The Witch’s Corner ~ May Magick!

“…Thank you to all the people who sent me their true Ouija Board Experiences! It was fascinating hearing about what you went through and how it has affected you. I enjoyed reading your stories, and I’m betting the viewers will enjoy hearing them! Again, thank you for taking the time and effort to send them to me. You’ll find the Ouija Board Stories in this month’s Newsletter Video…scroll down.

The “Special Offer” for this month’s newsletter ~ When you purchase a 3 card audio tarot reading, you’ll receive a FREE crescent moon pendant. (While supplies last). This offer expires on May 31st, so you’d better scroll all the way down to the bottom of this newsletter and use the Paypal widget found there.

Check out the section, Spell-a-Day: Monday-Friday Magick, for some magickal inspiration and some pretty vibrant and major magickal candle spells. Included in this section are the following spells ~ Spirit Guide Protection; Goin’ to the Chapel; Loosin’ the Pen; Goin’ for Broke; The Goddess in Me.

There’s also a special video section this month with some inspiration from some amazing Youtube women. Kudos to them! I hope you enjoy their videos as much as I do!

You’ll find all the usual sections on herbs, stones, and moon magick… I hope you enjoy browsing this newsletter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a wonderful, happy, magickal May!…”



My Magick Box

A special gift box to set someone
on their magickal journey.

One-of-a-Kind Item!!
(only one available)

Here’s a peek inside My Magick Box,

Follow this link,



  This box is loaded with magickal goodies for the new witch, and would be the perfect “Starter Kit”.  This box would also be just the thing for the seasoned witch who wants to add some new items to her magickal cupboard.  It is the perfect Yule gift!
1)  Candles ~ 3 white votive candles, ready to set with any intention; and three black votive candles ready to disperse negative energy, uncross crossed conditions, and to provide protection2)  Oils ~ uncrossing oil; money oil; love oil; protection oil; black cat oil

3)  Herbs ~ rosemary, sage, mint, cloves and rose petals; for beauty/blessing, cleansing, money/prosperity, protection, and love

4)  Incense ~ 12 Nag Champa cones

5) One rose quartz pendulum in a black velvet bag ~ the perfect divination tool

6)  Four stones ~ one for each of the four elements; Earth, Air, Fire, Water

7)  Voodoo Dollies ~ red, for love; green, for money or health; black, for protection.

8)  Book of Shadows ~ a pink leather bound journal (pen included)

9)  Other items included:  straight pins; ribbons…white, red, green, black; 8 white gauze drawstring bags; sea salt; cemetery dirt; coffin nails

My Magick Box

$175.99+ postage

click  HERE  and scoll down

New @ The Witch’s Corner ~ Incense Blends!

I’ve been having So Much Fun blending — and burning! — my own incense.  I’ve added this product to The Witch’s Corner with three incenses:  #1 Love ~ Romantic Love/Self-love/Positive Energy; #2 Meditation; #3 Cleansing/Purifying.  As I develop new blends, I’ll be adding them to THIS PAGE!

Click on the link above to visit & check out my new incense blends.

Blessings, Amythyst




From The Witch’s Corner ~ Making Incense with Your Kitchen Spices

I am a WITCH on a BUDGET! I’m always thinking of ways to Use What I Have around the house and incorporate it into my magickal practice.  One of my favorite things to work with is incense.  There’s just something about scent that puts you in a perfect frame of mind for all kinds of magick.  It helps me to focus on my intention, and it keeps me centered and inspired with all kinds of good positive energy.  We can’t all afford expensive incense and fancy burners.  Did you know that you can make Loose Powdered Incense from the everyday ingredients in your kitchen cupboard?  Well, you can; and this video will show you how to do it, and how well it works…the only thing we’re lacking is a “scratch n’ sniff”!  Enjoy the video, and have fun making your own incense.  Blessings, Amythyst

The Witch’s Corner
Magickal Connections
The Tarot Parlour
Music ~
Avec Soin – Romance by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

From The Witch’s Corner ~ Herbs for Divination & Spirit Contact

I decided at the last minute to shoot this video when I was going to prepare my oil burner with some herbs for divination and spirit contact.  I was planning on doing some divination later in the day, dealing with the topic of spirit communication, and my girls had been at me for a long time to sit down at the table with them and a Ouija board.  I wanted to burn some herbs in my oil burner (potpourrie style) to set the energy in the house on that wave length.
The Witch’s Corner
Magickal Connections
The Tarot Parlour
Music ~
Avec Soin – Romance by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


A Love Filled Afternoon! ~ Florida Water, Lodestones, Love Magick (video)

Hello, Everyone!…Join me for a wonderful afternoon filled with love magick. This was a very impromptu video, which I decided at the last minute to shoot.  I had lots of magickal work to do today.  I decided to work outside on my deck, and I set the camera up so you all could join me .  In this video I’m making Florida Water (my own recipe!); I’m bringing out my Lodestones for some magnetic love magick, and I’ll explain a bit about lodestones, how to choose them when you’re buying your own, how to cleanse them, anoint & baptize them, and name them.  I’m also going to dress a candle for a love spell, which is an actual spell that’s going up on my candle altar for a client.  If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below.  I tried to cover everything I could think of when I was busy putting all these magickal endeavors together, but I squeezed a lot of information and topics into one video, and there may be something else you’d like to know.

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for automatic updates every time I post a new video; and be sure to LIKE and SHARE this video.  (This makes me a very happy witch.)

My website ~ The Witch’s Corner

My blog ~ Magickal Connections


FAQ ~ Old Herbs, Male Witches, the Queen Stage (video podcast)

In this episode of Frequently Asked Questions, the topics are:
1.  Herbs ~ When they get old, do I have to throw them out?
2. Male Witches
3. Queen Stage of Women’s Mysteries ~ I also discuss the Maiden, Mother, Crone, and how they all transcend age and biology!

“The Smell of Magick”

The Smell of Magick

7 Day Spell Candle for Abundant Prosperity

Today  is Sunday, first day of the week; and it is the night of the Dark Moon.  Both imply to me “new beginnings”, fresh starts, the perfect time to begin new magickal endeavors that will build and perk and grow with the coming days of the week,  and with the waxing of the Moon.  I decided to begin on this day a seven day spell candle for “Abundant Prosperity”, not just prosperity, mind you, but “Abundant Prosperity”.  We might as well hit the universe up for some good staunch energy if we’re going to do it at all, sez I.

Here’s how I did it ~

Items needed:
a large flat plate or platter
1 long green taper candle
6 small yellow taper candles (either the really slender ones, or in my case, I used birthday candles)
6 straight pins
herbs…patchouli, allspice, and mint
Prosperity Oil
green or gold glitter
a pencil to carve into your candle
(you can also use a ritual knife, or some other sharp object, but I prefer a pencil)
matches (of course)

The Method:
1.  Use the pencil to carve your name into the long green taper candle, starting at the bottom of the candle and writing up towards the wick (to draw something TO you).  Turn the candle over, and starting again at the bottom of the candle working upwards to the wick, carve the words Abundant Prosperity into the candle.

2.  Put a small amount of Money Oil in the palm of your hand and anoint the candle, beginning at the bottom of the candle and sliding upwards towards the wick (to draw something TO you).  Do this with each of the 6 small yellow candles as well.

3.  Hold the green master candle by the wick with one hand, and sprinkle onto the candle, beginning at the bottom and moving up to the wick, patchouli and allspice.  Next sprinkle the candle with glitter.

4.  Lay the green taper candle down on it’s side and make 6 marks with the pencil or knife along the candle’s length, as evenly apart as you can.  You can use a ruler if you feel the need to be super precise, but this isn’t necessary, you can just eyeball it.  Once you’ve made these marks, push one straight pin into each of the 6 marks.  You’ve now divided your green taper candle into 7 segments.

5.  It’s time to place your taper candle in a candle holder and set it in the center of your plate or platter.  (If you don’t have a candle holder, you can melt the bottom of the candle with a match and set it onto the plate, but I prefer a candle holder for a large taper that I’m going to be burning over the course of several days.)  Take the 6 small yellow candles and melt the bottom, which will allow you to set them firmly on the plate surrounding the master candle, which I did with my small birthday candles, because they are tiny, they stand well, and they are burned up in minutes.

6.  Take the mint and place a line of the herb around the edge of your plate, either in a circle to move the magical energy along, or in a square, which implies that the prosperity coming to you will have substance, stability, and solidity– I like this idea, so I placed the mint around my candles in a square.

7.  Now your plate or platter is all set up and all that’s left to do is to light your candles.  Begin by lighting the 6 small yellow candles, speaking your intentions as you go…”Bring prosperity to me.  Bring Abundant Prosperity to me.  Bring prosperity to me that comes from a happy place.” Use your own words, tell the candles just exactly what it is you want in very specific terms.  Last, light the master candle, still speaking your intentions, letting this candle know exactly what its job is.

8.  Each day, you will let the master candle burn until one of the pins fall out.  When this happens you will snuff out the candle (Snuff, Don’t Blow); and you will relight the master candle the next day, until another pin falls out; and the next day, until another pin falls out; until on the 7th day, the last pin falls.

9.  After the entire green taper candle has burned itself out, you can use the pins to make a mojo bag or a talisman for your prosperity altar.  You can stick them into business cards, you can stick them into real paper money, you can create a mojo bag to keep in your purse or piggy bank.  There are so many ways that you can use these very powerful tools that are now filled with energy to bring prosperity into your life.


By the time I was ready to take this photo, my 6 tiny yellow taper candles surrounding the green master candle had burned completely out.  This is part of a new prosperity altar that I’ve moved into my living-room.  To this altar I added my “Lucky Buddha”, I’ve had him for years, and I love his happy very green energy.  At his feet, are paper play-money bills in each denomination (100, 50, 20, 10, & 5); on top of this paper play money are four real coins in each denomination (a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and a penny).  I will use the coins, along with the straight pins to create a powerful money drawing talisman for my own use.  The “extras” that you see on my altar are my own personal additions to my spell work; the platter and the spell candles are sufficient for the spell itself, and if you don’t want to add anything else, you will be magically set with that.


It’s All About Creating Your Magickal Space ~ Wedding Showers

Wedding Showers

We celebrate the fact that one becomes two.  We celebrate the success of finding a mate.  Yes, we do, even though most feminists might flinch at this.    She did good, they’ll say, eye-balling the future husband, holding him up to their personal measuring stick.  But this is not only the celebration of a coupling, it’s celebrating the creation of a new family.  As the future bride opens her pretty packaged gifts, this will be evident amongst all the shiny new pots and pans, the toaster, and the coffee-maker.  This young woman and her fiance will be setting up house, preparing for a lifetime together to build memories, to raise children, to grow old together.  In our modern world, as progressive and feminist as we’d like to think we are, we’re still chasing Prince Charming and Happy-Ever-After endings.

Creating the Home = Creating Sacred Space

The Kitchen

For most families, this is the center of the home, the hearthfire, where the group gathers for sustinance, for company, for recreation, for connection.  I don’t know about everyone else, but anything that goes down in our house goes down in the kitchen.  Our large kitchen table doubles as my office, the classroom, the dining table, the game board, card table, and craft table.  Things are written, sculpted, painted, eaten, played, and produced– all at The Kitchen Table.

The kitchen is the hub, and shower gifts for this room, this special space, are prolific and fun to buy and give.  I’ve been married five times and I’ve never had a wedding shower, so I’m living vicariously here in this section, remembering (with a wee bit of envy, I admit) all of the cool things new brides can receive to set up their hearthfire.  But there’s one big difference here, we’re going to look at all of these gifts from a magickal and spiritual perspective.  We’re going to wallow in Bridal Mania and Goddess Energy.

1.  Herbs…one of the coolest gifts I’ve seen was a huge beautiful wooden shelf full of bottles and bottles of herbs, large glass bottles.  The Green Witch in me was twitching!   The wooden cubby-holed rack was dark cherry wood, and the whole frame swiveled, so you could turn it, looking at four sides full of glass bottles full of wonderful magickal plants and spices. However, as grand and glorioso as this was, this wonderful gift does not have to break our piggy bank.  Herbs are expensive, and they are so uniquely necessary, both mundanely and magickally, for cooking and witchy revelry.

If everyone is counting their pennies, but you still want the New Bride to start out with a well-stocked herb cabinet, each guest can bring one designated herb.  Coordinate this so that each individual knows exactly what to purchase– Aunt Lacey is in charge of Parsely; Cousin Edie is going to be responsible for Rosemary; Grandma Betty is bringing Cardamom, etc., etc.

O’ Green Witch rejoice!

2.  Pots and Pans…Oh my, this sounds so dreary, bringing to mind the skullery maid chained to the kitchen peeling potatoes, wiping sweat from her brow with her brown work-worn paw…Screeeech! (The tape rewinds)

Pots and pans, think about it…drum roll…The Cauldron!

This is where all our magick brews, it is the myth of the witch, it is Shakespearian and dramatic, highly visual, slightly daunting to the uninitiated individuals, and highly gratifying to the Witches Extrordinaire.

Mundane Pots & Pans:  You know, those teflon pots are nice for a while, but it’s really a drag when the teflon gets scratched and then begins to peel and flake; and if you’re like I am, having come from a humble background, you don’t just toss it out when the first few worn marks and flaws show up.  If you’re anything like me, you use it until it is disgusting and two or three kids have attempted to throw it out and finally hidden it so deeply within the depths of the trash that you won’t find it.  So, if money is an issue, but not that much of an issue, my suggestion would be stainless steel.  Stainless steel pots and pans will last forever.

Magickal Pots & Pans:  This part is much more fun.  I’m thinking…special pots for specific magickal workings.  I’m thinking color-coordinated cooking pots, those pretty bright enamel (and usually teflon lined) pots.  I know, this is an irony, but this is special!  It’s for magickal workings, energy building and moving and shaking.  It’s all about getting things done.

A green pot for health and healing, for simmering teas and making infusions, all the while tossing in the energy to fix whatever is wrong with our physcial, emotional, and mental selves (You have to look at it from all those perspectives, it’s all wrapped up into us.).  You can use this pot to mix and heat magickal oils as well, but one word of caution here.  If you’re going to be using these pots for teas and such that you ingest, don’t use them for other magickal creations that would contain anything poisonous or dangerous.

The rest is easy.  A red pot for love and lust and passion; blue for dreams and visions, psychism, and divination; yellow for creativity and communication; and if you think you might venture into deeper waters and work with darker energies, or anything that is stronger and not meant to be ingested, why don’t you get a small silver or black pot for this.

3.  The Stove…this is the modern version of The Hearthfire, use your imagination for the crackling flames and the dancing shadows on the wall.  I also have a wonderful gift idea for the new bride and her stove.  Think of the flame (the burners) as a you would a flame in a cauldron.  When you’ve finished your magickal workings, you generally dismiss the quarters and the elements.  To put the magick to rest, you can have a set of those round metal burner covers made and decorated with the symbols for the elements–  Earth, Air, Water, Fire.  The symbolsism and the artistry that could go into them are endless, whether you want to keep it simple and just use the correct color symbol for that element, or really go to town…birds and flying creature on the cover for Air; the sea, sea creatures, and sea shells on the cover for Water…You get the point.

The Livingroom

Think of gifts geared for relaxation, for reading, for communication, as this is often a lounging and gathering place for family members.  Think of things to write with; board games; books; big soft pillows and pretty small blankets for the couch or easy chair; candy dishes for the end tables or coffee table; a tea set that comes with a serving tray.  I can see all of these delightful things in my mind, and I can see the space that they’re meant for being cozy and inviting, where you feel comfortable and relaxed.

The idea of communication and creativity come to me when I think of a living room space, which steers me towards CDs, books, DVDs (movies!  Yay!)…something to watch, listen to, or read.

The living room, think serenity and peace, think communication and connection.

The Bathroom

The element:  Water
The main intent and purpose in this room:  Cleansing!

Did you ever wonder why, in so many bathrooms you see, people just naturally tend to decorate with sea themes, sea and water creatures, sea shells and other things of the ocean, or water related?  I really believe it’s some ingrained instinct, not fashionable decorating fads, that leads them to these water based interior designs for the bathroom.

So, we got the water creatures and stuff down pat, but there’s other things to think about that would make incredible and magickal shower gifts for the bathroom:

Large glass bowls or lidded containers filled with herbs aligned to the element of water– belladonna, catnip, calamus cardamom, henbane, valerian, raspberry, rose, myrrh, passion flower, and on and on it goes (pick up Scott Cunningham’s book, “Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs”).  And while we’re at it, what about live potted plants for the bathroom?  I’d love live plants for shower gifts, and I’m betting other women would too– roses, jasmine, gardenias, or african violets, all connected with the element of Water.

Candles, so obvious!  When you fill the tub with nice hot water, topping it off with a handful of herbs and pinch of this or that with a dollop of bubbly stuff, you’re going to light candles to set the mood for your bathing experience.  *Ding*…that was the lightbulb going off in my head!  It’s saying, “Time to shop!”  How fun to look for candles and candle holders for someone’s bathroom; and it might be a good idea to play heavily on the personal likes and tastes of the new little bride you’re buying these magickal gifts for.  Candle holders will add so much to the personal aspect of it, holders in different styles, colors, and shapes (animals, leaves, and such).  Have fun!  Shop till you drop, then go home and run yourself a nice full tub of water and prepare to relax.

The Bedroom

Oh my, this is the supreme sacred space, especially for the newly-wed couple; and I don’t care if they’ve been sleeping together for years.  The wedding night is going to be so magickal, this is extremely special.  This space will seem somehow newly sanctified to them through a committment ceremony.  It will be sealed.  It will be celebrated.

The elements?  The energy?

This space is a bit conflicted on this point.  There’s actually two elements that will apply to this room and two very different types of energy.  We’ll look at both of them.

1.  Fire: passion, lust, romantic love, all of which implies lots of energy; lots of physicality; lots of motion and a sharing of energies.  This can be wonderful, but also exhausting.

2.  Water:  peace, dreams, visions, of course.  This is where you sleep, where your body renews itself, where your mind relaxes, where your sub-consious can take over and you can soar in your dreams.

What a wonderful, yet complicated, space to create.  Depending upon the couple and their circumstances, you might want magickal gifts geared to fertility and sex.  At the other end of the spectrum, you’ll want gifts that add to the experience of relaxation and peace.   I know, this room is an oxymoron, and it can get even more confusing if the energies of the two individuals who are inhabiting this space are conflicting, or even polar opposites.

For the wedding shower, offer up a bit of magickal energy and a touch of the goddess through crystals and stones; salt lamps; candles; herbs; mojo bags for protection, fertility, cleansing; statuary that inspires, inspirational CD/DVDs that will add a certain ambiance to the atmosphere.

wedding shower

This blog post is an excerpt from my book,

The Spiritual Feminist

To order your copy, follow this link:
click  Here


For more Goddess energy and information, visit my website at:

The Witch’s Desk: Celebrate September! ~ Full Moon & Autumnal Equinox

Wine Moon

Herbs: lilac, mugwort, marjoram,
rose, thyme

Stones: sapphire, bloodstone,
rainbow obsidian

Scents: gardenia, rose, lilac

Colors: brown, yellow-green, amber

Trees: hazel, larch, bay

Deities: Demeter, Ceres, Isis,

Astrological Signs: Virgo, Libra

Elements: Earth/Air

Crafting Your Magic:

Feminine energy is highlighted, receptive energy. Cast magic to draw inward, magic to draw those things– both intangible and material– to you that you need to fill the void. The Goddess is in the spotlight. Work magic to benefit female issues, such as fertility, independence, and protection.

The Wine Moon works its magic in the area of love and relationships. Cast spells to discover your soul mate, find a lost love, or nurture a secret desire. The energy of Libra will bring balance to all magic cast at this time, and its energy promotes the very essence of love and sex. Cast spells now to promote healthy sexuality and to maintain or regain physical health of the reproductive system.

Concentrate on the third eye chakra, opening the doors to psychic experiences. Prepare to enter the autumnal dark months with the clairvoyant vision to see well beyond, into the light of the future.

The Autumnal Equinox: Mabon

The Goddess, in the death throes of the growing season, is at her most beautiful. As she moves towards the final harvest, in preparation for the dark days to come, she shines with the brilliance and color that is mirrored in the physical world as golden leaves, ripened fruit, withering vines, and frost-covered grass. The spiritual aspect of this stage is one that is just as beautiful, emphasizing once more the idea of completion and accomplishment, of finding that moment within development that culminates with depths of wisdom and the light of knowledge.

This day brings equal hours of light and dark, a second celebration of perfect equality. Beyond this day, light will gradually fade as the dark season descends upon the world. At this time of year, the ancient Druids would burn a large human-like wicker figure as part of their celebration. This figure represented the vegetation spirit, and indeed, the heralding of the dark season would bring an end to the growth and flowering of summer.

Modern Pagans may celebrate this holiday with many of the foods connected with this time of year in their area. Decorations may include leaves of autumn hues, sunflowers, pumpkins and gourds. The most amazing thing, I believe, is how this miraculous milestone of earth and time passes almost unnoticed by the mundane multitudes.

My Celebration:

I welcome the growing darkness that I know will follow Mabon. Moment by moment, day by day, it creeps up almost unnoticed. Until one day, you glance at the clock and realize that afternoon is barely over, evening has barely begun, and it is pitch dark outside.

My favorite way to celebrate Mabon is by lighting candles all over the house. In doing so I’m actually celebrating the darkness with light.

I light white candles for cleansing and purification, for Spirit, for the Goddess. I light white candles to wipe the slate clean, to start new lists, to begin new projects. I light yellow candles to celebrate the sun and its grace and dignity as it steps back to make way for the moon. I light yellow candles to celebrate communication and everything I’ve ever wanted to say to anyone, and those things I might regret not saying. I light yellow candles to fill my mind with words and thoughts that run into sentences and paragraphs and pages. I light lavender candles to celebrate the spirits I know are there but cannot see. I light lavender candles to acknowledge that little voice in my head, the one that’s saved my life over the years, not to mention my sanity. I light green candles to celebrate and embrace the earth. I light green candles to celebrate and embrace this wonderful physcial body that is mine. I light green candles to bathe in the glow of good health and prosperity. I light green candles to feel the soles of my bare feet connect with the dying grass, the withering garden, the falling leaves.

I light one tall black taper candle that is me, to celebrate the spark of life I carry, to celebrate future days to come, to celebrate my passage through another year…and to acknowledge and embrace my mortality.

Mabon Correspondences

Herbs: marigold, myrrh, thistles, sage

Altar Flowers/Herbs: asters, mums, pine, ferns, milkweed, honeysuckle

Feast Foods: autumn berries, nuts, roast game, root vegetables, cider, wine, bread

Animals: stags, goats, blackbirds, canines, owls, birds-of-prey

Incense: cedar, myrrh, patchouli, pine, sage, sweet grass, oak moss

Rituals/Spells: drying herbs, gathering late harvest, past life work, harvest moon rituals, making willow wands, harmony spells, protection spells for winter

Mabon Recipes

Carmel Apple Crumb Treat

2 Golden Delicious apples

4 small (or 2 large) Granny Smith apples

1/8 cup fruit juice

1/3 cup loosely packed light brown sugar

2 tablespoons butter

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

12 soft caramel candies

1/2 cup quick rolled oats

1/2 cup flour

1/3 cup tightly packed light brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

1/3 cup butter

Slice and core the apples, mixing the types together.

Pour the fruit juice into a large pot. Put about a third of the apple slices into the pot. Sprinkle with half the lightly packed brown sugar and dot with 1 tablespoon of butter. Add more apples and the remaining brown sugar and butter, and 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger.

Turn the heat on Low and simmer for a while. Stir apples occasionally, until they start to soften. The Golden Delicious will pretty much turn to mush, binding together the slices of Granny Smith. This takes about an hour or two, depending on the heat and the apples.

Meanwhile, cut the soft caramels into quarters.

Preheat the oven to 350ºF.

To prepare the crumble topping, stir together 1/2 cup quick rolled oats, 1/2 cup flour, 1/3 cup tightly packed light brown sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger. Slice 1/3 cup butter and add to bowl, then cut it in with a butter cutter until the mixture is loose and crumbly.

Spray a ceramic or glass pie plate with cooking spray. Spoon in about a third of the apples and spread them on the bottom. Top with half the caramel pieces. Spoon in another third of the apples; top with the remaining caramel pieces. Spoon in the remaining apples and spread them smooth. Use another spoon to sprinkle the crumble topping evenly over the top of the apple filling.

Bake for 20-30 minutes until filling is bubbly and topping melds into a lightly golden crust. Serve hot.


Broccoli Casserole

2 eggs, lightly beaten

1 can (10-3/4 ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup, undiluted

1 medium onion, chopped

1 cup (4 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese

1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Swiss cheese

1/2 cup mayonnaise

2 tablespoons butter, melted

1 package (16 ounces) frozen broccoli cuts, thawed

1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped broccoli, thawed

1/4 cup dry bread crumbs

In a large bowl, combine the first seven ingredients; fold in broccoli. Transfer to a greased 1-1/2 qt. baking dish. Sprinkle with bread crumbs. Cover and bake at 400 for 30-35 minutes or until heated through. Serves 8.

1.  The full moon for September 2015 falls on the 28th; the autumnal equinox falls on the 23rd.
2.  The art in this post is courtesy of Craig Koskov
3.  The sources for this blog post are my books: The Gray Witch’s Grimoire & The Spiritual Feminist…
Amythyst’s Amazon Author Page…click Here

“You Are Beautiful!”~Self-Esteem Oil

To Amythyst, from Joe

A few days ago Joe bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and they are just now beginning to fade.  I decided to make an oil with the flower blossoms while they’re still fresh-looking and beautiful.  My oil is a self-esteem oil, made to promote the essence of beauty, and to reinforce the energies of strength, brilliance, success, and accomplishment.

You are Beautiful!~Self-Esteem Oil.

I didn’t make this oil to sell, but rather for myself, creating one more Beautiful Witchy Thing to display in my Witchy Room.  It also seemed like a great way to preserve the beauty of the flowers and to make use of their magickal energy.

Here’s my recipe.  Make your own Self-Esteem Oil!

The Flower Blossoms~

Pink miniature tiger lilys
Red Rose Buds

The Herbs~

Whole Allspice
Anise Seeds

The Oil~

Mineral Oil


Woman Speak 3-20-2015

The Goddess is Copia; the tarot card is seven of wands.  In this episode you are invited inside the Witch’s house to snoop in her Magickal Cupboard!  What do you think you’ll find?

Video: Potions~ Black Cat Oil

Here’s my very own recipe from my very own Book of Shadows for Black Cat Oil!…I give you my ingredients, and we make a jar of BCO together.  For more information on Cats, Cat Magick (including Black Cat Oil), Cat Correspondences, and Cat Superstitions, visit my blog (Magickal Connections) and this post:  “Magickal Katz”…

Woman Speak 3-6-2015

This week the goddess is Airmed. The topics are herbs and green witchcraft. Our project– we’re going to create a Witch’s Bottle for Love Magick. You’ll also find a section at this video on precautions for love magick, encouraging common sense, as well as the use of mundane efforts to keep your life running smoothly, and to keep yourself safe. The National Domestic Abuse Hotline number will be found at the end of this video.

Woman Speak 2-6-2015

Come plant rosemary with me…the Goddess is Thalia, the herb blessed Rosemary. Where ever you might live, whether on an acreage, or in an apartment, plant a garden to invoke goddess energy. Here’s what to plant at the four corners and at the elemental quarters. And what shall we put in the center?…let’s find out.


Woman Speak

My Google Hangout: Woman Speak

Premiering: FRIDAY, January 9th, 3pm-3:30pm CST

My Google Profile:

Explore the world of women, witches, and pagans on a variety of levels at Woman Speak. Reconnect with The Goddess. Find healing, empowerment, and sisterhood through Matriarchal Divinity. The topics are pagan, occult, new-age, paranormal, and supernatural. The topics will also center around feminism, relationships, family, careers, writing, and books…(Woman Speak– exploring women’s issues.)


*Note: to join me “live” and participate at Woman Speak, you have to be on my Google Friends list.

Bad Mojo: Is someone messing with you?

Bad mojo, yes it’s real. Is it just a string of bad luck, or synchronistic events? No. It’s so much worse. It’s so definable. You’ll know when you are the victim of bad mojo…most definitely. There is nothing subtle about Bad Mojo. It’s vindictive. It’s like a sucker punch to the face. You’ll feel the swirling gray dangerous energy; sneaky energy sent by sneaky jealous mean-spirited individuals for whatever reason. When you feel it, you’ll know it. And when you know it, you’ll be able to do something about it. Yes, there are defenses for this type of magick. No, you don’t have to be a victim.

It’s here with me now, this energy, wreaking havoc in our every day life. Vehicles and appliances are breaking down– in rapid succession, one after the other, too numerous and too fast to be coincidental. Illness and unusual incidents are sprouting from the black energy; a series of opportunities lost to bizarre synchronistic events. Bad mojo is swift and destructive. It will leave your head spinning, and it often sends people into a panic. You have no idea how many messages and inquiries I get by people terrified of the fact that they may be targets for malicious magick.

Let’s see, where do I start? I would say “don’t panic”, but that’s like telling someone not to be afraid, or to stop crying, when it’s this emotion that they feel. You can’t stop someone from worrying, or panicing, or being afraid. In fact, it’s okay to be afraid– it will feed the adrenalin; it will add to the power and rush of your energy; it will promote whopping explosive movement of magickal intentions…So, “Be afraid, be very afraid”, as the over-worked movie line goes.

I feel like tapping into the number 9…(By the awful awesome power of 3 times 3)

Nine herbs for protection, to shield from unnatural illness, to ward off hexes and black magick:

1. marjoram

2. star anise

3. cumin

4. garlic

5. dragon’s blood

6. sandalwood

7. ginger

8. plantain

9. basil

How do we use these 9 herbs?

1. Marjoram:

Place a small bundle of marjoram leaves at the four corners of your house or property, and this includes everywhere you may be for extended periods of time– like your place of employment. These leaves should be replaced periodically to keep the strength and power going, say at each Full Moon cycle.

2. Star Anise:

To ward off hexes and bad mojo, you’re going to want to make a conjure bag to carry on you– in your pockets, in your purse, put it under your pillow at night. This bag will be your friend, your very close friend. About the only thing you’re going to do without it is shower– but you can still keep it close by!)

Besides the Star Anise, add a pinch of sea salt, garlic, and sage to the bag, along with a snippet of your hair, or fingernail clippings.*

3. Cumin:

You’re going to mix cumin seeds with sea salt to create a mixture you can sprinkle around the perimeter of your yard, around the foundation of your house, across the thresholds and window sills to keep Evil out. One word of caution here, if you use this stuff to sprinkle around the perimeter of your yard, everywhere you pour the sea salt, it will kill the grass. The first time I did this, I didn’t realize this would happen. We got up the next morning and looked out our upstairs bedroom window to see a clear and definite line of dead grass running all the way around the front yard. I thought this was hilarious. My (ex)husband did not see the humor in it.

4. Garlic:

For our purpose here today, the best thing I can tell you to do with garlic is to add it to your scrub water and go to town in your home– wash the hell out of the floors, the stair wells, and the front steps. If you do all this and you still feel Evil breathing down your neck, wash the walls and the windows, stair banisters, and dark and spooky closets and cubbies. Evil can run, but it can’t hide.

5. Dragon’s Blood:

Burn Dragon’s Blood, the chunks or powdered form, on charcoal. I’ve got some Dragon’s Blood incense that I bought the other day that I’m going to try for house cleansing and see how well it works. Frankly, I don’t like messing with those little round charcoals– and for newbies, this charcoal that I’m talking about is not the charcoal that you buy for grills, it’s different. It’s safer, and you can burn it indoors, just be sure that you have a strong fireproof reseptacle to burn it in. I’m still going to cross my fingers and go with the incense; it smells wonderful! (“Be gone, Evil!”, says Dragon’s Blood, kicking Evil in the ass as it rushes out the door.)

6. Sandalwood:

This is another Evil chaser that can be used for smudging, as in incense, or powdered sandalwood can be added to Brick Dust and Sea Salt and sprinkled across all the thresholds to your home. And I do mean *All* the thresholds!…main entrances; back doors; every single window– including tiny basement windows and attic windows; odd entrances like cellar doors, garage doors, etc.

7. Ginger:

For protection keep a whole ginger root under your bed or your pillow at night to ward off Evil Spirits that will prey on you when you are at your most vulnerable, when you’re asleep! This is another herb that is exalted for its ability to ward off Evil from property (and to protect those individuals who reside on said property). Keep it in conjure bags scattered throughout your house; use it to sprinkle doorways, sidewalks, and walkways. Ginger is reputed to slap negative nasty behavior and energy right back to the unfortunate turd who threw it at you– and they will feel it keenly. Take advantage of this.

8. Plantain:

This little herbal magick is going where you go. Tradition advises that you use the roots and leaves of plantain kept in a conjure bag in your vehicle to protect you from the jealousy of those who envy you. Apparently, it’s assumed that Envy travels, following you like a stealthy thief in the night, ready to steal your peace of mind, your self-confidence, and your success. (As a side note, plantain and calamus root are powerful partners for Safe Travel mojo bags, which everyone in my family keeps in their vehicles.)

9. Basil:

What a versatile herb!…Okay, here we go:

1) A Cleansing Wash– add it to your mop water, along with rosemary and a pinch of sea salt and scrub your floors with it.

2) A Dry Wash– sprinkle the dried herb on your floors, and using your Broom, sweep the basil and Evil right out of your house, swooshing them right out the front door. (You can even stamp your foot and swear and cuss a little, let the universe know just what you think about the situation. You’ll feel better, trust me.)

3) Body Wash– in a good sized glass container, make a tincture of Basil that you will use for 9 days to wipe down your body, using a white cloth. On the last day, stand at the threshold of your front door, and throw out any remaining water in the jar. Along with this water, you will be throwing out Evil energy, nasty intentions from nasty people, hate, spite, jealous, vindictiveness, plotting, and gossip. (Listen close, as the water hits the ground, you might be able to hear a squeal or a grunt as this energy is thrown back upon the individuals who are responsible for sending it.)

*NOTE: Fingernail clippings– to some people, the idea gives them the “ewwww” factor. But to me, it seems perfectly natural, as it probably does to most magickal practitioners. Now I’m going to reveal my little secret-slash-tip: To collect my own fingernails, to be used in magicks beneficial to Me, I wait until they get very long before I clip them. But there’s more…I paint them various colors to correspond with the type of magick I might need to benefit myself: green polish/healing; yellow polish/to facilitate communication and creativity; red/for love and passion spells; blue/for moon spells, those things that deal with the feminine mysteries, psychism, visions, dreams. You get the point. I carry the idea of “Personal Concerns”, aka fingernail clippings, one step further than the norm. I’ve never heard this idea anywhere else, so I don’t know if anyone has ever thought of doing this or not. But it works for me.

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