MY HAPPY PLACE ~ Coffee Chat

Just a friendly announcement & coffee chat. From now on, the only place you can be assured of viewing my YouTube videos is on YouTube… I may still post them to my blogs: Every Cat Has a Tale & Magickal Connections, as well as my websites: The Tarot Parlour & The Witch’s Corner. I will, however, no longer be posting them to social site

Getting Where You Need to Be ~ it’s a process

Hello to all my Special People! Todays’ reading shows us that life and the desired outcomes we have for it can be quite a process. From the Hanged Man (the pause button) and the stall you may be in; to the Queen of Swords and the verbal confrontation you may have to navigate through; to the individual who will always want more from you. We’ll be drawing several cards to clarify the situation, to seek the solutions, and to look ahead to the possible outcome.

Please… be sure to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to my channels:

Amythyst Raine@YT:

Third Eye Indigo@YT:

Business & Love ~ terrific opportunities for both

Welcome to my new YouTube Channel:

Third Eye Indigo

Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and please leave a comment, give me some feedback here.  Did this reading connect with you?  And by the way… who’s going to be starting a new business growing The Green Stuff???

Dodging a Bullet, Reclaiming Your Identity & Personal Power

Thank you for Liking my videos and Subscribing to my new YouTube channel!!

Third Eye Indigo
@ YouTube

Does anyone else feel the odd heavy energy today?

  • Someone’s chipping away, common sense will come to your rescue

They’re trying to wear you down, it’s all so silly and unnecessary. If you cling to common sense and don’t allow yourself to get sucked into their way of thinking… you’ll be okay.

  • Mediation and  a meeting of the minds

Discord in the land of Couples. You’re going to have to find some common middle ground. Life will be much easier for both of you if you can accomplish this.

What are they all about?

This is a run-down on the newest video playlists at my YouTube channel and just what kind of videos and readings you will find on them, along with a link to the playlist.  Some of these playlists are loaded with several videos, and other playlists are so new they may have one (or two, or three…) videos on them at this time.

  • From Casa Monteraine Readings

These readings are usually spur of the moment readings taped with my phone, and they are On Camera readings, so we’ll be face to face.  These readings are generally unedited, what you see is what you get… click HERE

  • Desert Readings

These are tarot readings done off-camera, meaning you see the cards, not me. These readings are edited and often the topic or the tarot spread is chosen in advance… click HERE

  • Animated Readings

Animated tarot readings are beautifully illustrated readings that run less than 2 minutes, are filled with tarot images, as well as your tarot message, and music… click HERE

  • Patron’s Page

These videos are private and unlisted on Youtube. You can purchase these videos for viewing at this link: 

On this page, you’ll find private videos that are created exclusively for my paying patrons. These videos may include tarot readings, special information and previews on books and other upcoming projects, magical information and spells, as well as videos of my personal life and reflections — only available to you, my paying patrons.

  • Readings with Amythyst Raine

These are On-Camera videos, meaning we’ll be face to face. The topics, and the readings, might be no nonsense, and may or may not include some pretty blunt assessments… click HERE

If you have a personal question that you would like me to address anonymously in these videos, email me at: 

Include in the subject line: Readings with Amythyst Raine

Your Questions: How will I feel about plastic surgery?

This “Your Questions” video is for an individual who emailed me with concerns about how they would feel emotionally if they got plastic surgery, and how it might affect them financially.

If you have a question you’d like to put to the cards, email me for a free reading, which will be added to the “Your Questions” video playlist @ Youtube. *Anonymity is protected with all “Your Questions” videos.

Three Desert Readings for You

Who’s going to make the first move…

If a couple can overcome a negative feminine influence, a major transition, and one of them is willing to start the conversation, it just might work.

Past person, present person, going forward…

After doing this reading (and experiencing 63 years of relationships), I’ve come to the conclusion that All relationships, at one time or another, have the essence of a shit show about them. It’s the lucky people who can go forward and start over to succeed that inspire.

The Narcissist: working it out, or walking away…

This was a totally general reading. I had no idea where it was going to go when I started it, but as always, Spirit tells you what someone needs to hear. Think about it.

Four Video Tarot Readings!


Brace yourself for a confrontation…

Your game plan gets shot down…

Getting out of a 3rd party situation…

Someone’s past is catching up…

Almost half way through this reading, I decided I can’t do it. I sweep the cards away and start over. I have included the entire reading here, including that portion.

You can purchase a Personal Reading @ The Tarot Parlour

Financial matters, confrontation, and judgmental energy

The reading starts at time stamp 1:26. You’ll also hear my phone ring at 14:14, and you may recognize it because it’s the same melody that I use in some of my tarot videos. I also managed to knock the camera off it’s stand at one point, so there’s quite a bit of editing that had to be done on this episode. But it’s all good. 

Finances and material concerns seem to be the main focus today, both for the individual as well as a couple. There’s a lot of snarky bickering and disagreement within a family, as well as misplaced advice and judgey energy for a couple. 

Desert Readings are created by Amythyst Raine proprietor of The Tarot Parlour

Lies, new beginnings, happiness, and obsession

*Note: I suggest that you subscribe to my Youtube channel so you receive an email notification when I post a new video. I may not always take the time to post links to these videos.

Today’s Desert Reading: Lies are no way to start a relationship, someone has an adrenalin rush with New Beginnings, happiness is right around the bend — don’t blow it, and someone is obsessed… Relationships: It’s a cruel thing when someone is given the idea with pro-longed contact that what they want so badly might be possible. It’s kinder to make a clean cut and move on, so they have the ability to move on as well.