Herbs: The Magickal Acorn


The Acorn:

Good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power.  A dried acorn is an excellent natural amulet for keeping a youthful appearance.

Technically, I’m not sure if the acorn counts as an “herb”, since it springs from the mighty Oak Tree…however, I do know that it most definitely is full of magickal energy, and it is part of the sacred world of plants, so we’ll include it here.  Just so you know, I have an entire glass container full of acorns for my own magickal use. 🙂

The lore:

The oak is a sacred tree to many cultures and spiritual practitioners, including the Druids. There is a Nordic tale of the great god Thor sheltering beneath a mighty oak tree during a storm.  The goddess Diana is often depicted wearing a necklace of acorns.  The Celts and Druids found the oak tree especially symbolic of the Samhain season.  The tree is a symbol of the Horned God, Herne (or Cernunnos)

The acorn is considered the first sacred food of civilization.  It’s symbolic of security and abundance, and it counteracts loneliness, illnesses, and pain.  It’s energy aids in maintaining longevity, draws good luck, and preserves the illusion of youth.

You can identify your true love by labeling two acorn caps with your name and the name of your beloved.  Float them in a bowl of water, if they drift together, you’ve made a successful match, if they float apart…so does your love.

Or as Dr. Jung suggested, an Oak tree becomes an Oak tree, not a radish.  So it is with human beings.

For more magickal information on herbs,
follow this link:

 Magickal Herbs


11 thoughts on “Herbs: The Magickal Acorn

  1. Pingback: Acorn – Aspire Higher

  2. Pingback: Herb: Acorn

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