It Was a Dark and Stormy Night ~ tarot inspired tales #1

  • 8/wands (R)
  • Princess/swords
  • 9/wands (R)
  • The Tower (R)
  • 2/wands (R)
  • The Chariot (R)

A terribly blustery and totally insistent wind tried with all its unearthly might to knock the man’s top hat from his head.  In spite of the dubious position of the Top Hat Man, he managed to not only hang onto his hat, but also to each and every individual represented by his nine wands as well.  He kept them all in line, he did, with the help of his wicked vengeful assistant, with her sharp-eyed observations and her vicious little tongue.  He had them all in his pocket, so he thought, he had so much on each and every one, what could they do, after all.

The man at the end of the harbor, sitting in dull solitude with his private thoughts and regrets, watched The Top Hat Man in apathetic silence.  He was too distanced from real life and action, and he was too disillusioned by his own catastrophes to give any comment, or make any movement to join the evil pair in their foray.  All he could do was hang on to his one familiar wand, afraid to let go, afraid to lose something, afraid to move on.  He sat as an eternal statue between the greatest calamity of his life and the greatest opportunity of his life, which was swiftly passing him by, galloping off towards better prospects.

And all this time, the cunning red-headed princess held her position, motionless as a statue, her sword raised and readied.  Prepared she was, to swing the deadly blow.  Though it appears that the gentlemen were the center of the story, the potential catalyst of this tale, this was not so.

She bided her time, patience was her virtue.

Contracted Work for the Writer ~ this is how it’s done

I am very pleased with how all of my books are doing, how they’ve been received, and most of the reviews and endorsements that have come in for them. I do notice that I can tell which books were published by publishing companies and which books were published independently by me through Amazon, because I don’t have access to a publicity team, so it’s much harder to gather reviews, and these books just don’t get the same exposure that the other books get.

I’ve been quite amused at some of the comments that have come in for a couple of these books: Green Witchcraft Grimoire: A Practical Resource for Making Your Own Spells, Rituals, & Recipes and The Essential Guide to Wicca for Beginners. These books were contracted work. This means that I was approached by a publishing company that already had an outline for a book, a very specific outline, down to the word count for each section, and I was offered this project for contract. Once I accepted this project, the contract was received and signed, and it’s very clear what’s expected from you and when.

This type of work is very hard and fast. It’s on a very tight schedule and it’s a marathon writing project. This also includes a rigid publicity schedule for the author 4 to 6 weeks before the book is released and four to six weeks after its release. This schedule, an actual schedule, comes with pre-planned release posts that are either a “fill in your book title”, or suggestions for what they want done that day, such as “make a video”, or “do an author-copies received” post, etc. You get the picture. This publicity work is all included in your contract and it comprises part of the work you do for the pay that you receive.

The contents for each section of the book are created entirely by the author who was contracted for the work. There’s also a lot of editing done with your editor, a couple zoom or skype meetings, a couple telephone conferences, and a back and forth editing process with our beloved Microsoft Word. It’s a process, and it’s a meticulous process. The company wants this book to be as pristine as possible for it’s world debut.

All in all, I enjoyed my experience, and the paycheck for this type of work is excellent, although the author does not retain rights to the manuscript. Once you write this contracted book and send it off for production, it is no longer your property and you will not receive any royalties from future sales. It’s a one-time payment for your work deal, and it can actually be quite substantial and a much better deal than waiting years for small amounts of royalties to roll in.

If you don’t like to work under pressure, or under deadlines, you may not like this kind of experience. It was grueling at times, but it also taught me that I can get a LOT more done than I thought I could.

Also, with contracted work, the publishing company doesn’t act as most employers do, where they withhold taxes for you and all that usual good stuff that goes with the business end of a paycheck. You are responsible for paying the taxes on the money received for this work, and it can be substantial, depending on your perspective and your project. This was a big drawback for me. The year I had to claim this work, the taxes were paid on this income by the government simply claiming my $1400.00 stimulus check. Which sucked, but at least it was paid.

What I found amusing was a couple of quirky reviewers that didn’t like some of the spells included in these books: “I’ll bet she just wrote these spells up and never tried them out.”… Well, ya, some of these spells I did just that using my own spiritual practices and experience, and with a deadline for the material snapping at my heels. But there were a lot of spells that I have personally worked and these spells and rituals were included in these books as well, coming from 40-some years of experience. There’s probably over a hundred+ spells and rituals between these two books.

The only aspect of this type of work that I had negative feelings for were:

1) coming up with 40 or 50 people for potential reviews and endorsements, including emails, and this was a required task… this just didn’t seem like my job. I felt like I was doing someone else’s job for them. I don’t know if this is standard procedure, and I suppose it might be, but coming up with those names was very stressful, and then publishing a second book the same year, well, you can only ask so much of people. I didn’t’ want to contact the same people twice. And it might not seem like it, with all of the social media pages I have up, blogs and websites, YouTube channels, etc., but I’m actually a very reclusive introverted person in real life. I don’t interact with more than a small handful of people on the internet, so this task was much harder for me than what you may think.

2) also, I didn’t like a new stipulation coming up in the process, where I was asked to make screen shots of the stats for my websites and blogs, giving a report on my traffic, etc. I thought this was slightly bizarre and way out of line. And no, I didn’t do this, I passed on the project I was being offered. This was too invasive for me, considering I’d already published two books with this company. This also did not feel like my job, it’s my opinion that there’s a sales analyst or someone else out there who should be doing this stuff.

Anyway, for writers out there, either published authors or those who are still working towards this goal, here you have it. This is one way to get published and to support yourself as a writer at the same time.

PODCAST, Q&A ~ All About Writing

This podcast is a Q&A… It’s going to answer the questions that You’ve sent to me! Keep the questions coming, and I’ll do more podcasts like this. I’ve categorized the questions today by topic. Today we’re going to take a look at the writing process. What did you want to know?… Well, here’s the questions I’ve received, and the questions that will be answered in this episode:

1. At what point should someone call themselves a writer?
2. What difference do you see between a writer and an author?
3. What do the words “writer’s block” mean to you?
4. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?
5. What is the most difficult part of the writing process?
6. What advice would you give a writer working on their first book?

It Was a Dark & Stormy Night ~ Tarot Inspired Tales #2

Tarot Inspired Tales ~ #1

Tarot Inspired Tales ~ #2

  • 10/wands
  • Ace/pentacles
  • 8/swords
  • 4/swords
  • 4/wands
  • The Lovers (R)

She wooed him beneath a full moon, standing in the lush growth of a witch’s garden, reeking of the sweet smell of primroses.  She was sure she would be able to obliterate from his mind the memory of the raven-haired girl who lay bound against her will at the doors of a haunted castle.

The wicked red-headed princess justified this atrocity with the idea that this woman was a burden after all, that this woman had deliberately brought sorrow and heartbreak to the man who now stood naked in the moonlight before her.

The wedding that was supposed to have taken place between this man and the raven-haired beauty was conveniently delayed with the hypnotic spell that had been placed on the future groom, a spell so vile and wicked that while he envisioned and desired the alluring red-headed princess standing before him, shining with the eerie silver light of the moon on her impossibly iridescent skin, he did not realize it was all an illusion.

In reality, he lay on a stone cold slab of granite in the castle chapel, apparently dead, but in truth only fallen into a deep, deep sleep.

A New Book ~ a work-in-progress

Since I’m over 13,000 words and 69 pages into a project, I suppose it would be a good time to announce that there is a new book in the works. And because I still haven’t decided how I’m going to publish this book, whether with Amazon’s KDP program, or with a standard publishing company, I should call the title and cover a “working title and cover”. The book… “The Divine Me, Embracing Your Inner Goddess”. There are portions of this book that are highly personal, but then, getting to know and embrace the goddess within means getting to know and embrace yourself and everything that goes with you. I’m using myself as an example. So, beware world.

The Writer’s Corner ~ The Tarot and An Exercise in Story Telling

I’m going to conduct an experimental writing exercise today, pulling three cards, and let’s see what story they will tell us, where it will take us, what connections we’ll make. The most intriguing thing to me about using the cards in this manner, is that I most likely will not be writing this story on my own.

click HERE

The Essential Guide to WICCA for Beginners ~ Founding Pagans and Spiritual Icons

My favorite part of writing my new book was the bio’s for some of the founding patrons of the pagan movement from the 1960s and 70s, because the nostalgia for that era was exciting, and it made me realize how far we’ve come. It was also a heartwarming segment to write because I’ve personally spoken to a couple of these founding pagans and spiritual icons: Z Budapest and Raymond Buckland. I know you’re going to love it. 

Pre-order your copy here:

BOOK LAUNCH! The Essential Guide to WICCA for Beginners

BOOK LAUNCH!… You Can Now Pre-Order Your Copy

After a LOT of hard work behind the scenes for the past several months, I’m so excited to finally announce that I have a new book coming out, The Essential Guide to WICCA for Beginners — “Learn about the key beliefs and practices of Wiccan life… Explore the roots of Wicca with comprehensive information about how it began and where it originated… Discover straightforward spells and rituals” I would love you to support my book. Stay tuned for sneak peeks in the coming weeks! I’m so excited!

My Secret Revealed

My secret revealed: I’ve been hard at work on a special project recently and I’m finally able to tell you what it is!… I’ve been writing a book, and I’m so excited to be able to share more details with you soon (including links to pre-order your copy). Be sure to keep an eye out for my Official Announcement and Cover Reveal this coming Tuesday!

Are They Kidding? ~ Writers, Stop Writing for Free

I was thinking that an opportune way to make some extra cash, since I’m still unemployed in the great sunny land of Arizona, would be to write, specifically to write magazine articles. So I started looking for magazines that would fit my topics of expertise.

First, I found several very enthusiastic, colorful, glossy even, new-age periodicals that proclaim to prospective contributors… “We don’t pay, but you’ll receive 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5) copies of the magazine; or you’ll receive one PDF; or online copy, etc. etc. Well, shiver me timbers, am I supposed to be all dewy-eyed with the honor of acceptance into an elite (and very underpaid) group of creative enthusiasts?

Some of these periodicals back up this offer to work for no pay with a lucrative (?) offer of free advertising in their periodical. One such magazine cheerfully states, “This is a $30.00 bonus!”

I know, I know, I can hear the happy free-lancers, thrilled to see their names in print, declaring that these small new-age periodicals could not afford to pay writers for the articles they submit. Well, you know what? If they didn’t have your FREE articles to publish in their magazines, they wouldn’t have any magazine to publish… period. And I might add that these magazines can be expensive for the public to purchase. I know of one that charges $16.00 for a single copy.

Would you work at McDonald’s for free? Would you work in retail for free? Would you spend hours doing any job… for free?

Well, writing is a JOB. Writer’s have to pay bills, just like everybody else. Writers need to make a living, and we’re not going to be able to do that when miserly opportunists rip us off.

The Writer’s Corner ~ video

Books by Amythyst Raine @ Amazon

The Writer’s Corner/Facebook Page

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Book Teaser! ~ Defining the Elusive Queen of Cups

Book Teaser!!… I’m still plugging away at the chapter on the Court Cards. How well do you really understand the Queen of Cups? Here’s a clip from my book:

The Dark Side ~

The Queen of cups walks through life in a haze and fog of dreamy unawareness to the physical world, caught up in the ethereal, the unseen, the spirit side of existence. She can often tell you the innermost unspoken true feelings of someone she was conversing with but not remember what they were wearing. When she does plant her feet in the earth, she doesn’t connect with the physical world in the way most people do. She can hear voices within the wind in the trees; she can see the aura of plants; the wisps of magical beings in the garden; the thoughts and emotions of animals. To the mundane world, this Queen may often appear mentally fragile and on the edge. In reality, this is her reality, and sometimes her curse, she can see and hear and feel things that most people can’t.

Not many people will truly understand the Queen of cups, and some may even dislike her, though they may not understand why. There will be those who are disturbed at the nuances and unspoken connections often misunderstood by individuals who lack this sensitivity, and there will be those perhaps frightened by how easily she walks through the spiritual realm, so matter-of-factly, as though it were completely normal, when to most people it is not. She will always be the outsider, viewed with suspicion and sometimes disdain by the community around her, the clubs and cliques of society. At her most extreme, even the people who share her inner knowledge and experiences will find her bewildering, and her place at the outside edge of communal inclusion will be complete.

Her greatest downfall is the ability to lose herself, not being true to herself, in search of love and commitment. Relationships will be difficult for her. She will strive to connect with someone who can connect with her on a myriad of levels and meet her on her turf, as part of her inner world. Her search may prove futile, but it won’t be from lack of trying. She is artistic, creative, and wonderfully fluid, and she will use these abilities to try and transform herself to fit into the mold, to be what her suitor wants her to be, to fit into their life and their mind and their heart perfectly, in fairy tale fashion. In the midst of this hopelessly impossible endeavor, this Queen will often amputate the best parts of herself.

Image may contain: 1 person

Magickal Correspondences ~ Stuff to Add to Your Book of Shadows (includes videos)

Here you be, sez I. Follow this link, which will magickally transport you to The Witch’s Corner, where you’ll find a whole bunch of correspondences you’ll need to craft your spells successfully. This is “stuff” you’ll want to add to your own Book of Shadows. (You’re welcome!)

My Personal Book of Shadows ~

My Private Journals, Grimoires, & Notebooks ~