The Week Ahead Tarot Spread ~ Interpretations

It’s time for me to take a break from book writing and spend some quality time creating a blog post (much more fun and relaxing than book writing, no pressure).  This week at my Facebook page, The Tarot Parlour, I posted a tarot spread titled “The Week Ahead”, and I drew three cards for this reading.  Below is the spread, the cards, and my interpretation.  I drew these cards randomly, with no one in particular in mind; however, I wouldn’t be surprised if these cards wind up resonating with me, or with some of my readers.  That’s just how the tarot rolls.


The Cards ~


1.  What you need to think about ~

For some of us, it’s actually time to put ourselves first.  A  little narcissism, at the right time and for the right reasons, is actually a good thing.  Whether you are having questions or doubts about a relationship, or a career change, or something else uniquely personal to you.  It’ about time you stop going over in your mind the repercussions your decision will make on every single person remotely connected to this situation and start thinking about the repercussions it’s having on YOU.

2.  What you need to do ~

You need to kick to the curb all of those things that are standing in your way.  There’s something you need to do, and there might be something you need to eliminate from your life in order to accomplish this… addictive behavior; codependent behavior, an individual or individuals who don’t have your best interest at heart, and maybe even if they do; your own fears and doubts and insecurities.  The list could go on.  What is it that you’re thinking about doing?  What’s holding you back?  How driven are you to reach this goal?  What are the repercussions for you if you don’t?  Is there a time frame to all of this?

3.  The challenge ~

The biggest challenge for you is taking that first step.  The unknown is scary; doing something big on your own is scary; taking a new path, beginning a new journey, turning a new page… they’re all scary.  It takes a great deal of courage, and a nice chunk of self-confidence to turn your back on the familiar and start off down the universal road to the Future looking the Unknown directly in the eye the whole time.  Conquering your own fears and doubts is part of the challenge.  Identify them, get acquainted with them, embrace them, laugh at them, and discard them.  Your journey awaits.


For a Personal Reading,
visit The Tarot Parlour




4 thoughts on “The Week Ahead Tarot Spread ~ Interpretations

  1. My cards have been resonating with this as well. With the waning moon into the new moon and my cards all pointing to either creativity and emotions, I needed a good rest, but now it is time to set intentions.

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