The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening ~ What Chapter was the most difficult to write?

I would have to say that the most challenging chapter to write was Chapter 3, Preparing for Your New Spiritual Life.  

The topics touched upon in this chapter include:

  • What do you need to let go of?
  • What do you need to draw to you?
  • Paving the way.

In the Exercises, Activities, & Exploration section, the first exercise called “Getting Rid of Baggage” was an almost cathartic experience to think and write about, because realistically every single one of us has some sort of baggage.  If you’ve lived at all, you’ve got baggage, it just goes with the human experience, it’s how we learn.

I open the exercise with this paragraph:

“As you experience your personal spiritual awakening, your soul may feel lighter, the world brighter.  But that doesn’t mean that you will experience an instantaneous clearing of baggage you’ve accumulated over time.  You’ll find that clearing emotional, past relationship, and physical baggage is something that you have to consciously choose to do…”

There then is included three brief lists with suggestions for clearing that baggage, because this really needs to be resolved and/or released so we can successfully progress on our spiritual journey and exploration.

Be sure to order your copy of The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening @ Amazon, and if the spirit moves you, I would love if you would leave a review or a few brief words about this book at Amazon.  

Thank you all for the support you’ve shown this book, kicking it off with a burst of enthusiasm that charted it at #5.  Please continue your support by leaving a review; passing this link on to someone else who would enjoy this book; and sharing links and posts with your friends, or on social media.

Bright Blessings,

It’s Officially Released Today! ~ The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening

Order your paperback copy  HERE

It’s finally here and available to the world!  I started this book in 2021 after an inspirational moment with that little voice in my head that said “write this book”, and I was almost finished with the manuscript when I unexpectedly came down with a 2nd bout of covid, which put this project on hold.  So, seven months later, I’m extremely thrilled to be making this post and giving you the link to this beautiful and inspiring handbook and journal.

The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening includes:

  • The Spiritual Journey  

Exercises, activities, & explorations:  creating your personal journal; exploring gods and goddesses; reconnecting with animals and trees; taking a spiritual walk

  • The Witch’s Spirit  

Exercises, activities, & explorations:  exploring earth, air, fire, and water; how to write your own spell; creating a magical recipe; a look at neo-pagan founders

  • Preparing for Your New Spiritual Life:  

Exercises, activities & explorations:  getting rid of baggage; drawing positive energy to you; forgiving yourself with a blessing; opening your energy centers

  • Botanicals and Pagan Spiritualism  

Exercises, activities, & explorations:  making for thieves vinegar; making black cat oil; growing your own herbs; blessing your garden

  • Pagan Spiritual Practices

Exercises, activities, & explorations:  house cleansing; a basic candle spell; how to use a pendulum; setting up your personal altar

The Essential Guide to WICCA for Beginners ~ It’s Officially Released Today!

It’s finally here! Today is a beautiful day—my brand new book, The Essential Guide to WICCA for Beginners, is officially out in the world for you all to read and enjoy. Thank you again for all of your support. It really means the world to me! I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I loved writing it! This book @ Amazon: 

The Essential Guide to Wicca for Beginners includes:

  • Intro to Wicca―Learn everything you need to know about Wicca for beginners, including key beliefs and practices like deities and observances, the four elements and Spirit, and the Wiccan Wheel of the Year.
  • Wiccan history―Explore the roots of Wicca with comprehensive information about how it began and where it originated, the diverse Wiccan traditions, and influential figures in history.
  • A range of spells―Acquaint yourself with Wicca for beginners using straightforward spells and rituals for attraction and affection, healing and harmony, binding and protection, and more.

Purchase your copy at this link:

It’s Official! ~ Book Release Day for Green Witchcraft Grimoire!!

It’s finally here! Today is a beautiful day — my brand new book, Green Witchcraft Grimoire, is officially out in the world for all to read and enjoy. It’s been a wild ride from start to finish. Thank you again for all of your support, it really means the world to me! (Edit)… right now, this book is #37 in Wicca and Witchcraft at Amazon!!

You can learn more and order here:

Is this book for you? ~ A Review for Green Witchcraft Grimoire

My long time colleague and friend, MsJulieCarol, just shared her thoughts about my new book:

“Amythyst Raine has masterfully organized and created an invaluable resource for the ways of Green Witchcraft. With everything a witch could ask for under the Sun, Moon and Stars, this book is filled to the brim with green magic; rites and rituals, blessings and spells, recipes and correspondences. And with lots of space to personalize it, you can take notes of your experiences and write your own spells and formulas. This will no doubt become a constant companion in the magical practice of the novice and seasoned witch alike.” — MsJulieCarol, artist, filmmaker, and practicing witch

Thank you for your support and kind words! I can’t wait to hear what the rest of my future book readers think, too.

You can get a copy of Green Witchcraft Grimoire here:

July 14th ~ Counting Down!

16 days until the release of Green Witchcraft Grimoire! If you’ve already ordered a copy, it will begin shipping on that date. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, you can do that right now at this link:

Thank you for showing your support, and be sure to leave a review!

A place to write your magical notes ~ Green Witchcraft Grimoire

The Green Witchcraft Grimoire is special because you can make it your own. In addition to the spells, rituals, and recipes, the grimoire includes sections you can fill in based on your own practice, experience, and preferences. Here’s a look at how I personalized my own copy of the Green Witchcraft Grimoire in the section on magical teas. I am so proud of this book and how it will enable you to deepen your practice. Please support me by pre-ordering your copy here:

BOOK GIVE-AWAY ~ Enter now to win a FREE copy of Green Witchcraft Grimoire

Did you know there is a Book Give-Away at The Witch’s Corner Facebook Page ~ enter now to win a FREE advance copy of Green Witchcraft Grimoire. Follow this link to enter, and be sure to read the rules:  The Witch’s Corner FB Page

(You’ll be able to enter until  Friday, June 19th at 12:30am.  One winner will be drawn on Monday, June 22nd.)

The Word is Out! ~ Green Witchcraft Grimoire

As of this posting, this book is four weeks from its release date!  The next four weeks are going to consist of an intensive focus to get the word out about this new pagan book encompassing a beloved pagan path… green witchcraft.  You are encouraged to PRE-ORDER this book, which will be ready to ship July 14th.  Pre-ordering will grab Amazon’s attention and highlight this book to the public.  A big thank you to everyone that has pre-ordered, wrote an endorsement or review, and to those who’ve passed this book on by word-of-mouth and a sharing of links!  This author greatly appreciates your support!

My long time friend and fellow witch, Onyx Moon Blackstone,   just shared her thoughts about my new book Green Witchcraft Grimoire ~ 

 “Finally someone gets it! From novice to expert, this wonderful Grimoire will demystify the perceived complications of walking your unique path no matter your affinity. Its simple, clear and soulful use of your spiritual time, with solid information on the foundations of spiritual crafting, is a combination not to be missed. My new “Go to” for my magical path. Bravo Amythyst Raine.“ 

Thank you, Onyx, for your support and kind words!  I can’t wait to hear what the rest of you think too.

You can get your copy of Green Witchcraft Grimoire right here:


Green Witchcraft Grimoire ~ Let the Magic Find you!

Pinch me! Here’s an actual, real-life, print copy of my new book, Green Witchcraft Grimoire. It’s been a long time coming to fruition, since I began this book last December. I’m delighted to share it with you now. Want to show your support?

Pre-order your copy right here:

BOOK RELEASE! ~ The Ultimate Tarot Guide for Your Personal Tarot Journey

BOOK RELEASE!…Book #6 is UP and AVAILABLE @ Amazon ~ “The Ultimate Tarot Guide for Your Personal Tarot Journey”

Purchase your copy here:

“This book takes you on an inspirational magical journey into the realm of tarot. Traditionalism and mediocrity are left behind. The author flings open doors and expands horizons to reveal amazing connections with tarot and it’s intimate influence on our world. As you make your way through this tarot study guide and workbook, you will develop a very unique and personal connection with the tarot and a deeper understanding of yourself.”

EDIT:  Amazon Reviews ~ It would be greatly appreciated if anyone purchasing this book @ Amazon would leave a star rating, a review, or a comment! Thank you!

I have the Proof Copy in my hands!


New Book Release! ~ “Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way”

Good morning, World! I’m starting the day off with some Great News ~ I have a new book that will be launching the end of this month with AMAZON: “Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way”.  It’s available in paperback.

Watch my Amazon Author Page where you can purchase Your Copy!…

Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way explores the magick and mystery of old world traditions from a unique perspective, that of the Gray Witch. While the modern world and everything in it are often viewed as either black or white, there are those magickal practitioners who recognize a more realistic normality ~ that shady gray area where the lines are blurred, and the adventuresome practitioners will discover that witchcraft can consist of power and justice, as well as love and peace. And in this realization comes an epiphany, one is not so different from the other. Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way is an excellent companion book to The Gray Witch’s Grimoire.

Edit:  This book just went LIVE at Amazon! Woot!



Around Town with The Spiritual Feminist ~ Photo Blog!


My daughter picked me up this morning for a round of shopping and lunch– and I took The Book with us (The Spiritual Feminist).  This was a Hoot!!  Following are photos of our jaunt, the places we went, and the people we saw…Welcome to Fremont, Nebraska (USA)!

First stop ~ THE BLUE BOTTLE ~ 529 N Main St #5 ~ Ask for Ginger!

Besides my favorite cappuccinos, what do you think you’ll find in The Blue Bottle?…Blue bottles– of course!


Besides lots of Healthy Stuff, we found crystals and incense, and quite a few surprisingly Cool and New-Agey items. Yay!

TSF 12

SECOND LOOK ~516 N Main St ~ very cool consignment shopped filled with all sorts of treasures and good deals!

On the Lower Level of Second Look with the Proprietor!

“Andy” has been selling hotdogs from this stand AT THE CORNER OF 6th & MAIN for 30+ years!!

This building is actually For Sale and is my Dream Location for a Tea & Tarot shop ~ it’s an ivy covered cottage of a building, like something right out of a magickal movie!!…Where’s my Financial Backers?

Fremont Police Station

To the Men & Women In Blue!…Support your local Law Enforcement. I know, there’s been lots of bad press lately, and there are a few bad apples in ANY occupation. But the majority of Law Enforcement officials work hard and risk their lives To Keep Us Safe! (Hey, MOM! This ones for you ~ My Mother is a Retired Police Officer)

This sign is Right Outside MICHAEL’S JEWELRY ~ 540 N Main St ~ omg, if this were only true!! 🙂

PRECIOUS TREASURES CO-OP SHOP ~ 405 N Main St ~ Make sure you’ve got plenty of time to browse in here at your leisure, it’s a treasure trove all right!

Okay– ‘nough running around.  Everyone was getting hungry and foot weary (yes, that’s a real thing).  We finished off our outing– where?  At McDonald’s…of course!


The Official Release Date for The Spiritual Feminist
is April 24th!!



 Thank you to my daughter, Laura Thome, for the photography!

This is such a monumental event in a writer’s life, the Release of a Book…it is akin to giving birth, and there’s almost as much chaos and hoopla leading up to it.

Enjoy the photos– and BUY THE BOOK (or the Kindle edition)
Women…you will be touched, you will be inspired, you will be re-empowered, you will find healing and a sense of spirituality like nothing you’ve ever experienced– Believe Me!
Blessings to you all,

Tarot for Grownups: Book Release Date

“Tarot for Grownups”
will be released
March 29, 2013

“Tarot for Grownups” addresses issues and life from an adult perspective with unabashed candor and a healthy dose of sarcasm.  


“Tarot for Grownups” is a no-nonsense book written to tell it like it is in a black and white, cut and dried way. This book is written for grown-ups, and it looks at their world through the magick and mystery of the tarot, addressing adult issues.


Review by Dana Wright

“Tarot for Grownups is an often bawdy and brutally honest tour through the intricate landscape of tarot card reading. Filled with witty thoughts and blunt appraisals, author Amythyst Raine shares her very personal relationship with the cards. Not one to stay on any traditional path, Raine is in the trenches, teaching you to really see the cards as an experience on the whole, not as a grueling memorization project you will get frustrated with and drop at the next opportunity. No, instead, Raine explains how she learned to view the cards and wastes no time doing it. Her descriptions of the cards and their relationships to one another and the querent are spicy and full of intelligence. This is definitely a book for adults; make no mistake, but an excellent way to gain a different perspective on tarot and the puzzle pieces that make up this art…”

Book Release Date


 With “The Gray Witch’s Grimoire” you can empower yourself through ancient mysteries, secret rites, and magickal spells that leave the world of the mundane behind and nurture the wise-woman in us all.

Book Release!
May 25, 2012

US $19.95/UK £11.99

Moon Books
John Hunt Publishing 

(Links & purchasing information will be posted
as soon as it is made available.)


Witch’s Chit-Chat: Facebook, Tarot, Books n’ More

This week I changed my user-name on Facebook, dropping the Wiccan title, so that my FB user-name is the same name being used on my books (Amythyst Raine). I thought it would make it easier for people to find me. I also changed the name on the url to my Facebook page before I realized that it would break the link everywhere I might have it posted– oops! So I’ve been trying to make the internet rounds and correct this, but I’m sure I’ve missed some links… My new FB url is:


I’m working on my December newsletter, and this newsletter will be my last one. Because of other writing obligations, I’ll be discontinuing The Witch’s Corner newsletters indefinitely. This blog has become so successful (Magickal Connections), that I will be using this spot for updates, stories, inspiration, networking, promoting, and otherwise shooting the breeze. The links to all my newsletters, including the older archives, can be found in the sidebar (right side) on the home-page of The Witch’s Corner. Churning out newsletters on a regular basis, first monthly and later on quarterly, has been an experience in determination and perseverance!

For anyone who might not have heard the news, my next book is on the way! “The Gray Witch’s Grimore” was accepted for publication by Moon Books, an imprint of John Hunt Publishing. Production is expected to take approximately six months. I’ll be posting updates, including cover art and release dates, as this information becomes available. I’m thrilled!– this project is one that is close to my heart. It is, in essence, my own brand of magickal practice.

A 7 Chakra Engraved Pendulum Set

This gorgeous set of pendulums is available at my website– click Here. I find this set of pendulums perfect for chakra balancing. They feel wonderfully trembling and ‘alive’ in your hands. Each pendulum is unique to a particular chakra, through both the stone used and the symbol engraved on each stone. After I received this set of pendulums in the mail and realized how much I like them, I decided that I’d have to have a set for myself– and you have no idea how often this happens for me!

I drew the following card specifically for myself…but this doesn’t mean that it won’t apply itself to other individuals who come upon this post…

Tarot Card of the Day: Ace of Cups…reversed. This card, when appearing in this manner, let’s me know that a relationship or friendship has ended. It is ironic that this card has showed up at this time, but not surprising. The universe, the All, or whatever spirits or energies work through these cards, always seems to be in tune with me and my life. Someone has left my circle, through their own desire, through mine, through fate, through a series of synchronistic events, however it happened, the bottom line is that they are no longer a part of my life, and I assumed that they would be for decades to come. It just goes to show that nothing in this world can be counted on as permanent, because life is a series of continuous transitions. As the old saying goes, “When one door closes, another shall open”, and this is true. It also brings to mind the magickal rule– when a space is emptied, it creates a vacuum, and the vacuum will not stay empty, it will be filled. And this is also true. It’s best to remember that people often come into our lives for a season, at a time that we are meant to connect with them to share and learn and grow. But there might come a point when it’s time to move on, when the lessons are learned and all that’s meant to be shared has been. It is a natural progression of the seasons. 

I have been thinking about giving local tarot readings by appointment only. The main issue I have here is that I’m not sure I would want to open my home up to total strangers. The fix to this issue would seem to be simple– find another venue. I was thinking that I could simply meet a client for coffee somewhere, but I’m not sure that just any establishment would allow a customer to spread tarot cards on the table and give readings– although personally I would consider this a private conversation between two individuals, not every restaurant or coffee shop owner might look at it this way. I have a couple of people that I have to talk to, owners of coffee spots here in town, and I’m going to see how they would feel about having a tarot reader and a client enjoying a cup of coffee at their establishment. If I find the ideal spot to hold tarot pow-wows, you’ll see my advertisement in the local paper. Stay tuned.

Dreams…I only remember a snippet: I’m on the phone, talking to someone on the east coast from the Scifi program, TAPS. In my dream I’ve been invited to be a guest on the program for an episode. The thing is that I will have to fly on a commercial aircraft in order to be there on time for taping. I actually felt the sinking feeling in my stomach at this thought– even though I was only dreaming. The last part of this dream that I remember, I am reluctantly asking someone over the phone, “Isn’t there any other way to get there?”

And this is what happens when you watch a whole day of TAPS reruns on Scifi.

I’ve received an increased number of phone calls from people this week with questions, requests, and all kinds of things. I have to say that most of you must have paid attention to those ‘guidelines’ for contacting me, which I posted to this blog. Almost everyone identified themselves, and they were all very polite, and no one called at the crack of dawn or at the witching hour…thank you!

Links: For Tarot Readings: click Here
Enchanted Jewelry: click Here
Metaphyscial Supplies & Goodies: click Here
Specialty Items/Avant Garde Art Etc.: click Here

Remember, my new Facebook url is: