Solitude Pays Off/You Get a Second Chance

There’s two readings in this video today:

1) Sometimes we really need solitude to think something through, to ground and center, to connect with our Spirit guides and our inner self. Don’t think of your quiet time alone as a stagnant period because it isn’t, it may be some of the most mentally and emotionally inspiring moments you experience.

2) Sometimes couples go through several up and down, off and on again stages before everything “clicks” and the couple realizes that they are actually meant to be together. Respect time apart, respect the time of noncommunication. Use this time to think, assess, plan, and acknowledge what’s good about being together.

Your Daily Cards ~ another website, another update

I have just updated “Your Daily Cards” at my second website. You’ll find this hand written reading in the right side-bar, at the top, right under the picture you see below. If viewing on your phone, click on “view web version”, or you won’t see the sidebar.

Your Daily Cards

I just updated “Your Daily Cards” at my website. This hand written reading is in the right sidebar under this title, scroll down, it’s right above the image you see below. If viewing on your phone, click on “view web version”, or you won’t see the sidebar.

Your Daily Cards ~ updated @ The Witch’s Corner

I Updated “Your Daily Cards”, found in the right side-bar at The Witch’s Corner, if you’re viewing on your phone, you need to click on “view web version”

click HERE


Welcome, visitors, to The Witch’s Corner. The reading found here is created specifically for this space and for you. If you have stumbled upon this humble little sidebar and this reading, be assured that it was Spirit’s intent that you find it.

The cards: King/swords; The Empress; 4/cups; 9/wands; Temperance (the deck, Vintage Tarot)

A Time Out ~ How long are you willing to wait?

  • My first impressions of these cards, my “scratchings”, as I call them:

Someone coming to a full stop because they’re stubborn and unwilling to compromise.

Someone who’s getting tired of waiting for them to come around.

They may have been working on this issue for a long time, may also be work related.

A time out, whether wanted, or asked for, or not.

Still stubborn, hanging onto their opinion, not budging

Something has come to a screeching halt, whether this is progress in a personal relationship, or plans for a future goal, work ambitions, travel plans, or something else that you had your heart set on and were excited about.  Everything just stopped.  It feels kind of deflating, actually, like there was this big adrenalin rush — excited and happy energy — and then, boom, like someone pulled the plug.


Because this relationship, or these plans, involve a person who is extremely stubborn, bull-headed, and completely unwilling to compromise.  They don’t seem to want to budge an inch.  They’ve drawn a line in the sand and it looks like they’ll fight to the death for the principle of the thing, for what they think is right — though it feels an awful lot like someone has their priorities all messed up here.  Honestly, idiot, you feel like you just want to smack them (Spirit’s words, not mine).

And you — whom this reading is really for — are getting so tired of waiting for this stubborn person to come around.  You might be waiting for a very long time, even an indefinite period of time, Spirit warns.  You have to ask yourself how long you’re willing to wait for a compromise, and would the wait really be worth it, even if this person eventually comes around to a positive point of view — whenever that might be.

This is an issue that’s been on the table, in the work’s, for a very long time.  And it’s very possible for some of you reading this that this is work related, just to give you a heads up, in case you might want to consider moving on to something new.

There is a definite time-out coming to this situation, whether it’s wanted or not.  There is the feeling that something might be time sensitive here, or that you might just plain run out of energy to deal with it, or the whole idea gets to the point where it just dissipates, like fog when the sun comes out.  And you know what, just like the day changes when the fog lifts and the sun shines, your life might change that way too, get all sunny and promising again, if you let this issue die and move on to something more constructive, more promising.

Think about it.  I don’t see this person letting their guard down long enough to listen to anyone else’s opinion, or to look at this from a new perspective, anytime soon.  They feel pretty set in their ways.  It’s your time too, how long are you willing to wait?

And the story continues ~ there is a definite change of plans for an unexpected future

Yesterday I laid a group of cards and got the frame work for their story, you’ll find that here, in this blog post:

These Cards Need Time to Flesh Out Their Story

The story continues to unfold:

There’s someone who’s been very focused on a specific very complex and involved goal, so much so that they sort of have tunnel vision about it, this goal possibly centers around education and work.  They know that they need this kind of focus and dedication to make this happen and reach this new plateau.

What’s happened, or about to happen in their life, is totally unplanned, it’s not something they intended to happen or even thought about at this point in time.  This is just something that the universe sort of drops on them unexpectedly, something totally out of the blue.  (Cupid does that, you know, you have no intention of meeting anyone, or falling in love, or becoming involved, and then — bang — there you are).

There’s still the idea of something happening very fast, accelerated energy all around, a whirlwind still; and this time the cards are telling me that this is all driven by passion, and someone speaking their truth, either to someone else, or to themselves, or to both.  It’s an “aha” moment of clarity and realization.

And this does indeed change everything.  The future is spinning, realigning itself; there is a change of plans.

There’s still lots of decisions to be made, but the cards are telling me that they’re no longer being made for one person by one person.  These plans involve two people now.  Groundwork is being laid for the future.

The Story Finally Had to be Told

These cards have been laying on the table beside my computer for days.  Sometimes, when I’ve sat down, I would pick a notebook up and jot down impressions from the cards.  I did this two or three times, until a story started to unfold.

The story is about a couple, a young couple it seems, and how a jealous bystander, whether in the form of a “friend”, sibling, colleague, etc., played into the near destruction of their incredible connection.  No matter how strong a couple thinks they are, repeated and malicious invasive thoughts in the guise of “advice” from an outsider can chip away at the strongest foundations.  It’s a mind game, and it’s insidious.

The couple were, of course, affected by the negativity of this individual and the insipid cloying conversations that ensued in the guise of good advice, and things this person “just thought you should know” — no matter how false and fabricated the stories.

And the really vicious thing about it is this individual was apparently befriending both parties separately, worming their way in as a confidant and sounding board, someone with a shoulder to lean on, someone who (or so the individuals thought) had their best interest and the interest of the relationship at heart.  (So untrue, all of it, the only thing this poisonous connection wanted was to ruin something because it was beautiful and amazing and they didn’t have one like it.)

There’s people out there like that, you know, as much as we might not want to believe it, or think about it.

I’m not sure what turned events around, what opened this couples eyes to the truth and to each other, what betrayed the wolf in sheep’s clothing, what exposed the jealous plot to divide this couple.  Who saw it first; how did they approach this individual, if at all; how did they come to a joint realization that they were actually on the same page and didn’t need any outside assistance to maintain their relationship, thank you.

I don’t have that information.  The cards wouldn’t tell me this.  But that’s okay, I don’t need to know.  The cards showed me the end of the story, the good part, the happy ever after ending, the ending that gives credence to loyalty and forever-love and magical life connections.

The couple survived this onslaught, and I’m sure that they learned much from this experience, and needless to say, this will probably never happen to them again, because now they are “aware”, and once you “know”, you can never “unknow”.

True love prevails… it’s true, it really does.

Are you going to keep up appearances, or follow your heart?

I thought this was going to be three separate readings on three separate topics for three separate individuals out there, that’s what I thought. Spirit — and the cards — had a different idea. I was amazed as these three readings unfolded and a definite theme emerged; it was obviously a story aimed at one individual with a definite question that needs to be addressed. So, I combined the three taped readings into one video. And the question remains: Are you going to keep up appearances, or are you going to follow your heart?

The Hermit Experiences a Toxic Connection ~ learn from it & move on

Happy 4th of July weekend to the Americans who are reading this blog post, and a heartwarming wave on a beautiful summer day to everyone else.  It feels like it’s been a short while since I’ve drawn any daily cards, and actually, the set of cards you see below were drawn three or four days ago.  I’ve left them lay by my computer so their energy could grow and their story could unfold.  So, here we go.

I’ve finally jotted down my first impressions.  This is something I usually do privately, even during video readings, but I don’t film the process.  It’s rather a private thing, but maybe it shouldn’t be.  I won’t edit the content to these notes, I’ll type them in here as I wrote them.  Remember as you’re reading them, that my brain is receiving information very quickly, and receiving it two ways — through clairaudience (I’m hearing the words in my head) and through clairvoyance (I’m seeing the words in my head.  They appear as white chalk on a black board):

Solitary time/seclusion.

Tumultuous (maybe traumatic) life experience. Big changes.

Pulled in two directions, not thinking clearly.

Avoiding making a choice, choosing instead to retreat — within, maybe physically.

  • So, I’m ready for the whole story now, or most of it at least:

The cards are telling me that this is someone who has spent a great deal of time alone, probably single, and that they are slow to trust, or to make new friends.  They are the proverbial “Hermit” in every sense of the world, a home body, engaged in their own interests and pursuits, some of which may seem “geeky” or “unusual” to the general public.

I’m going to speak to this person directly now, so if this is you, here we go:

Something happened, or someone appeared in your life, that prompted you to open the figurative door and allow someone in, allow someone to get close to you, possibly for the first time in your life, which understandably gave you a rush and a sense of awe at how intimate and amazing a personal connection can be.

However, the world is full of people who do not have admirable intentions, and it’s full of people who are not ethical.  It’s also full of people who can convince you that they are all this and more, and they’re quite good at it.  I feel this is what happened to you.

I’m not sure how long you were in contact with this person before reality hit and the polished veneer that they presented to you became cracked, foggy, and sadly muddied.  But eventually, this is what happened, and you — who were experiencing many things connected to a relationship for the first time — – was struck with harsh realties of the human condition and human behavior.

  • The message the cards are giving me for you… 

This was a learning experience, and it’s one that you have survived.  Don’t let this one negative connection deter you from seeking friendship or love.  Besides that rare bad apple in the bushel, there’s a whole bunch of fresh beautiful honest people out there in whose company and friendship you will blossom and grow.  Take what you’ve learned, apply it where needed, and move forward in confidence with your life.

Queen of Swords

Daily Tarot Card ~ Queen/swords, Light Seers Tarot
Someone is taking some quiet solitary time to really sit back and think something through very analytically, with deep intellectual thought. You are removing yourself from the line of fire, or the hub of a chaotic or messy situation, to figure out what you want to do and where you want to go from here. This card tells me that someone is putting thoughts (and words) together in a careful and mindful matter so that they are clearly understood. There have been enough misunderstandings and miscommunication.

Cancer ~ An In-Depth Zodiac Tarot Reading (video)


The Tarot Parlour ~

The Witch’s Corner ~

Magickal Connections ~

Books by Amythyst Raine ~

Music is by the amazing Kevin McLeod, courtesy of the Youtube Library.

Audio Tarot Readings

Audio Tarot Readings ~ The following Tarot Spreads are now available as Audio Readings. When you purchase one of these audio readings, you can choose from the Drop Down Menu in the Paypal Widget which reading you want. All audio readings are $15.00. Follow this link:

The Spreads to choose from:
1. 3 Card Spread
2. Directions & Trends
3. Gypsy’s Magick Spell
4. The Pentagram
5. Desires & Fears
6. The Path of Desires
7. Partnership & Relationships

July’s Mid-Month Zodiac Tarot Updates ~ video!

July’s readings are UNCUT and UNCENSORED.  It is what it is.  Welcome to my World!

The Tarot Parlour ~
The Witch’s Corner ~
Magickal Connections ~

The links to moon and rising sign calculators can be found in the description box below this video at Youtube.

Time Stamps:  Aquarius/4:37; Capricorn/7:10; Pisces/8:49; Aries/12:11; Taurus/17:24; Gemini/19:34; Cancer/22:28; Leo/24:36; Virgo/28:19; Libra/30:31; Scorpio/32:11; Sagittarius/34:12

Be sure to Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel for automatic updates when I upload new videos, because you never know, someday I might get lazy about posting them all over these sites! (Lots of Likes and Shares tells Youtube people are watching my Stuff, and it will raise my videos in the search engine, making it easier for other people to find them.)



Mid-May’s Zodiac Tarot Readings! (video podcast)

Time Stamps ~ Aquarius/1:36 (Queen/pentacles, The Star); Capricorn/5:01 (The Star, King/swords); Pisces/8:12 (2/cups, 9/wands); Aries/12:17 (7/cups, Knight/wands); Taurus/16:26 (King/pentacles, The Moon); Gemini/20:63 (The Sun, 5/wands); Cancer/22:56 (King/pentacles, 3/swords); Leo/26.34 (10/swords, The Lady); Virgo/29:33 (4/cups, 4, wands); Libra/33:30 (7/cups, King/pentacles); Scorpio/36:48 (Princess/cups, The Lovers); Sagittarius/40:27 (Knight/wands, 3/pentacles)

My tarot website ~
The Witch’s Corner ~
Magickal Connections ~

Rising Sign Calculator:

Moon Sign Calculator:

BOOKS, by author Amythyst Raine @ Amazon ~

Mid-April Zodiac Tarot Updates! (video)

Our mid-month updates for April are finished and out!  These mid-month updates are “mini-readings”, a two card draw, just to keep a check on which way our energy is going for the month.  Are we headed for something new?  Has the energy of the monthly reading changed course?  Are we in for some surprises?  Disappointments?  Victories?

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel, Like & Share my videos– this is greatly appreciated, and it will my help my Youtube Channel and audience to GROW!   I have a new mini-co-host sitting in during the introduction to this month’s updates, you’ll LOVE him!