The Mystic Crone Podcast ~ Look, then look again

Today’s insights on The Mystic Crone podcast..

  • Why are you trying so hard to gain approval from people or an organization that doesn’t approve of you?
  • Why are you trying so hard to hang onto an individual that is ruining you financially?

The Mystic Crone Blog

The Mystic Crone @ YouTube

Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom ~ today’s cards were eye-opening and fun!

Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom… I had so much fun with this series of 8 cards! They were both eye-opening and fun. You’ll have to see how many of them you connect with. Also, to my troll (s), it’s going to be okay, really, it is. I know you might feel bitter or betrayed the way life has played out for you, but you may have also dodged a bullet and you don’t even realize it.

PODCAST Coffee Chat ~ Mothers-in-law… What I’ve learned from (all) of mine…

These women all touched my life, for the good, the bad and the ugly. One thing they all have in common is that they all taught me something important about life. Whether our connection was brief or extended, the connection was pivotal with each life transition.

Desert Reading ~ Here’s the confirmation you were looking for

Welcome to this general reading. Desert Readings done for this podcast uses a variety of tarot spreads, questions, and methods. If you were second-guessing yourself, if you’re not sure you’re doing the right thing, here’s the confirmation you were looking for.

The Sh** Sandwich Tarot Spread ~ fun stuff!!

This is a fun and eye-opening reading, which gives us a lot of insight on ourselves. I hope you enjoy listening to the reading as much as I enjoyed recording it. And let me know in the comments what kind of tarot connection you made today.There are three positions for this tarot spread: 

1) Something you’re doing right

2) Something you need to improve

3) Something you’ve got going for you

Tarot & Spirituality ~ three scenarios, which one is yours

Today’s general reading covers three very specific scenarios, which one do you scenario(s) do you connect with? 

  • someone has been waiting for so long, they need to decide if it’s time to stop 
  • this dreamy spacey king is going to have to get a grip 
  • the bickering and nitpicking in this dysfunctional group is going to lead to no where

What to do about it — if anything

So, did anyone connect with one or more than one of the scenarios that came up in this reading… 

  • the issue of secrets and deception;
  • a lack of progress in a situation;
  • a new love interest coming in;
  • someone in your circle who is not willing to negotiate or compromise;
  • the individual that’s taking off on an unwise journey back to their past;
  • and then, the issue of financial matters that are not being wisely handled.

Today’s spread is called the “Crazy Brain Spread”. There’s a total of three questions/positions for this spread, and there’s a number of cards pulled for each. In today’s reading you’ll find six different scenarios. For some of you, more than one scenario may resonate.

Tarot Spread ~ The Road to Closure

When this spread was randomly brought up — I didn’t want to do it! I had a weird feeling about it right off the bat. At first I thought it might be because I have no connection with it, but once I started the reading I realized that the opposite was true, there was too much of a connection. So, for all of you out there that are looking for “closure”, let’s figure this out together.

*EDIT: after watching this video, I had a thought… Is the “negative pattern of repetitive behavior” our own, is this someone else’s negative pattern of repetitive behavior IMPOSED upon us?

Transitions ~ It’s going to be all about maintaining balance

There are almost 600 videos I have created at my YouTube Channel, including many tarot readings in various forms. These videos represent my own viewpoints and personal practice. If you come across information you don’t agree with, that’s okay, just move on to the next video. You’re bound to find something of interest here.

My Channels

Amythyst @ Youtube

Third Eye Indigo @ Youtube

Some of the many playlists

Desert Readings Playlist @ YouTube

Animated Tarot Readings @YouTube

Whimsical Tarot @ YouTube

Tarot Parlour Podcast ~ Don’t be rushed into a decision

Today’s reading is full of on the spot intuitive perceptions and advice. Welcome to Arizona and my home. In the quiet, amidst the calls of birds today, we dive into a grid of cards and explore relationships, personal connections, decisions, and life. If you enjoy this video, or find it helpful, please be sure to Like & Subscribe so that other people can find it too.

Your Daily Cards ~ updated @ The Witch’s Corner

I Updated “Your Daily Cards”, found in the right side-bar at The Witch’s Corner, if you’re viewing on your phone, you need to click on “view web version”

click HERE


Welcome, visitors, to The Witch’s Corner. The reading found here is created specifically for this space and for you. If you have stumbled upon this humble little sidebar and this reading, be assured that it was Spirit’s intent that you find it.

The cards: King/swords; The Empress; 4/cups; 9/wands; Temperance (the deck, Vintage Tarot)

Sabotaging Yourself ~ Your saving grace comes in the guise of a Queen

Someone has a desire, a wish, that is at the heart of all they do and think about and probably plan for.  The thing is, they might be sabotaging themselves, foiling their own plans and future.  How?…”Why” might be kind of interesting here as well.

Here’s what the cards are going to tell us…

From here on out, I’m going to speak directly to the person this reading is intended for, so I’ll be using the pronouns that point in that direction.  If this is NOT a reading that is connecting with you, disregard the personal pronouns, but think about the people you know and if this reading could pertain to one of them. 

You aren’t going to be going anywhere, or getting nowhere, either or both.  You will be feeling the frustration over your lack of progress, and the reason for this lack of progress may be the fact that you’re trying to keep someone in the dark.  This gives the impression of a person working toward a goal, but keeping it a secret, or at least secret from certain people.

The energy is filled with the idea that you’re hiding something from someone.

This makes for a very tense atmosphere, because keeping secrets or ulterior motives unrecognized takes a lot of energy.  You always have to be on your guard so you don’t slip up.  This may also be giving you what appears to others as a very defensive attitude.  (There’s part of you that must realize this defensiveness is a childlike response to doing something you know you shouldn’t be doing, or doing something that you’re pretty sure most of the people in your life would disapprove of…  This is called a “conscience”, by the way, but it’s masquerading for now as defensiveness.)

The phrase “wish upon a star” came to my mind.  But it lacked the whimsical fairy tale energy usually associated with it.  Instead came the idea that something will need to be sacrificed if you want to get what it is you desire.  My first response was a shudder:  what are you willing to sacrifice?  who or what will it hurt, if anyone?  and what will the lasting ramifications have on you?

There is a saving grace to this scenario and this reading.

This saving grace is an individual.  It’s represented by the Queen of pentacles, and my first impression is a female, of course.  She’s quiet and wise.  She’s nurturing and grounded and exudes a certain calmness.  She also doesn’t suffer fools and will be the first to tell someone if they’re doing something that is not a good idea.  Okay, I’m mincing words… she will not hesitate to tell you when you’re being stupid, and she doesn’t care what kind of response you give her, she’ll tell you anyway.

She’s your saving grace.

You can be upset with her for being honest and somewhat blunt, but don’t dismiss what she says.  If you do, you won’t get anywhere (the reversed chariot); and you’ll find yourself trying in vain to explain yourself (7 of wands); and you’ll discover that there is someone who can uncover your secret or figure out your motives after all (the reversed High Priestess).

This Queen is your saving grace, know that and respect it, because the universe is not giving you a second chance here.

And the story continues ~ there is a definite change of plans for an unexpected future

Yesterday I laid a group of cards and got the frame work for their story, you’ll find that here, in this blog post:

These Cards Need Time to Flesh Out Their Story

The story continues to unfold:

There’s someone who’s been very focused on a specific very complex and involved goal, so much so that they sort of have tunnel vision about it, this goal possibly centers around education and work.  They know that they need this kind of focus and dedication to make this happen and reach this new plateau.

What’s happened, or about to happen in their life, is totally unplanned, it’s not something they intended to happen or even thought about at this point in time.  This is just something that the universe sort of drops on them unexpectedly, something totally out of the blue.  (Cupid does that, you know, you have no intention of meeting anyone, or falling in love, or becoming involved, and then — bang — there you are).

There’s still the idea of something happening very fast, accelerated energy all around, a whirlwind still; and this time the cards are telling me that this is all driven by passion, and someone speaking their truth, either to someone else, or to themselves, or to both.  It’s an “aha” moment of clarity and realization.

And this does indeed change everything.  The future is spinning, realigning itself; there is a change of plans.

There’s still lots of decisions to be made, but the cards are telling me that they’re no longer being made for one person by one person.  These plans involve two people now.  Groundwork is being laid for the future.

Your Questions: Which direction is my life suppose to go?

See this reading in its entirety (both video & written portion) at:

Tarot:  Your Questions (free mini-readings)  
*may also contain a written portion 

 *Note:  Please don’t give me any information surrounding your question, that makes my job harder.  I prefer to go into a reading with no information and let the cards tell their story. 

 I’m going to continue a practice I started a while back. If you have a question that you would like me to answer anonymously in a tarot video, email me at — — and there will be a chance that I could select your question. I can’t promise to answer every request that comes in, but I’ll do my best. Of course, your question may be very personal, and it will be answered with complete anonymity. It’s almost a sure thing that as personal as a question will be, there’s no doubt that it may also have a universal appeal and could help other people in a similar situation.

[EDIT]  I’ve had several people inquire if they can ask me any type of question, not just a personal tarot question for themselves.  That would be fine, ask away, whether it’s tarot related or not.  If there’s something that you’re curious about, if there’s something you’ve always wanted to know, whether related to tarot, spirituality, witchcraft, wicca, magic, or something else that you’ve been wondering about, send me your question at my email:, and there may be a chance that I’ll select your question for a video.

Your Questions: Will he come home to me and his kids and find peace within himself?

click HERE

Your Questions

(free mini-readings)

*Note: Please don’t give me any information surrounding your question, that makes my job harder. I prefer to go into a reading with no information and let the cards tell their story.

I’m going to continue a practice I started a while back. If you have a question that you would like me to answer anonymously in a tarot video, email me at – — and there will be a chance that I could select your question. I can’t promise to answer every request that comes in, but I’ll do my best.

Of course, your question may be very personal, and it will be answered with complete anonymity. It’s almost a sure thing that as personal as a question will be, there’s no doubt that it may also have a universal appeal and could help other people in a similar situation.

[EDIT] I’ve had several people inquire if they can ask me any type of question, not just a personal tarot question for themselves. That would be fine, ask away, whether it’s tarot related or not. If there’s something that you’re curious about, if there’s something you’ve always wanted to know, whether related to tarot, spirituality, witchcraft, wicca, magic, or something else that you’ve been wondering about. Send me your question at my email:, and there may be a chance that I’ll select your question for a video.

The Story Finally Had to be Told

These cards have been laying on the table beside my computer for days.  Sometimes, when I’ve sat down, I would pick a notebook up and jot down impressions from the cards.  I did this two or three times, until a story started to unfold.

The story is about a couple, a young couple it seems, and how a jealous bystander, whether in the form of a “friend”, sibling, colleague, etc., played into the near destruction of their incredible connection.  No matter how strong a couple thinks they are, repeated and malicious invasive thoughts in the guise of “advice” from an outsider can chip away at the strongest foundations.  It’s a mind game, and it’s insidious.

The couple were, of course, affected by the negativity of this individual and the insipid cloying conversations that ensued in the guise of good advice, and things this person “just thought you should know” — no matter how false and fabricated the stories.

And the really vicious thing about it is this individual was apparently befriending both parties separately, worming their way in as a confidant and sounding board, someone with a shoulder to lean on, someone who (or so the individuals thought) had their best interest and the interest of the relationship at heart.  (So untrue, all of it, the only thing this poisonous connection wanted was to ruin something because it was beautiful and amazing and they didn’t have one like it.)

There’s people out there like that, you know, as much as we might not want to believe it, or think about it.

I’m not sure what turned events around, what opened this couples eyes to the truth and to each other, what betrayed the wolf in sheep’s clothing, what exposed the jealous plot to divide this couple.  Who saw it first; how did they approach this individual, if at all; how did they come to a joint realization that they were actually on the same page and didn’t need any outside assistance to maintain their relationship, thank you.

I don’t have that information.  The cards wouldn’t tell me this.  But that’s okay, I don’t need to know.  The cards showed me the end of the story, the good part, the happy ever after ending, the ending that gives credence to loyalty and forever-love and magical life connections.

The couple survived this onslaught, and I’m sure that they learned much from this experience, and needless to say, this will probably never happen to them again, because now they are “aware”, and once you “know”, you can never “unknow”.

True love prevails… it’s true, it really does.

Are you going to keep up appearances, or follow your heart?

I thought this was going to be three separate readings on three separate topics for three separate individuals out there, that’s what I thought. Spirit — and the cards — had a different idea. I was amazed as these three readings unfolded and a definite theme emerged; it was obviously a story aimed at one individual with a definite question that needs to be addressed. So, I combined the three taped readings into one video. And the question remains: Are you going to keep up appearances, or are you going to follow your heart?

It Might Take Some Awkward Conversation ~ for a 2nd chance

Today’s early morning readings are full of on the spot intuitive perceptions and advice. Welcome to Arizona and my home. This morning we dive into a grid of cards and explore relationships, finances, personal connections, and life. If you enjoy this video, or find it helpful, please be sure to Like & Subscribe so that other people can find it too.

There’s a couple out there that are really going to have to become transparent with each other and indulge in some really difficult and awkward conversations if they want to give their relationship a second chance.

And if you haven’t already purchased my new book, The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening, you can do that using the link below. If the Spirit moves you, leave a brief book review or a few words at Amazon, that would be amazing! Please and thank you in advance! My book, The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening, is up at Amazon and available for purchase. Follow this link:


My books @ Amazon

The Witch’s Corner:

The Tarot Parlour:

Every Cat Has a Tale:

Magickal Connections:


Youtube — Third Eye Indigo:






So Personal ~ At the end of the day…

The cards are being very precise and personal this morning and focusing on an issue that is very close to the heart.  I have no idea who this reading is for, but I also have no doubt that you will definitely know if it is you.

At the center of this situation is an older male, feels like a father or father figure, and a younger individual, could be either male or female, but my feeling is that there is a deep familial connection between these two, and it isn’t always smooth.  Much head-butting and arguments here, but then, they feel incredibly alike, so that’s understandable.

At the center of the latest confrontation lay:  1) a decision and 2) a new relationship that has some pitfalls and drawbacks, or baggage, connected to it 3) big changes, or something coming to a completion — or both.

So, younger person, are you going to listen to the pros and cons (probably mostly cons) from your elder?  And elder, are you going to listen to the pros and cons (probably mostly pros) from your young person?

I feel that the important issue in this group of cards is not the new relationship or any final decisions being made about it; the important issue is the relationship between father and child.

Spirit is advising that you do not let decisions and disagreements (and stubbornness) in this physical world of man destroy a soul connection that is eternal.

  • To the elder:  their decision may be a mistake (and it may not be), but if it is they will learn from it and move on.  This may be something that they are suppose to experience in order to learn and progress.
  • To the youngster:  it’s difficult being a parent and setting free the small child (that you will always be in their mind and memory) and allowing them to go down a path that they feel is wrought with difficulty.  All parents want to spare their children from experiencing unpleasantness.

At the end of the day, give each other a hug and persevere.