Women & Societal Pressure to Stay

Normally, the only place you would see this reading is in the sidebar at my website The Witch’s Corner, something special for my visitors.  But today’s message seems so profound, and it feels like something that needs to be shared on as wide a stage as possible.  So here you go…

continue reading

Your Ex ~ Signs They Are Over You

With February’s energy and Valentine’s Day euphoria still lingering, I’ve been pouring over relationship posts in the land of Google.  There were some doozys about boyfriends and husbands sending their ex-wives Valentine’s Day gifts, or making secret Valentine’s Day phone calls, and the reaction from most relationship experts was pretty predictable for this scenario.  Basically, it was:  “What the the hell are you doing?”  Needless to say, the reactions of the new girlfriends or wives over this newly exposed revelation was pretty expected.  They were devastated.

Throughout most of these articles, one thing became really clear:  a boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, or a husband’s ex-wife, is not going to go away UNTIL THEY TELL THEM TO.  And if a boyfriend or husband is shielding and protecting inappropriate or compromising communication with their ex, keeping it a secret from their present partner or wife, there can only be disaster ahead.  Nothing in this modern world of technology is going to stay secret forever, and when the secret is out, it will hit the fan.  If boyfriends and husbands are happy with their new partners, they better appreciate what they have and put all their effort and energy into protecting what they have… or they might lose it.

On to the article I chose for today.  Let’s look at it from a new perspective, through the eyes of The Ex.  How do you know when you’re beating a dead horse?  Read the article below for some insights.

Continue reading… https://everycathasatale.blogspot.com/2020/02/your-ex-signs-they-are-over-you.html

Second Time Around ~ Should You Remarry Your Ex

Relationship Post @ Every Cat Has a Tale…


While the reasons for getting remarried vary from couple to couple, many people realize after the anger and frustration dissipate that they actually miss their former spouse, especially if they were married for any length of time. Then, they start to wonder what they could have done differently, or if the marriage could have been salvaged. Some people even wonder if they made a mistake.

Here are some other possible reasons divorced couples consider remarrying one another.

  • Realize single life is unsatisfying and difficult
  • Recognize they divorced impulsively or for stupid reasons
  • Realize they’re still in love with their ex
  • Experience some personal growth that led them back to the relationship
  • Miss the familiarity they had with their ex
  • Forgive and/or forget the things their ex did wrong
  • Maintain a positive relationship with their ex



Rituals: Release the Ex (or beat them off with a stick)

#theex #dumptheex #thegirlfriendandtheex #deadweight #gottachoose #theexfromhell #intrusiveex #emotionallyneedyex #whoisshekidding

I am in the throws of writing very difficult rituals for THE BOOK today, and the most difficult one deals with a ritual to “Release an Old Friend or Lover”... (to continue reading, follow the link)


This is a relationship reading @ Every Cat Has a Tale, warning, totally completely honest in a brutal way. It’s about time.

Dealing With a Jealous Ex-Spouse

Dealing With a Jealous Ex-Spouse ~ “Men most often feel jealous when their ex-spouse begins having sex with another man, while women feel jealous when their ex-spouse becomes emotionally involved with another woman.”


Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

If you are getting phone calls from your ex, they have chosen the most direct form of communication—this is a great sign. This is very up front and keeps you in real and direct contact, making it feel as if the relationship really isn’t over for good…

follow the link for the complete article ~

