What’s New at The Witch’s Corner ~ Fairy Rings!

Dear Readers,

I know, this is another somewhat commercial post, but I still hope you enjoy it and that it gives you an opportunity to touch base with my blog. There’s 10 years worth of blogging here, so I hope you use the search options, and the archives, to browse a plethora of older posts on a wide range of topics.  I’m focusing all of my writing at the present time into a book manuscript, so I want to thank you for all your patience and support, and I hope that I’ll have something magickal to present to you by next March.

Blessings, Amythyst

Fairy Rings

Click on this image to make it LARGER.

 Jewelry enchanted with fairy energy.

Photo courtesy of Pintrest ~


These rings are silver tone with cubic zirconia.

Ring #1

SIZE 7 ~ click on the image to enlarge


Ring #2

SIZE 6 ~ click on the image to enlarge


Ring #3

SIZE 8 ~ click on the image to enlarge


Ring #4

SIZE 6 1/2 ~ click on the image to enlarge


Ring #5

SIZE 7 ~ click on image to enlarge


You can purchase these rings at The Witch’s Corner

click  HERE


Lunar Magick Continues ~ with another Moon Magick Special!

A Lunar Special!

In recognition of the Lunar Eclipse coming up this August 21st, here’s a Moon Magick Special Offer

We’ll start with a beautiful genuine amethyst pendant in a sterling silver plated setting ~

A pair of genuine amethyst earrings
 A special essential oil blend created for Lunar Energy
& a PURPLE voodoo dollie filled with herbs for Moon Magick
This Moon Magick Lunar Special ~
To purchase this one-if-a-kind special, visit this page:

The Magick Box ~ A Special Gift Box to Set Someone On Their Magickal Journey

This is what’s up on the Home Page at The Witch’s Corner. It’s just a bit of magick to get someone started on that special journey, or a bit of inspiration for someone who’s been traveling these parts for a while now. This is a one-of-a-kind item, and when it’ sold, it will quietly disappear.  Again, one of those “first come, first serve” opportunities.  If you’re interested, follow the link:  http://amythystraine.blogspot.com

Special Gift Box
full of Magickal Treasures

9″ long X 8 3/4″ wide X 5 1/2″ tall
This beautiful box contains the following items:
1.  3 taper candles/white
2.  3 scented votive candles/white, pink, red
3.  1 pink BFF Voodoo Doll
4.  Moonstone Pendant
5.  3 Magickal Oils ~
Queen’s Oil/Cups
6.  Hematite Bracelet
7.  1 spiral journal/floral
8.  Body Products ~
Bath Gel/Lavendar Serenity
Bath Salts/Lavendar Serenity
Body Lotion/Lavendar Serenity
The total price for these items, if purchased separately, comes to $167.94.  As part of the gift box, most of the items listed are being sold at half-price, which brings this entire purchase to $90.94.But I’m offering an even bigger deal on our “Summer Magick” gift box, and that’s an extra 20% off the Half Price!

You get this beautiful box filled with magickal items for the special sale price of ~


 The following items are part of this magickal package ~

I’ll Be *Here* December 5th!

I’ll be here:

Craft Show!
Christensen Field
Christensen Field Rd
Fremont, NE

Saturday, December 5th, 9am-3pm

I’ll be giving TAROT READINGS and selling a variety of new-age occult novelty items. Readings will run $10.00 for 10 minutes. New-Age Merchandise that will be offered includes items found on these pages plus other items not listed.


Amythyst 6


The Witch’s Desk: Books, Crystals, Healing, Enchanting Jewelry, Etc.


All questions are posted as received, no editing (except to delete identities), as all questions are posted anonymously.  You can contact me through the submission form in the side-bar on the home page at my website The Witch’s Corner.  (Hopefully I haven’t repeated any questions I’ve already answered in a previous blog post, but if I did, I fall back on my Best-Excuse-Ever…I’m a post-menopausal woman– my memory is toast.  This is my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.)

1)  i need your powerful books and crystals,,so help me out.i waiting for your reply.thanks

I’m more than happy to pass on a link to my books: click  Here

As far as crystals are concerned, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.  All that I recall having up, as far as crystals go,  are some crystal pendulums; though I have a big website, and I’ve been busy writing and with other projects, so I haven’t updated my online shops for quite a while.  This will be a future When-I-Get-More-Money and When-I-Have-More-Time project.  click  Here

2)  So I recently Bought a Ring, and I want to Channel Energy into it that will give me a Boost in Confidence and Courage. Thus making me able to be more sociable in crowds. I was wondering If you had any Advice on the matter, sites I could Look at, or tell me how and what I need to complete this ritual. thanks in advance if you decide to reply. ~D 

Very cool!  You’ll find an explanation for enchanting jewelry at the top of  This Page.  And this little tidbit of info (which I’m copy-pasting here) can be found at the bottom of said page.

3)  Hi! I would like to order a spell from you. Just in case asking is it possible. I would like to get a healing spell. Im nicely going to doctors also but im very hopfull with casting spell, because i think i need extra help. Is it possible to order spell for healing or banishing illness? as i live in Estonia in Europa sometimes its not possible to get all things (herbs or oils) I would be very happy and lucky if you can help me 🙂 With best wishes

I’m so glad to hear that you’re continuing with solid mundane Medical Care.  This is so important, and I can’t emphasize it enough, whether you’re going  to incorporate magickal spells or any other form of holistic healing into your regimen– don’t stop seeing your medical doctor, and don’t stop taking prescribed medications.

Actually, I don’t sell spells.  However, I do offer a service in which I help people put spells together for specific intentions (Spell Consultations), and you’ll find more information on the topic at this link: click  Here

You’ll also find a whole slew of Free Spells at this blog.  Here’s a link to Health & Healing Spells, click  Here

Estonia!?!  🙂


My Wedding Ring: Labradorite

I started off my marriage to Joe with a traditional wedding band– a channel ring with diamonds, purchased at a fancy-schmancy jewelry store in Omaha.  I don’t have it now (long story, this will be another blog post for another time).  I needed a replacement.  Joe is very “traditional” about some things (not so much about others), and he had it in his head that I would want/should have a traditional bridal set, complete with the diamonds that he loves so much.  The issues for me were 1) that I’m not a conventional person; 2) diamonds are not my favorite stone, they’re actually way down on my list; 3) I cannot abide by the outrageous ridiculously high prices the fancy-schmancy jewelry stores charge.

I didn’t want to make a fast purchase just to have a ring.  I wanted to find a ring that resonated with me, with Joe, and with our relationship.  I wanted to find that ring, the one you see and you think:  “That ring is My Ring!”

One day last week, we had to make a trip into Omaha on business, and of course we stopped at our favorite new-age shop:  Next Millennium.  (We were married in this shop, by the way, right at the front counter, by the owner, Charlie.) …So this story and it’s ending are so extremely well-suited.

This was an unusual day, for one thing, because we didn’t have to rush to be Somewhere Else, we were on our own time and our own schedule.  This meant Time to Browse.  I wish you could smell scents on the internet, the shop always smells beautiful and exotic with incense going; and the background music is always enchanting and relaxing.  I have spent many happy hours with my nose pressed to the glass of the jewelry display cases, and I intended to add even more hours to this happy occupation.

A tray of rings caught my eye.

It was graciously removed from the display case and set before me on the counter. I looked at a couple rings that I had initially noticed first, and then I saw The Ring.  It was one of those 1 second pauses that actually feel like several minutes.  I slipped it on my finger, and I knew without a doubt– this was My Ring.

wedding ring 1

I chose this ring by instinct, on a whim, without knowing all of the properties, energies, and correspondences that go along with Labradorite. (Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a walking encyclopedia of new-age knowledge. I have to Look-Stuff-Up, just like everybody else.)  And this is exactly what I did when I got home.  I was amazed, absolutely amazed, without giving away every nuance of our private lives.  The results of my search only served to strengthen my belief in the magick of stones and crystals and their ability to draw you to them when you need their energy and their magick, as well as when you are aligned with their energy and their magick.

wedding ring 2


1)  Numerologically, Labradorite is connected to the numbers 6 & 7

This blew me away.  Joe & I were married on June 7th, 2013…6-7-13  (6+7=13)

Number 6:  Planet– Venus; Element– Water; Letters– f, o, x; Energies– emotions, magnetism, gods/goddesses, cats

Number 7:  Planet– Neptune; Element– Water; Letters– g, p, y; Energies– material aspects, travel, protection, discipline

2) Chakras:  third eye & crown

Third Eye Chakra:

Location:  between the eyebrows

Age of Resonance:  35-42

Shape:  five-pointed star

Color:  indigo

Musical note:  A

Type of Music:  classical

Element:  the cosmos

Aspect of Intelligence:  control and wisdom

Sensory Experience:  mindful knowing/intuition

Essential Oils:  camphor, sweet pea, heliotrope

Crystals:  sapphire, tanzanite, lapis lazuli

Aspects of the Solar System:  the Moon

Astrological Associations:  Sagittarius, Pisces

Metal:  silver

Mythological Animal:  hawk

Plant:  Almond blossom

Qualities:  wisdom, discernment, imagination, intuition, knowledge

Life Issues:  to focus your intelligence; to know who and what are for your highest good and greatest joy; to distill wisdom from your life experiences, both good and difficult; to choose life, health, joy and fulfillment in every aspect of your life

Physical activities:  yoga, tai chi, qi gong, bates eye exercises

Spiritual Activities:  thinking clearly about your life, reading or viewing uplifting and positive books or films, reflection, contemplation, meditation, and creative use of your imagination to visualize the life you say you want.

Positive Archetype:  Wise Person or Elder

Negative Archetype:  Intellectual

Angelic Presence:  The Shekinah, better known as the feminine face of God

Positive:  The Wise Person

This is a person who has cultivated wisdom. Wise people offer the best of their life experience to assist others along the path of life.  They encourage spiritual pursuits ands physical adventures as well as guiding us in making optimally wholesome choices for ourselves.  Wise people live by universal principles and trusts in a higher source to guide them through the peaks and valleys of life, and with good fortune they assist us in leading ours.

Negative:  The Intellectual

This is a person who draws only on information from the limited resources of rational, analytic thinking without incorporating either the emotional or spiritual aspects of life.  Intellectuals seldom have a holistic assessment of a situation.  Their thinking tends to be dry, lifeless, and without energy.  They are limited in their scope because they trust only conventional ideas.  The are often judgmental and narrow in their outlook.

Crown Chakra:

Location:  top of the skull

Age of Resonance:  42-49

Shape:  round skullcap

Glandular Connection:  pineal gland, which secretes melatonin and other hormones known to affect tranquility, sleep, and light sensitivity

Color:  violet

Musical Note:  B

Type of Music:  Indian raga

Element:  the Cosmos

Aspect of Intelligence:  spiritual understanding

Sensory Experience:  bliss

Essential Oils:  violet, lavender, lotus, elemi

Crystals:  amethyst, alexandrite

Aspect of the Solar System:  the Universe

Astrological Association:  Aquarius

Metal:  platinum

Mythological Animal:  eagle

Plant:  lotus flower

Qualities:  grace, beauty, serenity, oneness with all that is

Life Issues:  selfless realization of your indelible connection with the greater whole of life; creation of a vital and resilient spiritual context for holding your life experiences

Physical Activity:  non– stillness

Spiritual Activities:  prayer, meditation, reflection

Positive Archetype:  Guru

Negative Archetype:  Egotist

Positive:  The Guru

Gurus are people who realize who they are.  They know that the divine force flows through them and they are identified with that as the substratum of their being, rather than the temporal parts of their life.  They let life move through them and take them ever deeper into consciousness itself.

Negative:  The Egotist

Egotists are people who think their efforts alone carry them through life.  They believe that they are separate from a greater whole of existence and that their striving and effort controls the outcome of their life.

3) Astrological Connections:  Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Again, I find the association amazing– Joe is Scorpio (which explains a lot, but that’s another blog post).

Leo…is self-expression seeking confidence, ease, and honor in the social world.  The house where your Leo rules is where you will be challenged to “shine”; to apply the positive, creative qualities of your sun sign, and find a sense of inner peace.

Scorpio…is intense emotional power probing and penetrating into the unconscious; seeking the power of transformation at work in ordinary reality; seeking to accept all that is frightening or overwhelming.  The house where your Scorpio rules is where you will be challenged to completely transform your life. You seek control in this part of your life and can be manipulative and secretive.

Sagittarius…is an expansion quest to discover truth and the interconnectedness of all things.  The house where your Sagittarius rules is where you will be challenged to expand your experiences. You are philosophical about the affairs of this house, and generous with its gifts.

4) Physical Healing/Emotional & Spiritual Properties

General Healing Qualities: Good for mental sharpness, intellect, right/left brain activity, inspiration, intuition, and originality.  Lets you see many possibilities at once, aids scientific analysis

Also…Good for digestion and the eyes; helps remove warts; beneficial during radionics treatment; aligns physical and etheric bodies; PMS; vitality; brain; stress reliever; regulates metabolism; colds; gout; rheumatism; hormones; blood pressure

Emotional/Spiritual Qualities:  Allows magick to happen; stabilizes the aura and enhances the flow of energy between the aura and the chakras; helps with insecurity, anxiety, and stress

5) Other Qualities, Attributes, and Information about Labradorite

“…Labradorite is thought by some to symbolize the moon and the sun and has, in fact, been found to be a constituent of moon rock.  Feldspar, and therefore Labradorite, assists one to progress from old ways, encouraging unconventional and exciting new methods to attain one’s goals.  Labradorite can also assist one to handle changes, promoting strength and perseverance.  It has been known as the Matriarch of the Subconscious Mind, facilitating the transformation of intuition into intellectual thought.  It is said to be helpful in the treatment of disorders of the brain, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce anxiety and stress.  It can assist in digestion, regulation and metabolism and has been used to clarify the eyes.  Labradorite is Saturday’s gemstone.”

“…A stone of transformation, Labradorite prepares body and soul for the ascension process.  This highly mystical and protective stone raises consciousness and deflects unwanted energies from the aura, preventing energy leakage.  Holding esoteric knowledge, it takes you into another world or into other lives.  This crystal helps banish fears and insecurities and the psychic debris from previous disappointments, strengthening trust in the universe.  Labradorite removes other people’s projections, including thought forms hooked into the aura.  With Labradorite, analysis and rationality are balanced with inner sight.  Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.”

Regarding yellow Labradorite, which my ring contains: “…Yellow Labradorite accesses the highest levels of consciousness, assisting visualization, trance, clairvoyance, and channeling.  It expands the mental body, attuning it to higher wisdom.  This stone is useful for detaching from undue influence or manipulation by others, and especially for treating codependency or an enabler who is unable to let the person learn their own lessons in life or who unconsciously wants to prolong dependency.”


Joe & I, standing on a ledge behind a waterfall in The Lied Jungle @ Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha.

The Metal:


Energy: receptive (feminine)
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: love, psychism, dreams, protection, travel
(physical & astral), money

When worn, silver stimulates psychic awareness and personal abilities and is often worn during divination. You can wear silver to bed to enhance prophetic dreams and to aide in astral travel. It is a protective talisman worn by travelers, particularly to those traveling on or over water. Silver is connected to the energy of the Moon and the Goddess (feminine divinity), and can be worn to aide in a Wiccan ritual known as “€œDrawing Down the Moon”€.


Resources for this blog post includes:

“The Book of Chakras” by Ambika Wauters

“The Crystal Healers” by Philip Permutt

“The Magic of Crystals & Gemstones”
published by TOPSTONES (Pty) LTD
Simon’s Town, South Africa

“The Encyclopedia of Crystals” by Judy Hall

“The Gray Witch’s Grimoire” by Amythyst Raine

The Websites:

The Witch’s Corner

The Signs of the Zodiac


Steampunk Bleu

The Collection


Necklace #1

Necklace #1 (Turquoise Sphere)


 Necklace #2

Necklace #2 (Peace)


Necklace #3


Necklace #3 (Eiffel Tower)


Necklace #4


Necklace #4 (Gears)



Earrings #1

Earrings #1 (Eiffel Tower)


Earrings #2


Earrings #2 (Skeleton Key)



Earrings #3

Earrings #3 (Blue Beads)


Bracelet #1

Bracelet #1 (Includes 5 strand set)

Steampunk Bleu Bracelet



To place an order,
click  Here

Metal Magick

I’ve got new bracelet/ring sets in at Enchanted Jewelry, beautifully handcrafted from alpaca silver, brass, and copper.  There are a variety of styles, but only five sets available at this time.  The rings average a size 8.


Energy: receptive (feminine)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Powers: direction energy; healing; luck; love; protection; money

During ancient times in Mesopotamia, copper was attributed to the Queen of Heaven, as well as to goddesses associated with the planet Venus (Aphrodite, Astarte, Ishtar). Copper is a conductor of electricity and is often used in magickal wands, with clear quartz crystals, to direct energy. Copper is worn by magickal practitioners, as well, for the purpose of directing energy during spell crafting and rituals. Copper has the ability to balance receptive (feminine) and projective (masculine) energies in the human body, thus facilitating healing. Copper is worn to aid in the relief of rheumatism and arthritis, but is worn for general healing and to divert illnesses of all kinds. It’s considered a lucky metal and is often worn in conjunction with gemstones geared to bring good fortune. Copper can be worn to attract a lover and is often paired with an emerald for this purpose.


Energy: projective (masculine)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Powers: healing, money, protection

Brass can be used as a magickal substitution for gold, and is often used in money spells and rituals. Brass can be worn or used with stones to attract money and prosperity, such as aventurine and pyrite. It’s also used in ritual healing and can be worn to ease stomach cramps and nose bleeds. Brass is a protective metal, and can be worn to guard you against physical, emotional, or psychic attack. It can also be used for defensive magick, to send negative energy back to its source, and it can be charged and worn for this purpose.


Energy: receptive (feminine)

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Powers: love, psychism, dreams, protection, travel (physical & astral), money

When worn, silver stimulates psychic awareness and personal abilities and is often worn during divination. You can wear silver to bed to enhance prophetic dreams and to aide in astral travel. It’s a protective talisman worn by travelers, particularly to those traveling on or over water. Silver is connected to the energy of the Moon and the Goddess (feminine divinity), and can be worn to aide in a Wiccan ritual known as “Drawing Down the Moon”.

 Bracelet 3

Metal Magick bracelet/ring sets,
click  Here






Prehnite: My Stone of Choice

I was browsing through “The Crystal Healer: crystal prescriptions that will change your life forever” looking for a stone that would compliment the energies I’m dealing with in my life at the moment, a stone that would enhance any natural gifts and give me a leg up on any health issues, a stone that would enhance any chances for opportunities coming my way, and a stone that I would feel a natural connection with.  After browsing this book, my choice was “Prehnite”.

Prehnite’s energies include: the incredible energy of unconditional love; the enhancement of inner knowledge (intuition); it helps you with spiritual growth and the direction of your destiny; and helps you to recognize the truth.  Physically, prehnite assists in finding the root cause of an illness.  Healers use prehnite for issues of the kidneys and bladder, the thymus gland, shoulders, chest and lungs.

I managed to find a necklace (made with prehnite, jade, and hematite), a prehnite bracelet, and a prehnite ring on Ebay, each one from a different source, all three of them lovely and magickal.  The necklace carries additional energies because it is crafted with additional stones:

Jade:  just as prehnite enhances issues of the heart and unconditional love, so jade is another stone of the heart, traditionally used in the orient as an engagement stone; it’s a stone that enhances fidelity.  Physically, jade is used for healing lung and heart problems; the immune system; and nervous issues.

Hematite:  this stone is very grounding, strongly connected with the element of Earth; it enhances mental organization and rationality; calms nervous or flighty tendencies; enhances original thinking and logical thought processes; banishes negative energy and helps balance the body, mind, and spirit.  Physically, hematite is used to reduce fevers or treat heat exhaustion; to cure blood disorders, nervous issues, and insomnia; it helps to align the spine and minimize spinal issues.

May Updates: Heading into Summer

I’m happy to be back to business as usual, more or less, and I’ve resumed tarot readings, including personal private local readings. If you live in or near the Fremont, Nebraska, area, you can receive a personal reading with me by going to this page (click Here) and purchasing a private reading through the Paypal widget. After you’ve done that, call me to set up a date that will be convenient for both of us. You’ll find my number at this link.

*Note:  readings must be paid for in advance, before I’ll set up an appointment. I’ve had too many people who have either forgotten a scheduled reading, or who have been ‘no-shows’. This wastes both my time and my gas.

I finally got the new “Steampunk Bleu” jewelry collection up at my website, click  Here.  This collection includes original designs from “Creations by Isabella”.  She’s worked for months designing necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, all with the popular ‘steampunk’ theme; and this jewelry was literally selling as I’m putting it up– two pieces have already sold, so I suggest you take a look soon if you’re interested.


I’ve had so many requests for so long for magnetic healing bracelets, and I finally found a decent vendor for these items.  There are two different styles of hematite magnetic enchanted bracelets.  There are a variety of colors (accent beads) and a variety of enchantments; however, there are a limited number of bracelets. When you purchase one of these bracelets, be sure to let me know which color of accent bead you want, and you also get to choose what kind of enchantment you desire from the enchantments offered. ( If you have a special magickal need, let me know and I’ll see what I can do for you to personalize the enchantment.) …Click  Here.


I’m pleased to say that my book, “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”, is doing well and seems to be hitting a soft spot with a lot of gray witches and solitary witches out there.  Thank you to everyone who’s sent me personal messages.  I may not have the time to answer every email coming in, but I read them all!  If you like this book, please be sure to click the ‘Like’ button at Amazon.  If you’ve read this book and you have something to say about it, you can submit a review at the Amazon page included in the link above.  I appreciate all of the input I’ve received, it’s the most rewarding part of writing, to know that you’ve made a ‘magickal’ connection with so many people on so many levels.

The following is an excerpt from the introduction to “Spells” in “A Gray Witch’s Grimoire”:

“…The spells listed here are all taken directly from my own Book of Shadows. I’ve carefully read through and decided upon a number of spells for a variety of intentions. I’ve chosen spells which have the spirit of the gray witch about them and that will fit with the energy of this book. Some of these spells are inspired by age-old traditions and others were birthed from my own imagination, desires, and intentions.

For those of you who don’t have the heart of the gray witch, some of these spells might make you cringe; but you’ll read transfixed, nevertheless, for the pull of the wild witch is strong within us all. Some of you have just tamed her, and others have allowed her to fly free.”

Fall Craft & New-Age Boutique

We’re going to be busy today setting up for our Boutique Yardsale that will run Friday 10am-7pm/Saturday 10am-3pm, at 2532 Nebraska Ave. (Washington Heights) here in Fremont, NE.  We have a variety of metaphysical items available, as well as fall decor, country crafts, & glass art.  I’ll also be giving tarot readings.  If you’re in the area– stop by!


The Garden Boutique

I went solo this past Saturday and sat up a yardsale which I dubbed, The Garden Boutique. I’ve done this several times with a good friend, setting up tables filled with metaphysical supplies to delight the stoutest pagan: pendulums, magickal oils and potions, spell candles, kits and bags filled with supplies to bless a home or to cast a spell, as well as enchanted jewelry, arts & crafts, and other unique creations that defy description. This time I had only my girls to help watch tables and merchandise while I gave tarot readings and balanced chakras. It was a bit of a juggle sometimes, but we managed.

We live in a rather ‘out-of-the-way’ location, and I’m never sure how our turnout will be at these events, since we’re a bit difficult for some people to find. But contrary to my expectations, we had a great day which included an afternoon rush and a few return visitors. And the girls and I noticed that this time we were not hounded by Christians trying to convince us that we were headed down an evil path. Our customers were politely curious, inquisitive, and some even eager to learn, asking questions and getting up close and personal with the poppets and pendulums.

I was up at 5am, just as I had planned, and was out in the garage digging out tables, shelves, and chairs. However, when I actually started getting things arranged I realized– wait a minute, it’s too dark. And it sure was, pitch dark. Even with the garage lights on, it was too dark to stock the shelves. With daylight came some soft showers with cool refreshing temperatures. Since there was no wind at this time, I dodged the rain by placing all the tables and merchandise beneath the overhang on our house.

This is a family endeavor and everyone likes to create something to add to the inventory. My eleven-year-old daughter spent the day before the sale making bags with fabric paint, glue, and glitter. Several days ago, she had spent just as much time painting large clear stones to create pretty magnets. It was fun watching her during the creative process, head bent low over her work, quiet and intent.

My 24-year-old daughter is the ‘Isabella’ in “Creations by Isabella”. She’s a graphic artist, tattoo artist, and talented jewelry maker. She added some of her creations to our Garden Boutique. I’m very excited for her and her atistic career– She will be selling her designs for stamps and scrapbooking paper to a national company. As soon as I’m allowed to post more information, I will.

I stocked the table and shelves with a variety of items from my website, The Witch’s Corner. Setting up these boutique yardsales is actually a lot of fun, no matter how many trips in and out, up and down the stairs it takes. (Tearing it all down is another matter!)

I usually try to have a few copies of my book on hand, along with plenty of business cards, and it’s always fun to watch people explore this table. It’s a satisfying feeling to send someone on their way with a copy of my book in their hand.

Tarot: A Witch’s Journey

We have a covered back porch with a partial west wall, an east wall of bamboo blinds, and our south yard is blocked by the trees, so this is a pretty private area, and this is where I sat up my massage table and a powerful crystal grid to do Chakra Balancing. It was perfect. I had a water fountain running back here. It was peaceful, protected, and inviting.

The opposite end of the back porch was reserved for tarot readings…I just had to shoo sleeping kitties away!

I always have a small table set up for my CD player and some favorite new-age music. And I always have a small notepad and pen available. Customers are invited to add a prayer request or wish to the bowl. We have a little tradition at the end of our boutique yardsales– after everything is put away, I’ll bring out my big black cauldron, and we’ll burn these requests in a sacred flame.

This is the perfect way to end the day.

Blessed Be,
Amythyst Raine

Tuesday: Magick & Musings

I’ve been busy updating my website, particularly the Enchanted Jewelry page– make that ‘pages’ now. Enchanted Jewelry has grown to the point that the main page is very full and some people might find it hard to load on their computer. Don’t worry, the main page is still there, intact, but I’ve added individual pages that carry specific items:


Necklaces & Pendents



There’s also been another change at my online shops this summer:

I will no longer be selling my merchandise internationally. Thank you to all my international customers for your support and enthusiasm. I’ve shipped items to Europe, Great Britain, Australia, Africa, and New Zealand, and it was always thrilling to know that my creations were going round the world.

I’ve stopped international sales just because, as a small cottage industry, I can’t afford the exhorbitant cost of international postage, and passing this cost on to my customers just didn’t seem fair.

The newest item up is Alpaca Silver Bracelets, enchanted, bedazzled, and loaded with magickal energy, ready to go:

You’ll find an assortment of these bracelets in a variety of colors and a slew of spells & enchantements.

divider flowers 2

Tuesday Magick

Planet: Mars

Color: orange

Herbs: allspice, basil, blood root, cactus, chili pepper, dragon’s blood,

garlic, ginger, holly, horseradish, mustard, nettle, onion, pepper, pine, radish, snapdragon, thistle, tobacco, wormwood

Stones: bloodstone, garnet, jasper (red), ruby, tourmaline (red

Element: Fire

Energies: defensive magick, regaining lost territory, assertion, resolving disagreement, successfully handling disruption, goals

© The Book of Magick
Amythyst Raine 2011

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Today’s Goddess


She is the virgin goddess of wisdom, knowledge and commerce. Minvera is the ultimate original feminist, dependent on no one but herself. She never took a mate, but followed her path in the solitary shadows, and it’s in this manner that we often discover ourselves and our full potential. She is a healing goddess, the patroness of doctors and nurses. As an inventor and alchemist, Minerva is attributed with the creation of numbers, muscial instruments, medicines, and machinery.

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Today’s Tarot Card

Six of Wands

The six of wands is a card that smacks of victory, the victorious, acclaim, admiration and adulation, achievement, and full-blown in-your-face success. At its best it tells me that the querent has risen to the challenge of meeting goals and ambitions. At its worst—reversed, the six of wands warns me of an expanded ego, pompousness, conceit, and sometimes an obstinate nature. The reversed six of wands shows failure, blocked paths to success, apathy, and a lack of motivation.

Sometimes the character on this card may view himself or herself in any of these positive/negative lights, or this may be how he/she is viewed by others.

When this card pops up in a reading, it may foretell of great potential in a querent and in their life, or a total lack of talent/drive/ambition needed to complete a project-in-progress. The most positive thing about a reversed minor Arcana card is that it can be turned around—it will be totally up to the querent.

© Tarot: A Witch’s Journey
Amythyst Raine 2010

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Today’s Spell

Quitting Powder

(Also known as Boss Fix Powder)

This Hoodoo formula could be called “Love Fix Powder”. It allegedly forces someone to quit bothering you and leave you alone, halting unwanted romantic and sexual advances. As a bonus, it may also be used to stop any attempts at placing a hex on you.

1. Blend and powder the following ingredients:

ground cinnamon

ground nutmeg

powdered newsprint– Preferably from the target’s favorite publication or even a newspaper that has been in their possession

tobacco taken from a cigarette– ideally obtained from that person, but their favorite brand would be a good second choice.

2. Use the resulting powder in any of the following ways:

Sprinkle it where your target is sure to sit on it or step over it.

Sprinkle it to create a boundary of safety for yourself.

Carry it in a mojo bag as a protective talisman.

You’ll find plenty of free spells at my website to fit a wide array of situations and circumstances to meet your needs:




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Dreams, Magickal Formularia, & Fairie Realms

I have a new dream to add to my journal, it’s incomplete, one scene out of an entire adventure, most of which can’t be remembered, but it’s visually memorable:  An Indian (Native American) village is burning.  I don’t see the flames, but the smoke is thick and curling, sulfurous, twisting through the air like dirty gray clouds.   I feel appalled, and yet can do nothing but watch, from whatever invisible perch I’m allowed to view this scene from.

And watch I do, though as an unseen outsider watching a disjointed scene develop.  Occasionally the clouds of smoke will part, and I can see the steep sides of a teepee constructed from buffalo hide.  Other times the thick smoke separates to reveal the wall of a modern home…and this is shocking and unexpected.

And that’s the extent of what I remember, though I know that there was a much broader scenario, lost now in my sub-conscious.


 Tarot Card of the Day
(Deck:  Handle)

White Buffalo woman
Daugther of Stones in the West
Princess of Stone

I feel a theme here, unintentional, yet somehow connected to the scheme of things.

From this card, I get…strength; individualism; great effort under duress; quiet fortitude; power that’s understated.  Also, I sense a grounding to Earth, to the Mother Goddess, creativity, and manifestation into the physical realm.



Night before last we had heavy rains here in Nebraska, which resulted in a flooded basement for us.  This sounds awful, and it certainly wasn’t fun, but it’s been worse.  This time the floor was completely soaked the length of the room and all the saturated area rugs had to be drug outside.  We’ve had flooding before that’s left us with ankle deep water downstairs, so I’m not going to complain about this episode.  It was actually fairly easy to get cleaned up.

I took a picture of the ditch ahead of our house about mid-morning the day after the rain.  On the night of the storm, this ditch was filled to the brim with water.  As you can see, it had already gone down quite a bit.

Welcome to Hedgewytch Hollow:

You can see two of our feeding stations here, at either end of the front yard.  These will become much more interesting and ‘wild’ looking as the season progresses because we allow the seeds from the birdfood to sprout and grow beneath and around the feeding stations.  These plants include milo and towering sunflowers.

The center of our front lawn remains uncut.  My husband mows around them, creating a sort of ‘wild island’, where a gorgeous bed of clover is allowed to grow, along with grass, dandelions, and my beautiful wild violets.  There are also large stones in there– I mean ‘large’ stones– that he brought back from Iowa, and a barrel containing columbine and marigolds, along with a statuette of a white sow (for the goddess, Cerridwen), and a black cauldron in which I plant something different each year– this year, it’s marigolds.

So funny– just last week there was a man going door to door in our neighborhood trying to drum up business for a local lawn service.  I answer my door, and he points to this ‘wild’ area in our front lawn and says, “I see you have a few ‘trouble spots’ there.”  I told him that we certainly don’t have any ‘trouble spots’, and that stretch of lawn is just exactly the way I want it.  He looked stunned.

We allow plantain to grow throughout our yard, wherever it may have a hankerin’ to do so; and this plant seems to favor a large area of our front lawn.  Not only is plantain edible, a nice wild green you can add to your salads or cook up and eat with a little butter and salt and pepper; but it has magickal properties as well.

I use plantain to create mojo bags for safe travel, which we keep in our vehicles.  In my old Suburban– the ‘She-Sub’– is a black bag containing plantain, calamus root, a pinch of sea salt, and a stone of tiger’s eye.

For plantain the planet is Venus; the element Earth; the energy feminine (receptive); and the magickal energies are geared towards healing, strength, and protection.

This is the columbine that’s growing in my barrel in the center of our uncut area of lawn.  It seems to like this spot.  I only wish that it’s blooms lasted longer through the season; I think they are so beautiful.  Columbine also has magickal purposes, but if you use it, you should be aware that the seeds to this plant are poisonous.

For columbine the energy is feminine; the planet is Venus; the element is Water; and its magickal energies include courage and love.

When we first moved here, fifteen years ago, there was a huge gorgeous cotton wood tree in the front yard, on the east side of the house.  It faithfully shaded my daughter’s bedroom window throughout three seasons of the year.  In the autumn we were treated to a beautiful golden display of large leaves that made the most magickal sound when the wind moved through it.  But alas, the tree eventually died, and we had to have it cut down for fear of the brittle tree damaging the neighbor’s house, should it go down in a windstorm.

I told them to leave the tall stump, and here it is, yet today, wearing a garland of virginia creeper, standing as the centerpiece in another wild garden spot.  This area, towards the back of the front lawn and to the east of the house, is overrun with virgina creeper, as well as day lillies, dahlias, purple cone flowers, and a baby lilac bush, as well as other foliage that decides to make this magickal spot its home.

I have a magick wand made from a twig saved from the majestic old cotton wood tree.  It’s served me well, as an old friend, which of course, it is.

The growing season is just getting under way in our area, so this space has just begun to fill itself in with this year’s growth.  I took the bottom part of the metal bunkbed I turned into a bird feeding station, and I put it here, using it as a trellis, in anticipation that the virginia creeper will cover it by mid-June.

 I have two potted plants hanging from the bunkbed birdfeeder in the front yard.  One of them is pansies, which remind me of my daughter, Anne.  When she was a little girl, I called her ‘Annsie Pansie’.

 The planet for pansies is Saturn; it’s energy feminine (receptive); the element is Water; and the magickal energies include:  love, rain magick, and divination.  It’s said that if you carry this plant upon your person, you will draw love to you.

The other potted plant is violas.  This plant reminds me of springtime in South Dakota, knowing that a long summer was just around the corner; my grandmother’s house; paved walkways; morning sunshine; and cold dew.  Childhood memories.

 This is clover that covers much of the ‘wild area’ in the front lawn.  I took this photo the morning after the rain storm, and as you can see, raindrops still sit upon it.

This clover holds an attraction for the wild things.  I was coming out of the kitchen one day, and there were my cats– Salem & Pixie– frozen in awe, watching something out of the glass on our front door.  I looked to see what was holding their attention, and sitting in our clover patch, watching the cats with just as much curiosity, was a very large rabbit, one of the largest I’ve ever seen.

We’ve spotted this rabbit in the clover patch now and then, but each time I run for the camera, I come back to find it has disappeared.  I’m beginning to think, half whimsically and half seriously, that this rabbit is not just any ordinary old rabbit, but perhaps a magickal creature.

The cat is Baby (aka Duchess), sitting on one of the large rocks in the front yard.  This photo was taken the night of the thunderstorm, during the evening, before the storm hit.  This photo is full of orbs; not only is there a large one on the barrel, the sky is full of them.

This is a photo of my latest aquisition– a goddess ring.  It’s sterling silver, citrine, blue topaz, and the goddess’s face is carved from bovine bone.  And no, this one is not for sale– it’s a keeper!

Jewelry is my weakness, particularly rings– no idea why– and my daughters know that someday it will be passed on to them.

The energies for this ring will include:

Citrine…the energy is projective (male); the planet is the Sun; the element Fire; and the magickal energies protction and psychism.

 Topaz…the energy is projective (male); the planet is the Sun; the element Fire; and the magickal energies include protection, healing, money, and love.

From Hedgewytch Hollow
Blessed Be!

Wytchy Chit-Chat: Books n’ Pics n’ Stuff

Right now I’m reading a book by Sherrie Dillard,

“Discover Your Psychic Type:
Developing and Using Your Natural Intuition”

Discover Your Psychic Type: Developing and Using Your Natural Intuition

click  Here

So far, I love the book.  Ms. Dillard has all of the psychic types nailed down pat, making them easily identifiable:  the emotional intuitive, the mental intuitive, the physical intuitive, and the spiritual intuitive.  She’s included questions, guided meditations, and exercises in order for the reader to identify what kind of psychic they are and to build on those skills.  She also includes personal stories and anecdotes that add interest and personalization to the psychic and the process.

Ms. Dillard says, “Our intuitive development can help us to stay connected to the deeper meaning of what occurs in our lives.”

Tarot Special!

For an undetermined period of time, I’m offering a three-card tarot reading at $20.00.  For more information, or to purchase a reading, follow this link: 
click  Here

I grow a lot of my own herbs and dry them in my kitchen.  These herbs are used for my own personal magickal purposes, as well as in the oils and spell bags that I create for Wytchy Wares.  My list has grown to include mint, sage, lavender, rose, lilac, lemon balm, thistle, catnip, wormwood, and goldenrod.  I can’t wait for the weather to warm up so that I can replant many of the herbs that are annuals in our location– especially rosemary and lavender.

After the herbs are clipped from the garden, the stems are tied together and they’re turned upside down and tacked to the kitchen ceiling to dry.  From there, it’s a short journey into one of many magickal pots and jars found all over our house.

There are new items available at Enchanted Jewelry. 
To enter this magickal realm, click  Here

I’ve also added a special sales page for Wytchy Wares,
and you’ll find Clearance Items on this page, click  Here


Magick for the Day

Saturday…Planet/Saturn:  ambition, structure, realism, self-preservation (this can get sticky, falling within gray magick), business, self-control, the dark side, retribution/revenge, the untamed spiritual side; Colors/black, gray, deep navy blue; Herbs/black poppy seeds, myrrh, pepper, wormwood, henbane, hellebore, hemlock, witch grass; Number/8; Letters/H, Q, Z; Stones/apache tear, obsidian, onyx, tourmaline (black), hematite, jet

Save Saturday as the day to pull magickal punches where they’re needed, whether someone or something needs banishing or just a hard slap on the wrist.  Straighten out the gossip, zip the liar’s lips, knock jealousy out the window, get the bad guy– track him down with your magickal guns.  Protection magick is a highpoint for this day and these correspondences.  For me the magickal cry for Saturday is, "Batten down the hatches and get out of my way if you’re smart."  Saturday wreaks of no nonsense magick, isn’t for the sissies, and inspires good behavior by using some magickal muscle.

Tarot card of the day:
Knight of Cups

This knight heralds romantic activities and, with the influence of Saturn, this will be more like Heathcliffe and Catherine– without the pristine happy endings of a Disney fairytale.  The sex will be wild, unbridled, and somewhat dangerous; the fights will be rampaging with make-up sex that will take your breath away.  Romantic relationships begun at this point will be so up and down, so tumultuous, that it may not be intended to last forever– the intensity would be too much.  Take what you will from this encounter, learn and grow, enjoy the good parts, survive the bad…and move on to calmer waters, smoother encounters.

*Note: I’ve made updates today at Enchanted Jewelry  with the addition of new pieces.

Receive psychic tarot readings  from Lady Amythyst; by email, phone, video, and Skype.

My Book…   "Tarot: A Witch’s Journey"  

Magick for the Day

Thursday…the planet is Jupiter, the energy is geared for expansion and growth.  Do magick today for legal matters, money/financial issues, magick to promote growth on all levels– material, spiritual, physical:  color- white for matters of the spirit, green for money and the physical; herbs- cinnamon, cinquefoil, musk, nutmeg, sage; number- 3; letters- C,L,U.

Tarot Card of the Day…Three of Pentacles  The emphasis for today is on work/employment.  Finish up projects that are incomplete, explore new avenues and possibilities, be very careful about office gossip– something you say in confidence may not be kept private, watch out for ‘group mentality’, and don’t be afraid to step out of the crowd and display individuality– your creativity will be rewarded.

The following slide-show are new items that have recently been added to my online shops.  You’ll find these, as well as other items, at:
 Enchanted Jewelry  and Creations by Isabella

Enchanted Jewelry: New Items Up!

These are handcrafted Peruvian rings made with both genuine and synthetic stones, set in Alpaca silver– and these rings are adjustable, with a good solid shank that is comfortable.

Alpaca silver is an alloy of zinc, iron, nickel and copper. It is extremely lightweight and does not rust or tarnish.  In spite of their size, these rings are very comfortable to wear, large and gorgeous…and enchanted!

The Enchantments Include:


Fertility Spell
Happy Hearth Spell
Goddess Power Spell
Sacral Chakra Balance
True Love Spell
Third Eye Balance
Protection Spell
Money Magnet Spell

Gray Witch Power


These rings are very reasonably priced at $12.95 each,
which includes postage.

December Newsletter & Updates

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I’ve included in this newsletter an excerpt from the book I’m working on now: 

“The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”


 You’ll find it in the section titled, ‘Spell of the Month’. 
It’s a handy little spell called:

“To Spite Your Face”


This newsletter is loaded with all sorts of information, links, and special offers from my website, The Witch’s Corner, as well as the usual sections for those interested in divination, crystal magic, kitchen wytchery, and herbs.

Click  Here  to enter this beautiful winter wonderland!