Chronicles of a Madd Housewife ~ another five-star review

Jennifer H.

5.0 out of 5 stars A Lifeline for those in Toxic, Traumatic Relationships!
Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2023

Almost universally experienced, toxic relationships resonate with us all. In ‘Chronicles of a Madd Housewife: It’s Not You, It’s Me,’ acclaimed author Amythyst Raine diverges from her previous works, and offers readers a shocking glimpse into the entanglements of toxic relationships. With vivid storytelling, she shares a profound journey, providing insights into the complex dynamics of these types of relationships. The book is divided into three sections to guide the reader through this journey:

Part 1: Coffee and Ruminations

In this section, the reader is taken on an intimate exploration of a highly toxic relationship. Within these pages lies a candid narrative of lies, betrayal, and heartbreak. This section offers us a glimpse into the diary of this “madd housewife” who feels like everything she thought she knew about her partner and her relationship is turned upside down and nothing makes any sense. Much like Madd Hatter said in Alice in Wonderland, “If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?” This is the kind of rabbit hole our titular housewife has fallen into and there is no logic in this land! This section was hard to read and more than once I had to set the book aside and walk away because I was so angered at what her partner said and did to her! Those in similar relationships will find their feelings validated while reading Part 1 and understand they are not crazy, that it is not their fault but rather a flaw in the partner.

Part 2: Things You Should Know

Here, we navigate the complexities that often accompany toxic relationships. From identifying emotional turbulence to understanding when “harmless flirtation” crosses the line into infidelity, and is there even such a thing as harmless flirtation? This section delves into crucial topics, including how to handle a partner still hung up on their ex, how to tell when an emotionally unstable person is lying to you, and the different types of cheaters. This was my favorite section because it not only describes what toxic behavior is and how to identify it but it gives you actual concrete steps you can take or how to act in each situation. This is something I find lacking in a great deal of “self-help” books. Sure, they can point out what to look for but rarely do they tell you what to do when you are in the situation! This is much appreciated!

Part 3: Healing and Rebuilding

As the storm subsides, a new phase begins. In this section of the book, we find guidance on recognizing the right time to step away or if the relationship can be salvaged. Included are insights to help one cope with relationship trauma, surviving recurring bouts of infidelity, establishing boundaries (be it boundaries with a partner’s ex or boundaries after your relationship is over), and a myriad of other insights for healing and growth. The author also lets the reader know that she is not a professional and that this book is not meant to be a substitute for professional help and if one feels in danger one should contact appropriate agencies.

Having read all of Amythyst’s other books I was unsure what to expect with this one as it is so far from her usual subject matter. I am here to say I was not disappointed! This book was just as intriguing as her previous works, perhaps even more so. To me, that is the mark of a truly gifted author when they can write so engagingly on a variety of topics. As I mentioned previously, nearly all of us have been in a toxic relationship at one point or another so I honestly recommend this book to everyone. Even if you have left that toxic partner in the past often the wounds remain. Amethyst offers the medicine to help heal those wounds.

Purchase your copy @Amazon

The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess [excerpt]

[Excerpt from one of the “Facing the Mirror” sections… Facing the Mirror: How do you connect with yourself?]

·       Be aware of changes in your energy

Yes, learn to do this. It could save your life.

I was at a stop light in Fremont, Nebraska, southbound on Broad St. I was driving, my now ex-husband was sitting in the passenger seat.

All of the sudden, yep, there it was, that “change” in energy. It’s so hard to describe because it can be so subtle. My reaction to it was that I froze. The red light turned green, and still, I sat there, frozen. My ex was shouting at me now, “Move, go!! The light is green!”

Nope, my body wouldn’t budge.

Within seconds, a car went speeding through a red light in front of us, west bound on 23rd St., at 60 or 70 miles an hour. If I would’ve been making my left hand turn onto this street, it would have broadsided us.

After this vehicle whooshed through this intersection, yep, there it was again, that weird change in energy. I was no longer frozen. I was also miffed at the man in the passenger seat and his attitude, so I turned to him calmly as he sat there now in shocked silence, open-mouthed, and I said, “Okay, now it’s time to move.”

  • · Write down your dreams

I used to keep dream journals, but then I used to remember my dreams. Not so much anymore unless it’s a visitation dream. That’s a dream where the spirit of a departed loved one visits you. They are usually very vivid dreams, you will acutely feel the departed spirit’s presence, and you will not forget the dream. Sometimes your departed family member may have an important message to leave with you.

My great-grandmother showed up to tell me it was okay. I hadn’t seen or spoken to her in several years before she passed. So, she showed herself with her lips tied shut, much like you see on voodoo dolls in hoodoo horror flicks, which was her way of emphasizing a lack of communication. It was an alarming sight at first, but I quickly realized her implications. Then I heard her voice telepathically in my mind: “It’s okay.” Immediately, there was a feeling of peace.

It was her way of acknowledging that even though it had been a long time since we’d seen or spoken with each other, all our ties and our relationship were intact. Always was, always would be.

Purchase your copy @ Amazon

New Release! It’s up and available to purchase

Order your copy of my new book, The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess, at Amazon, click on THIS LINK

There’s a little goddess in every woman… yes, there is, and you’re going to find the little goddess in you with the help of this book. Take an unorthodox look at the history, myths, and legends of goddesses from around the world. Learn how to tap into their energy and harness it to aid you in your mortal journey.

Along the way, let’s “Face the Mirror”, and take a good look at what you need to concentrate on to be the best you can be and let your inner goddess shine.

KINDLE on sale ~ Spiritual Awakening, $5.99 @ Amazon

KINDLE is on sale for $5.99 @ Amazon

[excerpt]  Introduction:

Everyone’s spiritual journey is unique unto them. My grandmother had me secretly baptized in the Catholic Church, against my parents’ wishes, when I was seven years old. I remember the pink frothy party dress, standing at the fountain and bending over so a robed man could pour water over my head and then sprinkle salt on my tongue.

This baptism would herald an on again off again connection with the Catholic Church at my grandmother’s whim, including a 7th and 8th grade stint in a Catholic Parochial school.

At thirteen, I wanted to be a Jew.

Every Friday evening, I secretly lit a brass candelabra of white birthday cake candles in my bedroom and recited words of my own design, in order to honor the Sabbat (is that the right word?)

At seventeen, consumed with romantic revenge, I cast a nasty magic spell in secret in my grandmother’s basement. It involved red candles, red ink, and a photograph of the boy. It involved some emotional words, spitting, and a dramatic moment when I drew a large red X over the midsection of the image.

It worked.

And with this spell I felt, for the first time, total satisfaction with a spiritual path, a spiritual experience, and all the fallout that followed.

It scared me silly at the time, but it also reinforced in me that I was cut from a different spiritual cloth than most people in my circles. I was certainly different, although it would take years of reading, learning, and practicing to realize just how different.

What did I learn from my experiences?

I learned that spiritually, there are a lot of options out there. I learned that it’s fun to explore. I learned that it doesn’t matter what other people believe, or how they choose to practice their spirituality, even if they think it’s the only way. I learned that you never stop learning, and the paths you can take are endless, amazing, surprising, unpredictable, and life altering.

Now it’s time for you to explore your spiritual path. This book will help you do that.

Keep an open mind, believe in the unbelievable and the unseen. Don’t be afraid to look where other people fear to go. Don’t be afraid to explore the deepest parts of yourself. Believe me, when you finally find your ground, the journey will have been well worth it.