The Magick of a Thundershower

This is my first attempt at creating an ambient music video (the music is courtesy of the royalty free public-domain music lists offered for download by Youtube). Ironically, the song that I chose was titled “Hydra”, how perfect is that! This was fun, and it sparked my interest to try again, and maybe to save towards a better bigger camera! Location– our back porch, and our front yard.

Magickal Preparations for Winter

1.  Cleanse each room of energy debris…The negative stuff, the dark and ugly energy lurking in the corners and beneath the couch and chairs, the energy that hides in the cubbies and closets and scares those children who sense it…smudge, incense, burn candles, and bring out that magickal broom– sweep, sweep, sweep that space clean.  Leave a wee bit of something behind to keep this space clear, to let the Dark Ones, the Spirits, and Ghosts know that you’ve reclaimed this space, that it is yours— a mojo bag of protection and deflection, some cleansing & protective herbs tied up in pretty bundles and tacked to the ceiling here and there, over the windows, or door frames. And never assume that cleansing this space once will keep it clear forever. Every once-in-a-while, light some candles & incense, send positive energy through this space. Keep your guard up, keep your magickal energy pure, draw your magickal lines in the sand.

2.  Gather your harvest of herbs…As I write this, we’re just nine days out from Samhain.  In my neck of the woods we’ve been incredibly lucky with the weather so far.  We’ve had a couple really cold nights, only one where I had to cover anything, and we still have a lively garden.  So now is my time to Gather Those Magickal Herbs & Plants!!.  In the stillness of the Indian Summer days, I will clip and snip, tie and bind, hang and dry a variety of plants that will be tacked to my kitchen ceiling, crushed and added to bottles and jars, or arranged in pretty glass bowls.  This is the season for the Green Witch to reap the harvests of Mother Earth, to restock her magickal cabinet.  Hurry, before winter descends and the snow flies.

3.  Put your garden to rest for the season, magickally speaking…The nature spirits have spent all summer fluttering about your garden, gracing it with health and a wealth of blossoms and buds.  But it’s time now for nature to retreat into the depths of winter; it’s time for the plants to finish their final cycle; it’s time for the soil to rest.  On a quiet still autumn day, take a white candle and some incense into your garden, thank the fairies and spirits for their care and presence and magick.  Bid them adieu, until we meet again in spring.  Scatter to the four corners of this magickal space crushed rosemary and sage, allow the candle to burn in the center of the garden, sending out healing energy for Nature, as well as a  last flame of light before the darkness of winter descends.  It’s sort of bitter-sweet, this process for me; but you can leave your garden with a wistful smile, knowing that this is only a temporary good-by, a temporary sleep.  When spring comes, you’ll rejoice with the flowers and herbs and shrubs once more.

4.  Prepare your vehicle for winter travel…Just like most people check the tires, change the oil, and mundanely “winterize” their vehicles in anticipation of severe winter weather conditions, so you will want to magickally “winterize” your vehicle, making sure there is a powerhouse of positive protective energy surrounding the vehicle itself and everyone who travels in it.  This is an ongoing thing at our house.  I use stone talismans created personally, decorated with symbols and words related to specific deities invoking their energy for protection.  I use mojo bags filled with calamus root and plantain– one of the strongest combinations of herbs for safe travel– along with a tiger eye stone and even hair clippings from the car’s owner and people who will be routinely traveling in this vehicle.  Smudge the vehicle with sage or a favorite incense; asperge (sprinkle) the vehicle with salted water for purification and blessings; anoint the four sides of the vehicle with Mars Astrological Ointment, dipping your finger in the oil and drawing an invoking pentagram discreetly near the bottom of the car doors.  Settle into the coming winter months with the security of knowing that you’ve done all you can possibly do to assure safe travel for you and your family members

Photo: Magickal Preparations for Winter: 2.  Gather your harvest of herbs...As I write this, we're just nine days out from Samhain.  In my neck of the woods we've been incredibly lucky with the weather so far.  We've had a couple really cold nights, only one where I had to cover anything, and we still have a lively garden.  So now is my time to Gather Those Magickal Herbs & Plants!!.  In the stillness of the Indian Summer days, I will clip and snip, tie and bind, hang and dry a variety of plants that will be tacked to my kitchen ceiling, crushed and added to bottles and jars, or arranged in pretty glass bowls.  This is the season for the Green Witch to reap the harvests of Mother Earth, to restock her magickal cabinet.  Hurry, before winter descends and the snow flies.

Oh, Blessed Dirt

Life has been hectic for us here lately, so many things stirring in the cauldron– the good, the bad, financial, medical, personal, business, both positive and negative.  We’re still in the Middle-Of-Life, though I hadn’t expected this at the tale-end of middle-age.  Needless to say, “Stress” has been our companion, my companion, for the past several weeks, months; and I wanted to share a wonderful “Aha!” moment.

I just came in from weeding the garden.  I came in with dirty hands, sweaty hair, muddy jeans, grubby feet– and it feels soooo good!  I *love-love-love* getting down on the ground, playing in the dirt, getting dirty!  And as I’m on my knees thinking how Peaceful this is, how Grounding this is– Dirt!— the “Aha” hit me…Of course, it’s grounding.  Of course, Dirt is connected– to the Earth (planet & element)– and to the Goddess! (duh)

Do you realize that children instinctively know this?  They know this and acknowledge it and act on it until a grownup tells them not to.  No wonder children love to play in the dirt– there is a reason for this!

I feel reconnected.

Dirt is dirty, but our kids need it. Research shows kids who play in the dirt are healthier than those shrouded in a germ-free bubble. Why kids and mud are the perfect pair...

Learn how to play in the dirt at!

Herbs: The Magickal Acorn


The Acorn:

Good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power.  A dried acorn is an excellent natural amulet for keeping a youthful appearance.

Technically, I’m not sure if the acorn counts as an “herb”, since it springs from the mighty Oak Tree…however, I do know that it most definitely is full of magickal energy, and it is part of the sacred world of plants, so we’ll include it here.  Just so you know, I have an entire glass container full of acorns for my own magickal use. 🙂

The lore:

The oak is a sacred tree to many cultures and spiritual practitioners, including the Druids. There is a Nordic tale of the great god Thor sheltering beneath a mighty oak tree during a storm.  The goddess Diana is often depicted wearing a necklace of acorns.  The Celts and Druids found the oak tree especially symbolic of the Samhain season.  The tree is a symbol of the Horned God, Herne (or Cernunnos)

The acorn is considered the first sacred food of civilization.  It’s symbolic of security and abundance, and it counteracts loneliness, illnesses, and pain.  It’s energy aids in maintaining longevity, draws good luck, and preserves the illusion of youth.

You can identify your true love by labeling two acorn caps with your name and the name of your beloved.  Float them in a bowl of water, if they drift together, you’ve made a successful match, if they float apart…so does your love.

Or as Dr. Jung suggested, an Oak tree becomes an Oak tree, not a radish.  So it is with human beings.

For more magickal information on herbs,
follow this link:

 Magickal Herbs