Employment Mojo Magick

With the following information, you can work your own magick,  move that energy,  go after that job that you’ve always wanted.  Create these bags with successful employment energy, with positive thoughts, with high aspirations.  Below are correspondences for the correct day to create your mojo bags (in magick, timing is everything).  What elements are you going to work with?  What herbs will you use?…and stones; and more.

Employment Mojo Bag

Day:  Sunday/jobs in the healthcare or spiritual field; Monday/jobs involved with feminine issues, charities, the occult, and new-age businesses; Tuesday/armed services, law enforcement, criminology, sports; Wednesday/the arts, writing, music, jobs involving mental endeavors– rather than physical labor– desk jobs, office work, computer programming, web design, etc.; Thursday/jobs in the legal field, jobs in the financial field, jobs that leave room for growth and promotion; personal businesses involving the enterpreneur; Friday/wedding planners, florists– or other jobs involving the growing and production of plants; jobs in the beauty field– including, esthetician, hair stylist, health spas, makeup company representatives or sales marketers, retail; Saturday/self-help businesses, exterminators, guards– either within prisons or security work, architecture, all aspects– including construction, landscaping, etc.

Planet:  Sunday/Sun; Monday/Moon; Tuesday/Mars; Wednesday/Mercury; Thursday/Jupiter; Friday/Venus; Saturday/Saturn

Element: Earth/jobs grounded in the physical; Air/jobs grounded in the mental; Fire/jobs requiring high energy levels and long periods of activity; Water/jobs associated with the ethereal, jobs requiring high levels of creativity

Color: Sunday/yellow or gold; Monday/blue or silver; Tuesday/orange; Wednesday/yellow; Thursday/purple or green; Friday/pink or green; Saturday/black

Herbs: Sunday/marigold, sunflower, chamomile, frankincense; Monday/calamus, myrrh, sandalwood, gardenia; Tuesday/allspice, dragon’s blood, wormwood, pine; Wednesday/fennel, marjoram, horehound, parsley; Thursday/anise, clove, hyssop, nutmeg; Friday/apple, cardamom, foxglove, lilac; Saturday/belladonna, morning glory, slippery elm, hemp

Stones: Sunday/amber or carnelian; Monday/moonstone or selenite; Tuesday/garnet or bloodstone; Wednesday/mottled jasper or agate; Thursday/amethyst or sugilite; Friday/jade or rose quartz; Saturday/jet or black onyx

Other Items: With this mojo bag you’ll realize how important are the associations that you have with various energies and intentions. The ‘other items’ list for the employment mojo bag will be endless and incredibly varied. Of course you’re going to want an item or image that is connected, in some way, with the job or position that you desire, and this will be where your own creativity enters into the magickal picture.

Read as the spell has already happened.  I "have"...

The information for this blog post is an excerpt from my book,
“Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way”

Mojo Bags

Mojo Bags are one of the items you’ll find available at my website:
The Witch’s Corner

*Note: the photo is courtesy of Pinterest

4 thoughts on “Employment Mojo Magick

  1. I like that you have each day of the week for different jobs. Never thought of it like that. Gave me great inspiration today.

  2. Great blog post Amythyst! While we are in Mercury Rx, I might suggest to contact people that you have priorly contacted. Brand new contacts do not seem to work well during the Rx. That can even work if you contact a friend you had asked in the past before the Rx and they hear about something new – the energetic connection is through the existing friend, and it can work! HUGS!!

    • Hi, Lisa!…Mercury retro always scares me– so much goes haywire, so thank you so much for pointing out some positives in this mix. I hope anyone reading this will take your advise– and give their mojo bag a little extra ‘oomph’ (I’m big on the bags– I carry them, for a variety of intentions, in my purse, tucked around my house, and in my vehicles.)

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