Love Spells

1. Lilith’s Lust Spell
This spell invokes Lilith, the notorious and unruly ‘demon wife’ of Adam. Her powerful and dominating sexuality is what caused their rift, and invoking the spirit of Lilith raises tremendous raw lust and sexual energy. A warning however– It isn’t wise to invoke this entity in a home where there are newborn or young infants. Lilith’s unquenchable appetite doesn’t stop at sex.

Day: Friday
Hour: 1st/8th hour after sunrise;3rd/10th hour after sunset
Planet: VenusMoon Phase: waxing/full
Color: red
Herbs: for lust– cardamom; love & lust– ginseng; fidelity– a pinch of nutmeg, just to keep a leash on the energy being released
Oil: a sexuality oil or patchouli
Stone: pink quartz or blood stone
Symbols: the yin/yang symbol to highlight “female/male” energy; I also intertwine the symbols for Mars and Venus– a mingling that radiates the energy of copulation
Deities: Lilith

First, you have to put yourself in the mindset for the type of energy you’re going to receive from this spell. A long luxurious bath, satiny bold colored lingerie, oils, and images…whatever it takes to arouse in you the heat of your own sexuality.

On a red candle carve the symbols and Lilith’s name. Anoint the candle in oil and roll it in the combined herbs; set it up and light it and your incense as well. Music that throbs and gets you swaying and moving without thinking is wonderful for this moment. Begin to slowly move with it, closing your eyes, allowing the rhythm to fill you and sensations to wash over you. Begin calling to Lilith, chanting to her, moving with her, feeling her in the pulsating rhythm of the music and your body. Lose yourself in the moment and in Lilith. When the energy climaxes and the peak is reached, you will know she has arrived. Make use of her energy for this night; she will leave as abruptly as she came.

2. Nutmeg Fidelity Spell
This spell uses nutmeg and its notorious reputation for inspiring fidelity. The use of intimate garments with the nutmeg is a form of sympathetic magic. Think well on this spell before you cast it– remember that it will bind you into a mindset of fidelity just as much as it will bind your partner.

Items needed:
1. Ground nutmeg
2. A red flannel bag that’s large enough to hold two pairs of undergarments
3. A pair of your underpants and a pair of your partner’s
4. A safety pin
5. A piece of parchment paper and a pen

On the parchment paper write your name and the name of your partner over the top of each other– spit on it. Fold this paper into a small square and place it in the red flannel bag. Take the undergarments and pin them together with a large safety pin, also placing them in the red flannel bag. To this bag sprinkle copious amounts of nutmeg; and, depending upon how squeamish you are, you could add a few drops of menstrual blood.

Keep this bag hidden in the bedroom. If your partner has occasion to be away for periods of time, on those occasions, take this bag into your bed and sleep with it.

3. Strawberry Sex Spell
If the passion in your relationship has waned and your partner is now moving on to greener pastures but you’re not quite ready to let go yet, you can lure him back with this spell.

1. Choose a large scrumptious strawberry and sleep with it in your vagina for one night– preferably during a waxing moon.

2. You’re going to have to be on decent terms with your partner in order to invite him for coffee or a meal. And during the course of this event, you will feed him a delectable dessert– perhaps a cupcake. The ingredients for this cake will be made with the minced strawberry that you slept with and, yes– a dash of nutmeg, as well as a generous sprinkling of powdered sugar– Drawing Powder.

The objective of this spell is to raise your partner’s desire for you; to inspire lust, passion, and fidelity between the two of you; to make the idea of sex with someone else repulsive to your partner; and to lure your partner back to you– right where you feel he belongs.

4. Bloody Love Spell
It has long been believed that if a man ingests so much as a drop of a woman’s menstrual blood, he will fall helplessly, hopelessly, eternally in love with her. (If you’re squeamish at all– stop here now.)

This is considered a binding spell, as the gray witch knows, and it’s considered the most potent love spell of all.

A word of warning: this is one spell that is almost impossible to reverse. You want to think long and hard before you cast this spell on your ‘true love’, because at some point in your life you may discover another love that seems even truer, and the monkey on your back will be a partner who is hopelessly caught under your enchantment. Also, be aware that the menstrual blood must be fed to the target with magical intentions!

In order to administer this blood, you must disguise it. Secrecy is what adds success to this spell; it is imperative in order for it to work. Traditionally a glass of red wine is the drink of choice; but it can also be hidden in a strong cup of coffee, a cola, or any other dark drink. The power and strength of this spell lay in the fact that the target will have no idea what hit him.

To add even more magical power, it would be best if the moon phase is waxing– or full, or as near to full as you can get. Friday, linked to the planet and the goddess Venus, will add strength to it as well, or an hour of the day influenced by Venus. Dates connected positively to your relationship are also energy boosters, such as an anniversary date.

5. Asunder You Shall Go: Dividing Lovers
This is a spell that will be inscribed on the photograph of a couple or on a name paper for the couple, if a photo is not available to you. It can be added to a mojo bag that you create for this couple to make their coupling miserable, or in a candle magic spell to put things into action. The gray witch knows that to fulfill her wishes, her creativity and imagination will provide endless possibilities.

1. On one side of the photograph (or the name paper) draw a dividing line down through the center of the couple, or between their names, preferably with black ink– or blood. When you do this, do it with purpose, intention, emotion, and power.

2. On the reverse side of the photo/paper, write the following verse:

“This couple
The spirits
Shall divide
With malice.”

6. The Face of Your True Love
It’s believed that if you eat an apple on Samhain Eve and, without looking behind you, gaze into a mirror, you will see the face of your future husband or wife.

This might best be done in a darkened room lit with a single white candle, that shadows may fall, and secrets be revealed.

7. A Midsummer’s Eve Love Spell
Upon the stroke of midnight at Midsummer’s Eve, scatter rose petals about your garden, circling it thrice deosil (clockwise), while chanting or singing softly:

“Roses I strew,
True love to brew.
You‘ll find me,
So mote it be.
I‘ll find you,
Our love be true.”


151 thoughts on “Love Spells

    • I don’t know if anything will work, or help, with someone battling addiction. And if you’re looking to permanently hook up with an addict, you might want to think about what your life will be like.

  1. Can you do the period love spell on an ex? He wants to remain friends but I’d like to go back. Do you think this spell would work with the right intentions?

    • You can do a period love spell on anyone. But should you, that’s the question. My advice… If you’re fortunate enough to end a relationship on such positive terms, that your Ex wants to remain your friend… WHY WOULD YOU MESS THAT UP???

      Intentions??? There are no “right” intentions, there are only your intentions.

  2. What happens if a man has 2 womens menstrual blood.
    I’ve dried my menstrual blood, how can I know if I give him a drop? How long do the effects last?

    • Hello “InLove”! 1st question; theoretically, I suppose a man could ingest menstrual blood from 2 different women. The results? I have no idea, I’ve never heard of it being used this way. I really don’t think I’ d want to deal with the repercussions resulting from this one. I imagine a fiasco.

      2nd question; first, I’ve never heard of anyone drying their menstrual blood before, but that doesn’t mean its not done, or has never been done; I just haven’t heard of it. So I can’t tell you how that works. As far as “whats a drop?” … that’s kind of like cooking and using the term “a pinch”. I don’t think it’s a precise measurement. How long do the effects last… I can’t tell you that. I only know that should you change your mind on this spell, it is a notorious spell to break, so that makes me think the results are for a danged long time, if not forever.

  3. Hey i want my boyfriend back but i don’t have any clothes of him only pictures and they are on my phone. I can’t stop crying because it’s the only real relationship i ever have. I feel like am loosing hope. I really love him but we just broke up yesterday ever since that day I’ve been crying up to now!! Only problem is that we live so far from each other so i can’t see him or nothing . I miss him honestly i do 😟 and it’s hard not talking to him what can I do ?? Please help me thank you

    • If you could get a print out of a photo, that would work magickally speaking, and you might also find it comforting (I know, that’s a strange word for this), but it might make you feel better to have a picture of him close by, at least for a while. (Go to Walmart photo department, they’ll help you).

      Wait six months before you decide to cast a love spell on this man. In six months, see how you feel. And then read all the warnings about casting love spells and targeting specific people.

    • I would think it could be refrigerated theoretically. But we’re talking about a single drop here. I think the easiest thing to do would be to collect it and use it immediately.

  4. I have a huge problem I want my ex back in my life there is another woman who has done magic on him and I have no idea what she has done..i don’t know how to do magic and I don’t have anyone i know who does it and to top it off I don’t have any of his clothing items and he doesn’t want to meet me so i won’t be able to feed him anything but i really want him back in my life…how can I be helped? Thank you 😊❤❤

    • Logically, since you apparently don’t know anything about magic, how do you think you would know if magic has been done? He doesn’t want to meet you… translated: He doesn’t want to see you. This alone should sound the bell for you that this relationship is over and he’s moved on. You need to move on too. In 99.9% of these cases, the only magic done by the other woman is being in the right place at the right time, and meeting that special someone who sparks for them the courage and strength they need to move out of a relationship that no longer works for them. And that’s what this man did. I would highly vote against any form of magic to bring this man back into your life. No matter how well it works, magic still can’t squelch the human spirit, and he might forever harbor seeds of bitterness and resentment towards you, maybe not even fully realizing why. Ending relationships suck. You need a brief period of time to mourn the loss, but after that you have to put down the torch and move forward. By staying love-sick and stuck to old dreams, you actually prevent anyone new coming into your life. My advice, let it go.

  5. My girl friend and I are polyamerous and desire someone we both have feelings for. How can I entwine this to pull the 3rd party to us?

    • I would assume that you would incorporate the desire for another partner into your life as you would with any love spell in which this is the desired outcome. And since there are two of you working on this magickal endeavor, you’ll have twice as much magickal energy to reach your goal.

  6. My guy has been cheating for a while, and the other woman and I have spoken about the situation. She informed me that my guy performed oral sex on her during her period. Anything I can do to reverse those effects?

    • If she was not using menstrual blood “with magickal intention”, there are no effects. All of the ordinary mundane things we use during magickal practices and spell crafting, (personal effects, candles, herbs, etc.), would be nothing but ordinary everyday mundane things without “Magickal Intention”.

      PS ~ You both might want to consider whether you want this man in your life. Quite frankly, he doesn’t sound like much of a catch to me. I’m thinking of Loyalty, Love, Friendship, and Fidelity… Ask yourself, “Does he have any of these qualities?”

    • This goes against something I just read on this site: where it states a man will fall hopelessly and helplessly in love if he even ingests one DROP of a woman’s menstrual blood. As I’ve been dealing with this for a while, I can confirm, it is true.
      I have sat back and watched how stupid my guy is for another woman.

      • It has to do with using it in conjunction with “magickal intention”. You can use all the herbs you want in any number of ways, you can burn a gazillion candles in every color imaginable, you can wear essential oils galore… but if it’s not done with magickal intention, it will be an ordinary mundane act with no magickal consequences.

  7. Is this love spell is a magic ??? Can Muslims do this? Just let me know is this magic or not ! I read a lot but I’m very confused.

    • I’m not Muslim, and I’m not familiar with any of its doctrine, so I can’t answer your question. I DO know that anyone who wants to do magick can, and that yes, all the spells you see here would be considered magick.

    • I have no idea, I’ve never heard of a spell like this. But I would think getting someone to swallow a hair, any hair, would be a bit tricky. Can you imagine a cat coughing up a hairball? I think swallowing hair, even if it’s hidden in food, would be courting disaster. The target may swallow it okay, and then again, they may feel it and gag. Think hard on this one. Also, just a thought, but the energy coming from a pubic hair would be primarily sexual. I don’t know about you, but most women want something more than that, they want romance, fidelity, tenderness, and love thrown in with it.

  8. For the asunder spell ihave a little drawstring leather bag is that sufficient iwrote both names on paper as insructed line drawn in between names and wrote on the back as instructed where do i go from here?

    • The leather bag is perfect. Now you add it to the mojo bag. You can leave it at that, or you can get creative and add some more ingredients to the bag ~ prickly, burning, irritating herbs like stinging nettle, or poison ivy (wear latex gloves!), or burrs, or thistles, or thorns, etc.; you can also add other items like shards of glass, straight pins, rusty nails (coffin nails are excellent, kind of fitting too, “nailing it shut”). You’re only limited by your own imagination.

  9. Hello I wonder if you ageee but I’m guessing you don’t based on your response to a commenter – someone on lucky mojo said that period blood is supposed to work like immediately ? But I think it could be gradual on some people – what do you think?

  10. Do people feed the blood on a continuous basis? And do you gals keep it in the fridge for continuous use? I have thought long and hard about it – do you expect immediate or gradual effects with this method? And can sexual fluids be used in lieu sometimes ? Or just do it once a month?

    • No, and no. It’s a one time spell for an intended target. Most often its effects are pretty immediate, or they hit the target like a thunderbolt. Sexual fluids can be used in other spells, but the spell you’re wondering about is purely menstrual blood. Last question is answered in the first question. 🙂

  11. Pls tell the full process of asunder you shall go :dividing lovers spell, how to make MOJO bag, what to put in that and how to do candle magic spell, the whole process of above all.

    • The complete process is already listed above. All you have to do is follow the directions. 🙂 If you want more info, or you want me to take the time and effort to resource any additional info for you, I offer Spell Consultations at my website, The Witch’s Corner. The spells here are FREE, the Spell Consultation is not.

      The Witch’s Corner:

  12. I need a spell that actually works for each of these things my other ualf and i have already agreed on these 2 thing so please if you know of any that actually work please respond asap

    I need a spell that wi make me extreamly fertile and a spell that will renu our love and bind his life to mine

    • You might want to think on this (and I have no idea what you and your other half have agreed upon) but it sounds like very manipulative magick. And there are never 100% guarantees on magick, just like there are never 100% guarantees on prayers. It usually works, but sometimes it works in ways that we didn’t perceive when we were putting it together, especially if we were putting it together when we were upset. You’re on the right page– but you have to do the reading, the preparing, and the doing. I can’t do that for you.

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