Court Case Spells

1. Basic Candle Spell & Correspondences
Day: Thursday
Hour: 1st/8th hour after sunrise; 3rd/10th hour after sunset
Planet: Jupiter
Moon Phase: waxing to bring something to you; waning to send something away
Color: purple (power), brown (justice), green (for money issues)
Herbs: for the energy of Jupiter– cinnamon, nutmeg, sage; for legal affairs– marigolds; for justice– bay; to fight false accusations and testimony– slippery elm
Oil: Commanding Oil, or court case oils
Powders: Drawing Powder– to draw something to you; Banishing Powder, to send something away
Incense: sandalwood; for more aggressive magic– patchouli
Stone: tiger eye
Number: 8
Letters: H, Q, Z
Symbols: The rune ‘thurisa’– neutralizes your enemies and protects; Earth– protects the person whose name you write within; Odin’s Cross

The most basic court case candle spell is as follows:

1. Get yourself the appropriately colored candle for your situation. Hold this candle in your hands and charge it with your intentions– and this is one of those times you might want to be extremely specific.

2. Carve upon this candle those symbols, names, amounts, or dates that may be pertinent to your case. Dress this candle with the oil you feel will do you the most good– and it may not be just those listed here, and then roll the candle in a combination of the crushed herbs.

3. You can write out your desires for the type of outcome you’re looking for on a piece of paper and burn it in the flame of this candle. Allow this candle to burn itself out and then bury the remains of this spell off your property to send something away; bury it on your property to bring something to you.

2. Magical Options for Legal Spells
If money is your issue, make sure you use money in your spells, whether you feel compelled to burn it, bury it, or throw it in a stream of running water.

If someone’s negativity or bad behavior is playing a large part in your legal situation, pull out the big guns and bind them– with knot magic, poppets, Commanding Oil and spells, or anything else it takes to put you in charge and help you regain control.

If the judge in your case is the one making the final call, target him/her, going right to the heart of the matter to manipulate the outcome.

3. Beef Tongue Court Case Spell
This quaint little spell is steeped in hoodoo tradition, and if you are squeamish, it could be a bit of a challenge. I have actually had the pleasure of using this delightful twisted magical gun when I was going through the legal proceedings of a nasty divorce and had reached the point where I’d had enough. Of course, right in the midst of the best part of the spell, our neighbor lady knocked on the backdoor. My girls practically bowled her over to keep her out of the house so I could finish the job. This spell will work for you, I can tell you this from personal experience, so stick with it and see it through– make the gray witch proud.

Items needed:
1. A raw beef tongue (You should be able to find this in the meat department of your local grocery store.)
2. Several slips of paper and a pen
3. Pins and needle and thread
4. A strip of red flannel cloth large enough to wrap up the tongue
5. Cayenne pepper
6. Four Thieves Vinegar

Make sure you have a decent place to work where you’ll have plenty of room to spread things out and get comfortable, this may take a while.

1. Begin by writing the names of the judge, the attorneys, adversaries, witnesses, anyone connected to your case who may have a negative impact or influence upon it or you on these small slips of paper– one name per slip!

2. Using a sharp knife, cut small slits into the beef tongue– a slit for each slip of paper.

3. Insert one name paper into each slit.

4. Sprinkle the tongue with cayenne pepper and Four Thieves Vinegar.

5. Close the slits in the tongue with straight pins, or do what I did– sew the slits shut with needle and thread.

6. Wrap the tongue in red flannel and place it in your freezer while the court case is in progress. When you’ve reached the end of this ordeal and all is said and done, remove the tongue from your freezer and bury it in the earth.


NOTE:  After years of being inundated with blog comments and emails from people requesting spell casting, or wanting me to choose a spell for them, this has been added to the bottom of these spell pages. I hope this is helpful when it comes to knowing what to expect, and what you will receive. These FREE spells were placed here for anyone wishing to find a spell they can use on their own, instructions included.  These spells can all be found in my books (which are not free), and these pages and these spells can be removed at any time.

  1.  I do not cast spells for people.
  2.  I do not choose a spell for you.
  3.  My Candle Altar Services are not free.  They are also not expensive ($21.00 for a single candle vigil, and $61.99 for a triple candle vigil).

         The cost for this service covers the supplies I need to do it (candles, herbs, essential oils, cloth bag, shipping materials, and postage).  The cost for this service also covers my time (dressing the candles, burning the candles– for as long as it takes, creating the mojo bag, and a trip to the post office to mail it off)  My time is important to me.  My prices may change at any time, and I reserve the right to refuse this service to anyone if I’m not comfortable with the vigil intention or the individual.

Here’s a link to my Candle Altar Service:


202 thoughts on “Court Case Spells

  1. Hello Amythyst,

    and blessed be to you…
    I was hit from behind in a car accident- nov 2017
    The lady behind me and the lady I front of me have buddy-ed up saying I hit the lady Infront of me twice… they both have same insurance company and trying to suggest only taking half responsibility for totally out my car….
    I was at a complete stop– the car Infront was stopped .. I could see her tires…waiting for traffic to move when I got hit..

    I’m asking the universe for justice
    Bc back is messed up-have bills -alot
    My car at the time was brand new…
    And would like for her to be held accountable ( the one who hit me)
    What is your recommmendations?

    • I’m not sure how you could hit someone twice, especially if you were hit while you were at a stop sign. It’s a shame the ladies have “buddied-up”, but this is where their strength will be, and it’s this collaboration that you should target. Spells to break up partnerships, spells to reveal a liar, spells to bring out the truth, spells to influence the judge (if it comes to that). You also might want to talk to your own insurance company, if you haven’t already, or to an attorney (if it’s gotten this far). Besides magickal help, you also need some mundane legal advice.

  2. I have a horrible neighbor I been fighting with for 22 years. We just had a horrible court case and now he is sending government men out to my house. People here are scared of him because he has money. Now he will not leave me along with restraining order hearings. I can feel his negative energy all the way up here on this mountain. I need a spell for revenge

    • First, about restraining orders. I don’t think they are dispensed willy-nilly without good reasons, though I may be wrong in some cases, or in some jurisdictions. So make sure that you are not doing anything the court system would view as threatening in any way to warrant an order (just saying). Second, I can’t imagine living beside someone for two decades and being at war. I don’t think I could do it. So is moving an option? If it is, in any way, it’s something I would consider. Twenty-two years is a long time to be carrying on a battle. Third, he has money, this tells me he probably has more access to resources he can use to further his cause than the average person, and it is indeed (sad) but true that money talks. I don’t think I would delve into more negative energy trying to reek revenge; instead, I’d focus on protection and setting up boundaries. The first thing I’d do is to pour a line of “Fiery Wall of Protection Oil” around my property; second, I’d make protective poppets or mojo bags and place then discreetly at the four corners of my property. Draw a line of defense. This would be my course of action.

  3. Hi Amythyst Raine-Hatayama, I have a case going on for last 7 years. It’s ready to settle in my favor but insurance company ( especially the case manager) delaying to settle the case unnecessarily. Giving me hard time for no reason. Please advice me. Thanks in advance

    • “Ginger”… dress a white candle with an oil , carve the name of your case manager on it, and roll it in powdered Ginger. Write a petition paper stating EXACTLY what you want to accomplish with this candle, and burn it down in one go. I’d use a votive candle, and set it on a tray, don’t place it in a votive candle holder…two reasons, 1) it burns faster; 2) you’re not restricting its energy. After it’s burned, throw the remains into a small bag and keep it in a safe an secret place until you get your desire.

      PS ~ Ginger moves things along, makes things happen quickly, and it can be used in any type of spell casting for this purpose.

  4. Thank you for the tongue spell. Funnily enough I was at the butchers a few weeks ago and had the urge to buy the tongue..Intuitively I knew what to do but you have clarified that thank you.I am so grateful to you for all that much given freely from a kind and understanding heart..thank you thank you thank you..Will def let you know how I go..BB..xx

  5. Greetings Amethyst, thanks for all your good advice and good sense! Two years ago my ex daughter in law physically attacked my son, the father of their 4 children. He pushed her against a fridge to stop her hitting him. He has never, ever, been violent to her but she has numerous times to him and myself. My son and I were caring for the children as she was absent most of the time. After this incident she went to the police and said he attacked her. He was honest about what he did but ended up being charged and convicted even though she lied in court saying he had broken her bones and the medical reports said she had no broken bones. She infected, friends, family, police and the ‘Violence against Women’ campaigners with many lies..and has taken advantage of a system designed to help real women in real trouble. I know karma will bite her one day and her lies will be exposed but it is all happening waaaay too slowly and the kids are getting older. On the day he was charged she arrived with her father ( a convicted paedophile) and took the children from me. They were very distressed. We have not seen the children since and she and her family have closed ranks to us. Within 12 months of taking the children she was living with the children and her new partner and had another baby with him. 5 children and on welfare. The court system here in Australia favors the mother regardless of abuse and neglect. There are many hoops to be jumped through and many court appearances before they will even actually listen to our side. My son has court ordered phone calls with the children once a week but they are always cut
    short or interrupted. He often hears the ex’s partner yelling angrily at the kids but can say nothing. This man has threatened to break my sons ribs and continues to make threats on each call. We do not go back to court until next April. The kids have said they want to see us and miss us and that when Mum and the bf yell its scary. However, the court seems to think this is alright and bc of my sons conviction she can do what she likes and so can her partner. We need a helpful or lucky break with this situation. The court has ordered supervised contact visits but have been told they will not begin until well into next year. Everything seems to go in her favour and fairness, truth and justice are off the table. Very painful and frustrating. We just want the children to know they are loved, not only by her family but their fathers family too. Can you suggest something to speed up the court process and expose her lies and her partners aggression towards the children, keeping them safe and bringing them back into our lives for a good deal of the time so they are not confined to the tight circle of lies and deceit to which they are innocent victims. I fear for them when they learn of their mothers betrayal.
    Thanks Amethyst….long post I know…apologies..but this is so complicated and painful.
    Kind regards, AD

    • Court / legal processes are a game. Those who win are usually creative enough to do so. Lying and deception is a big part of this game. People like us don’t like to play that game and we believe truth will win out, because we suspect everyone is like us, sensitive to truth. Most are not. Judges and lawyers are easily manipulated. You may have to fight fire with fire. Lying is not always wrong. Sometimes deception is necessary to achieve good. Remember this is war and all war tactics are necessary. Read the book “The Art of War”.

      • Unfortunately, you’re absolutely right. I don’t trust the judicial system. First, it focuses on the “Letter of the Law” as the most important determiner, often instead of basic common sense. I’d much rather have a system based on common sense first. Second, it is a game. For example, I couldn’t be a defense attorney and defend someone I knew was guilty if they pleaded not guilty. I can’t imagine trying to deliberately get a murderer off… case in point, Casey Anthony. I think the world was stunned on that decision. It just didn’t make sense.

        • Thank you all for your interest, comments, help suggestions and spells…I feel so supported.. To my likemindeds..I love you..BB…AD xxxxx.

  6. Hello, I read your first spell for a court case and was wondering if it should be done on a waxing or waning moon. It says waxing moon will bring something to you and waning will help send it away. The person in question has a lawyer already but the case hasn’t proceeded to trial yet and no one knows 100% if it will go to the trial yet. But Its likely that it will go to trial while its also possible of charges being dropped. They are accusing him of theft. He wants this situation to be over and done with but with a positive outcome for him (no jail time or losing military benefits) so he can move forward with his life and go to school. So is it better for him to do this on a waning or waxing moon? He is doing everything he can legally with this situation.. we just think this could help. Or is there a better spell for this specific situation?

  7. Hi Amethyst, I’m in a particular legal bind that I feel is initially my fault due to my ignorance in legal matters. Now I find myself trying to sell a house that my ex is living in but he changed the locks and won’t allow me access to sell it. He was given 4 years to refinance it in his name. During that time I haven’t been able to buy another home due to that one already being in my name. The 4 years elapsed and he never attempted to refinance so I took him to court and they gave him another 60 days. Now the 60 dats is up and I just want to sell the house and be done with it so I can buy a home for my family. He has changed the locks, prevented me from showing it, and damaged the property all in an effort not to allow me to sell it. I can’t afford a lawyer but he has one who says I have no rights to the home. I want what is legal and right. I want my name off this house. What spells can I use?

    • You really need an attorney, Karen. I’d go so far as to try and take a bank loan out, or borrowing from friends or family, for a retainer fee. I’m not an attorney, and I can’t give legal advice. In any case, I’m not familiar with property legalities, or your personal circumstances and legal business. I don’t know what state you’re in, and I’m sure that laws vary from state to state. I wish I could be more helpful on the mundane level. However, on the magickal level, I’d kick his ass… start browsing for Binding Spells, Commanding Spells, Court Case Spells. I’m sure you’ll find something here that’s suited to your unique set of circumstances, and if I were you, I’d get more than one of these types of spells going pronto.

      • Question, Karen: If his name is on the house that means that you couldn’t sell it without his permission, it would have to be something that the both of you do together? If his name is really on the house, I would think he would know this, yet it sounds as though he’s desperately trying to keep YOU from selling this house. It makes me wonder if the house is still legally his after he didn’t refinance and missed his 60 days. You really need to get a hold of a current deed. Go up to the courthouse and request to see it, I would think this is something you can do that’s free.

  8. I have a little bit of a long story an hope there is a spell for me. I saved an animal that we found in the trash a month an half ago i looked for owners no one came froward never hid the dog she rode in car everywhere with me has been outside out front well my nieghtbor come over an says my kid thinks you have our dog they can see my from there front door so they waited a month in half to come claim her after she is healthy an pregnant ( which i think they are a puppy mill but have not been able to prove it yet i here animal screaming day an night from there) well by now i have spent money on the dog she was in bad shape when we found her an theses people have had animals removed from there home from animal control well they call cops on me an they are demanding me to return an animal to people that have no proof this animal is theres an i hve vet bills rabies all kinds of proof she mine cops dont care not listening an is now telling me they are going to charge me with theft if animal is not returned. i would not return a dead animal to theses people. So i am going tobe charged with false charges what can i put up in my defence i already threw up protection all over my home Runes barrier sand ect. but would the beef tounge work if charges have not been charged yet but they may be by monday so i need to work fast I have never in my life been charged with anything I think think the cops are mad cause i called them liers in a case they lied in on my friend thats why they dont care that i have proof that i am not guilty of anything they are going to charge me with

    • Get a hold of an animal humane society in your area and tell them your story. There should also be places you can report puppy mills; and while you’re at it, I’d call a local television news station to cover this story. You might want to contact a local newspaper as well. You need to get your story out there, and you need to be loud and noisy about it. The Beef Tongue spell is the perfect place to start, but you might also want to look into some Binding Spells to work at the same time. Commanding spells as well, and don’t be afraid to get more than one spell rolling at a time. Do you have a Lawyer? If you hit the media with this, you might find one that will work pro-bono for this cause.

  9. My friend is going up for parole in November after having his hearing cancelled 2 times. His hearing was rescheduled on his Moms 80th Bday. I hope it is a good omen. He has been incarcerated for many years and I have been praying, lighting candles, meditating, etc. Can you recommend something I can do now? I do not have much money to buy herbs but, I have candles. I have somethings that he owned (keys, Buddha incense holder, a jacket, and a photo)
    His hearing is in 2 1/2 weeks. Can you help me/him.

    • You have the perfect items for a jim-dandy candle spell. Put it all together, with your intentions and strong emotions, and let the magick roll. You’ll want to concentrate your magick on uncrossing crossed conditions, road-openers, positive energy. Hold the candle of your choice in both hands and charge it with your intention. Set it up in a dish and surround it with your friend’s personal items. Burn the candle down, put all the left-over candle wax and one or two of your friend’s items in a bag and keep it in a safe place.

      I wish your friend the best of luck; I hope he gets the chance to start a new life and hug is 80 year old mother.

  10. I been dealing with a lawsuit going on 8 years it’s 900 people ready to get this over with and the other party constantly prolonging the matter. We all are ready to receive our money can you please tell me what to do. Thanks

  11. Fighting so hard to keep our family home when we fell behind on repayments. Its messy due to bank bail outs and two disabled children (meaning I can no longer work). The odds are stacked against us because the banks own the courts, despite the fact that they have committed fraud on our mortgage. We are just looking for a fair result and to be able to keep our home. I’m fighting this on my own and am terrified.

    • I am scared and fear of my life from Sharnae Tamikka Williams that have the permanent restraining order against me. I think she is trying to put me in jail for no reason. I love her a lot more then anything. But she hated me.

      • I see several things here that raise some questions and a few red flags… 1) “I love her”– implying that you are STILL in love with her, even thought the relationship is over; 2) “She hated”, or hates you– implying that not only is she not in love, she has some very negative feelings towards you, and one must wonder why; 3) No one can put someone in jail for “no reason”, you have to have broken a law, posed a threat, broken a court order, etc.; 4) the court system does not put a “permanent restraining order” on an individual without a very good reason, which implies that the court must see you as some sort of threat to this woman. I have a sneaking suspicion that Ms. Williams is the one experiencing the fear. My advice would be to move on with your life and have no further contact with this woman.

        • I broken the Court order, because I contacted Sharnae Tamikka Williams, because I wanted to tell her how I really feel about her on how much I really love her and care about her. I love this girl so much that I never had arguments with her, I never threatened her and I never hit her. I just her so much, because I have feelings for her still and she hates me and she doesn’t want nothing to do with me anymore for the rest of my life. It hurts me a lot I am sad, depressed, frustrated I cry a lot about her because I wanted more then just a friendship I wanted to be love by her, I wanted a relationship with her I wanted kids by her I wanted to get married to her I wanted to be in a long-term relationship with her forever. But it didn’t happen.

          • You can’t violate a restraining order, and if you do, I hope they throw you in jail. You cannot contact this woman. You sound obsessed with this girl, and you sound like a stalker. No wonder the court filed a restraining order against you. I don’t care if you cry for the next 12 months, you do not have the right to force yourself on a woman who does not want your attention. Get some professional help, like a psychiatrist, and get some counseling. No, it didn’t happen, and it’s not going to happen.

            • I wish I was deceased, because Sharnae Tamikka Williams hates me anyway and I know I could never have her and I am not a stalker or harassing type of person. It might look like I am stalking or harassing her or stalking her, but I am not doing none of the above. I just have feelings for her, because we did a lot of things together in the pass and I been knowing her for years. There is nothing wrong with loving someone you been with for years. If I can’t be with her then I should have been deceased. Because she doesn’t want me anymore she hates me and want me dead. I love her with all my heart and soul and I didn’t want no one else but Sharnae Tamikka Williams.

    • Banks don’t own courts. The banking system and the judicial system are two different entities… Since you’re a stranger and I have absolutely no first hand knowledge of you or your particular circumstances, there’s no way for me to know how, or if, the courts have committed fraud on your mortgage, though I seriously doubt it. You say you have two disabled children and you don’t work (you’re unemployed). This implies no income, and no income means that you can’t make your monthly house payments. If you can’t pay for your house, you will lose it. I sincerely empathize with your fear and your state of panic at the prospect of losing your home, especially with children in tow, it must be very difficult and traumatic. Your main problem seems to be income– you need a job. Aside from the house and house payments, you still need a job to support your children and provide for them. Brush up on your skills; sign up with employment agencies; start filling out applications for openings in your community. I’m sure that you’ve already looked into Social Services and any help that they can provide for you and the children; if you haven’t, you need to do this. Also, I’m including Social Security and Medicaid to this list.

      As far as magick goes, focus on employment and prosperity (money); uncrossing spells; road openers; positive energy. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you win your fight!

      • Well you are right on one thing, you don’t know me. It has been proving that the banks have committed fraud and it is the subject of national and international outcry as the banks have covered it up for years with over 30,000 affected. I do have an income, as well as a part time job and my husband works full time too, so no, income is not my issue. If you would like to look at international news any day, you would see that there are huge problems in Ireland with the banks getting away with whatever they want and the courts and government doing nothing to stop it. I came here for advice, sadly I got condescension instead. Oh and I did get the outcome I needed, thanks to the helpful advice of others. Clearly this is not the right page for me.

        • Hello again, MessedUpKitten ~ In responding to this reply, I’ll begin by refreshing the reader’s memory of your original post and my response.

          You said:
          Fighting so hard to keep our family home when we fell behind on repayments. Its messy due to bank bail outs and two disabled children (meaning I can no longer work). The odds are stacked against us because the banks own the courts, despite the fact that they have committed fraud on our mortgage. We are just looking for a fair result and to be able to keep our home. I’m fighting this on my own and am terrified.

          My reply:
          Banks don’t own courts. The banking system and the judicial system are two different entities… Since you’re a stranger and I have absolutely no first hand knowledge of you or your particular circumstances, there’s no way for me to know how, or if, the courts have committed fraud on your mortgage, though I seriously doubt it. You say you have two disabled children and you don’t work (you’re unemployed). This implies no income, and no income means that you can’t make your monthly house payments. If you can’t pay for your house, you will lose it. I sincerely empathize with your fear and your state of panic at the prospect of losing your home, especially with children in tow, it must be very difficult and traumatic. Your main problem seems to be income– you need a job. Aside from the house and house payments, you still need a job to support your children and provide for them. Brush up on your skills; sign up with employment agencies; start filling out applications for openings in your community. I’m sure that you’ve already looked into Social Services and any help that they can provide for you and the children; if you haven’t, you need to do this. Also, I’m including Social Security and Medicaid to this list.

          As far as magick goes, focus on employment and prosperity (money); uncrossing spells; road openers; positive energy. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you win your fight!

          Your reply:
          Well you are right on one thing, you don’t know me. It has been proving that the banks have committed fraud and it is the subject of national and international outcry as the banks have covered it up for years with over 30,000 affected. I do have an income, as well as a part time job and my husband works full time too, so no, income is not my issue. If you would like to look at international news any day, you would see that there are huge problems in Ireland with the banks getting away with whatever they want and the courts and government doing nothing to stop it. I came here for advice, sadly I got condescension instead. Oh and I did get the outcome I needed, thanks to the helpful advice of others. Clearly this is not the right page for me.

          My reply:
          1) “I do have an income, as well as a part time job…” ~ You are contradicting yourself. In your first post, you said, “Its messy due to bank bail outs and two disabled children (meaning I can no longer work)…I’m fighting this on my own and am terrified.” To me, “I can no longer work”, means you’re not working. I assumed you were without a job. And of course, you never mentioned a working husband bringing in an income, so once again, I went on the assumption that you were alone, a single mother, since you explicitly stated, “I’m fighting this on my own”.

          2) “If you would like to look at international news any day, you would see that there are huge problems in Ireland with the banks…” ~ Ummm, no thank you. I have enough going on in my own back yard. Unlike you, I am a single mother and I do work. I have an almost daily 80 mile commute to work, a huge house and yard to keep up, and regular parental duties on the side. Not to mention running The Witch’s Corner online in my spare time and working on a 5th book manuscript. I’m sorry if this sounds cold and callus, but I don’t care what Ireland is doing with it’s banking system. It’s just not on my radar. Once again, I just assumed that you were in the US, which is where I am, and that’s how I addressed your mortgate/banking issue.

          3) “I came here for advice, sadly I got condescension instead…” ~ No, you didn’t get condescension, you got advice. You just didn’t like the advice you got.

          4) “Clearly this is not the right page for me…” ~ I agree. I posted these free spells as a means to helping people, spells that are found in all of my books, which are not free. I did not realize on doing so that so many people would assume I could automatically solve all of their problems.

  12. Greeting Queen Amythyst, first of all I think your presence is so beautiful, well I have a trial that is suppose to start the 23rd of this month. It has been going for at least a year now and they have charged me with felon poss. of a firearm. Well I’m tired of going back and forth (which I know the universe is working) so I simply want the court cases to either disappear or for the case to get dismissed/not guilty. I have been to jail before and it’s something i never want to do again. I’m considering the beef tongue spell for the outcome I’m looking for along with something to help on me not ever going to jail again. If there’s anything else that you think you could shine some light on please feel free! Thanks in advance

    Kang El-Bey

    • Just a quick note here before we get to the specifics… If you don’t want to ever go to jail again, one sure way to prevent this from happening is not to break the law. I know, this seems so obvious, but for some reason the universe insisted I say it.

      One word of caution, and that is that the universe, the laws of karma, they all work towards justice and proper endings. There are spells out there that should not be cast if you’re actually guilty, because the energy will come back to bite you. Think about this before you resort to spell casting for this situation. If you’re actually not guilty, then go for it with a clean conscience and pure intentions.

      This is my little light, and I hope it’s shining! Best wishes for your future, Cameron.

  13. I am new to all of this. I have always been drawn to this I believe through my ancestry I need to do a spell for my son. Would it work since I have never practiced before? Or because Im just starting out? are there any spells to help win a court case for my minor child. The system is corrupt and lying on my son who has special needs and they are trying to lock him away My son is terrified and all the court cares about is sending him away. He has never even been in trouble before but they are treating him guilty before finding like her murdered someone

  14. Hey My name is Martney Keone Willis I am emailing about Sharnae Tamikka Williams, because she have a permanent restraining order against me and she have came to my job. This doesn’t make any since that you guys can’t do nothing about it. If I have came to her job I would have been arrested. It seems to me that you guys care more about the females more then the males and I tired of this. This been going on for years and this have to stop. She is playing mind games with and she is provoking me. This needs to stop I will sue Gwinnett county if you can’t do nothing about her when she is in the wrong. She needs to drop the restraining orders against me otherwise I will be getting a lawsuit.

    • Well, I’m certainly glad that you felt comfortable enough to get that off your chest. Now, the hard part…1) modifying whatever behavior or attitude it was that put you at the center of a restraining order, and we all know that they don’t pass out retraining orders like candy, there must have been some concrete reason for it; 2) learning how to manage anger in a positive constructive way; 3) learning to develop a fresh understanding of women, while at the same time refraining from stereotyping. One thing I’m a little puzzled on, and that’s the idea that you sound as though I can personally make all this right. I actually don’t know who you are, or where you’re at; I don’t personally know the female you refer to in this post. However, I hope you’ll follow at least some of the advice I’m giving you in this reply.

  15. Child support case is on December 1sr. Dad claims he is not working and is on one year job search by the court. I want him to not show up in court.

  16. Going through difficult custody case. I got pregnant for my ex who was married and she knew l was her cousin. Her husband told her that l was her cousin when l stayed with her for 3 months. 3 years later, l got pregnant for him. I dont want my son to spend a nighr in his house. He is just 3 yeard old and his wife dont want to see mu don, yet my ex is trying to get custody of my son. I currently have sole regal and sole physical custody and he has supervised visitation, but he want to go to court to get overnight. I am so scared because my son might be abused by his wife and he cant express himself. What can l do to get full custody or for him to give ip custody for now.

    • I see so many red-flags flying I’m not sure where to start ~ 1) you got pregnant by a married man; 2) the married man was married to your cousin; 3) your Daddy-Baby’s wife resents your love child…I hope I’ve sorted it out correctly. Honey, you all need FAMILY COUNSELING and you need it NOW. I think you’ll agree that the child at the center of this is the most important thing; and the adults surrounding this child have to get their shit together, modify their behavior, and smoke the peace pipe, because this child is going to connect all of you together forever. We want his/her life to be as happy and stress-free as possible.

  17. Hello Amythyst,
    i am so glad that i came across this site. i have a serious issue going on with divorce. i think hell must be what i am going through now or atleast close to it. Mental trauma, cant think of anything else except how and what else to do to get rid of this.
    while looking for some ray of hope i came across your page. very glad i did. i want to try the Beef Tongue thing but in the place i am it is very very very hard to come by a beef tongue. is there any alternative for it? can i use anything else?

  18. I meant to add that this is a wonderful website. Thank you for providing so much information here. I just bought your tarot reading book, and I’m really looking forward to reading it!

  19. So heartbreaking to hear these stories. So unjust… I’m considering the beef tongue spell for my own situation with custody and court. I’m really curious about what your results where?

  20. 4 of my children were taken by the state and my oldest was given to my ex, who is a pedifile. I am new to muchof this but I am strong in faith of the Divine. I have no doubt about the results a strong prayer or spell can bring. All of my children are straight A students who excel in many extracirricular activities. They all suffer daily now, longing to come home. Does anyone know of anything else that can help me? Our next court date is September 23, 2017. Please keep my family in your prayers and meditations. I am keeping everyone seeking help here in mine. So much Love to every one of you struggling. I swear I won’t forget you in my daily meditations.

    • This is what I did. The state and my ex were trying to take me son.
      Get 8 fish any fish with the heads. Cook them with molasses. Cook rice with coconut milk.
      Put 7 fish and the rice on one plate and 1 fish and rice on another plate.
      Take the 7 fish fish to a body of water like a lake, offer it to the goddess Yemeya. She likes to protect women and children.
      Take the other other fish plate take it to a three way crossroads. This is an offering to the spirit world.
      Say your prayers and what feels right to you. I read a lot of psalms.
      I also did an ancestor alter and I prayed to mine ancestors and the ancestors of my child to help me.
      On the day of court wear something that makes you likeable.
      You will make it through. One of the best songs to help me was Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. Because it reminded me that it’s not the end until it’s the end and to not let other (especially the court) define who I am!

  21. So I read the page and what I need is for Everytime they bring my name up in court for the judge to stop being so negative and rule in my favor. I have a pretty good idea of what to do but if you have any added suggestions I would gladly accept.

    • I’m sorry I don’t have an answer for you, but I just wanted to say that it makes my heart sore to know that I’m not the only one in a situation like this. I will keep you in my prayers and meditations.

      With Love

  22. hi my name is kizzie Broxton my son name is torrey blount he going to court august 3 an im trying my best for it all can go away I have court comimg soon myself in another case how I go by getting help I need plz.

    • Hello, Kizzie! Good luck on your upcoming court cases!! What you can do magickally is to scour this page for a spell that suits your situation, and then follow it through by following the directions and casting it. On a mundane level, seek a good counsel. If you can’t afford an attorney, look into lawyers in your area that will work on cases pro-bono for people who need legal help and can’t afford it.

  23. My issue isn’t the normal court case but it is legal in a way. I am trying to find the best herbs to use in a spell to make sure an adoption goes through. My wife and I are trying to adopt my 13 mo old niece from out of state and we keep running into snags! We are desperate to get this sweet baby girl but I want to put a little “oomph” into it to make sure things go our way. What would be the best herbs to burn or add to an oil??

  24. Hello. I’ll hobby Mina for this comment. I am currently in a 3yr long custody battle for my son bC I Went to jail for 6months. I have done nothing but change my whole life, circle of friends got off probation which is very hard in Va. I finally saved enough money in two years to obtain a lawyer to fight on my behalf but I do not believe that is enough, Please help arm myself with some great spells.

  25. I have a question regarding binding/freezing spells. I’m stuck in a case that has gone on for YEARS and I am afraid that a freezing spell or binding (which is really all I can find for court cases) is going to bring a halt to everything. Not that it is moving anyways…. I just want them to settle and go away 😦

  26. Hello Amythyst Raine-Hatayama

    I have a question for you but I do not want it to be public for a lot of reasons. Is it possible for you to receive the message but not publish it?

    • You can post anonymously, only I can see your email address and your computer’s IP address…which are right in front of me now as I type this on an editorial back page labeled “Comments”.

      • I may be incognito. But if the other party reads the question and any reasons given although it may seem a situation common to only 5 people, it is going to resonate with all five and if the person is one of the five, he/she who reads it will make the connection.

        • Alright. There has been this situation going on for years. The person just doesn’t give up. He is making complaints about us to every authority and organisation he can think of. Of course when they investigate, they can’t find any wrong doing on our part. He also called the police on their emergency line many many times. They arrive, find nothing to charge us about and they go away. They even got so fed up that they wanted our assistance so that they can charge him for wasting their resources. We declined saying that they by themselves have the evidence and power to take him to task.
          That is not all!!! He has been dragging us back and forth to the Tribunal for nearly 10 years. He speaks a lot of untruths. Some of the allegations made are untrue. No proof has been submitted and even when he was asked to show proof of the wrong doing he has not been able to do so. Nevertheless there were heavy fines and penalties. That is not all, I have observed by his behaviour and visits from a person in particular that he is getting ready for another round. The point is that we do not know before hand who will be handling the case. Besideses that is there something that can be done to stop him from carrying on like this. It is not healthy for us because we are not allowed to leave the past behind and carry on with our lives. Moving for various reasons is not an option. If he has already applied to the tribunal will the court case spell be helpful with no names except his?

  27. Amythyst,
    I am just starting a court case to get child support from my daughter’s father. He is in rehab for cocaine dependence, and neglected to tell me has a new girlfriend who he has been living with for over a year. In the meantime, I have been living with my parents with my daughter paying his bills, my daughter’s, and mine. I knew he was with her, but he always denied it. Whenever I call him it, I was a liar. I finally found out when he posted on his Facebook him kissing her. One of his friends texted me. He still denied it, but he finally told me the truth. He never loved me, and I got myself pregnant with his kid. He loves this woman who left her husband who was a heroin addict. Her husband died a few months ago. He took so much from us it isn’t funny. I was always a dumb bitch according to him. I tried going through his phone, and he threatened to break my fingers and smash my phone. He already cheated on me with a woman who looked like Snookie. I was almost due to have my daughter when she wanted to harm me. I should have left him then, but he begged me to take him back. We would have been together for 10 years. I want him out of our lives. I am hoping the judge grants me full custody and he gets no visitation. Between him either in jail or rehab, 3 heart attacks, and spending his time with his girlfriend. He only saw his daughter for an hour every 2-3 weeks. Only when it was convenient for him. Wish me luck.

  28. Hi Amythyst Raine, I love you site and I’m glad a came across it. My son’s court has been moved to July 12th and he has a new judge, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. They will be making a decision on what his outcome will be at that time. He took a friend to the mall and they went their separate ways and were to meet up that the food court, the friend never showed up and come to find out he had stolen something from a store. Since my son couldn’t find him he figured he had gone back to my son’s car. While on the way back to his car, my son was approached by police who asked if they knew this friend, he said and that he couldn’t find him. They proceeded to question my son and then let him go. He was getting in his car and the police approached him again and asked if they could search his car, my son pretty said yes and to my son’s surprise, the friend’s back was in the back of my son’s car, with drugs.

    My son was then arrested and charged with the drugs in the car and he was charged with theft, of which he did not know the friend was there to steal. The friend said my son was master mind and he was put up to it, thinking they would let him go and just arrest my son. It is a hot mess at this point.

    I hired a lawyer and doesn’t seem that the lawyer is really trying to fight this cast for my son. He shows up unprepared and gets laughed at by the judge. I don’t have money to hire another lawyer and have bond for when a bond is issued. Bond was not originally set, because the police spelled my son’s name and no one could lot his case or my son when we first went to court, he taken to a whole different court room so the judge got frustrated and didn’t “feel” like do a bond.

    I would like to know what type of court case spell I can do and/or get assistance with, since we are starting a new moon and next phase of moons will be waxing moons. Thank you, sorry for the long note. I’m just at wits end.

  29. My husband is going thru a hard time he had a job but his father needs 24 hour care, he is in the beginning stages of dementia and he is diabetic so he has to stay with him, one child support case was dismissed but they are taking him to court for the other, it’s not right and I want to help, I’ve done poppets before and they worked for a while, I sent the a positive spell and one talks to me now but not my husband though she is supposed to. Will the round spell be effective or should I try to come up with something on my own thanks for the help and all the information you are awsome

    • Hello, Serea…It sounds like a lot of things going on in your world at once on a variety of levels, pretty chaotic, isn’t it. 1. I see where you could use a Court Case Spell for the child support issues, at least to stave it off for a while longer. 2. You need prosperity spells to bring in more abundance to your life, money-wise and energy-wise and inspiration-wise. 3. You need some healing spells, for your father-in-law, to ease him through a difficult illness and a life transition. The minute you said, “should I try and come up with something of my own”, I felt you have the knowledge and power to set your own magick and work your own spells. Amazingly, many people don’t realize that it’s within their own capability to create their own magick. My best wishes for you, you do what you have to do…Blessings

  30. Hi ,
    I would like to sponsor my brother as visitor to attend a party. Could you please suggest spell so when he applies he gets visa to attend party.

  31. Amythyst Rain,
    Hi I hope you’re doing well. I’ve a question. I’m currently caring for 1 of my sister’s kids. Unfortunately my sister suffers from emotional and mental imbalances. At any rate, I got her child last weekend. There is an ongoing cps case with said child and my sister. My sister has lost all of kids because of her issues and lack of desire to change. This is the umpteenth time I’ve stepped in to help. My biggest concern is cps will place my niece in permanent foster care, and not agree for me to keep her. Because, well frankly this has happened so many times already. I truly want my niece happy, healthy, and safe. I can provide for my niece, I love her obviously. I truly don’t want my niece to end up in fc, the father is m.i.a. and has no desire to be apart of my niece, his daughter’s life. Any suggestions as to anything I can do to ensure cps will let my niece stay with me? Please? I’ve followed through everything they’ve asked of me. I love this kid so much. She’s lived with me on and off throughout her young life. I’ve thought a thousand and one times on how to demand this to go my way. I know I am the best possible placement for my niece, I’m looking at this at all angles, I’ve weighed and evaluated everything, Goddess knows I have. And, I truly don’t want this to be construed as me being selfish or underhanded. I just don’t know what to do anymore. My niece is a tween, and she’s stated she wants to stay with me. She’s more aware of her mother’s mental health issues than anyone else. And cps unfortunately doesn’t give my niece the time of day on what she wants, because she’s “too young”. Yeah, ok…. I disagree. She certainly knows what she wants, she certainly understands stability and wanting it as well. Any suggestions? I thank you for reading my message and I hope you have a blessed day.
    Still hopeful

    • Hello, Sarah…your message is heartbreaking. I want to start off with a mundane suggestion first. If it’s at all possible, can you find an attorney to work on your behalf, and if so, you should see if it’s possible for you to formally gain legal guardianship of your niece. Something permanent needs to be put down for this child so there can be some stability to her life. How awful it would be to be her age and watch all around you as your future is determined by a series of strangers. If you can’t afford an attorney, look into lawyers who work pro-bono for such cases, attorneys who work for women’s shelters, that sort of thing. Now magickally, if there are currently court case issues going on, or coming up in the future, Court Case Spells will be in need…my favorite candle color is white (purity, purity of intention, divine intervention); and the herbs are calendula (marigolds) and tobacco, for a case with a child, I’d also use flowers with white blossoms. Set up an altar and use some tarot energy, the justice card of course, but then The Empress for maternal loving energy, The Chariot to move things along on a strong path, the 8 of wands (upright) to move things along quickly. The best of luck to you and your neice…blessings

      • Amythyst Rain,
        I thank you for getting back to me. The interm temporary custody was granted July 8 to me. We go back to court Sept 15. Cps as well as the courts finally listened to me niece she’s currently asleep in her bedroom, in MY house. I thank you for your time and your advice. I’ll certainly put your advice into action for the Sept 15th court date. I thank you period for just responding to me. It’s crazy…. I was declared mentally unstable by Cps for my Own children 16 years ago. On July 8 this year, Cps admitted to making an error on my case with My children. And gave me my niece. While the pain and anger I do feel cannot be understood in mere words… Neither can this ridiculous happy and actually FREE feeling I have. I suppose in time, my children will understand them not being with me had actually Nothing to do with me and they’ll reach out to me, and give me a chance. But I do thank you and thank Goddess the courts and cps listened to my niece. She’s in no more danger of being placed with strangers or her narcissistic mother.

        • Sorry, we go back to court Sept 15th, where the court will be giving me legal custody of my niece, at Cps request. The magistrate actually told me when we went to court earlier this month, she’d much rather see me raise my niece. Laws honey, if you’ve gleaned any impressions as to how I’ve had to battle with Cps nearly my entire adult life, you’d get just how big this is. But I wanted to add to my initial response, I apologize I wasn’t clear as to why we have to go back to court come Sept. Thank you so much Amythyst Rain!

      • Amythyst Rain,
        I just wanted to thank you, very very much! I took your advice, to the letter actually. And as of last Friday September 15th, I was awarded legal custody of my niece. The courts as well as the guardian ad litem and cps agreed I’m the best placement for my niece, yay! My niece is over the moon happy, she’s doing so great. I had learned in court, this year is the very first school year my niece is doing well. Up until she came to stay with me, she struggled in school very badly. From what the guardian ad litem stated in court, my niece having an A average on her interm report is a very first. She’s blossoming into a confident young lady. And, more importantly she’s using Her voice for the first time. She stands tall and walks with her shoulders back. Everyday she gets more fearless and speaks louder. She finally told her mom, no. It’s like she’s coming into her own and I get the honor of being a part of it. She is most definitely a force to be reckoned with. I thank you very much again. Your wisdom is most appreciated.

        • Yay! Congratulations, Sarah! I’m so glad everything worked out for you, and I’m especially thrilled for your niece. It sounds like she’s found her Forever Home and a loving Mother Figure. Blessings…and Big Hugz!! 🙂

          • Amythyst Rain,
            Oh honey me too!! Goddess knows me too! I’m so excited, I mean I swore I’d end the cycle in my family one way or the other. It would NOT be repeated. And, finally I’m getting that opportunity. Oh I adore my Stinky girl. Just thank you I mean really thank you. You’ve helped me immensely and you’ve no idea how much. And big hugs back to you dear Sister.

    • Hi there, I’m not sure what state your in but have you tried to have a guardian ad lituem appointed for her? This is a person who works for the state and has no vested interest in the outcome of the situation. Their sole job is to assess the child’s needs through interviews with the child and to advocate for the best possible outcome based on the options available after meeting with all parties involved. I had one appointed for my son free of charge during a custody case and he was only 3. It helped immensely because it wasn’t my word against his father, there was an unbiased professional of the state able to testify about what was really in my son’s best welfare. Good luck to you.

      • Hi yes ma’am, I have and he’s filed a petition to the courts to give legal custody to me. He had stated before this last time he wanted me to have custody then. That was 2 1\2 years ago. This time round, he put action to his request. The guardian ad litem has been dealing with my sister on and off for 10 years now.

  32. Thank you for all your info. Much appreciated. It’s been a long time for me since I have practiced. How would I go about doing this to get the State’s Attorney to drop charges of my fiance? It was a domestic violence thing, but the cops lied on their report and he doesn’t deserve prison. It’s a long story. Thank you

    • Hello, Jen! Well, you’re on the right page, now you have to sit down and go over the spells in order to choose one that would be right for you. These spells can be modified to fit your own unique set of circumstances, but it takes some reading and some time and effort to gather everything you’ll need and actually see it through. As I just told another lady on the Command & Compel Spells page ~ I don’t have the time to put personal spells together for people, I would be inundated; but I do have a Spell Consultation service at my website The Witch’s Corner ~ (this is not free), or I do have a Candle Altar Service, and I can dress and burn a spell candle for you, for more info, follow this link ~

  33. Hello my husband was at an home at the wrong time when police came and now he’s facing some charges for something he didn’t do he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time he. He goes to court on Friday is there any spells that I can help him do to help with his court case if I may ask for your help.

  34. I am a father a four children I’ve been a stay-at-home father for 6 years growing up my children now going through a divorce one week off one week on with parents and it’s killing me mother now abused one of my children no matter what she does the judge/court will not do anything to her I’m really trying hard to get my kids back home I’m tired of hearing them cry that they want to come back home with Mom Dad which is me. Their mother has really never been around it’s only been me 24/7. So wondering if the tongue spell would work for me and if I do that spell what exactly do I have to do when I’m preparing the tongue what do I say. Thanks

    • I’m so sorry to hear about all the chaos and disruption going on for you and your children. When kids get used to a routine and a regular care-giver, fast and disruptive changes can be very traumatic.

      Just follow the directions given, and if you feel the need to speak as you prepare this spell (and most likely you will, I did), speak what’s in your heart. Also, I know this may be a challenge for you, but you might want to think of doing a positive spell for your wife, a spell to help her cope with her new circumstances, a spell to invoke the best in her so she can be a good mother to her children…think about it, okay.

  35. I have a daughter who is facing charges that the District Attorney & the detectives, law enforcement all have this vendetta to see her pay for a tragic loss of my grandbaby then losing my other 2 grandbabies to adoption. This case is complex and unfair of the justice system not looking at what the real problem is in this case. The father of my grndbabies should be the one suffering in jail the abusive person who started these chain of events manipulated & my daughter for 7 yrs then just let the babies go and let my grandbaby die. I believe he was the one responsible and had a direct hand in the result. tragic loss of our baby girl. Help help help!!!!!! The Public Defenders are not that agressive in winning their cases in my state. Feel such hopelessness and devistating sorrow..How much is the average cost of a spell to use of this magnitude to help my daughter to be expunged of all charges or avoid any jail time again ? My daughter has never been in trouble ever!! I’m very poor and have no resources or anyone to help us.

    • Going “back” to prison implies that this is not his first time there. Maybe he needs to go back in order to learn one of life’s lessons? However, if you don’t believe this is the case, all I can tell you is to choose from the court case spells that I’ve posted here. Whether it works or not will depend both on your energy and your son’s destiny.

  36. I have the same question as Amelia- where do I get the Four Thieves Vinegar- better yet- how do I make it?

    • You can probably purchase 4-Thieves-Vinegar at most new-age witchy shops, if you’re lucky enough to have one in your area, or you can jump on the band wagon of 21st century witchcraft and Google a recipe (really). There just happens to be a list of my very own personal recipes for a number of magickal oils and potions in my book, The Spiritual Feminist, and this includes 4-Thieves-Vinegar. (I’d give you my recipe, but my publishing company might tend to frown on this.) Here’s a link to the book:

      • Hi my brother has been in prison almost 5 years and is currently waiting on a decision from the courts Im Really Trying To Find Something To Help Him Win & Bring Him Home Already Please Help Me.

          • Since he’s completed his appeal, the process itself is over and done, do a Justice spell, a spell for a favorable outcome. Set up a little altar using a Justice tarot card if that’s available to you. White candles, for purity of intention. Herbs, calendula (marigolds) and tobacco are excellent court case herbs, burn some on your altar. Create this sacred space using your own intuition, imagination, and creativity. It’s a loving act that you are doing for your brother, and it’s this energy that will go into the process. Blessings

  37. Hello Amythyst, I saw a similar collection on another website in which I was going to purchase their products but learned that they have huge orders and no availability for me to get these items in time for a court hearing that I have on December 17th. I have been in and out of court trying to gain full custody of my sister’s four children which are currently in an ACS case. Two of the children are living with my older sister while the younger two are living with their abusive father. I am trying to find a way to speed up the case plus put it in my favor. I wanted to make a honey jar as well as a mojo hand bag but I am not fully finding a good listing of everything that is supposed to entail. I see that you have the cow tongue regiment as the other website did but did not go into details as to what should be in it. Do I have enough time to do this spell and where would I purchase Four Thieves Vinegar?

  38. I go to court tomorrow so I will try the candle spell tonight, and if things get nasty then the tongue spell will be next. Do you hv pix of what the different herbs and oils look like?

    • You can cast spells for other people, though I myself don’t do this. I would imagine you’d cast the spell about the same as you would if you were casting it for yourself, but the mental and emotional aspect of what you’re doing would have to be very specifically directed and strong.

  39. How can some remove a spell because we need get my grand kids back home there falle$ call two cps all the time how can you help with court not to listing to no one out just bring us the kids back so can you help us please

    • First, there is nothing I can personally do to help you. I don’t cast spells for people, and besides that, this message gives very little information. Second, the father calls the cops all the time– why? Does he have valid fears and concerns? Before any type of magickal working is considered in cases like this, I always encourage the parties to follow mundane routes to solve their problems, and in this case that would include counseling. Magically, you can browse through the page of “Court Case Spells” and see if anything there would suit your situation.

  40. Hello dear;
    I want to use the tongue spell in behalf of my son for his court case. I want the prosecutor to drop all of his criminal charges that has hold against him. I made my own four thieves potions ,using organic vinegar,4 cloves of garlic,2 tea spoon fresh chopped mint 2 tsp red pepper seeds,2 tsp thyme , 2 tsp dried sage. How long should i leave it before use it, also do I need to say anything when i am sewing the tongue or should I write my wish on a piece of paper and put it inside the tongue and sew it with the other names as well.
    Thank you for your respond.

    • Hi, Isabelle!…I’ve used this spell myself, and when I did, I wrote the names on pieces of paper and sewed them into the tongue– and I didn’t restrain my emotions (or my own tongue) one iota. I cussed and cursed; I spit and spewed; I mumbled and I shouted…this is your energy! Let ‘er Rip!! Every strong emotion you feel, every reaction you have to it, all generates energy in the Universe– it’s moving and shaking, stimulating and manipulating events.

      For my own 4-Thieves-Vinegar, I let it stew and perk for four days, shaking it up each day to keep it all riled…and then it’s good to go!

  41. I have been dealing with some horrible legal troubles. I was raped and he was charged with 2 life sentences. He pushed the court date out 2 years and then finally pled guilty but it was for a lessor charge the DA tried to give him to avoid going to court. His sentencing is in a month. I have to write a letter to the judge. A letter that tells about how my life has changed and what he did to me has done. Once I am done reading the letter the judge will give him however long she thinks he deserves in prison. I am having such a hard time with this. I’m thinking about doing the beef tonge spell. Just not sure if that’s what I need. This will be my first spell. I am new to all of this. Thanks so much for all you do. Your amazing 😍

    • How did I miss this comment!!…I hope that everything went well for you. The biggest thing here, from my own perspective, was the letter you were to write…That’s where you needed to open your heart and pour everything in there out– right down your arm, through your hand, to the pen. I hope that justice was served.

  42. Wow, incredible blog layout! Hoow ling have you
    been blogging for? you made blogging look easy. The overall look of your
    web site is excellent, let alone the content!

    • I’ll bet you couldn’t. It would have been so simple just to delete your spam comment, but I’m bored this morning, and it’s been entertaining to read through this group of “Spam” messages– I’ve been giggling like a school girl while removing your links, marveling at all the grammar and misspellings in the lot of them, and marveling that someone would have the gall to try to promote themselves in such a sleaze ball way *she shakes her head here in amazement*…ta-ta, dear.

      [Read my reply above– Your Spam Is Mine!! muhahahahah!]

      • I just happened upon this , as i was a nervous wreck over my court case for bwc. I have to say i found it most calming and lightened my worry after reading what you have done with these spam accounts. Keep working your magic .*wink

    • Well, yes Jamey, I do visit this website pretty regularly, since I’m the author/creator. And if ya’ haven’t noticed *quick wink here*, if you post spam on this site– I Consider It Mine! (This means that I can bring it up and edit it, remove your links, change the name– or use the poster’s real name, etc., ad infinitum. But I’m really glad you liked this site *wink*.

  43. An outstanding share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a co-worker who
    was conducting a little homework oon this. And he actually ordefed me breakfast simply becawuse
    I discovered it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this….

    Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending some
    tike to talk about this issue here on your website.

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