Partnerships: It’s All About Internal Sabotage

(The following reading is a portion of an actual client reading, published anonymously.  It has been edited to maintain the privacy of the individual.)

10/cups ®……10/swords……5/wands

First impression: My first impression is that things at home tend to be hectic; you’re not getting a lot of support from your spouse, as a matter of fact, the cards seem to indicate that there’s some aspect of what you do that he may not agree with; for some reason a lot of stress and tension are coming through the cards.

10/cups ®: On the surface everything looks idyllic, but this is not the reality of it all. I also get the feeling of confinement, being closed into a small space– literally or figuratively. This card suggests that if you feel you need more freedom, you should actively seek it; by being passive you will become stagnant and there won’t be the normal forward progression that you would naturally expect in life…and this can apply to many things, from your relationship and your current situation, to your business endeavors.

A closer look: There will be a change of pace with your home businesses, but the progression will be slow, and the results may not meet your needs. In order to achieve financial independence, you may need to supplement your home business income with a regular paycheck from an outside source.

10/swords: This card would indicate that someone is not being supportive, and I can even go so far as to say that someone could be sabotaging your efforts. I get the feeling of the “one step forward, two steps back” syndrome.

A closer look: Has someone you love left, perhaps in an unexpected way? The impressions coming through with this card feel traumatic, as though you’ve experienced a major upset in some area of your life. Whatever this is, it’s time to take charge; to gain control over your future; to face your situation realistically; to make necessary changes.

5/wands: As a reader yourself, I’m sure you recognize the squabbling and bickering that are connected with the five of wands. The impression that I’m getting is that the atmosphere around you is often chaotic. This is where you have to reach into your center, to learn to ground yourself, to find a sense of stillness within, even when outward circumstances are not conducive to peace and contemplation.


Tarot Readings with Amythyst

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