
The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess… [excerpt]

• Dance

Long, long ago, I would dance. I would put on several layers
of the large discarded house dresses, party dresses, and
petticoats of my grandmother and my aunts, slip my small
feet into their oversized high heels, and spin in the middle of
my bedroom, making the long skirts fan out around me.

This was my dance…

[page 169, from the chapter: “Facing the Mirror: How do you connect with the physical you?]

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Book Excerpt: The Divine Me ~ the goddess Eostre – Easter? Estrogen?

The following blog post is a short excerpt from my book, The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess, pages 82-85, from the chapter “The Goddess in Every Month”.

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·         March ~ Eostre

Origin: Germanic
Influences: spring and dawn, fertility, birth
AKA: Ostara
Symbols: rabbits, eggs, spring flowers, butterflies

This goddess is all about spring, birth, fertility, and the changing of seasons, the return of spring bringing with it the planting season, the return of warmth and promise and new beginnings.

The oddest myth that follows Eostre is the story of how she saved a bird from freezing to death in the winter.  Its wings were frozen together.  Eostre magically changed the bird into a rabbit, a rabbit which retained its ability to lay eggs. 

I don’t know about you, but this puts a whole new spin on the Easter images I grew up with.

I would imagine, in ancient times, when the rituals of this goddess were regularly practiced among the people, she was looked upon with a sigh of relief, as in another winter has passed and we survived.  Symbolically, it seems, the celebration for this goddess on the spring equinox would herald the return of daylight, as well as preparations for planting and the birthing of farm animals for sustenance.

In other words, it feels like the world is coming out of a dark frigid isolating winter and things are starting to move again, coming to life. 

Hmmm… “Eostre” sounds an awful lot like “estrogen”, just saying.

March’s Magick/Seed Moon
A Protection Spell

The main thing about someone who thinks they need a protection spell is that there’s something that’s making them feel threatened in some way. 

Who, or what, are you afraid of; or what is the set of circumstances that makes you feel threatened?  What do you think you need protection from?  Think about it, and then proceed with the following spell, if you still feel that it’s needed:

Let’s create a mojo bag for protection, as this is a very versatile way to create protection for a wide variety of reasons.

v  Start with the bag, a drawstring bag – I would choose black to repel negative people, entities, or circumstances; to banish unwanted things; to neutralize negative energy.  But you choose whatever color makes you feel safe and secure, warm, and fuzzy… protected.

v  Second – write down on a small piece of paper what you want protection from, be specific, be blunt and to the point.  Next, take a red ink pen or marker and with intention, along with much vigor and emotion, maybe a little cursing and spitting, draw a large red X through this list.  It’s okay to get emotional, get angry, get all riled up – what you’re doing is raising energy.

v  Third – let’s add some other “ingredients” to this bag, just so the universe and Spirit get the full picture.  This could be personal effects from an individual, and not just the stereotypical “hair and fingernail clippings”.  It could be the button off a shirt, a coin from their purse or wallet, a photograph, a piece of jewelry (an earring, or ring, or necklace chain), a tube of lipstick, a cigarette butt – you get the idea.  Be creative.

Tie this bag closed, preferably with three knots.  Keep it in a secret safe place and allow it to work undisturbed.  Should the time come when you no longer feel the need for it, you can: 1) toss it in the flame of a fire and let it burn to ash, 2) dismantle the bag and its ingredients and toss them into the trash, or 3) bury it somewhere off your property.

Embrace Your Inner Goddess… really

The following are excerpts from my book “The Divine Me”, a 2023 release that is available at Amazon.

From the chapter: The Goddess in Every Day

• Saturday: let’s cleanse

Burn candles of black; burn incense of mimosa, hemp, and comfrey; carry in your pockets or adorn your body with black onyx, Apache tears, and obsidian.

Let’s work on… making ourselves feel safe, in whatever capacity this entails; taking extra precautions to secure our home; laying a line of defense against unexpected negativity; drawing boundaries that may be difficult but necessary to our wellbeing.

Kali ~ Hindu

Kali is the banshee screeching warrior goddess, the goddess of death and doom. The black goddess of revenge and bloodlust. But you gotta’ love her. It’s her energy that will fight to protect the innocent; it’s her energy that’s needed for retribution and accountability for the bad guys.

As the myth goes, Kali was born when she emerged from the forehead of the Goddess Durga and is believed to be the manifestation of that goddess’s anger. No wonder Kali has an attitude.

The most notable story I found on Kali involved her husband, Lord Shiva. After Kali was called upon to save the world by going on a rampage against a demon army led by Raktabija, she had herself so wrapped in murderous energy that she couldn’t stop herself and began destroying any living thing within her reach.

To cease this frenzied murder spree, her husband Shiva laid down in her path, blocking her way. Apparently, he thought that this would stop her. Silly idea. She was blinded to rationality and restraint, and she wildly started stomping the sh… er, bejeebers out of her own husband.


Upon suddenly realizing her terrible mistake, overcome with remorse, laced with a wee bit of embarrassment, it’s said that she stuck out her bloody tongue. In some versions, it’s stated that she pulled her tongue out, either way, it makes for quite a visual.


From the chapter: Facing the Mirror ~ How Do You Connect with Yourself

• Be aware of changes in your energy

Yes, learn to do this. It could save your life.

I was at a stop light in Fremont, Nebraska, southbound on Broad St. I was driving, my now ex-husband was sitting in the passenger seat. All of the sudden, yep, there it was, that “change” in energy. It’s so hard to describe because it can be so subtle. My reaction to it was that I froze. The red light turned green, and still, I sat there, frozen. My ex was shouting at me now, “Move, go!! The light is green!”

Nope, my body wouldn’t budge.

Within seconds, a car went speeding through a red light in front of us, west bound on 23rd St., at 60 or 70 miles an hour. If I would’ve been making my left hand turn onto this street, it would have broadsided us.

After this vehicle whooshed through this intersection, yep, there it was again, that weird change in energy. I was no longer frozen. I was also miffed at the man in the passenger seat and his attitude, so I turned to him calmly as he sat there now in shocked silence, open-mouthed, and I said, “Okay, now it’s time to move.”

The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess [excerpt]

[Excerpt from one of the “Facing the Mirror” sections… Facing the Mirror: How do you connect with yourself?]

·       Be aware of changes in your energy

Yes, learn to do this. It could save your life.

I was at a stop light in Fremont, Nebraska, southbound on Broad St. I was driving, my now ex-husband was sitting in the passenger seat.

All of the sudden, yep, there it was, that “change” in energy. It’s so hard to describe because it can be so subtle. My reaction to it was that I froze. The red light turned green, and still, I sat there, frozen. My ex was shouting at me now, “Move, go!! The light is green!”

Nope, my body wouldn’t budge.

Within seconds, a car went speeding through a red light in front of us, west bound on 23rd St., at 60 or 70 miles an hour. If I would’ve been making my left hand turn onto this street, it would have broadsided us.

After this vehicle whooshed through this intersection, yep, there it was again, that weird change in energy. I was no longer frozen. I was also miffed at the man in the passenger seat and his attitude, so I turned to him calmly as he sat there now in shocked silence, open-mouthed, and I said, “Okay, now it’s time to move.”

  • · Write down your dreams

I used to keep dream journals, but then I used to remember my dreams. Not so much anymore unless it’s a visitation dream. That’s a dream where the spirit of a departed loved one visits you. They are usually very vivid dreams, you will acutely feel the departed spirit’s presence, and you will not forget the dream. Sometimes your departed family member may have an important message to leave with you.

My great-grandmother showed up to tell me it was okay. I hadn’t seen or spoken to her in several years before she passed. So, she showed herself with her lips tied shut, much like you see on voodoo dolls in hoodoo horror flicks, which was her way of emphasizing a lack of communication. It was an alarming sight at first, but I quickly realized her implications. Then I heard her voice telepathically in my mind: “It’s okay.” Immediately, there was a feeling of peace.

It was her way of acknowledging that even though it had been a long time since we’d seen or spoken with each other, all our ties and our relationship were intact. Always was, always would be.

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New Release! It’s up and available to purchase

Order your copy of my new book, The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess, at Amazon, click on THIS LINK

There’s a little goddess in every woman… yes, there is, and you’re going to find the little goddess in you with the help of this book. Take an unorthodox look at the history, myths, and legends of goddesses from around the world. Learn how to tap into their energy and harness it to aid you in your mortal journey.

Along the way, let’s “Face the Mirror”, and take a good look at what you need to concentrate on to be the best you can be and let your inner goddess shine.