Mojo ~ On the Naughty Side

Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way 

From the curling tendrils of fog crawling through a dark swamp on a hot night, to the seedy candle-lit backroom of a smoky hoodoo shop filled with exotic curios: poppets (dollies); bags and intentions; pins and herbs; images; talismans; amulets; curses and blessings; cemetery dirt; snake sheds; oils, potions, powders; shadowy figures; and legendary tales– it all adds up to Mojo.

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Bad Mojo: Is someone messing with you?

Bad mojo, yes it’s real. Is it just a string of bad luck, or synchronistic events? No. It’s so much worse. It’s so definable. You’ll know when you are the victim of bad mojo…most definitely. There is nothing subtle about Bad Mojo. It’s vindictive. It’s like a sucker punch to the face. You’ll feel the swirling gray dangerous energy; sneaky energy sent by sneaky jealous mean-spirited individuals for whatever reason. When you feel it, you’ll know it. And when you know it, you’ll be able to do something about it. Yes, there are defenses for this type of magick. No, you don’t have to be a victim.

It’s here with me now, this energy, wreaking havoc in our every day life. Vehicles and appliances are breaking down– in rapid succession, one after the other, too numerous and too fast to be coincidental. Illness and unusual incidents are sprouting from the black energy; a series of opportunities lost to bizarre synchronistic events. Bad mojo is swift and destructive. It will leave your head spinning, and it often sends people into a panic. You have no idea how many messages and inquiries I get by people terrified of the fact that they may be targets for malicious magick.

Let’s see, where do I start? I would say “don’t panic”, but that’s like telling someone not to be afraid, or to stop crying, when it’s this emotion that they feel. You can’t stop someone from worrying, or panicing, or being afraid. In fact, it’s okay to be afraid– it will feed the adrenalin; it will add to the power and rush of your energy; it will promote whopping explosive movement of magickal intentions…So, “Be afraid, be very afraid”, as the over-worked movie line goes.

I feel like tapping into the number 9…(By the awful awesome power of 3 times 3)

Nine herbs for protection, to shield from unnatural illness, to ward off hexes and black magick:

1. marjoram

2. star anise

3. cumin

4. garlic

5. dragon’s blood

6. sandalwood

7. ginger

8. plantain

9. basil

How do we use these 9 herbs?

1. Marjoram:

Place a small bundle of marjoram leaves at the four corners of your house or property, and this includes everywhere you may be for extended periods of time– like your place of employment. These leaves should be replaced periodically to keep the strength and power going, say at each Full Moon cycle.

2. Star Anise:

To ward off hexes and bad mojo, you’re going to want to make a conjure bag to carry on you– in your pockets, in your purse, put it under your pillow at night. This bag will be your friend, your very close friend. About the only thing you’re going to do without it is shower– but you can still keep it close by!)

Besides the Star Anise, add a pinch of sea salt, garlic, and sage to the bag, along with a snippet of your hair, or fingernail clippings.*

3. Cumin:

You’re going to mix cumin seeds with sea salt to create a mixture you can sprinkle around the perimeter of your yard, around the foundation of your house, across the thresholds and window sills to keep Evil out. One word of caution here, if you use this stuff to sprinkle around the perimeter of your yard, everywhere you pour the sea salt, it will kill the grass. The first time I did this, I didn’t realize this would happen. We got up the next morning and looked out our upstairs bedroom window to see a clear and definite line of dead grass running all the way around the front yard. I thought this was hilarious. My (ex)husband did not see the humor in it.

4. Garlic:

For our purpose here today, the best thing I can tell you to do with garlic is to add it to your scrub water and go to town in your home– wash the hell out of the floors, the stair wells, and the front steps. If you do all this and you still feel Evil breathing down your neck, wash the walls and the windows, stair banisters, and dark and spooky closets and cubbies. Evil can run, but it can’t hide.

5. Dragon’s Blood:

Burn Dragon’s Blood, the chunks or powdered form, on charcoal. I’ve got some Dragon’s Blood incense that I bought the other day that I’m going to try for house cleansing and see how well it works. Frankly, I don’t like messing with those little round charcoals– and for newbies, this charcoal that I’m talking about is not the charcoal that you buy for grills, it’s different. It’s safer, and you can burn it indoors, just be sure that you have a strong fireproof reseptacle to burn it in. I’m still going to cross my fingers and go with the incense; it smells wonderful! (“Be gone, Evil!”, says Dragon’s Blood, kicking Evil in the ass as it rushes out the door.)

6. Sandalwood:

This is another Evil chaser that can be used for smudging, as in incense, or powdered sandalwood can be added to Brick Dust and Sea Salt and sprinkled across all the thresholds to your home. And I do mean *All* the thresholds!…main entrances; back doors; every single window– including tiny basement windows and attic windows; odd entrances like cellar doors, garage doors, etc.

7. Ginger:

For protection keep a whole ginger root under your bed or your pillow at night to ward off Evil Spirits that will prey on you when you are at your most vulnerable, when you’re asleep! This is another herb that is exalted for its ability to ward off Evil from property (and to protect those individuals who reside on said property). Keep it in conjure bags scattered throughout your house; use it to sprinkle doorways, sidewalks, and walkways. Ginger is reputed to slap negative nasty behavior and energy right back to the unfortunate turd who threw it at you– and they will feel it keenly. Take advantage of this.

8. Plantain:

This little herbal magick is going where you go. Tradition advises that you use the roots and leaves of plantain kept in a conjure bag in your vehicle to protect you from the jealousy of those who envy you. Apparently, it’s assumed that Envy travels, following you like a stealthy thief in the night, ready to steal your peace of mind, your self-confidence, and your success. (As a side note, plantain and calamus root are powerful partners for Safe Travel mojo bags, which everyone in my family keeps in their vehicles.)

9. Basil:

What a versatile herb!…Okay, here we go:

1) A Cleansing Wash– add it to your mop water, along with rosemary and a pinch of sea salt and scrub your floors with it.

2) A Dry Wash– sprinkle the dried herb on your floors, and using your Broom, sweep the basil and Evil right out of your house, swooshing them right out the front door. (You can even stamp your foot and swear and cuss a little, let the universe know just what you think about the situation. You’ll feel better, trust me.)

3) Body Wash– in a good sized glass container, make a tincture of Basil that you will use for 9 days to wipe down your body, using a white cloth. On the last day, stand at the threshold of your front door, and throw out any remaining water in the jar. Along with this water, you will be throwing out Evil energy, nasty intentions from nasty people, hate, spite, jealous, vindictiveness, plotting, and gossip. (Listen close, as the water hits the ground, you might be able to hear a squeal or a grunt as this energy is thrown back upon the individuals who are responsible for sending it.)

*NOTE: Fingernail clippings– to some people, the idea gives them the “ewwww” factor. But to me, it seems perfectly natural, as it probably does to most magickal practitioners. Now I’m going to reveal my little secret-slash-tip: To collect my own fingernails, to be used in magicks beneficial to Me, I wait until they get very long before I clip them. But there’s more…I paint them various colors to correspond with the type of magick I might need to benefit myself: green polish/healing; yellow polish/to facilitate communication and creativity; red/for love and passion spells; blue/for moon spells, those things that deal with the feminine mysteries, psychism, visions, dreams. You get the point. I carry the idea of “Personal Concerns”, aka fingernail clippings, one step further than the norm. I’ve never heard this idea anywhere else, so I don’t know if anyone has ever thought of doing this or not. But it works for me.

witch 40

Employment Mojo Magick

With the following information, you can work your own magick,  move that energy,  go after that job that you’ve always wanted.  Create these bags with successful employment energy, with positive thoughts, with high aspirations.  Below are correspondences for the correct day to create your mojo bags (in magick, timing is everything).  What elements are you going to work with?  What herbs will you use?…and stones; and more.

Employment Mojo Bag

Day:  Sunday/jobs in the healthcare or spiritual field; Monday/jobs involved with feminine issues, charities, the occult, and new-age businesses; Tuesday/armed services, law enforcement, criminology, sports; Wednesday/the arts, writing, music, jobs involving mental endeavors– rather than physical labor– desk jobs, office work, computer programming, web design, etc.; Thursday/jobs in the legal field, jobs in the financial field, jobs that leave room for growth and promotion; personal businesses involving the enterpreneur; Friday/wedding planners, florists– or other jobs involving the growing and production of plants; jobs in the beauty field– including, esthetician, hair stylist, health spas, makeup company representatives or sales marketers, retail; Saturday/self-help businesses, exterminators, guards– either within prisons or security work, architecture, all aspects– including construction, landscaping, etc.

Planet:  Sunday/Sun; Monday/Moon; Tuesday/Mars; Wednesday/Mercury; Thursday/Jupiter; Friday/Venus; Saturday/Saturn

Element: Earth/jobs grounded in the physical; Air/jobs grounded in the mental; Fire/jobs requiring high energy levels and long periods of activity; Water/jobs associated with the ethereal, jobs requiring high levels of creativity

Color: Sunday/yellow or gold; Monday/blue or silver; Tuesday/orange; Wednesday/yellow; Thursday/purple or green; Friday/pink or green; Saturday/black

Herbs: Sunday/marigold, sunflower, chamomile, frankincense; Monday/calamus, myrrh, sandalwood, gardenia; Tuesday/allspice, dragon’s blood, wormwood, pine; Wednesday/fennel, marjoram, horehound, parsley; Thursday/anise, clove, hyssop, nutmeg; Friday/apple, cardamom, foxglove, lilac; Saturday/belladonna, morning glory, slippery elm, hemp

Stones: Sunday/amber or carnelian; Monday/moonstone or selenite; Tuesday/garnet or bloodstone; Wednesday/mottled jasper or agate; Thursday/amethyst or sugilite; Friday/jade or rose quartz; Saturday/jet or black onyx

Other Items: With this mojo bag you’ll realize how important are the associations that you have with various energies and intentions. The ‘other items’ list for the employment mojo bag will be endless and incredibly varied. Of course you’re going to want an item or image that is connected, in some way, with the job or position that you desire, and this will be where your own creativity enters into the magickal picture.

Read as the spell has already happened.  I "have"...

The information for this blog post is an excerpt from my book,
“Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way”

Mojo Bags

Mojo Bags are one of the items you’ll find available at my website:
The Witch’s Corner

*Note: the photo is courtesy of Pinterest

Workplace Mojo– Bad Bosses Beware

Making Magick

Image may contain: fire and candles

 As I sit here, right now, let’s put a spell together on a whim and a fancy, by the seat of our pants.  So often I’ve noticed, especially with people new to witchcraft, that we tend to rely on spells being laid out before us, all black and white, neatly listed, pre-packaged, and ready to go– kind of like fast food.  We shouldn’t be afraid to slap together a spell of our own making, our own unique creation.  Not only will it ‘feel’ good when you cast it, it will carry so much of your magickal energy and power of intention that it’s bound to cause a tremor through the universe.

Workplace Mojo

1) Intention…Let’s concentrate today on the workplace and the problems that we find there.  These ‘problems’ almost always tend to have two arms, two legs, and a great hole in their face called A Mouth.

2) Candle Color…If it’s The Mouth that’s causing problems, let’s go with a yellow candle– for the element of Air and communication.  If we just want this ‘problem’ to go away, as in banishing to other-worlds, or in this case other departments, let’s go with my favorite candle color– black.

3) “Dressing” the Candle…We’re going to do several things. First:  carve the name of your problem on this candle, and then sit quietly and hold it in your hands for few minutes, visualizing this individual, seeing in your mind what you want to happen, where you want this person to go, how you want the negative energy dispersed.

 Put a bit of oil on your fingertips, either a magickal oil made for specific intentions, or a little olive oil from your kitchen cupboard, and smooth this oil over the candle.

 Crush up or grind some herbs that are related to the energies that we’re dealing with and the intentions that we’re raising.  If you’re using a yellow candle to shut a big mouth, you’ll find that slippery elm and cloves work great for this, and I’ve discovered that dieffenbachia will also stop the flow of word vomit just as effectively.  As you grind or crush these herbs, you should chant a little chant and get yourself all worked up over this issue.  After all, if you’ve come to the point of casting magick spells to defend yourself against an individual, you’ve got a right to be pissed– so get pissed, and imbue these herbs and this candle with all that emotion and intentions.

Pour the prepared herbs in a nice line the length of your candle or in a pile on the table.  Lay your oiled candle on its side, and roll it in the herbs so that they adhere to the candle.

4)  Igniting the magick…Okay, you can set this candle up now and light it.  And while it’s burning, write down the name of the big fat old problem on a small slip of paper.  Set this paper on fire by the flame of your spell candle and drop it in a bowl, allowing it to burn to ash.

While you’re doing this, chant your little chant, get mad, stamp your feet, spit in the bowl, and just throw a good old hissy fit.  It will make you feel better, and it will direct the negative energy caused by this individual to come right back at them, full force.  It’s kind of like slapping them in the face, but you won’t leave a mark.

5)  Cleaning up…Once the candle is burned out, gather up the left-over wax, the ashes, and anything else from the makings of this spell and go bury it somewhere– but not on your own property.

Note:  If it’s the black candle you used and banishing was your intention, these would be among my favored herbs for this deed:  cloves; banishing powder– if you’ve got it;  anything ‘hot’– like cayenne pepper, black pepper; anything stinging– like nettles; anything sharp– like thorns, which you can stick right into the sides of your candle.

It would be nice if we didn’t have to waste our time and energy on this type of person and this kind of magick, but the real world dictates otherwise.  We can at least be thankful that there are measures we can take to defend ourselves and to make life bearable.

If you’re the victim of bad workplace behavior, go for it– more power to you!  If you are the perpetrator of bad work place behavior…beware.

Plantain: Magickal or Mundane

The perfect carpet of suburban green lawn does not exist at our house; at least not yet, but that might change once my husband gets his hands on it.  We don’t have a conventional lawn right now at all, we have what’s been called “pasture”.  Within it grows numerous types of plants, many of them labeled ‘weeds’ by the more pristine lawn connoisseurs.  (A weed’s a flower too, once you get to know it– I saw this quote just yesterday somewhere, probably Facebook.)

One of the wild green things growing freely in our lawn is a plant called Plantain.  You can see it in the foreground of this photo.  It grows with wild abandonment in our yard, most often in cliquish little clumps here and there.  In the early stages you won’t see the long seed stems, just the wide green leaves close to the ground.

Every year I gather bunches of plantain, filling a large glass jar, squashing the leaves down, getting as much as I can into one container, on my knees, going from one island of plantain to another, front and back yard.  This is an extraordinarily versatile plant, both magickally and mundanely speaking– which I value greatly. I’m going to start with the conventional side of plantain, some of the practical uses it can be valued for, sort of like nature’s medicine cabinet…

For Insect Bites:

Cover fresh insect stings (from bees, wasps, or hornets) with wet crushed plantain leaves.  Replace the leaves as they dry out.  The idea is to press out the poison, to draw it out, as well as to relieve any discomfort at the same time.

For Inflammation:

Wrap bruised wet plantain leaves around the infected area, keeping them wet by covering them with a plastic bag or a wet cloth.  Be sure to keep the leaves wet.  It’s been said that plantain works on infected finger sores where conventional antibiotic ointments have failed.

An Herbal Ointment:  Plantain Liquefied Ointment

(An ointment is a soothing healing balm made with a base of oil, lard, grease, or petroleum, into which you’ve added herbs and plants for medicinal purposes.  It’s most simply made by heating your base and adding your other ingredients; then pouring the mixture into a container to cool and thicken, and this process can be helped along if you wish by adding bees wax, coco butter, or honey.  If you’ve a mind to, you can add a couple drops of benzoin, glycerin, or a preservative to the mix, but I’m a purist at heart, and either I’ll use a batch of ointment up in good time, or I’ll eventually toss it out and make a new one as needed.)

2 1/2 cups fresh plantain leaves
1 1/2 cups wheat germ oil
1/2 cup honey

Mix the what germ oil and the honey in a blender, adding fresh plantain leaves.  Blend well, then scrape this mixture into a container of your choice (I prefer small glass jars), and be sure you label it.  To help the mixture harden up to the right consistency, add 2 1/c tablespoons of hot bees wax.

Now the fun stuff, we’re going to leave the conventional world behind and look at all the wonderous magickal– wiccan, pagany, witchcrafty ways we can make use of Plantain.  This is a plant that I use a lot– I mean a lot— for a variety of magick and intentions.

First, I’m a fuss-budget, a worry wart– a mother– and I want my family to be safe whenever they are traveling in a vehicle, and I don’t care if it’s across town for a gallon of milk, or across the country to visit family.  There must be, absolutely must be, a small bag of plantain and calamus root in everyone’s vehicle.  It’s priceless, believed to protect travelers from harm, and as I’ve said before, I take a good deal of stock in it– my oldest daughter has totaled two cars on Omaha’s freeways, and she’s walked away without a scratch both times, her mojo bundle of herbal magick tucked beneath the driver’s seat.

Another protective use for plantain is to keep your property safe from theft:  in good old-fashioned mojo tradition, fill a blue flannel bag with plantain and place it in the four corners, or at the four compass points, around your property.

Use plantain magickally to cure illness:  it’s believed that by writing the name of the inflicted person three times on a small piece of paper, wrapping this paper in a plantain leaf, and laying the leaf on the heart of the patient, you can chase out the disease and restore good health. (I know I sound like I have a lot of faith in plantain’s magickal and mundane abilities, but for gawd’s sake, use some common sense– you can mix good old folk magick right along with a fabulous thing known as ‘modern medicine’.  I don’t want to hear of anyone stopping routine medical care by competent medical professionals and replacing it with folk remedies alone…really.)

If you’re the victim of someone with a big mouth and a little brain, you can stop one and/or the other with a mixture of crushed dried plantain leaves and slippery elm (Shut yo’ mouth…says it all).  I think I’d prefer to do a little candle magick with this combo– oil up a yellow candle with a good oil of your choice, roll it in the herbs, place it in a cauldron or other fire-proof container and burn away…and just for good measure, I’d place a slip of paper with the target’s name on it beneath the candle– and if you get your hands on a photo of them, which is so darn easy to do in this internet/Facebook world, you can really go to town. Knock yourself out.

Wykid Wytch Newsletter– September!

Hi, Everyone!

My September newsletter from The Witch’s Corner has gone live this morning. You’ll find that I’ve changed up the format a bit with the addition of some new sections, including one entitled “Pagan Highlights”. You’ll find information about pagan authors, artists, activists, and other unique individuals that need to be brought into the spotlight so that we can all benefit from their wisdom, their sense of humor, their talent, and their eclectic pagan views. This month features Lunea Weatherstone, Susan Weed, Mickie Mueller, and Witches Rising.

There’s an essay on“Autumnal Holidays” and links to an article on interfaith marriage,“A Christian & A Witch”, learn how this couple handles both interfaith and inter-racial issues in their relationship. We’ll be “Makin’ Magick ‘Round the Kitchen Table” with some “Workplace Mojo”– bosses beware! And “From the Witch’s Kitchen” is a recipe for “Full Moon Biscuits”, it’s easy as pie.

I’ve also edited a photo slideshow called “Nebraska Autumn” with some new pics.

You’ll find updates and news from The Witch’s Corner with links.

The Wykid Wytch Newsletter
September 2011

click Here

A Mojo Bag for My Purse

I decided to re-do the old mojo bag I carry in my purse, and I thought it would make an interesting video for anyone else who would like to make a mojo bag for their purse but maybe wasn’t sure what to add to it.

The bag that I created is for 1) prosperity/money, 2) protection, 3) cleansing

It contains: a money magnet; a real gold coin; sea salt; hyssop; mint; stones of aventurine, moss agate, and onyx; a Virgin Mary medal; and cat’s hair

Protection Magick: The Gray Witch Way

What’s a Witch to Do?

Protection Magic: Flexing Your Magical Muscle

No photo description available.To bind or not to bind, to hex or not to hex– What’s a witch to do when she’s confronted by a bully? Because a magical practitioner has more of an arsenal in her handbag with which to defend herself than the average person, you would think that her options would be varied and her reasons for using them valid. However, in the modern day world of the witch, there are several people and groups who propose the somewhat Christian option of ‘turning the other cheek’. We also have pagan purists who scream ‘Karma’ and gather their magical skirts about them in a panic.

The result of this is that it leaves many of the witches in the world afraid to rile the purists. It leaves many witches negatively influenced by the neo-flower children, completely unprotected and open to the dark energies of an enemy, the destructive forces of a foe, or victims of the rampant overwhelming energies generated by a group. It leaves the witch, plain and simple, between a rock and a hard place.

What’s a witch to do?

Is it permissible for the witch to use witchcraft to protect herself?

You bet your sweet cauldron it is, and we’re going to look at a variety of possibilities that will both protect the occult practitioner and do so in an honorable and ethical manner.

Group Mentality Binding Mojo

Whether you are the victim of office water cooler gossip, a group of well-meaning but highly misinformed busy bodies, or a posse of fellow pagans who have climbed on a proverbial high-horse, there is something you can do about negative energy and black mojo directed at you by a group of people– no matter who they are, or what their intentions might be. We’re going to round this energy up, lasso each individual perpetrator, and bind them in their own actions.

Items needed:

a sheet of paper and a pen; a black taper or votive candle; a pinch of the following herbs: cloves, cayenne pepper, and hyssop; salt; cemetery dirt; uncrossing oil; a small hand mirror

The method:

1. On a sheet of paper list the individual names of the people who have ganged up on you, the people who are creating havoc in your life. Don’t write their names down in a neat little list, but write them down helter-skelter, all over the paper, in all types of scrawled print.

2. Dress the black candle with Uncrossing Oil. Combine the herbs listed, mixing them well, and pouring them out upon a hard surface, arranging them to make a nice line about the length of your candle. You’re going to roll this candle in these herbs until the candle is sufficiently covered.

3. Set this dressed candle in a holder and light it, with intent, knowing that you are calling upon the energies of sister witches past, present, and future to aid you in this time of crisis.

4. Set the sheet of paper containing the names on fire, dropping it into a fireproof container and allowing it to burn itself to ash.

5. When the candle has burned itself out, you will gather up the wax from the candle, along with the ash from the name paper, and you will place these items in the center of a small hand mirror. Carefully circle the candle wax and ashes with a ring of salt followed by a ring of cemetery dirt.

6. Place this mirror in a safe and secret spot, perhaps beneath a dresser or on the floor of your closet. Cover this mirror with a bowl, so that nothing will disturb it to break the ring of salt and cemetery dirt.

7. Know that as you have sealed these spell remains upon this mirror, so have you sealed and bound the actions of the individuals named upon the paper. Check this mirror, perhaps on the dark moon of each month, reinforcing the circle of salt and cemetery dirt if necessary.

There are several simple actions a witch can take when protection is needed and the situation at hand must be handled quickly. And these actions are not meant to harm the offender, but simply to halt their offensive and destructive behavior.

Foot Track Magic Freeze

A footprint leaves behind a powerful indelible impression of an individual and their personal energy. It’s as potent a personal item as are hair or fingernail clippings and can be used just as successfully in spells where personal effects are called for.

To stop someone who is harassing you, gossiping about you, lying about you, or otherwise trying to bring negative energy and its effects down upon you in any way, you are going to watch for the perfect opportunity to snatch their footprint from the earth and stop them in their tracks…pun intended. When the long awaited opportunity presents itself, very carefully gather the footprint up, placing the soil in a jar with a screw top lid.

Once you get this precious magickal item home, fill the jar half full of water, securely screw the lid back on, sealing it with black candle wax, and place this jar in your freezer– slamming the door shut with triumphant force.

As the water freezes, trapping the soil which made up the target’s foot track, so will their actions against you come to a halt, their bad behavior frozen in time and place.

Ghosties, Goblins, and Poltergeists

Protection from the Invisible Realms

Occasionally those things we need protection from are not the human beings around us, but ethereal spirits and other entities that linger from various planes of existence, for a variety of reasons, haunting our homes and occasionally even our dreams. These entities are really not as formidable as they may seem, especially not for the seasoned witch who knows how to control these spirits, how to protect her personal space, and how to empower herself through magical means.

Sweet Dreams Mojo Bag

If you’ve noticed that you have been having trouble sleeping, and your sleep is disturbed by dreams with often recurring themes, characters, or creatures; you may be experiencing nocturnal hauntings by pesky spirits. First, you might want to examine these dreams closely, looking for that which may be familiar to you; for often, loved ones who have passed will try to communicate with us in this way. If you recognize the spirit and acknowledge it, letting it know that you’ve received the message and you understand, the dreams most often stop.

However, if this type of nighttime activity does not cease and is beginning to wear upon you, and you simply want a peaceful night’s sleep, there’s an easy magical fix. You can assemble a Sweet Dreams Mojo bag that will keep spirits at bay, quiet your subconscious, and allow you a peaceful undisturbed night’s sleep.

To a small blue bag you can add the herbs calamus, mugwort, valerian, lavender, chamomile, and most importantly cloves and garlic (for exorcism). You will add to this bag any one of the following three stones: chalcedony, citrine, or jet (to halt nightmares).

Tie this bag up and sleep with it beneath your pillow.

Quiet the Spirits

For years we’ve lived in a house rife with paranormal activity, so much so that my own children tend to take it in stride. We’ve become rather fond of some of the spirits wandering throughout our home, and I tend not to clear our living space too thoroughly, as we would actually miss some of our ghostly visitors.

However, I’m sure not everyone feels this way when it comes to having spirits roaming their personal space. There are many things you can do to banish spirits who have already taken up residence, as well as several preventative measures you can take to keep new entities from entering. We’re going to take a look at just a few witchy little tricks to set some ghostly boundaries and protect you from hauntings.


There is nothing more purifying or grounding than salt, and it can be used in a number of ways to cleanse a space of unwanted entities and to keep them at bay:

To a small bowl of water, add a pinch of salt, and using your fingers– or a sprig of rosemary, dip into the water and asperge (sprinkle) your space with this salted water, cleansing it of scattered energies, as well as entities.

You can leave a small bowl of salt sit upon your nightstand, near your bed. (I’ve done this for my daughters.) During the night, should you be awakened and frightened by a passing spirit, just take a pinch of salt and toss it in the direction of the specter– with this action, you will banish it.

Place a line of salt down across the threshold of your home to keep spirits at bay. But you’d better make sure that your space is properly cleansed before you do this, or the result could be that you will unwittingly trap an entity inside your home.

Onions & Garlic

To keep a space clear of unwanted energies, fill four small bowls with quartered onions and a couple cloves of garlic. Place these bowls in the four corners of a room to keep spirits at bay. You might want to replace the onions and garlic with fresh quarters and cloves about once a month– perhaps on the waning or dark moon, to send negative energy, as well as unwanted entities, on their way.


The age old method of purifying and cleansing a space is with the use of burning sage or incense to ‘smudge’ an area with the smoke. Traditionally, in many cultures, including Native North American tribes, the method is both cleansing and protective. I’ve often used more than one method for purification and protection, either when preparing sacred space, or when cleansing my home– first asperging the area with salted water, and then following up with a good smudging/cleansing/protective incense.

After a room is cleared of ghostly visitors, I’ve often prepared a mojo bag with hyssop, sage, rosemary, and sea-salt, and tacked these bags above the door-sills, or over the window sills.

Magickal Protection
for the Mundane World

We’ve seen what we can do to protect ourselves from negative energy and people, as well as hauntings and unwanted ghostly contact. But we have to remember that we live in a bustling modern world where we’re always on the go, where we’re confronted by fast travel, unlimited and immediate communication with strangers– as well as friends and family, and a host of physical maladies that can befall us. There are many instances where practical protection is needed to maneuver safely through this hectic mundane world.

A Vehicle Blessing

Many of us commute long distances on a daily basis, and the most important thing we can do to insure safe travel on these jaunts is to bless our vehicle with the four elements and Spirit. You can do a full out ritual if you feel so compelled, either in the privacy of a closed garage or out in the open space of your driveway; or you can simply smudge the vehicle, anoint it with a protection oil, and seal the space with protective talismans.

Since I’ve included a full ritual in my book, “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire(working title), I’m going to go through a simpler act of magick here that will take less time but will be just as effective.

Items needed:

1 white tea candle
A bowl of salt
A stick of incense
1 red candle
A bowl of water
Mars Astrological Oil

The method:

1. Anoint the tea candle with Mars Astrological Oil, light it, and set it on the hood of the vehicle, along with the other items you will need. Each time you circle the area, you will begin from this point.

2. Open all the doors of the vehicle. Taking the bowl of salt, walk deosil (clockwise) around the vehicle, throwing a pinch of salt into each open doorway as you go, saying:

“I consecrate this space, by the power of Earth.”

Walk a complete circle, stopping at the front of the vehicle.

3. Light the stick of incense and circle the vehicle deosil, stopping at each open doorway and reaching within to smudge the area, saying:

“I consecrate this space, by the power of Air.”

Walk a complete circle, stopping at the front of the vehicle.

4. Light the red candle, carry it carefully around the vehicle, walking deosil, and reaching within each open doorway as you go, saying:

“I consecrate this space, by the power of Fire.”

Walk a complete circle, stopping at the front of the vehicle.

5. Taking the bowl of water in your hands, carefully walk deosil around the vehicle, dipping your fingertips into the water and reaching within each open doorway as you go to sprinkle the interior, saying:

“I consecrate this space, by the power of Water.”

Walk a complete circle, stopping at the front of the vehicle.

6. Pick up the burning white candle, hold it aloft, and say:

“By the power of the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water; I have consecrated this space, that all who occupy it shall be kept safe within this place.

So mote it be.”

The ritual is done.

After the white candle has burned itself out, you will use the remaining wax and add it to a protective mojo bag that you will place within this vehicle. To that bag you will also add the herbs calamus and plantain, a stone of tiger’s-eye that you’ve anointed with Mars Astrological Oil, and personal effects from the individuals who most often travel in this vehicle…a lock of hair would be perfect.

Protection for Your Computer

This innocent box we refer to as the computer is a gateway for all kinds of energy– and individuals– to come through. Most of the time this energy is positive and the visitors welcome, but occasionally this may not be so. You can use your magickal advantage to keep this gateway clear of unwanted energies and strangers.

I keep a mojo bag taped to the side of my computer. It’s the easiest type of magick imaginable and it is impressively effective.

Use a yellow bag, harnessing the energy of the element of Air– highlighting communication, mental endeavors, and creativity. To this bag add slippery elm–  to halt a nasty tongue, or in this case, fingertips; sage and rosemary– for purification; cloves– for exorcism and protection from unwanted or negative energy or people; a stone of jet or obsidian for protection, blue lace agate to open your throat chakra and improve your ability to communicate, clear quartz crystal to increase all positive energy, and blue lapis to enhance your intuition– allowing you greater insight into whom you can and cannot trust.

To Your Health

The one thing most human beings feel they may not have complete control over is their health; in respect to contracting diseases, coming down with functional maladies of various organs and systems, and accidental injuries. As wonderful and modern as science is, there are times where it can benefit from a magickal boost.

Understand that the following information is not to be used in lieu of regular medical treatment by professionals, but is intended to be used in conjunction with standard medical care. Always follow your doctor’s orders and advice.

We’re going to make a healing poppet, a dolly, to generate healing energy for a particular person, or ‘target’. This form of magick is known as sympathetic magic, meaning ‘this becomes that’. Realize, as you create this poppet, that this dolly will not only carry the essence of the one who needs healing, it will actually become this individual. This is why it’s so important to keep this poppet in a safe and secure place, until it’s magic is no longer needed, at which time you will carefully and respectfully dismantle it and bury the remnants in the earth.

Making our poppet:

The healing poppets that I make are always green…for the element of Earth, highlighting the physical world and manifestation of magic into this realm. I prefer flannel.

Once you’ve acquired your material, double it and lay it on a flat hard surface– the kitchen table works well in my house. You will cut out the rough shape of a human figure, and to make this easier for you, you can trace a rough shape on a blank piece of paper, cut this out, and use it as a guide.

Sew these two mirror images together, leaving sufficient space open on one side so that you can fill this poppet with baubles and stones, herbs and healing energy. You can decorate this dolly in any way you see fit to connect to the individual it is intended for. This might mean cutting out the face of a photo and pasting it to the face of the doll; attaching hair matching that of the target’s, adding a ribbon necklace containing a bead, earring, or some other significant item that belongs to the target.

The next step is going to be filling it with objects who’s energy is geared to healing, as well as personal effects connected to the target. The personal items could be fingernail clippings, a lock of hair, a scrap of material or button from their clothing, the more intimate the better; but if don’t have access to any of these items, you will have to settle for a ‘name-paper’…simply a piece of paper upon which you’ve written the target’s name. Insert this inside the poppet.

Now it’s time to add the magickal ingredients:

Herbs:  calamus, fennel, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, mugwort (add at least three of these herbs to the poppet for healing); coriander, white geranium, marjoram, St. John’s Wort, rue, tansy (add at least three of these herbs to the poppet to maintain health)

Stones:  jade, bloodstone, crystal quartz, jasper, lapis lazuli, carnelian, moss agate, amber (add one of these stones to the poppet for healing)

Other Items:  a symbol of the Goddess, perhaps in the form of a Virgin Mary medal.  My grandmother always swore by St. Jude, both for healing and hopeless cases, and you could add a metal of this saint; a personal lucky token, whether it’s a four leaf clover, or something that was passed down through several generations– such as a religious symbol, the photograph of a beloved relative who has passed over, or a token for the target’s totem animal. There is such an endless variety of items, personal images, and associations that will lend it’s power to this healing poppet. It’s healing energy will come from the intensity of your will and the inspiration you will experience during its making.

Correspondences for Protection Magick

Goddesses for Protection


Artemis is the protector of young girls until they leave the stage of maiden.

Element/air; Color/yellow; Maiden


She is the protector of civilization and will protect people from enemies.

Element/air; Color/yellow; Maiden


Bast is the protector of women and children, guardian of the household, and brings health and prosperity to those who honor her.

Element/fire; Color/purple; Maiden


Cerridwen dispenses justice where justice is due.

Element/water; Color/white; Crone


Demeter is sympathetic to suffering and grief and can be called upon to protect children.

Element/earth; Color/brown; Mother


Call upon Freya to protect your feline companions.

Element/water; Color/gold; Maiden


Hecate protects both the spirits and the living from spirit mischief. She is also the protectress of Witches.

Element/earth; Color/silver; Crone


Inanna is a warrior goddess who protects civilization and those who dwell within the cities. She also dispenses justice.

Element/fire; Color/purple; Maiden


Call upon Isis for the protection of women and children, as well as for the protection of marriage and the marriage vows.

Element/fire; Color/blue; Mother

Kali Ma:

Kali Ma can be called upon to protect feminine interests.

Element/fire; Color/red; Crone

Kuan Yin:

This goddess cures maladies of the body, mind, and spirit.

Element/water; Color/green; Mother


Lilith will protect you from the natural elements. Call upon her to keep you safe from storms.

Element/fire; Color/red; Crone


Nut, the mother of Isis, can be called upon to bring protection by the four elements…Earth, Air, Fire, & Water.

Element/air; Color/yellow; Mother


Call upon Shakti for the protection of women.

Element/air; Color/rainbow; Mother

Sheela Na Gig:

The Sheela Na Gig can be called upon to protect women in childbirth.

Element/water; Color/blue; Mother


Call upon this goddess to protect you from a broken heart. Shekinah will also protect against evil.

Element/air; Color/white; Mother

Stones for Protection

Protection from an early death: agate, fossils, petrified wood

Protection from nightmares:  chalcedony, citrine, jet, ruby, amethyst

Protection during childbirth:  geodes, pumice, clear quartz crystal

Protection for your health:  jade, amber, coral, jasper, azurite, aventurine, agate, turquoise, sodalite, blue lace agate

Protection from the bad guys:  jet, obsidian, snowflake obsidian, black tourmaline, black onyx

Herbs for Protection

For Exorcism:  cloves, dragon’s blood, frankincense, garlic, myrrh, nettle, pepper, sage, rosemary, cayenne pepper, thistle

Protection from gossip:  slippery elm, cloves, rose thorns

Protection from infidelity:  nutmeg, rhubarb, skullcap, cumin, chili pepper, chickweed

Protection of good health:  coriander, juniper, St. John’s Wort, thyme, ash, marjoram, rosemary

Protection from curses:  chili pepper, galangal, hydrangea, thistle

Protection in legal matters:  marigold, skunk cabbage, slippery elm, henbane, hemlock

Protection against exposure (to maintain secrecy):  edelweiss, poppy, wolf’s bane

Protection from an early death:  lavender, sage, maple, cypress, iris

Protection against poverty:  rice, black poppy seeds, fennel, corn

Protection against the bad guys:  bittersweet, anise, agrimony, buckthorn, castor, devil’s bit, dragon’s blood, foxglove, garlic, ginseng, lucky hand, mugwort, wormwood, valerian, thistle, onion, cactus

Protection against draught:  rice, water lily, pussy willow

Protection against theft:  cumin, garlic, vetivert, thistle

Magickal Connections: Spell Bag Instructions

Mojo Bags

At my online shop, found at my website, I offer a variety of spell bags– bags filled with the items that you need to cast specific spells. The ones I offer include: Make Him Love Me; Money Flow; Make Him Go; Shut Your Mouth.

I’ve had several people order these spell bags and then email me, unsure as to what exactly they should do with the magickal items enclosed, so I’ve decided to post some instructions. Later I may even make small instructional videos, but I like taping these videos outdoors better than anywhere else, so the weather is going to have to warm up.

The following instructions are pretty basic and will be used with any of the spell bags.

First, let’s look at the items included in these bags:  1 small taper candle, 1 bottle of magickal oil, 1 small bag of herbs, 3 incense cones, a stone, and a small porcelain candle holder*  (*not shown).

After you’ve situated yourself in a comfortable spot to work– some of you casting a circle to work in, and other’s probably opting not to do this– go ahead and light one of the incense cones.

If the herbs enclosed  are not all powdered, but include leaves and whole blossoms or petals, you’ll want to begin by crushing or pulverizing them.  I use a mortar and pestle for this, but if you don’t have a mortar and pestle, crush them up with your fingers.  If the herbs are a bit coarser than herbs ground with a mortar and pestle, that’s okay.

Next, shake up your bottle of magickal oil and open it.  You’re going to dress (anoint) your candle with the oil and then roll it in the crushed herbs.  Tip the bottle up and get some oil on your fingertips.   If you’re working magick to draw something to you, you will hold the candle in one hand while you stroke the oil onto the candle in gentle sweeping motions towards your body.  If you’re working magick to send something away, you will hold the candle in one hand while you stroke the oil on the candle in gentle sweeping motions away from your body.

After the candle is oiled, have the herbs sprinkled out on the surface you’re working on in a long pile.  Put the candle on it’s side and roll it through the herbs, several times if need be, until all or most of the herbs adhere to the candle.  Place the candle in the candle holder.

Keeping your intentions in mind, light the spell candle.  Allow the candle to burn down.  Make sure not to leave it unattended and to keep all flammable materials out of reach of the flame. 

Once this candle has burned down and the wax has cooled, you can use the large bag all of these ingredients came in to make a mojo bag.  To this bag you will add the remains of the candle wax and any of the herbs which might be left over, the stone, as well as personal items/effects that will make this magick more individualized and add to the energy of your spell.  These items could include hair, fingernails, or a photo of your target, a name paper, a small slip of paper upon which you’ve written affirmations, an item belonging to the target– such as a button, an earring, etc.

Keep this bag in a safe and secret place, giving the magickal energy time to build and work.

Questions & Answers

I receive a considerable number of questions from people, and I’ve answered a handful of them here.  I’ll be re-posting on this particular blog from time to time, when I get the opportunity.  This just seemed like an easier solution rather than trying to answer individual emails, as more than one person often asks the same question.  It just seemed logical to gather the answers all in one place.  Remember that these are my opinions, this is about my path– and you asked.


Is there a difference between a Witch, a Wiccan, and a Pagan?
What do you feel are some of the major differences?

 Yes, there is a difference, and still, most people tend to lump these categories together indiscriminately.

 “Pagan” is a broad term that covers a variety of beliefs and practices. It’s an umbrella term that includes witches; Wiccans- every tradition, clan, or solitary path you can think of; Druids; and a garden variety of spiritual practices that stray from the mainstream religions, primarily Christianity.

 “Witch” implies someone who is knowledgeable in the ‘Olde Ways’, someone who casts spells, practices divination, herbology, etc. A witch is steeped in earth-based shamanic methods in free-form, not tying her/himself to any particular creed, to any particular set of rules or regulations, group or clan. The witch tends to be a free spirit and often treads where others fear to go when it comes to practicing the occult.

 “Wicca” is a religion which encompasses organized and ordered membership, regulations, and practices. It is also an earth-based and nature religion which has grown to include a wide variety of paths, traditions, clans, and covens. Most Wiccans abide by the Wiccan Reed, and seek membership that comes with required study and initiation.

 When did you first realize you were a Witch?

 I always knew that I was different and that I often perplexed people, though as a child I wasn’t sure how or why. The earliest memory I have of a ‘realization’ probably came when I was about five years old, crouched alone on a terraced hillside. It was a hot summer day, though I was in a dark cool place, as the hillside was full of trees. I looked to my right, past the wire fence that separated the yard from pasture, and watched a herd of cattle grazing in the hot sun, only a few feet away from my cool dark world. I reached to the low branch of a young locust tree, wrapped my fingers around a small green stem and gently slid the leaves off, into my palm. I stayed there for quite some time, crouched beneath the tree, closing my eyes to listen to the wind in the trees, believing that they were speaking to me.

 I don’t remember what I did with the leaves, though I do remember that I wanted them for a reason.

 Is it important for a Witch to have a code of Honor?

 It depends upon how you look at it. If by a ‘code of honor’, you mean that she must abide by someone else’s rules, someone else’s measurement of what is right or wrong, then I would have to say no.

 Each individual, witch or not, who is an intelligent human being knows when they are doing right and when they are doing something questionable. And ‘questionable’ in this instance doesn’t necessarily mean something you shouldn’t do, it can mean something that isn’t always done but needs doing, it can mean something gritty and serious that must be done.

 The Witch, a real witch, moves in a landscape that is neither white nor black, it’s filled with shadows that are shades of gray; and to the witch these shadows are not off limits. Balance is required in all things, including the practice of Witchcraft; and once in a while boundaries have to be broken to maintain this balance.

 How would you define “Mojo”?

 I would describe ‘mojo’ as ‘magick’…magick that incorporates natural elements to produce physical manifestation: herbs, stones, bones, personal items, bodily secretions, potions, powders, images, symbols, etc. Mojo also relies on intention and will, but not at the same level or intensity as Wiccan magick. With mojo, the magick resides in the molecules of the items used. The traditional voodoo priestess does not consecrate or empower her mojo bags; she believes that the power is already there.

 How do spells work?

 Spells work by using the energy of our will and intentions, along with strong visualization, coupled with natural objects such as candles, fire, water, herbs, stones, photos, images, etc.; to produce physical manifestation into the real world. You must be able to see the objective of your spell as though it already exists. If you cannot visualize what you desire as though it already exists, you will not be able to manifest into the physical realm.

 Why do you practice so many different
forms of witchcraft on your path?

 I am an eclectic Witch.

 There’s incredible knowledge and magick to be found on a number of occult paths. It’s like a magickal buffet of rich and varied practices that all work in different ways and on different levels. To me, it’s there for the taking, there for my use. We just have to be open-minded enough not to be afraid to explore other religions, other forms of spirituality. Human beings have a terrible habit of pigeon-holing everything, thinking that everything must fit into specific boxes and that you can’t mix and match or you’ll mess things up.

 I don’t eat the same thing for breakfast every morning, I don’t wear the same kind of clothes everyday. And as much as I love chocolate, if that were the only thing I was allowed to eat, it would get monotonous.