two hours.  It was absolutely my pleasure!


Check Out Paranormal Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Spaced Out Radio Show on BlogTalkRadio

New Option: Audio Readings

This is a short 3-Card-Spread to introduce you to a new option at my tarot site: Audio Tarot Readings. All audio readings for clients will be done as an Inverted Pyramid Spread (6-card-reading). For more information, or to purchase your very own Personal audio reading, follow this link ~


The Spellery ~ July Issue is Out!

The July Issue of The Spellery is out!
Pick up your copy today!

Yay!!…Author Interview.  I was delighted to be included, once again, in this innovative beautiful magazine.  You’ll find a 3 1/2 page interview with yours truly about books, writing, witchcraft, and personal life.  (It was my pleasure– I love the editor; and I love this magazine!)

The Spellery

Available in Digital or Print

The Spellery: FB Fan-page

The Spellery- July Issues 2015

More Book-Hoopla (Yes! I must)

Okay, it’s been over a month now since the release of my 4th book (The Spiritual Feminist) and most of the initial hoopla has died down– but there might be one or two tricks I’m pulling out of my hat in the next few weeks/months, we’ll see, and I want to surprise you. (And I can hang on to some pretty big surprises, as you might know if you’ve kept up with my blogs.)

Here’s the deal–

To all Amazon Readers ~ I would be delighted, I owe-you-my-firstborn-child grateful if you would kindly leave a review of this book, or at least give it a star rating with a sentence or two about why you, personally, liked the book. Just like ear-rings, you can never have too many positive reviews!

To all of my readers ~ I would be absolutely I owe-you-a-winning-lottery-ticket grateful to anyone who’s read the book and enjoyed it if you would PASS IT ON to another reader. Either lend them your copy, or send them a link to buy their own, seriously, this is how a book’s popularity grows, through you, THE READERS, and word-of-mouth.

To radio hosts ~ I’m not finished talking about “The Spiritual Feminist”; and I will NEVER be finished discussing goddess spirituality, paganism, witchcraft, or feminism…ever. If you’d like to schedule an interview, email me ( ), or FB private message me.

With all that said, it’s been a hell-of-a-spring! Thank you to everyone who has assailed me with congratulations; thank you to everyone who has purchased the book; thank you to reviewers and radio hosts for all the terrific reviews and memorable shows!

Cover Artist (right) ~ Anne Turrell ~

  Amazon US  Amazon UK

Barnes & Noble

My books are sold world-wide.  You can purchase them at any fine bookstore near you.  If you don’t find them on the shelf, the bookstore will Order Them For You! ~ That’s what bookstores do.

Order YOUR copy today!

My Super Secret Revealed

Oh my god, I’ve been hanging onto a Super Duper Secret for so long. It hasn’t been easy, and admittedly there are a very small handful of people (family and close friends) who may have been privy to bits and pieces. I was, however, quite proud of our ability to sit on our tongues for the most part, to not give out any details– even to them, to be able to draw ourselves up short. It wasn’t easy, believe me. It was enormous, this Secret, you’ve no idea!

The Super Duper Secret has sort of Come-&-Gone. It’s like one of those unfortunate 4th of July sparklers that looks incredible for about five seconds and then fizzles out to a nothing blackness as you hold it and watch in utter shocked dismay. That’s the way of this Super Duper Secret. The fizzling out isn’t something that we thought of, not something that we imagined. It was too promising. It was so highly praised by those professionals involved, those who got a chance to work on it, or view it during the creation process. It had “Success” written all over it; it sparkled and glowed with prideful star-shine; it bounced around like a beautifully wrapped sun-beaming present just waiting to be opened.

And then suddenly, unexpectedly, in one fell swoop, in one executive meeting, in one unexplainable moment, it was shot out of the sky. And there it was, laying before us on the ground, like the bloody carcass of a turtle-dove, perfectly still at our feet, bleeding out. All life, all promise, all hope…dead. All future plans, dreams, and visions washed away along with the lifeblood of this Super Secret Project.

What was this Super Secret Project? (You ask)…Even now, after everything that has transpired, sometimes it seems like some sort of bizarre dream that never really happened. But in fact, it wasn’t a dream, it was very real. It was amazing! It was fun, it was unique, it opened avenues before us that we never expected to travel and brought into focus possibilities that had once been out of reach. It also brought a group of amazing, super talented, creative, big-hearted, beautiful, lovable people into our life. It created a magickal summer; a summer with memories that will be carried with me and my family forever. It will fondly be remembered as the summer The Crew was here.

What was this Super Secret Project? (You ask)…Even now, I can’t be specific. I still reside in a gray area beneath a Cloak of Confidentiality. I still must watch my tongue, ironically enough, even though the dream has died. I still must be discreet, yet I can also be generalized and broad and humdrum. I will not be naming names of companies or people involved in this project. I will be careful to protect the integrity of our working business relationship, as well as our personal friendships.  I was hoping to reveal this Super Secret Project in a glaring haze of wild anticipation, but that was not meant to be– This Time.

What was this Super Secret Project (You ask)…I still can hardly believe it as I type it, so I don’t blame you if you don’t (believe it, that is)– last summer my family and I shot a pilot for a television show with The Crew of a highly respected and acclaimed Production Company for a National Television Network. It sounds so grand, I know, and ridiculous, and unreal, and Bigger-Than-Life. And it was (all of those things). It was going so well. It was going to be aired as a single episode, with everyone being very hopeful that it would “go-to-series”. And if this had been the case, it would have been Life-Changing for me and my family.

However, this isn’t how it turned out.

The Network dropped the show, dropped it unexpectedly, dropped it just days before it was to air, dropped it for what reason I don’t know and probably never will. I’ve been told that this happens all the time, pilots are dropped inexplicably. But I think it’s different when it happens to you, when it’s your show. There’s too much at stake, too much invested (thousands of dollars to the attorney who worked on my contract), emotions, energy, just too much of everything to shrug it off casually, without a flicker of sadness and regret.

But it is what it is, and we can’t change that.

In spite of all the drama and disappointment–

Creating this show was an incredible experience. It was an amazing process, and my family and I want to thank The Crew for showing us that we are capable of Doing and Being so much more than we thought. We loved working with you. We hate the fact that you won’t be returning, and we won’t have an opportunity to continue working with you; but we’ll be with you in spirit on your Grand Adventures.

To the Producers & Directors & The Crew, Thank you for giving us an extraordinarily magickal summer!

Watching TV is so different for me now. I can’t watch two minutes of a camera scanning a scene without thinking about the crew members and how incredibly hard they work. Most people will never know how much time and effort, how much blood-sweat-& tears goes into producing a 60 minute television show. It’s a test in stamina.

Love ya’, Alls!
