BOS: Spells

Book of Shadows ~ Spells:

Banishing Spells
Beauty Spells
Breaking the Spell
Candle Spells
Command & Compel Spells
Court Case Spells
Health & Healing Spells
Hexing, Cursing, Binding Spells
Love Spells
Mojo Bag Spells
Money Spells
Protection Spells
Spells for the Tongue
Spells to Summon
Tarot Magick: The Queen’s Oils

(You’ll also find links to these pages listed in the right side-bar menu under “Pages”)


Note:  These spells are graciously provided to you FREE from the information found in my books (which are NOT free).  I’ve made these spells available to the public so that individuals would be able to search and find magickal spells to help them with life issues and work on these issues on their own.

I would be happy to answer questions pertaining to magick and spell casting, as I’ve done for years in the comment sections on each page.  However, I will NOT ~  1) cast the spell for you; 2) tell you which spell to choose; 3) predict outcomes; 4) participate in any way with a request, or a conversation, I feel is inappropriate or unreasonable; 5) give legal, financial, or medical advice.

Amythyst Raine

Source:  The source for these spells are my books– “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire”; “Tarot for Grownups”; “Tarot: A Witch’s Journey”; & “Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way”.  

You can purchase these books at AMAZON.



You can purchase this Book of Shadows to
record your own spells and rituals.

Purchase your Book of Shadows at THIS LINK.

The Gray Witch Book of Shadows

10 thoughts on “BOS: Spells

  1. Pingback: Let The Magick Find You ~ Links – Wytchy Mystique

  2. NOTE ~ All of the links above have a new home and a new URL.
    The Witch’s Corner has moved to:

    You’ll find all of the information (and more!) at the new location…magickal merchandise and curios, information on all kinds of magickal topics, personal journal entries from my dream journals, paranormal journals, etc. Info on the elements, chakras, and more.

    Be sure to check it out.

  3. Sorry for leaving so many comments at once, but how come you have no coming of age rituals on your rituals page? And which tarot card symbolizes this?
    Thank you.

    • Don’t be sorry about leaving comments!– ever 🙂 You will find a Croning/Eldering ritual on my website, The Witch’s Corner, at this link:

      In my book, “The Spiritual Feminist”, you’ll find a ritual for First Menstruation, celebrating the passage from Maiden to Mother.

      I really hadn’t thought about any particular tarot card linked to a coming of age ritual. But that’s an excellent idea.

  4. Can you please upload more tarot magic? The queens’ oil spells were amazing. How is the queens’ oil actually made?
    Thank you.

    • Hi, Fontess!…The Queen’s Oils are made just like all the other magickal oils, with ingredients that are connected through correspondences to specific energies. I will most certainly try to post more “tarot magick”!

  5. I was looking at UR jewelry and saw this beautiful ring for sale but every time I tried to click on it, it would not load. It was a Pink Alpaca Silver Ring… If u still have it or more I can look at I would love to purchase 😍 thanks so much for all that you do!

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