Personal Demons, be gone!

Our first tarot reading for the new year!  Be sure to join me at my tarot website and my YouTube channel.

Deck: Rider Waite version
Cards: The Devil — reversed; 5/swords — reversed; Page/wands

You will be starting this new year off on a very promising positive foot, which is a much needed change for some of you. You’ll find that you have shook off some personal demons that have been plaguing you and causing so much trouble in your life on a variety of levels. You’ve also either come to a truce with a group of people you were in conflict with; or you walked away from the conflict and this is one of the demons you got rid of. For some of you, this might not represent a group of people you were in conflict with, but it may represent a conflict that you were battling within yourself. Either way, it’s gone.

Many of you will find that you’re starting off the new year with a new beginning that includes lots of passion, enthusiasm, and promise. For some of you, this may indicate a new relationship on the horizon, but for others it is showcasing new job and financial opportunities. This card, as do all the Pages, also infers that open, honest, enthusiastic communication will benefit all new endeavors coming up in this new year.

The Tarot Parlour

Tarot Parlour Podcast ~ you might want to pass on this Knight in Shining Armor

The guy who’s coming forward now, attempting to instigate contact with you, has a lot of issues with self-confidence and self-esteem. This has, undoubtedly, affected his life in a variety of negative ways. You might want to think twice about this Knight of Cups.

PODCAST ~ Mediumship Reading

There’s a new podcast up at YouTube, a mediumship reading… the individual who came forward is one of three adult siblings, and there is the issue of estrangements.

If you like my videos, subscribe at My Channel and hit the notification bell so you don’t miss an upload. I’m spending less time posting links to these readings. Let’s assume that whomever needs these messages will find them. 

PODCAST Bonus Reading ~ Someone’s waiting for the other shoe to drop, & someone dropped the ball

Finally got a video up!! — my computer crashed a few days ago, and my video editing went by-by, now I’m getting used to a new computer and new video editor. But better late than never, here ya’ go.

Our cards today:

  • 7/pentacles
  • Temperance 
  • 3/pentacles
  • Strength
  • 3/cups 

Pulling a tarot card a day is a ritual for many tarot enthusiasts, both professional readers and those private individuals who use the cards for personal insight, meditation, and journaling. Here’s a Bonus reading, focused on a single card. Be ready for what’s ahead on this amazing and unpredictable road called Life.

PODCAST Desert Reading ~ Someone is watching you

Welcome to this general reading:  Desert Readings done for this podcast uses a variety of tarot spreads, questions, and methods.

The reading today is all about a group of three people. The scenario showed itself to me as three possibilities (there’s a lot of number 3 energy in today’s cards)… 

  • 1) a platonic group of friends, and this feels very “female”
  • 2) a three-way open romantic relationship
  • 3) a clandestine affair.

Just know that someone is watching you, and someone is getting ready to walk.

PODCAST Your Questions ~ It’s All About Friendship

This is a requested anonymous reading…  If you have any questions or concerns that you would like addressed in a tarot reading, email me at

and there’s a chance that your question(s) will be featured on one of these videos… anonymously, of course!

PODCAST Audio Blog ~ Premonitions: Impending Death, Recognizing Its Salutations

Have you ever experienced a premonition of an impending death? I have. These are my experiences, this is what it’s like for me. And at the end of the podcast, I ask the question: So, this ability to “know” when someone is going to die… Is it a blessing, or a curse?

PODCAST Audio Blog ~ Five Famous Haunted Houses

Bump in the Night Series… In today’s episode I reveal a secret about my Grandmother’s very haunted house that I don’t think even a lot of family members are aware of. Enjoy the visit to five beautiful and gloriously haunted houses found here in the US.

PODCAST Audio Blog ~ Creepy Paranormal & Supernatural Stories

These experiences are taken directly from my journal, and they occurred while living in our old house in Fremont, NE. My Favorite is Number 13 (of course it is) Time Stamp: 10:21. If you don’t believe in synchronicity or creepy coincidence, you will after you hear this story. It still freaks me out.

PODCAST Audio Blog ~ Detecting the Presence of Spirits in Your House

Do you suspect the presence of spirits in your home, ghostly visitors from across the veil? If you’re experiencing the phenomena in this podcast, your suspicions may very well prove to be true.

PODCAST ~ Has the scoundrel King of Cups finally met his match?

Daily cards… So has this scoundrel, the King of Cups, finally met his match? Is his days of philandering and promiscuity come to an end? Did he finally REALLY fall in love? There’s this and so much more in today’s podcast.

Our cards today:

  • King/cups
  • Ace/wands
  • Seven/wands
  • Ace/swords
  • Queen/cups

Pulling a tarot card a day is a ritual for many tarot enthusiasts, both professional readers and those private individuals who use the cards for personal insight, meditation, and journaling. Here’s a Bonus reading, focused on a single card. Be ready for what’s ahead on this amazing and unpredictable road called Life.

PODCAST ~ Your Questions, focusing on a relationship

Thank you for submitting your question! We start off this reading with a focus that is not on relationships but on something that you are working towards; and I do believe your last reading took a turn like this, just the other way around. However, we do bring relationships back into focus and there is a lot that came up for you. I hope that it makes sense and that you can find information and some crumbs of inspiration here to go forward in a positive manner and Be Happy!

PODCAST ~ Those voices in our head

Our cards today:

  • The Empress
  • The Star
  • The Wheel
  • The Moon
  • 9 of Swords 

Pulling a tarot card a day is a ritual for many tarot enthusiasts, both professional readers and those private individuals who use the cards for personal insight, meditation, and journaling. Here’s a Bonus reading, focused on a single card. Be ready for what’s ahead on this amazing and unpredictable road called Life.

PODCAST ~ They’re asking more of you than you can give

Welcome to this general reading. Desert Readings done for this podcast uses a variety of tarot spreads, questions, and methods. 

This individual just keeps asking you for more. Your finances are in chaos, your nerves are shot, and you don’t know how to extricate yourself from this situation. Today the cards lead the way to healing and emancipation. *Note: I taped this podcast in my dining room not realizing how the ceiling fans and the box fan would affect the audio, but it’s all good.